When the whole world and everyone you know needs healing how do you decide where to start


When the whole world and everyone you know needs healing how do you decide where to start?


"You start with your heart, your head, your feelings within your current moment. Now, here, this second. Only by fully knowing and understanding all of who you are, and working to heal those parts of you that make you uncomfortable can you begin to effect healing others. Look it square in the eye and do not look away. Be brave. But do not worry. Do not be so scared. This is not a linear experience. You do both at the same time. Healing you heals the world! All is one, and All is energetic. The work you do NOW in this very moment changes not only YOU, but your place in your world. This alters everything that has a connection to you. The elevation, the filtering, the charging of this energy or the condensing, the solidification, the coloring you enable, will be felt by all. Though you may not be aware of it, you have it within you to so evolve your soul as to change the world. The work you do forges paths, clears energies, creates new trails, ignites great beacons, Your soul is worth remembering, Your soul is worth exploring, You can learn to express all of what your soul is capable of now. To Heal the world, to Heal others is to Heal you. Healing you is to Heal the world. When a world of souls engages in this type of desire, it raises the energy of the entire state of that life system. Causing it to experience ALL that is in a whole new way. This is good. Your wold will then move out of experiences of fear, and into experiences of Love."

--- Voices of Spirit