The importance of allowing our emotions

July 13, 2012

Personal Musings: The importance of allowing our emotions

In my own life I've encountered moments where I feel overwhelmed with seemingly negative emotions. Be it fear, shame, guilt, depression, anger, pain, issues of self love. Sometimes I know where it comes from; sometimes it doesn't feel like me; most of the time it comes from a trigger. I've also had friends of mine talk about this sort of thing in their own life.

I think in this day in age when people are busy exploring their spirituality and are moving from old ways of thinking to new out looks in life, I think the universe tries to bring up feelings about old beliefs and experiences so that our attention is brought to bare so that we might heal. A lot of times, when this has happened, I've been completely caught off guard, and in distress.

I remember telling you all, that if 2010 was about waking up to Spirit, 2011 was about exploring it, 2012 was about healing. For me, since this past winter, I've had quite a few experiences with this sort of thing. Emotional upwellings seeking to be healed. And they've ranged with issues of fear and self love. Some from childhood experiences, and some from my own misconceptions, and others getting to spot of love and gratitude and worth for myself.

Looking back over the past year, I find myself truly grateful for this turmoil and work I've undertaken. It's helped me remember who I am, what I needed to look at.

The energy of those tumultuous feeling wanted attention. They were neither good nor bad. They only wanted acknowledgement and release. I found through friends help, I was able to approach an honesty and look at myself an choose love over fear.

All that fear and self loathing was my unfinished business if you will.

I remember periods of time where I felt like I wasn't worthy of love. That I wasn't worthy of friends, and so not only could I not have relationships in this life, but by refusing others love, I was somehow protecting myself from pain, hurt, and rejection. And it wasn't just manifesting on a human flesh and blood level it was creeping into my relationships with Spirits as well. I remember discovering some past lives I've had with Spirit's I interact with and being shocked to disbelief that anyone would love like that or want to be my friend or want to maintain friendships that lasted across lifetimes. I remember getting things validated through another medium and just totally breaking down because it was such a release of emotion to me, such a realization that not only was there people out there that wanted to give me love, but that I was worth it, and there didn't need to be any shame in my life.

Then there were other moments where all this deep seeded anger would boil up from interactions with my parents and people in my child hood....Deep emotional traumas, scars, and pain. The ways in which before life, my loved ones agreed to treat me so that I would be forced to come to terms with the deep inner love that embodied my true soul. All this was so scary to deal with. It almost crippled me.

Just the other day, my guide said to me, "You're gonna learn to love yourself without checking out early, no matter what... not even if it kills you, but because there is nothing else. You put yourself in these situations, because you fear, and you don't feel worthy, and you've felt that you can't endure the pain. There is nothing but love, and so nothing really to endure, but the love you can generate in every possible situation. You're more than that of course, but that love is who you really are. In everything, in child lose, in sexuality, in service, in servitude, in war, in entertainment, in motherhood, in fatherhood, in slavery, in art, in words and deed."

You may ask, why am I going on and on about all this emotional woo-haw. It's because clearing out buried emotion is important for expanding our consciousness. To work with our energy we have to look at it. And that means no burring it or hiding it under a rug. If we bury it, it will come out sooner or later and in ways we may not like. When we begin to feel emotional things in our life that is uncomfortable or painful, we should not shy away from it, but thank the universe for the opportunity for new growth.

But here is the thing. When all this emotion blasts into us. It's important to ground ourselves. This energy is not returned to your awareness to torture yourself with, for you to identify with but for you to acknowledge, greet, love, thank and release. It is in these intents, that the universe will present you with the true origin of this energy. Then, when you look honestly and fearlessly at that origin, you can begin to ponder what is really going on and what about yourself you can learn from it. In that moment your burden will begin to release. Send it on it's way with love and thanks.

Just look, observe, allow yourself to feel without judgement. Don't act on it, as then you will have to deal with more consequences of the original cause. Act on your emotional turmoil and you will give it new energy to manifest. So don't fear your emotion, don't have shame, or guilt, or even anger, just accept it, love it, and seek to understand it. The key is to give yourself permission to feel again. And to be brave enough to face what emotions comes.

This does not release you from ever undergoing these painful experiences again, but it will allow you new expressions through such experiences, you will master them more quickly, and you will be able to create ever greater experiences. All of which will allow you to understand who you are.

You see, this perceptual work, is the shifting of your consciousness. It is the shift into an awakening of a greater you.