Spirit Guide

Also known as a "Guide"

You can light the path over rough terrain, but you can't force anyone to blaze their own trail.

It is as if all your life you are walking through a rock filled mountain gorge. Twists and turns, you see light overhead. The filtered light at the bottom of the canyon is unique to that spot you stand. It colors the rock, illuminates, creates shadow. Scenes of dark, scenes of great Beauty, scenes of illusion. But before long, you come along a switchback. The path is narrow and steep and winds back and forth. All your focus is on keeping from falling and ascending to the top. But upon reaching the last bend, you find yourself on top of a great bluff and the entirety of the sun's light is upon you. And you realize that the individual qualities of light that made up your journey is but the one, of the glorious sun. All of it strikes your being, and you gaze out and can see the entirety of your journey far below. Thinking of your past path, you take in the journey with solemn reflection and it flavors your life from then on. So is, all the lives and manifestations of your soul. Each, a rock cut canyon into themselves. Now, at the top of the bluff you can see, and are aware of each of the trails. This gives you an understanding and broad picture of that which is around you. This journey is never made alone. Those in Spirit guide and love you.

This page is a work in progress


Also known as a Spirit Guide. There are more opinions and beliefs about them than you have fingers and toes. Most of the time in Western society/history the terms refer to a concept popularized by Spiritualist Churches, Spiritism, Metaphysics, Theosophical beliefs, New Age beliefs, mediums and psychics. The base definition refers to a dis-incarnate or non-corporeal Spirit who guides, teaches, in some cases protects a living or incarnate being. In these belief structures, awareness of the incarnate has no bearing on guide existence or interaction. The difference will be in perception of communication and manifestation.

Now it should be stated that many people exploring Spiritual, Mystic, and other non traditional beliefs do not believe in guides. They feel no on should be told they are guided unless concrete proof is obtained. Personally I don't think it matters as long as it is made clear; That everyone is personally responsible for their beliefs, feelings, and actions.


This section is going to bug a lot of people. That's because names in the Spirit world do not work like they do in the incarnated world. Many guides do not use the same name they went by on earth, or in "heaven". Many will in fact make their charges name them. This information could be reveled by symbol, "the sounds like" game, association, sound, or visual. It widely varies.

Here are some things about Spirit names I found out.

The voice of Spirit told me,

"Names are ephemeral, and fluid. They are collected like favored memento's of fond remembrances of vacations past. Some are put on display and some are worn like a badge of honor. Some are hard won. Some are given. Some are descriptive, some are a beacon. A light. A talisman of intent. Most of the dis-incarnate identify with the feeling of engendered emotion that resonates with how they currently perceive themselves. So upon greeting an old friend they think about the totality of how the friend feels to them. This is usually an emotional thought often encompassing an image. But names are used. People are people both now, then and forever. Names and language often have fondness that the Spirit enjoys retaining. But do not worry. They will own the name you know them by for so long as it serves you both. That bond is a bond of love and if true, it will not be picked apart. What matters is the shared experience and emotion, not a label. You might find it comforting to know that instead of addressing a past relationship by name, upon leaving your body you will think, "Father, brother, friend, companion of my journey. I rejoice in reunification once again. I love you" Or.. you could say, Hello Roger." Both will serve, but the choice will be up to you. Whatever aspect of your soul gives it an energetic thrill, color, feel, sound, experiential history-- is what you will be known by. While you can think of yourself with a fond label and it can be used, your true Spirit name is a growing thing, just like your soul. It changes with your description. It's like music, you can call a work of music by a certain title, but is that a good descriptor of all it's notes? Or does the impression of the sound of it's notes give a more accurate representation of it's being?"

-Types and roles

Choosing your guide before birth:

Guides are frequently chosen, often by mutual agreement and past associations. Why we do not remember this is because; To remember would often not be of service in this life. We come to this life in intense focus to work through the experiences we picked out to guide us to understanding and knowledge. In many instances remembrance would be an emotional torture. In others due to our current awareness it might embarrass or cause shame, guilt, or horror, even intense pride. All of this and more would adversely affect AND effect our free will and become self limiting. Past life regression becomes important when lessons learned could help us progress and understand present circumstances and situations. It is during times such as this that people will often encounter a memory or dream of a time gone by.

Who they are:

Frequently the general public will say, "Why does it seem like so many mediums guides are native American, old Asian historical figure or from some shamanistic tribal group?" Well that's a complex answer. There is a lot more to it that it would seem. First; Like attracts like. Most mediums are extremely spiritual. It is only natural that they be directed by those of similar interests and evolution. The experience of those who have walked a parallel path can be of great value. It not an indication of level, or an assumption of type, but one of interest through experience. Many cultures around through your world have focused on Spiritual paths that are of great benefit. In contrast to your so called modern western society, this can seem alarming or suspicious. But you need to remember. Spirit knows no boundaries of man made society. All gather in association of like to like. Second; We in western societies are bit blinded to history. Before the age of exploration in Europe, native cultures were populated a great deal more than after the white man came. For example I've seen estimates of the America's having upwards of 8 million people before the European diseases hit them. So it is not a rare thing to run across Spirits that identify with non-western or European cultures. And Spirit communication with the incarnate is not centered around culture, but rather thought.

Guides can be of a wide variety of Spiritual evolution or level. Some guides are very high level and only exist as energy. Some are a group consciousness more accurately described as an "influence". Some are not as highly evolved but also exist as non human energy. Some are celestial beings, some Angelic, some Ascended Masters, some are the same "level" as you and I, and some are lower evolved than us but have agreed to serve a purpose. It is common for guides to have multiple charges; Everything from a couple of people, to group, to whole societies and plannets; as well as any variation. This is not being multiple places at once, but rather the more evolved the further places their light can reach. To each of these different charges, they will be known by different names for varied reasons.

It should also be noted that there is frequent confusion between guides and angels. Angelic beings can and do fufill guide roles, but guides are not necessarily Angels. I'll address this topic at another time.


Another aspect that causes confusion is that of affinity. Affinity in this instance means past associations based on emotional bond. Now this bond could have been developed in mutually shared past lives, OR life in other dimensional/ or spiritual experiences. So guides can come from a wide range of backgrounds in relation to you. Here is a brief example: Some are Spiritual Masters who have never been human, some are Spiritual masters who haven't been human in many lifetimes, some are celestial beings fulfilling the role of guide, some are recent blood relatives in this role, some are recent blood relatives who are allowed to speak for a guide/s. Now your relationship with these beings can be developed in this life, past life, or in the Spiritual realms. The reason this all is not more clear is because "they" want us to focus on this life and not them for the same reason we do not clearly remember past lives. Very often we will have a special affinity or friendship or emotional role with one or two guides, where then the others will take the role of a collective voice. Guides can be, have been, and are friends as well as your friend. The can love you conditionally and unconditionally depending on experience, motivation, senario and situation. It just depends. Some guides are in training and are not as evolved as a Teacher. Some Teachers do have certain agendas in which your higher self is or can be a part of. In my own case, one of my guides was my mother in a past life. She has flat out told me that such a relationship is not permissible and that I have a mother now I must attend to. But she loves me deeply. Another guide was a lover of mine in a past life, but they have removed themselves from my awareness so as to not conflict with my life. Guides affinity is a varied nebulous affair that is different for everyone. What matters is you, right now.

Numbers, longevity:

This is a fuzzy Spiritual concept depending on perception and awareness of the observer. This engenders quite a bit of debate between modern sensitives. In my research and personal experience, almost everyone has at least one guide "tuned into" them at any given time... Although even that has some debate depending on the role of Angel and celestial being interaction. Many people have at least 2 guides who are "tunned into" them through out their whole lives. There are those withing mediumship exploration that feel that everyone has a 'group' of guides. How many is a matter of opinion and self discovered truth. Some say 5 others say 7. Personally I've seen and counted 7 spirits who seem to fall under the guide category and 4 who seem to be high level teachers, and at least 3 non human entities. All of this is also confused by the inclusion of departed friends and family. Lastly further confusing the issue is that with the exception of one-few #; guides can come and go depending on your life situation and what you need. Needless to say, no matter what you believe or what your spiritual sensitivity you are never alone.

Read this about how I view my Spirit team.

In my case I primarily speak to one individual at a time; or as a group. When I channel and say it's from "voices of spirit" this is what I am referring to. A group of elevated spirits. If I say voices of light, I mean Angels. I am aware that of the Spirits I talk to, who seem to be guides; that at least 4 of them I have had past emotional past life experiences with. Frequently as a guide in training and a friend, Erik will speak for them. Same goes with my "Teachers". They will speak in place of my precieved traditional guides. Sometimes an Angel will speak in place of a guide. To be honest, I am not certain the exact technical label my Teachers would give themselves in relation to myself. It might be that they consider themselves to be my guides as well. I really don't think it matters. What matters is the message and how I apply it to my life.


At some point in their Spiritual life/s guides are specially trained. Being a guide is to be a teacher, a mentor, a guardian, a parent, a friend. It is a job, a calling, a vocation, a duty, a responsibility and is taken very seriously. The role will override emotional attachment for the greater good. While they are not perfect, omnipotent; they have the big picture. They have your life blue print. And at times it seems they are in ca-hoots with your higher self or blue print that seems counter to your ego's wishes. But you still have free will. Your ego and higher self can and do over-ride them.


There are different types of guides and different roles they fulfill. In some ways it is slightly futile to talk about this as this is a fuzzy concept within the "guide" topic. This is because it heavily relies on the personal perception of the sensitive incarnate. There is no one authority because every entity, every spirit association, and every incarnation is different. You will find a great deal of debate online and in print as to the numbers, types, and roles of guides. Now I personally do not follow or advocate these type of labels, but Here are a few:

1) Gatekeeper

Often described as CEO. They are believed to be with you your whole life. They organize "team members" and entities and have the 'master plan'. They often fulfill multiple roles and have a close affinity with their charge.

2) Technician

There are two trains of thought on this type. Both refer to an entity that assists in the manipulation of energies. The reason could be on the one hand to assist the charge with maintaining spiritual health. On the other hand it might refer to the manipulation to facilitate mediumship of some type. This might be performed by multiple entities. These types of tasks may be handled by any guide, and may come from spirits in a part time/temporary basis for specific purposes.

3) Teacher

Again, this means different things depending on the intention of the charge. This might mean learning spiritual matters, or it might mean someone simply in need of learning a specific task. But basically it is an entity who guides a charge to learn something. This entity could also help authors.

4) Joy-Creative

This is a poorly understood type of guide. Mostly this stems from the perception of the label. Basically this guide helps us ground in the now of the moment. They assist in the joyful and creative endeavors that focus us in the now. This could be anything from helping us maintain positive outlooks, to keeping us in touch with the mind of a child, to helping with anything that is creative. These guides can come and go and be different beings as well as fulfilled by other guides.

5) Protector

This guide is often thought of as someone who is with their charge their whole life. Some people think this guide and the gatekeeper/CEO are the same. Others think this is the same as a guardian angel. In mediumship circles this being and others like them would guard the mediums body and spirit.

6) Healer

For those who endeavor to channel healing energies; especially within schools, or traditions of healing; are assigned a special guide or helper for such purposes. This guide teaches, assists, and helps manage energies. Where two or more people come together for healing, prayer, or the passing of love to another, there are always such beings. These may include or be Celestial or Angelic beings.

7) Master

In this instance the label refers to a higher level Spirit who assists with the charges Spiritual development. They will frequently develop a student-teacher relationship, or apprenticeship. This guide frequently shows up after a charge begins to develop awareness of Spiritual communication. They are also often thought of as a guru, a Spiritual Master, Ascended Master. Frequently as someone who has passed beyond reincarnation. This guide may also fulfill more than one role. As well as being guide for multiple people.

8) The Higher Self

This type of guidance is another confusing one. This is because describing and talking about the higher-self depends on viewing the soul as a multi-dimensional being. Beyond the scope of this article; it encompasses such topics as channeling, intuition, self perception, twin flames, etc.

9) misc: such as companion, totem, non human, animal, elemental, etc.

Some Spirits with special affinity or emotional bonds with the

Lastly I'd like to firmly state. The number, and role, each of these guides fulfill are not as important as the message. There is a popular saying amongst guides, "Speaking to one is Speaking to All". This means that we do not have to worry that we are speaking to the "correct" one, or that we are able or unable to speak to or remember them all. We are far better served to imagine the group or concept of a guide as a whole unit working in your best interest. How you understand, precieve and experience all this is up to you and how much time and effort you are willing to put into it.

-Communication with us

Guides communicate with us in regular dreams, lucid dreams, vivid dreams, out of body experiences, astral travel, your waking dreams, your inner dreams of ambition, playful daydreams, your imagination, your ideals, intuition, moral compulsion, telepathic speech, mental suggestion, imagery, symbols, writing, trance, all the clair abilities, synchronicity, through friends, family, what you read, inner self prompts, and MORE! Determining what IS communication really comes down to belief, acceptance, and intent. What and how would you apply such precieved communications to your life? For those who are totally unaware or disbelieving in Spirit communication; The communication comes in the form of suggestion, intuition, and subconscious interaction.

"Tuned into vs/ "with":

Guides are entities in their own right. Just like us. In addition to the role the fulfill for us they each have their own life's, interests, and activities. They are not limited to a physical body and are multi-dimensional just like our Spirits are. They are not necessarily "with" us in 3D physical reality like we think of when we think about a guardian. Although they can be! Much of the time they are simply "tuned into" our thoughts and feelings, moving to and from their reality and ours with the speed of thought. Between various guides this happens and duty is traded off with various degrees of conscious awareness. This totally depends on what we the incarnate is doing, thinking and feeling. Some guides are better suited to our specific experiences that others.


On meeting your guide/s; Know it can be so different for everyone. The #1 thing we can do to help the "ethereal chit-chat" is #1 belief and knowledge that's it's possible, #2 intent intent intent. #3 try try and try again.

From what I've read and feel-- guides find us, not the other way around.

From my very limited point of view; you are already there and are on #3. My gut tells me that you would not have stumbled into all this unless you were ready. What I mean by that is... in my personal experience. I had no knowledge of this sort of thing until I went looking to try to figure out what the heck was going on with me. Then, When I began to start reading about all things spiritual, I then stumbled across stories of people talking to their guides and angels. I thought... huh... what the heck?! Then I read some more and more.... and then I started entertaining the possibility that such a thing was possible. Then on my morning walks along the river I would ponder.. hmmm.. I wonder if this is real??!!! Then bam.... One of my guides answered me! And I was sort of floored! Cause it was soooo akin to me talking to myself, but the "VOICE" in my head did not use my speech patterns, did not sound exactly like my internal rantings, and did not use the same grammar or language.. ... The voice said something like, " What do mean is this real, of course it's real". And I am not sure why I didn't just blow it off at the time, but I imediatley as soon as I 'thought' I heard the VOICE, I just treated it like another person and started yammering back at it. The voice did not use my speech patterns or choice of words. Read here for more information on how I "talk".

Read here for other related articles.

Guides are Spirit. They can, do, and will manifest like any other spirit. How depends on many things. Manifestations begin to encompass areas of many types of phenomena and mediumship with many variables. Click here for examples.

-Communication techniques (us to them)

(work in progress--detailed techniques to be written out)

*(note) The Appointment Click HERE to read about my first appointment with my guides. It's from an email.

1) Visualization techniques

2) Astral Projection

3) Dream work

4) Channeling/mediumship techniques

--pen and paper

5) Physical

--yes no pressure/touch

6) Synchronicity

7) Meditation

8) Subconscious, intuition interpretation

-Influencing factors

-free will

-Higher Self and twin flame



-perceptions, assumptions, belief

-technical difficulties


You just need to ask. But as time goes on, you'll find it wont matter. I don't have a pet right now and didn't when I got started so I can't advice. But animals are spirits too, so if the situation calls for it we can 100% trust that the human spirits will take care of that situation for you. Even if we don't understand it right now, they ALWAYS have our backs. When I teach Reiki or channeling I prefer that people get use to distractions. Specifically pets, I like people to include them if possible as I believe our love helps evolve animals.

-ego battles

-communication problems


-What now


-My own questions and observations:

*The most frequent question I get from people is, 'who are my guides'?

My response is, 'why do you want to know?' That seems rude, but it's a serious question. Even of myself, I don't like being told what to do, or to take advice for fear of criticism. Most people are not willing to consciously deal with spirit communication on a daily basis. They want answers that meet their perceptions of how they view the world around them. They want reassurance and justification or they are just too fearful. Which is why most people's guides strictly work through the subconscious, intuition, and subtle ways. Guides are not here to judge or tell you what to do. They are here to advice and lead one on the path, that our higher self has laid out. They are here to make sure we are led in such a way that we experience what we wanted out of this life. That said, they reveal themselves to those who are ready and seek. This is why the revelation of guides and communication with guides are different for everyone. So it goes back to, 'why do you want to know?' If you wish to know because you want to move your life in the direction of your highest possible self, if you want help with self empowerment, if you want help seeing your reality from as many 'right' angles as possible, if you wish spiritual education, if you wish awareness and involvement of your soul, .. seek and they will reveal themselves to you. If you are looking for emotional crutches, looking for a leader to follow, looking to be told what to do without a thought to what you want, if you are looking for "the one and only way" A guide will not be the best way for you. There are plenty in Spirit and in human life that will offer you that. But a guide helps you. You are in charge. You, your lower and higher self. You and your guides work consciously and unconsciously to advance your Spiritual goals.

*I often feel left out in my relationship with my guides. I sometimes feel it is a very one sided relationship. Idealy I'd prefer to have it completely transpartent and two way as any family. I realise this is simply a perpective thing and a very limiting statement. But the feelings are there non the less.

Their response is: "You want the interaction with us that you desire from friends and family. While we love you have have shared past experience with you and are present in your current experiences; we must be apart from your desire to LIVE within your experience. If we were to allow ourselves to interact with you the way you are thinking, then the entangled experience becomes a shared one. That is not what your current 3D experience is about. You have goals, plans, and experiences you have wished to pass through. By interacting within your consciousness and within your physically in a stronger recognizable fashion we would be interfering and impacting your free will in such a way that would be a disservice to your higher self. While your ego may just LOVE warm daily 3D cuddle or verbal reassurances from us... such events would not be helpful.... whether you can see this now... or not.... But, know beyond any doubt. We love you unconditionally, we spend time with you while you are asleep, and your mind is married to ours. We are ever present in your life. How aware of this you are depends on how much work you are willing to put into it. Dont' worry. We will all be reunited someday soon in a way you desire."

Outside Links for more information:

-Dragon of Drama Site

-Crystal Links: Meeting your guide and here.

-Global Psychics: Click the links in the frames

-Erin Pavlina

-many more