March 2013

March 2013

I see you, I hear you. Keys to approaching compassion.

Seeing yourself in another? = Key to understanding.

Understanding = The key to creation


A song for a snowy day.

Sometimes life can feel very black and white, Even quite grey. especially when we hurt, or are just tired with the heaps of everybody's problems.. Even then, I take comfort in the colors of those I love. It reminds me that my own life was meant to be painted in color, to take my box of crayons, and color everything I do with all the hues of my soul. Even when I can't I can see it in me, I see a little bit of that color in you


Just because anothers pain and suffering is worse than yours doesn't make what you experience any less valid, nor does it mean that you should despair that you have no right to be acknowledged. It's not that others, life, or the universe should see you, but that you see yourself. Because you can't really see others or who they are, unless you are practicing clarity, personal discernment, and self awareness. It's when you allow yourself to be numb to who you really are, that progression and creation of your expanding awareness stagnates. It's when you say, it's OK to feel, that you can embrace more in new ways. So whether your waiting to die, or waiting to live, you will wait until you can create action based on conscious choice.


It's a matter of focus. Confronted with suffering doesn't mean that it's horror suffocates your personal reality, but by embracing who you really are, you can express yourself in that in a way that makes you feel more comfortable, or you can help create a new reality more in line with how you do see.


What about your day to day can you create with youthful exuberance, or study with the intensity of curiosity? What are the icons of your life that have filled you with joy? The time is now, to be yourself. If you've not felt this in a while, Your time is now. Just be you. No regrets, No worry, Only with Love, Be the best you. Just be.



Latest Q & A w/ Erik M.


Hey Erik, Here's a question people seem to ask a lot, "What is my life purpose"? Any comment?

A) E-

"Whhat !,.... you - "think"..... just because,.... you "might" - have "certain possibilities" that MAY... become "probabilities".... that you "HAVE TO BE"... forewarned what they are; or that somehowwwwww..... if you're NOT told...... you'll be stuck or destined to endure what you think they "could be", or what you fear they "might be", some shit that you don't want any part of.....?!?

Fuck that ! Just 'cause that potential is out there doesn't mean you have to CHOOSE it. Just be your own damn self! However you think that is.

If it's your highest self, Awesome!

If it's your dank skank, roll in it.

But whatever you CHOOSE......

choose what's you, and let that other shit go!....

'cause if you insist on holding on to that worry, it's just gonna breed with itself, until your drownin' in shit, and that's all you got.

One - big - hot - mess.

Sit's there and smells...

mmmmm shit...

life's... shit......


Wash, wipe, clean it off and be you!

Be YOU in everything you do and say, and don't let the worry and fear you think about define who you are.

Even in pain, you always have the opportunity to accept your personal awesomeness.

That's a change of attitude.

Once you change your thinking, you allow new experiences to happen in your life that are more in line with how you see yourself.

What you do or don't do is totally up to you.

And that's a life purpose the Universe can get behind.)


"Don't you think that's a little harsh"?

A) E-

Hell no. Most people who ask this are not asking for career guidance, their asking cause they are hurtin. They don't need help filling out occupational quizzes to find their joy job, they need a kick in the ass to remember who they are...


"Well, what if they don't know who they are, I mean, they want help finding that."

A) E-

Yeah, see, look. That's just it. They are commin from a place of "I don't, I can't, I want, I am not." I can sit here and put on some fucking choir robe and a some damn halo and speak in a deep voice, and say....."Dear child, YOU WILL BECOME GREAT! YOU WERE DESTINED TO BE" So then they take that and play with it in their head and most of the time it just turns into mental masturbation. They sit there and fondle it so much that all they can do is sit there and compare what I say, to how they see themselves in their now moments. Whether their aware of it or not. That's what their doing. Their sittin there unconsciously or consciously goin, hmmm.. I am not, I want, I don't, I can't..... See. Look here. A body is not going to start saying I can, I am, I have, I know.... UNTIL... they understand it through experience. And to experience is to DO and BE.... So if us peeps on this side see that they are in a place of emotional comfort, abundance of self, or acknowledgement of self.... THEN, we can give step by step specific advice. But that advice is not going to be an end all to everything forever, because a body is always in motion, right? I mean, what was true yesterday is only as true as you see it today. So if your personal joy used to be writing a book but of late you find joy in just being a mom, well then the goal of life is not to write a book or produce a rock star honor roll student, Your life purpose is to bring it, bring as much as yourself to whatever is your joy. Now I know youre all gonna say,.. oh.. gheee. this sounds all kinds of wishy washy and like someone's flittin around from one thing to the next..... no.... that's not wha I am sayin.... I am sayin.....BE YOU, how ever you see yoruself. Be the best you can, and let the rest go... That don't mean, you can sit on the corner, play your guitar and expect to provide for a family... no no no... your workin within a system here. You come here agreeing to play as you within a system. Just cause you don't like the rules of the game, don't mean you can throw up your hands and say I am not playin no moe... welll you can, but it wont get you far. But you DO have choice about how you define yourself, and that will drive more choices."



"Do and say what you want, but don't be a dick. Not being a dick only happens when you realise another's perception of inner pain is just as valid anything you've ever experienced. Everything else is just a compasionless bitch" -- E


To live but for one moment for the chance to touch the heart-song of the soul and hear it's music, having forgotten all else; is to touch the root note that binds us all together. This, is a very worthy reason to live a life.


If you don't feel what hurts you wont be able to let it go.


May all your all your actions speak louder than your thoughts.



Do, Reflect, Apply: It's important to remember life is for living. To do that you have to have experiences. Doesn't matter what you do, but whatever you do-DO, try to bring as much of yourself through it as you see yourself. Eventually in this life or the next, You'll be your own on your own, and that's something you can take ownership in.


You will never know how your doing unless you experience life.

So immerse yourself in the business of living, don't worry and do your best.


That which haunts is often like the mirrors of the mind.

The fear we see is but reflected light, its true source hidden but for perception.



I'll tell you what. Ive learned that no matter how strong a belief, nothing is as necessarily as it seems. Everything is tied to emotional experience and is totally dependent on contextual view. I always try to examine any experience by how it resonates with me. Any fear doubt or worry and I know there is something going on. I always say,

The gang operates, 'with us' being at a seeming disadvantage of perspective. But keep this in mind; We, have the advantage of experience. If there is something that I NEED to know, I feel its up to them to bring it. If they don't or cant, its not my deal and I have better things to do. I am not always successful in letting that go, but I do try.


There is a difference between a dream and a passion.

A dream is what you think you want to do, and a passion is joyfully living what you want to do.


I think how easy it is to become a slave in the service of others and their opinions, more often than one succeeds in the service to self. I think to navigate this, one needs to learn to redefine success, thrive, service, and view of self. See, its about the journey, not the definition, result, or how well you've perceived an end game. That's fruitless worry. What is better, is to simply say, what.can I do right this very moment that feels passionate, and yet feels like me.

This isn't just the journey of a life time, but very often many lifetimes. Better to not worry, do your best, and be happy.


I don't think I've ever had any dreams. When I was young, I wanted what I thought I imagined. Only, I found out it wasn't real. When I was a young man, I was told what I wanted, what I couldn't have. Then as I aged I found out, that discovering that..... meant more than experiencing what I was told' And that I could only discover this by experience. As a man, I discovered there was nothing to have or want as I had always had it, and there was nothing to gain or loose. I had me. Now older, frailer, and of varied health, I've found instead of want, I try to be grateful and enjoy what I do have, and not worry over what I think I want. There is a peace in that. For me, it far out-weights others objections to comfort and settling. Their view is not my business. What concerns me is whats in my heart, and where I focus my mind. Everything else is life outside of me.



Collecting dust

upon cracked

rose colored


Upon loved

learned tears

hang my thoughts

of you, with and without



If you want something, know it well.

If you expect to achieve it, understand why you desire.

If you understand, you are experiencing what you have.


To ask another if you could be excused from life is a futile attempt at giving away responsibility for choice and freewill, all the while deluding oneself for already choosing to do nothing. This is like walking into a closet, shutting the door and complaining you cant see. Wailing in the dark you cry that it is so dark you cant move, and that you feel trapped. You know there are people beyond the door and you resent them not dragging you out of the closet and turning on the light. Now here's the thing. You can sit there forever if you want to. There is no judgement. It might even be scary and super painful. Its quite real-like and valid. But its not reality, and its not all there is. These choices to live, not-live, feel pain and quit, or feel pain and live anyway; There's a choice. Society is going to judge you. The degree you judge yourself, is going to depend on how much ownership you've invested in your choices. -E.M


You can only live vicariously through another as much as they are willing to live through you.

This is sharing. Anything else is one sided unfilled want.


Know that your soul knows what it's about. Be at peace that whatever business should have happened, will happen or could happen, is being made right now. Do you give in to the resignation that you must suffer?, or will you accept the idea that in have nothing left to do,... give,... take, or participate in? Just as there is a place for everything in nature, so there is a place in everything you might experience. Why worry? So rather than accept or surrender to fate, simply allow yourself to be present as your highest possible self, no matter where life finds you. For each of those possible moments is unique. What becomes probable, is going to be a choice. In the endless realization of non-ending, there is no worry. There is only the endless vastness of your perceptions. Be the best you as you can be, and let worry fall behind. --Spirit


It's in the dark of the moon,

that shadowed pause

when I oft times find myself stepping

onto lonely paths of star and glimmer.

Not running or seeking anything.

But rather that lonely hearts of night

call to mind

and seeking,

I feel cool soft comfort.


Don't take it personal, it's not about you. Most people have little patience, or interest, to listen when other people are not feeling well, either physically or emotionally. It can be frustrating when two people are not on the same page in life. For whatever reason. We often find our reactions delving into the desire to offer guidance, a fix, or change the other person. But really it's not needed or wanted. It's just something one is experiencing. I think if people really want or need help, they will reach out or come to a point to ask for it. In any case, silence doesn't mean there is anything wrong with "us", but rather that one party is in a zone of discomfort and is just trying to find comfort or release. As life progresses it will resolve itself, or resolve into something else.


Friend to Jason)

I was thinking about how you said you were trying to stay away from channeling and such last time we talked. I can't imagine turning it off for myself. How are you doing with it?

Jason to Friend)

Yeah..... Well.... You know.. To be honest. That statement I gave you was never REALLY about channeling or the boys. It's really about me being in a state of discomfort. Am I am going to focus on what I like or what I don't like? And am I willing to do anything about it? Avoidance and sulking vs/ Allowing and choosing.

I've learned 'not choosing' is just as 'real' as choosing. Only the degree of comfort that brings can be radically different.

The difference between avoiding life because because I am not happy with what I think I should be doing, and being ok with what I do -Do, because that's really who I am.



This morning while waiting for the time that I'd go and catch the bus for work, I had a sudden vision flash. A mental image of a middle aged blond lady with straight hair parted down the middle. I didn't recognize her, and was perplexed at who it could be. I thought maybe it was just some spirit who knew me saying hello. Maybe from another life? In any case, I got to work and discovered an email from an old friend I'd not talked to in ages and ages. In the email was her photo (care of google profiles). It was an exact match to the woman in my vision. Shocked I was! This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. I guess my spirit gang wanted to cue me in, or that she is a medium also, her thought energy really resonated with me. Kinda fun....

I had a good time spending an hour writing to this old friend from overseas, and then last night reading her reply. It was nice to play catch up as I'd not communicated with her in well over a year, since way before I'd dumped and deleted my Facebook accounts. She is an extremely talented clairaudient medium in a Spiritualist community. She teaches groups, I guess you'd call it. Sitting at a public setting with circle of people. She also does a lot of trance channeling. Anywhoo... we both related what we've been up to and what not. But what I found interesting was just how different it felt to be in the spot I am now, compared to where I was back then. She has a real passion working with people and spirits. I can't say that I do anymore. What I still really enjoy and value is things like my mundane interactions with my Spirit family. And the periodic mundane day to day moments with those like Eric and Erik. Ones that feel more like family experiences.

It's an introspection and pondering I've had quite a bit of late, as I've talked about it before, but it feels very profound to me..... Looking at my perception of others experiences and my perception of what I think about it and compare that to how I feel about my own life. It's a weird feeling that's hard to articulate. I look at people I've interacted with over the past several years. Some are passionate to make a difference in others lives. Some are passionate to learn and teach. Some are scared. Some just are dealing with grief, doubt, or want validation. Some just wanna have fun.

It's interesting that I've experienced all that. Looking from each to each to see if it was me or not. To see if it was right or wrong, or shoulda coulda woulda. And I didn't see me in any of it. I think I am just happy being me, and there's really nothing to worry about, do, or go. I've always been, and had everything, yet there was never anything to loose. I think sometimes I would be concerned that I had some erroneous perceptions or discomfort with inaction or resistance to what I thought I should be doing. In actuality, that discomfort simply stemmed from me looking outside of myself at everything that wasn't about loving myself. If it's not love, and if it doesn't' feel like the joy inside of myself, .. I've given myself permission to let it go. No worry, no regrets. Just be me and allow myself to be happy. I think once I accepted that there is no room for selfishness, desire, or feelings of lack. All that's left is that which I would share with open arms. Everything that is created with that, be it service, charity, laughter, or simple pleasure can be enjoyed by default that I am bringing as much of my personal presence to it as I can.

Now that doesn't always feel easy mind you... Sometimes I feel like I fail, or I forget to be myself, or remember what's important, or what I know. I forget to create my experiences, and instead let them happen to me, instead of be about me.



There's a difference between no fear and being stupid.

It's not really some mumbo-jumbo cause and effect, it's quite simply the idea that you own every choice.



How do you express yourself if you can't sing or dance, play music or paint?


You color your life with all the hues of your soul. You bring as much of who you really are as a perfect soul to every choice, every action, every thought and allow yourself to honestly feel it as you create you within every experience. Just be. Just do. You.


You Should check out this video


It occurred to me that part of what I do by writing; Writing about my experiences, someone else’s death, the afterlife, and journeys like that, was to understand my own. Do you think that's part of the gift those who leave early offer? The chance to evaluate those qualities, those aspects, and yes as in my own case, those experiences or perhaps potentials in my own life, yet again? Or in a way not possible before? And then do you think sharing of that helps others do the same?

Many times in life, many moments we are given the opportunity to reload ourselves. To Bring more of ourselves to what we create, to what we experience, and to evaluate how we see and experience ourselves. It's really about the journey and the process of making the journey than it is doing a particular something. It's the way we go about and approach a thing. Ultimately that's our final act, not the curtain call nor the end scene. It's energy of the movement we release into the universe by expressing who we are. So rather that pushing an offered restart button, it's really about the process of coming to terms of recreating ourselves through continuous expression in a natural way. A way that's comfortable without resistance. It's when we stop allowing ourselves to come through that we hit the brick wall of stagnation or exclusion.


Answers to life will only get you so far. Eventually you will pine for new questions. Better to create them on your terms than let them be generated through reactions unconsciously.


In many ways, I've come to feel like my life has not really been about anything in particular, but rather about the conversations I've had. Dialogues with myself, with experiences, with places, and with treasured friends. And yes, both the living and so called dead. Life defined not by deed or learning, but by our conversations with it.

To speak of the heart is the shared prose that rings rhyme in sonnets of life with another. Some words have much more meaning when shared with those you love.


What feels like loss

should never have been lost

though having found it

time and time again

often so it seems

never to have

been had
