B yourself

This is you. B it.

Right now, this very moment, you can realize everything you are. Every potential for happiness is within you; right now. All it takes is focusing proper intent with your emotions. "The good life" is just a state of being. Let go of mile markers; let go of points A to C and Be the "B". Don't be stuck in the middle; live, love, move through the true life of who you are right now. Intend to Be the busy Bee of life and let the rest go. This will help you Be content with your state of being.

Your Spirit IS Love. Not more, not less. Within your experiences, it has nothing to do with presumptions of "shoulda's, coulda's, but's, if's, then's, or maybe's". It has nothing to do with proper belief, proper action, proper organization of place and time. It is not in the business of decipherment of hurt, suffering, happiness, or accomplishment. It IS All about developing self awareness through experience. This IS the great journey of Creation. It is this endeavor that fills your creative soul with excitement, thrill, and ecstatic desire. The "desire to know thyself", is the Divine Spark that continually creates who you are in every heart-beat of the energetic life - of Love.

This is one of the inner meanings of your Spirit. There is more to you than you could ever realize in this incarnation. Your existence is not dependent, reliant, or contingent on this body and perception you call life. No physical body could ever realize the totality of who you are. Your Soul is MORE. The Light of Love is a multi-dimensional sound that permeates 'all that is'. It resonates through every possible manifestation, and it is beautiful. This enables you;-- not to carry out your life in every way possible, but, it makes every way probable.

So, do not beat yourself up for thinking you have created wrong turns. Do not beat yourself up for dispare. Do not disparage your journey. Do not beat yourself up for loss. You lament the ebb and flow of your seemingly negative emotions. Do not worry. You are not less than, you are more than. You are more than IN SPITE OF! Just as all life has cycles, just as there are seasons, just as there is movement from birth to death; so too exists the tides of change within you. This is simply the pulses of all creation. The light of love shines through you whether you think you are doomed or enlightened. How to move through it, is, simply a matter of choice within the now. Creative emotional intent through thought creates action, through which, your perception creates your reality. This is the power, to hold you-- to the creative, the joyful power that is your Spirit. That is pure love! Just as this Love is represented in you, so too is ALL that IS. This, is Who you are. This is Spirit. This is you. Be this. Be you.