
Spirit communication tech talk: Writing


Communication with Spirit has many names, many meaning, and pertains to many types of activities. Many of these happen in combination with each other. It is important to realize this whenever one talks to another about it. It is always good before hand to set definitions or what you mean. Otherwise people will jump to conclusions.

Several methods of communication involve writing. This can happen as a part of mental or physical mediumship. As well other phenomena can happen at the same time. Also within each group, there are various levels or degrees that communication happens. Writing can mean, using a writing utensil, or typing, as well as independent spirit manipulation of said instrument or the mediums body. For this article the term writing will refer to pen or keyboard. Here are some examples:

-Inspired writing, light trance writing, partial trance writing, deep trance writing, independent writing, conscious dictation of mental speech.

-For this article, automatic writing refers to the medium being in some type of altered state of awareness.

-Who does one communicate with? Communication is easiest with ones, guides, angels, higherself, or someone who one has an affinity (relationship) with.

-Rules of the road. 1) Intent 2) Grounding, Cleansing, Protection, Connection technique --via your belief system 3) Thanks 4)

* Choose a time of day when you can sit undisturbed for at least 15 minutes.

* Sit comfortably with a pad of paper on the table in front of you and hold a pen or pencil loosely in your hand with the tip of your writing instrument touching the paper. You can use a computer keyboard instead of pad and paper.

* Say a prayer of protection; for example: “I am protected by the love of God, only those entities of the highest intentions can pass through my door. If others should try, my door will immediately close, effectively blocking them out. This is my prayer of protection. Amen.”

* Write on the top of the paper, “Will someone write with me?”

* Clear your mind and wait. If it helps you to burn incense or candles, go right ahead. Don’t forget to blow them out when you’re finished.

* If nothing happens within the first five minutes, end the session, it won’t be happening that day.

Your first connection:

* When you first connect, it will feel like someone is grasping your hand and or your arm. Just relax—let it happen.

* You will most likely experience circles, figure 8’s, and back and forth movements with your pen or pencil.

* Ask the entity for his or her name and ask the entity what his or her relationship is to you. Don’t go any further until you start to write words and you know who you’re writing with.

* Next, ask the entity for a message; i.e., “Do you have something to share with me?” Write this down on the paper and wait for a response. As you get information, you can ask questions about what you’re receiving—just write them down and wait for the response.

* When you and/or your guide(s) are finished, you’ll feel the pen (or your hands if you’re typing) relax. Be sure to thank your guide(s) for working with you. After I say “thank you,” or when my guides are finished, they generally write, “Go in Peace” to signify the end of a session. You’ll establish a similar type of routine with your guide(s).

Continued sessions:

Always do your automatic writing at the same time each day. Just because an entity doesn’t happen to be in a body, doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t have things to do! Be respectful of your guide(s) time. If you can’t make a session, tell your guide(s) you aren’t coming that day. You can use paper and pen or your computer keyboard; ALWAYS say a prayer of protection or routine according to your beliefs before each session.