Harmony of view

Finding harmony between the Spiritual and the world's demands is among the greatest of challenges. Only achieved when we realize there is no demand and that the world is Spirit--all are One. All is but the journey to see individuality of love within the One. To focus on demand is to forget this. Forgetting causes separation from your neighbor. Only by remembering that you are of Spirit will you remember that you are all Spirit, all in this together.-- Voices of Spirit

Your personality's perception of your consciousness often works with opposites as a way to find the harmony of balance. Through the working understanding of balance can you move from the tight focus of your experiences to the broad focus of your soul. Two of these opposites are; "I am" (contextual thought); and, "I am not" (Analytic thought)

'I am not' means understanding your soul through the close examination of your individual experiences to determine what meaning you can discover about yourself. What about your experience does not serve your highest self?

"I am" means comparing your overall experiences from a broad point of view. To hold all the seemingly chaotic experiences in a snapshot in order to understand it as a whole; And the putting it into context of the whole of your soul.

You navigate through lives trying to balance the two; among other methods and means, in the desire to know yourself. Each leads into the other and are better meditated on together rather than separately. To your soul, this is a good thing.

--- Inspired from studies with Meher Baba