August 2011

Aug. 31, 2011

Unhappiness with past memories

If your like me, you are haunted by many memories. People, places, and things you have done and haven't done. Some of it, I've had a tendency to view it as "mine" in such a way that the absence of it, due to a perception of time, change, and current reality has somehow taken the memory or association away from me. Or that what I think I desire is something I can't have. Or I think I should have it in a certain way. This is especially true with memories as it pertains to people and my experiences with them.

I need to get over it, and just focus on what I do have, not what I don't have. Don't worry.

I've been going through a lot of personal introspection lately. A lot of self examination. Much of it relates to overcoming or re-examining personal fears. Seeing myself in new light. On thing I've been examining is my relationships since reconnecting with Erik. Now, I know-this is very unusual; but, I've been thinking about not only people here on Earth, but in Spirit and 'past lives' as well.

The reason for examining this odd mix of inter-personal relationships, is the feelings they brought up in me in relation to my fears and feelings from the past carrying over and bleeding into this new life. And for despite having a big family, successful life, and well, an awesome life... My connection to these new people in life and spirit is on a much deeper spiritual level than anything I've ever experienced before. And much of it involves remembrance of past lives. This added element contains a level of intensity and emotion, that I've been unsure what to do with. So I let it sit there in amongst my fears and fester.

Your probably wondering, "what the heck". Well, to be frank with you, I am not sure I understand all the ramifications and context either. I am wading through it as I type.

Here is an example. There are several people with who I've shared deep intense past life visions. Clairvoyant emotional experience. They came about in semi-altered states of awareness that were waking dreams more real than real. It was like living within an unfolding technicolor movie. Since that time the feelings and identification with those memories have for me, colored my present life relationships with them.This mixed with my current, or recent present life fears. Which created an ugly often obsessed about mix. So I then projected fears of separation, rejection, love, etc., you name it- I thought it. And While I didn't generally tell them of any of this, I did dance around the feelings with them. Perceptions, expectations became skewed. And I allowed myself to withdraw and imagine self doubt and hurt. In some ways, this lead to a sort of furtive secret possessiveness over my perceived past life memories when compared with current relationships. I desired to have what I thought I may have had in the past. I resented not having what I didn't fully know about or even understand. I just had these confusing feelings to deal with. (which on an aside point, is why higher level spirit does not allow us past life memory unless it serves a spiritual purpose).

So as I was saying, I'd developed this false sense of possessiveness of something that was totally illusionary and poorly understood and carried it across into this life. I perceived this false sense of ownership with these people, ownership of memories, and felt on a certain level that I was now separated from who they used to be, who they were. Separated from my own past. Separated by my inability to reconnect with everything I've ever been. ie. I resented not been fully in harmony with my higher self. I resented not having access to everything I've ever been. An Ego explosion of the most bizarre type I know. I know most people wont get this at all. But as this is my journal, I am putting it in here.

So I'd been dealing with these uncomfortable feelings and was generally aware that this was not who I was nor who I wanted to be.

So I sought out help and was guided to help from my Spiritual Teacher and guide, Meher Baba. Here is what I learned.


"Possessiveness is not a true Higher Spiritual trait. What truly belongs to you is your intent to express your capacity for sharing selfless love. When we recognize another person as one with ourselves, they cease to become attached to an event or an experience. They then become viewed under the degree of your self attentions. To let go of expectation in inter-personal relationships as it pertains to ties of experienced events is to see one's self outside of the event. This will liberate the personal ego of possessiveness. So be it old friends, enemies, lovers, or past life experience, you will be able, through letting go, to look at all with equal feeling. For they do not belong to you, but they are you, joined in universal love, unity, and progression. To end such uncomfortable feelings requires an emotional balance. This balance comes from a sort of detachment and active working ponderence of personal understanding. The working to avoid any extreme of emotion is to traverse ill effects and consequences of undesired thought."

"Past life memory is clear, steady, and sure like present memory. Test the level of knowing, doubt, and 'realness' of the experience. How does it make you feel. This will be your measure of worth and purpose. As your consciousness is freed from the body you will reconnect with those aspects of your self that hold the most meaning. But do not put too much pressure on yourself. This will only happen when your are sufficiently developed to understand yourself within the experience and realize it's implications for your state of being. Knowing, and remembering in the way you have desired falls by the wayside of your present endeavors. Your journey is determined by the perception of now, not the past."


So in light of my recent self exploration. I've come to the conclusion that in my relationships we are all equal. All on a journey to remember who we are in spite of and despite any experience. That what we gained through that experience is what forms our ideas about ourselves. That in reality we are eternal and there is no separation. For my friends are me, and I them. It is only when I actively consider them as I consider myself, that I can approach the unity that we are all deserving of. And it is only through that unity that can movement be made, hand in hand, through the ages to ever greater realities.

ps... ( *I am still working on myself in this regard. My curiosity and desire to discover, still leads me to explore past lives. I just have to remember to seek them for lessons).

Aug. 30, 2011

Putting Love, putting God, putting Spirit, putting You- into words is difficult. In some ways it limits thinking. That is why it is far better to ALLOW yourself to feel. What you feel is far greater and holds more truth than any words.

The miracle of life is that you can "re-discover" the love that is your heart-song! You can sing for others to uncover the joys of love wherever it may be.

Aug. 30, 2011

Watch this video!

When you feel you need to "go after something" and "pursue" it, on some level you feel that what you seek does not belong to you,nor is it a part of you. When you find your center, your souldself, and realize or remember who you are, then you discover that what you thought you want, is already a part of who you are, already belongs to you. Then you only have to allow yourself to experience what is already yours. What you really desire then, is to simply be who you always were.

Aug. 29, 2011

Transforming life as we know it.

All discomfort with life, all chaos, all stress, all challenge, all strife, turmoil, and pain comes from the veil of separation caused by self illusion that one is apart from a greater co-created reality. This reality is the divinely pervasive love that connects all that is.

The suffering of life binds consciousness to endless cycles of karma. Suffering is a symptom of understanding one's self as apart from this love. It is relieved only when one transforms one's understanding of self as being A Part of, this greater reality.

For within this new view comes the ability to manifest new intentions, thus creating new realities. These new personal realities, when shared in service to others, acts as a trans-formative agent. This action alters the group perception and beliefs of the groups you cohabit with.

Actions such as these alter the cycles of life for systems of consciousness in such a way as to move whole societies to new phases of spiritual evolution. And thereby creating better lives and experiences for all. This is work, the great work.

But, the key is to understand that Knowing is NOT the same thing as understanding. This only comes through experience. New ideas of life, must be tried out and life manifested in a physical way. So that experience becomes not about physicality, but that life becomes a conscious spiritual experience.

This co-joining of thought, emotion, co-creation and action harmonizes reality. It clears perspective to what really matters. It serves, it heals, it builds, and transforms. It allows us to live life to the fullest extent every moment. So that life becomes not a burden, duty, or chore, but a joy to serve, explore, and learn from. Ultimately an expression of the love we are all capable of. --- My Spirit Teachers

Aug. 28, 2011

How can I change my life and the world I live in?

I want to change the thought of "me" to the "collective me within the collective we".

One way is;

At the notice of any uncomfortable emotion, pause;

Think to yourself; "Who am I? What can I do, think or feel in the context of this moment that will express my highest possible self?"

Another is;

To look at the world around yourself. Then, think about how you feel about yourself in the world. Where are you, where is your place. Am I happy with this? What is one thing, thought, or expressed feeling I can do to help the world? Right now, one thing.

These two things will provide an introspection into one's personal reality. That, will provide an opportunity to expand your life in a positive way, one day at a time.

Aug. 28, 2011

Spiritual separation is the energetic force of thought that alters perception of self. This force is a psychic wall that keeps us from remembering a greater connection to all that is. Quite simply it is in the mind of the beholder. What feels sad is that nothing can be done as there is no real separation other than what the observer says there is. And what is not joined can only be reunited when the experiencer is ready. This unreadiness to take part in a greater reality is what feels uncomfortable. Recovery is inevitable as Divine love always remains pervasive. In actuality, it might not serve anyone to feel bad about separation. Because we can always light the way. But rather than feel bad for ourselves observing sadness, it might be better to feel sympathy for other's pain during separation.

Aug. 27, 2011

"Resign yourself to accept that you are capable of release. Allow yourself to understand who you really are. Selfish selfless love is the simple reflection of being at peace with the perfection you are. Just be and feel. You will be OK.

When you accept who you are, you can look at the feelings that are uncomfortable. It enables you to say; what is this I feel? Why? What makes me feel this way? Is this who I want to be? What does these feelings say about me? Are they true? or is this just an outside perception?

Once we come to the acceptance of who we are in that moment. We can then pick and choose what we will allow these feelings to say about us. We can then use our new perspectives on these feelings to help shape a newer self identification for ourselves.

How we see ourselves in that moment, broken down to the base of who we are is the honest truth of our state of being. What's important is to realize, what this looks like, IS OK. There is no right or wrong, but rather, how we feel about this, and what we now wish to do about it.

This drives us to further expression and action. Many times the subtly of such new experience is just beyond our conscious awareness. But from such new perspectives we will be able to understand a new perception of ourselves. And carry this understanding forward in new ways, broader ways than we have felt before.

By recognizing every thought, every action, every feeling is a reaction to the essence of who we really are within each experience, we come closer to truly embracing the free will each of us has been born into. This brings us closer to God, by empowering us with creative personal power.

Moving to conscious awareness of the base of our emotions lets us unburden ourselves from the bonds of duality, self imposed illusions, and brings us closer to a pure eternal self love that is manifested in all souls, all creation.

This basic movement is a longing inherent in all things. It is the movement of the universe experiencing itself, remembering itself, returning to the God Source of all that is. It is everlasting, eternal, all encompassing. And it is a reflection of the love each of us are capable of. This is our great journey. To know ourselves, through the separation moving to the unity of all. The divine dance." -- My Spirit Teacher

Aug. 26, 2011

Acknowledgement is good for managing your reality. Even the smallest feeling good or ill has a base construct that builds your world. Looking at it allows you the opportunity to place it where you will. How will we build our house?

Aug. 26, 2011

Questions - answers cont.

Q) -- Can my departed loved ones be contacted if they have moved on to another life, reincarnated?

A) -- It depends. One's soul is multidimensional. An incarnation can have more than one meaning depending on belief system. To me, based on my research and personal experience, it can have multiple meanings: 1) An incarnation is a co-created new personality in dimensional space time to experience aspects the higher-self/over-soul wishes to develop/ work on. This new personality is co-existent with the old ones, AND the higher self. They exist all at once, and yet seem separate. As fingers to a hand. Then, contacting the different lives are all the same, and is simply a matter of belief filtering the message of the channeler/medium. 2) Same as above, but the individual personality or "life as you remember it" has chosen to take on another life and body here on Earth. If this occurs, contact can be made if the channeler/medium is able to connect with the higher-self/over-soul, and thus through it, the personality "life" in question. In a direct way that is. Some mediums can connect when the said personality is asleep. 3) Same as previous, but the specific personality has chosen to enter another system of realities or life 'elsewhere'. Contact then can be made in the same way through the higher self. 4) Same as above, but the channeler/medium can contact the said personality through the Akashic records or through the said personality's guides and angels. A message relay if you will.

All of these are totally dependent on the beliefs, perceptions, and perspectives of both the channeler, medium and sitter/quest-er AND the technique they use for contact. What is experienced just is, and is neither right or wrong, just a matter of view point.

There is fair enough debate on this topic within various religions, spiritual traditions, and practices. So this is just my personal opinion based on personal experience. Robert and I do not usually have a problem contacting through these scenarios, although he is an expert at it. On occasion a personality or spirit truly is unavailable. This is usually due to self inflicted realities. It can also be due to induced unconsciousness or spirit sleep for healing, or metamorphosis, evolution.

Aug. 26, 2011

Many people of late have felt strange. Experienced odd emotional upheavals, swings of feeling, physical discomfort and pain. Others have felt ebbs and flows of expansiveness and contracting. As if the very essence of who you are, where the seat of your conscious point of view is becoming displaced or moving around. Sometimes this feels like a euphoric, other times you swing to buzzing highs and weeping lows, only to come out not only on top, but larger than life. Along with this you seem to be ever aware of a greater reality that you exist in. And you are not longer sure of who you are, where you are, nor where you are going. What might you become.

I would like to tell you; That you are normal. You are experiencing the purging of the old, and the perceptions of a new, broader you. A new understanding of what it means to be you within a greater context.

Over the course of your souls journey you move your point of conscious awareness through ever evolving perspectives. Through different planes of existence, through different states of being. All over lapping each other.

You see through the eyes of a singular physical existence. Then one day you see yourself in the context of a greater subtle reality. Then as experience passes you see yourself in ever broadening spheres of awareness.

What you experience now is simply one of these actions. Purging of the old, and expanding to fill a new state of being, a new way of being, and new experiences to know one's self withing this greater awareness. What you experience now, is a good thing. You are evolving.

Aug. 25, 2011

To use one's thoughts as clothing for the perception of the self is to walk a solid path on the trail of life. For them that sees the cloth of thought, function follows form. From this confident intention creates all experience. A riddle or reality? Perspective is everything.


The beauty of your soul, shows me every reason to carry on with whatever life throws my way. Cause, if i am a reflection of you and your a reflection of God, then its always worth looking for more, seeing all of me, not just the highlights, shadow too, cause whats in the mirror will always be heaven lookin back at me.


Some days its perfectly OK to not bother with anything else but breathing. During times like that, its important to know its OK to just be. I am who I am and for now that is fine. In this moment is is OK to let go of discomfort and tell myself, in this moment as i close my eyes I am here. I can feel me, breathe and think of myself. While maybe not fun, joyous, eventful, or enlightening, it is and can be an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge your existence. In that moment if you choose, you can come to a kind of peace and relaxation that gives you an opportunity for self reflection on what matters to you, and your state of being under those ideas. We can give thanks for what we do have, and what might come yet to be. And then of course, if nothing else, there is always the chance to say... Its a fucked up day, that's OK, to bed early, tomorrow will be a better day.

Aug. 22, 2011

Listen to your heart, hear your mind, feel your soul. Know you are divine, a part of a greater reality despite yourself. Feel your life, hear your thoughts, and live your heart. Know you are not apart from a greater reality because of yourself.

Aug. 22, 2011

All thought- manifests spiritually. It is made up of energy and form. It is transmuted and given purpose, direction, and duration by our emotional power, intent, and awareness. This, psychic action is altered by perception, perspective, and belief. As such, in conjunction with like energy, dissonance, and directed co-creation, reality as you know it is realized.

Aug. 19, 2011

How do I get rid of this angst, I don't know what to do?

Surrender to the knowing, that you have permission to allow yourself to be present in this very moment and see that you are perfect in every way.

Now that you know this, what thought can you look at, that will give you joy? Go do that.

Your life is an opportunity to experience something wonderful about yourself. In every moment of every experience you will discover some aspect of yourself that allows you to see a reflection of your highest possible self.

This can seem very hard. But really, it is quite simple. No matter what happens, you and everyone else in all of creation continues. How does this make you feel? Why? What are you a part of? or Are you apart from? In the end, it comes down to perception. This perception will create your reality. So is reality, is my perception of consciousness a matter of perspective? What does any of it mean to any of us?

That my friends is a key.

Aug. 19, 2011

"Focus on what yet might be done, not what you think you should have done."

--- My Spirit Teacher.

Aug. 17, 2011

Personal intuitive development, decision making,

and expanding your personal reality.

Tips and tools:

People often ask, 'How do I know how to do the right thing?'

Try not to worry too much, but rather;-- Trust yourself to have a Spiritual identity. A greater self. This is the part of you that is eternal. The over-soul or higher self. That part of you from which all perception of your experiences is born. Your greater consciousness. Do not worry about how this seems to appear to you. Do not worry about what this would look like. Try to close your eyes and think of nothing, And in that moment think, wonder, and FEEL. How do you feel about yourself right now? Write it down. Look at what you wrote down. How does this make you feel. If you experience hesitation, disturbance, uncertainty, or confusion it is because there is a contrast going on with your life now and your higher-self.

This feeling is an open ended sign post to refocus your conscious awareness.

Keep sitting down and look again at how you just felt. Now write down a question that has you wondering about correct action. Will I, Can I, Should I. Now ask yourself, what do I know about the object of desire? Have I taken into consideration all the information about that desire that I have available to me? Can this desire be responded to in a yes or no answer?

If it can not, you do not have all the information yet to make an informed decision. Your circumstances are not in alignment for desirable creative effects yet. If you can answer that question; Look at how your answer makes you feel--WHEN-- compared to how you feel about your highest possible self. Would you be willing to perform all that is required to make that yes or no question a reality and own up to any consequence as a result. Could you go through this and still be in line with your highest possible self? If you can, then you have entered the assurance of personal creation within your state of being. If not go back and try an alternative. If you can not see further options, you are not ready to make any step, other than exploration of the self. Tackling problems without self knowing is like fishing in the dark. You might catch a big fish, but more than likely you will hit an obstacle. You then might have to discover how you can swim.

If you keep running into resistance, pray, meditate, sit in contemplation of your deeper self. You are seeking a conscious awareness of your greater reality. This will come from within. Who are you within this life, who do you wish to be, who are you outside of this reality? How does all this make you feel? Ask Spirit for help not focusing on the perceived problem, but on who you are right now in spite of the problem. If you can focus on this it will automatically guide you to do the right thing.

Continue to sit and when you feel tired of sitting, think of who you are -now. Ask yourself your question again. Look for a yes or no feeling. Sometimes you will hear a thought, an inner word, hunch, or impression. The first thing you feel, see, hear, in response is Spiritual influence brought about by your deeper connection. Trust it. Sometimes you will get nothing. This is a sign to put the problem aside for now and release worry.

If you hear a response, compare it to your highest possible self you previously thought about. If it still resonates with you, it is OK to act on.

Do not get upset if you struggle with this activity. Most all intuitive development is nothing more than the process of re-aligning, remembering, and attuning yourself with your greater reality. This frequently takes months and years. You may have been too hasty, you might not yet be working for a greater good, or you might not yet be at peace with yourself. Try not to worry. Setting your intent will get you back on the right path. Having faith in yourself and not giving up will carry you forward. Success is not measured in action but, on understanding. Keep trying and you will evolve to a greater awareness.

Aug. 16, 2011

Question - Answers continued:


Could you elaborate on your perspective on Spiritual guidance "guiding us" in this modern era of multi-media, instant communication, self help, and technology. What about modern problems, modern religions, modern science. Is there any new special considerations taken into account? Does "modernity' offer unique challenges or opportunity to Spirit. Or is it all the same as it ever was. Many people wonder about the progress of mankind in relation to the individual. What can humans in this time period do to help themselves be more open and receptive to guidance.

A) --- As channeled and delivered by Robert:

"Today's environment is ripe with opportunity much the same as it has always been, but the opportunity is one which empowers the individual to affect change on a grander scale. Look at how the internet was the catalyst for uprising in the Middle East and Africa. In the past, one person could not rally such a large number to stand up to oppression in time scales as short as they are now. Look at other forms of media, such as news networks. They give humanity an opportunity to see global contrasts unimaginable in the past. Sure, they instill fear for the most part, but such opportunity allows us as a species to evolve exponentially. So, you ask, does today's "modern" environment make it harder or easier for those in Spirit to influence us? The simple answer is yes and no, just like it has always been. To summarize, the difference between today and yesterday is really a question of opportunity. Yesterday opportunity was about slowly affecting change one by one until critical mass is reached. Today our modern society enables the individual and those in Spirit to affect change on a grand scale at an accelerated pace.

So, how in today's society can we remain (or be) open to guidance with the added distractions around us? It is as simple now as it was for "yesterday". We must look within and "fill out own cups". Instead of getting distracted by information overload, take in what you are seeing, and hearing...then feel it...assess how it makes you feel...and come to your own conclusion about whether the choices you are being given mesh with Who You Are and Who You Want To Be. We are emotional beings, so therefore, it is of utmost importance that we allow our selves to feel, for feeling takes us down the road to Expansion. If all of the chaos of today's world overwhelms you and it is your wish to allow yourself to feel that way, then allow it to be. It will evolve you, and since you are part of the collective, it will evolve our species. We, as individuals, and as a collective will eventually tire of such emotional reactions and choose something else. That new choice may be beneficial to us, or not, but either way I, you, we will grow from it. That is assured."

Aug. 15, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

Q) Can someone's free will alter their own destiny?

A) -- In my research I've found that what humanity thinks of as destiny, is actually a plan or series of plans made before birth to fulfill "A", or, a "group of" emotional experiences to create a greater awareness of one's soul and one's place within "ALL of Creation." Within this, there are many goals, plans, that could meet the requirements of what the soul wishes to accomplish. Such as-- Over coming fear, exploring love, learning compassion, removing desire, etc., etc. This concept of Destiny is not without cultural debate. As beliefs, values, and perceptions of groups or societies are of significant influence on experience. What some see as fate is really about choices, followed by "if-then" scenarios. These are impacted by choice, or free will. To, "OR" from the souls perspective, this does not matter as evolution will occur both for the individual and the soul group regardless of desired outcome, goal, mission, or action decided upon by the human life. So yes; Free will does alter plans of the soul. But, know that to call "plans, intent, purpose" a Destiny is a mistake. For Destiny implies lack of choice or free will. And there will always be free will and choices; for this is part of what it means to be connected to the Divine. We are creative creators and Spirit would rather have us exercise that with conscious intent than to blindly follow some plan. What we gain, learn, and come to understand from our choices, AND owning up to, or taking responsibility for our choices is far far more important than any idealized dream. Create your own destiny based on understanding the emotion within your choices of any given circumstance and you will be ok.

Aug. 15, 2011

Thoughts on Expectation:

It has been said that you create your reality, in part, based on your expectations of yourself within an 'expectation' of your external world. The thoughts and feelings you develop from this, in conjunction with of the 'same' you allow of others, more often than not, forms a creative impression of yourself within an idea that states; I exist within this exterior creation. I see myself a part of it. It is where I am, it must be who I am.

But much of the time, one does not actually ask oneself, "who am I"? "Who am i within this experience"? Or, am I more? If one can, for but a moment, turn from exterior perception and attempt to contemplate an inner reality based on self perception, one might be able to give up or let go of some of the expectation of self, others, and the world around the self, even spiritual expectation.

Expectation is, in many ways a limiting value based on exterior perception that does not originate from higher consciousness. By letting go of what you can, it frees you to just be who you really are in the now. This will always generate an expansion of self awareness and possibility.

Who you really are will automatically gravitate you to experiences that are without expectation. That is why we get frustrated with events not happening when and how we like them to happen. It is because we are not at true peace with our-selves and are bound either subconsciously or consciously to expectation. Becoming more aware and at peace with self knowledge is a natural occurrence that frees one's self to further experience and understanding.

Aug. 15, 2011

There is Hope in this world. Standing by and holding to the faith that you can live to your highest possible self in the face of lifes experiences, not because they need overcoming, not because you need to move on; There is hope for this world because you are more than your experiences and you have something to offer others because of your experiences. This is a part of your eternal self and it is worth remembering. It is worth sharing, it is your hope that holds my faith for a brighter tomorrow

Aug. 14, 2011

The Art of Making Good Choices and Decisions

"Even when we make choices and decisions that are not necessarily in our best interest we are never locked into the cause and effect of those choices if we know how to convert the negative affects into positive karmic experiences."​he_weekly_lessons​rchives

Aug. 12, 2011

Thoughts on Intention

Do not assume that just because you are not aware of it, that you are not doing anything Spiritual to advance your experience. You are more than just this 3d body in a waking world. Just that you hold the intent indicates that on another reality your other soul aspects are working with your higher-self to develop. I suppose you think of that old saying, "If only the world were made of good intentions".... Well, the world is made of intentions. It's just that most people are not aware of nor give conscious thought to their attentions. This is where and how unwanted manifestations happen. You can even push your intentions into action by asking your guides and angels to help you work at them while you sleep. To rest easy with the knowledge of good thoughts is far more than happy words. This is about trust in your highest possible self. You are communicating to yourself and the universe that you wish to create a positive greater reality for yourself. You are acknowledging that you are more than, not less than. And that your request puts into motion chain reactions of creation to move you to new experiences within your vibrational state that will eventually raise you up. But you need to put your intentions out there. Be clear. If your not sure. Then that is the whole point right now. Take the time to work on your intentions. Don't worry about getting it wrong. You have time. Even if it means you need to experiment and try a few things out. You will be guided. Do not be afraid of getting it wrong. Just keep an open mind and keep your intention, your focus on your greater good within the greater good.

Aug. 12, 2011

Do not worry about meditation. Do not worry about communication. Do not worry about experience. You are unique. You are capable and will succeed in your own way. Simply acknowledge your increased awareness, state your intention, and commit to daily exercise of what you know. You will be guided. Do not worry.

Aug. 11, 2011

What does one do when you get stuck. You look inside yourself. Is there a root cause? What do you think about the way you feel? What does it say and don't say about yourself? What do you like about yourself in spite of the way you feel? What are you willing to do to bring about more of what you do like about yourself? Is there anyway you can share your experience that will help others? Is there any way you can explore who you want to be in these new circumstances that feels good?

We all want answers in life. We all want someone to hold our hand and tell us that it's going to be OK. And we do have that. Always. But Spirit wants us to know the path of Spiritual evolution is one of self awareness through self creation. We are and always have had all the empowerment we will ever need. We simply have to do the work to take hold of it. It's hard, it can be scary, it can be overwhelming, but it is born of love and it will overcome all our fears if we just take that step. Step by step we will overcome. Life can and will get better. We have nothing to loose but the views of a greater reality and greater opportunity.

Aug. 11, 2011

We are all connected through expanding consciousness

Most people move to know themselves without knowing it. Through joy and suffering their movements become individualized moments of emotional balance and harmony. Their life forces are a pulsing wave of conscious awareness. On-off-on-off. Each pin point mote of light becomes a flood of self illumination that is gathered into perceptions of self creation. The direction of life and movement of lives is determined by karma, unconscious at first, but then gradually guided by the impressions under the conscious light of self awareness. Light is restricted to understanding of one's self in the body of flesh and earth. As experience is gained, the quantity, and quality of the pulses increase in ever expanding waves of the soul's perception. This is an increase in state of being. An expansion of the soul. In each expansion, the light one projects on created reality expands allowing for even further self exploration. As consciousness expands, the self is no longer defined by body and earth. The light under the waves of consciousness take in more detail and understanding of ones surroundings. Under this new awareness, the path becomes more clear. Your light is now bright enough to guide others. Under such light, the impressions of life experiences begin to harmonize and balance and a mastery is achieved. This is an awakening or ascension of consciousness from the physical realities to the Spiritual. Soon, the pulse waves of light now fall not on the body of life, but on the immenseness of the soul and all that it is in it's possible existences. This is the Spiritual reality who's light show's the truth. That all are connected. We are one in Love. --- my Spirit Teachers

Aug. 10, 2011

"The Bonds of love only grow;

Death does not reunite or bring bonds of past love nearer or dearer, as you think; But it allows one the freedom to love without the restrictions of emotional bondage of earth life. The joining of those bound in love of all types, create ever wider emotional connections. Each new earth experience imprints new energetic pathways. As each life passes beneath the evolution of the soul, love remains. You will never want, you will never go without. Already you have spirits in Spirit all around you. From brief and long periods of earth life and Spirit life, they stand beside you now, though you do not realize it. Nothing will separate you. You wait for heaven. I tell you now, Heaven is with you. There is NO such separation other than what is in your mind. Just as you are, we are. We simply wait for the recognition and awareness, the remembrance of the love you are capable of. Just as there are no limits of Divine love; In and AS spirit there are no limits to the love you can experience. Do not worry. Do not fear. You are loved. You will know it." -- Voices of Spirit

Aug. 09, 2011

You don't change the world by thinking happy thoughts. You change your world by 'deciding to be'. Own who you are and your world will shape itself around you.

Aug. 08, 2011

I was emailing someone the other day and the person was surprised at a Spirit's reaction to something that appeared out of character with their personality when they were last alive. I can totally understand this reaction. It is a very common one, especially if one is new to the ideas reincarnation, Spiritualist ideas, after life investigations. Even more so if they have a lot of doubts as to the continuance of life after death.

It just brings to mind something else. Mediumship in general, or any Spiritual communication for that matter. What never ever ceases to amaze me are mediums mental filters and how spirit information can change over time due not only to those filters and their growth over time and circumstance, but do to our evolution and the evolution and progress of spirits. I mean so many people think that when a spirit passes over that the will then remain the same as the knew in life. While the personality for the most part does remain, they remember, grow evolve and gain new awareness.

But that on one hand shocks and dismays people but on the other hand amazes and discourages them...they can i compare...but you see, the thing about life is, hands on experience with intensity is by far a greater teacher than anything available in the Spirit world. The capacity and ability given to us with this tool called life enables focus of such magnitude that what to us seems trifle and insignificant, on a soul level is monumental, in depth, hands on experience. It is the way to truly know and understand something. By going through that experience you can rocket far ahead of a spirit in the path to understanding. They may see more right now, but you will have lived through it and understand it in an emotional feeling way, that is just not possible in Spirit.

That is why in life, a person may long for death and hate life, but when returned to the remembrance of Spirit, they again long for life. For the chance again to grow and evolve on that intense level.

Aug. 08, 2011

"Bridges and Segues Through the Journey of Life"

Aug. 04, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

This question was put forward by a friend from New Zealand.

Q) --

She writes,

"I know we are all multidimensional beings. Say in one of our incarnations we do not believe in the afterlife and once we die become an earthbound spirit. I've read some spirits can stay earthbound for centuries in Earth time? How does the Higher self of that self feel about that personality that's stuck. It seems very sad."

A) --

"A great question. Yes, we ALL are multidimensional. No limits, yes? Too bad so many are not in a good spot to explore this aspect of themselves. There is always time. They will get there. Now for your questions. To address your question we need to examine it from the personality's perspective. The "We" needs to become the "I" of the personality of the particular incarnation they are or have just experienced. The "I" in this context has transitioned to the non-physical and yet for various reasons not progressed to the point of conscious re-connection with the over-soul (higher-self). And so, is still "living" (operating) with the perception that the average personality's consciousness has while incarnated. That being one of separation from the ALL.

Now as you might be aware, the over-soul or your higher self manages and contains many personalities going through various types of experiences at any given time. Each of these personalities are separate but a part of the whole consciousness. And each personality has it's own free will, evolution, and development, which contribute to the whole. The higher self does not operate with the human tool of the "love-fear" duality. And so it does not view any incarnation's experience as a failure, or with an aspect of fear, anger, sadness. It only sees love, understanding, compassion, and sympathy. Which is where we often perceive a sadness and lamentation. On a Spiritual level, the other aspects of the self are aware of the particular personality in questions dilemma. And depending on the emotional situation and created energy will help the personality recover, and reconnect with it's other aspects. Although to you, you would not understand the time-table, or method this takes. But be assured it does take place. There are Angels, Guides, Loved ones as well as other aspects of the Self that minister to the troubled personality.

Next we can talk about a few of the ways a personality (life-incarnation) can be "stuck" after physical life. There are two most common ways. Although rest assured that even these are not "that" common. Most transition without any issue. The first problem one could encounter is when one dies with great fear, anger, or sadness; This combined with certain afterlife belief systems could create a situation where the Spirit is so filled with emotional stress that they latch on to the living or a place with all their will power and so in a sense feed of the energy available. In this state, their energetic bodies are damaged and there is little room for other emotion or action until they are helped. Because of their confusion, they live very close to physicality. This condition is usually very short. The second common problem encountered in such matters, is when a spirit passes through the self evaluation of the life review and then becomes trapped in self judgement and the emotions that brings. They have crossed over, but the intensity of their emotions, either conscious or unconscious causes them to not reconnect with their higher self. They become blind to their greater reality, or willfully ignore it. They willful or subconsciously gravitate back to the earth realms and live a half life amongst you. Some of these beings who have crossed over but gravitate back for various reasons, are not fully living in the physical and transition back and forth from Earth to realities of their own making. In and out, back and forth. Everything from delusional heavens and hells to shadowy half realms. This is where experiences can result in what you think of as "stays of years and years".. But this is a reality of their own free will based on their choices brought by their emotional state.

From the higher self's view it IS yet ANOTHER opportunity for experience of a different kind. Much is learned from passing through such experiences as in so called life. This too is not to be feared or worried over. For as mentioned, there is opportunity for OTHER beings to help. Including you in physicality. The more aware of yourself as SPIRIT, and the totality of your being withing the ALL, the more you can assist such matters. The life you lead now, not only affects those around you energetically, but those in Spirit as well. All are connected. And all interact; conscious or not. Pray, think at, love, speak to those who have transitioned. Be open with your love and wishes. They and others will hear you. You will be helped. You will be loved. The intent of Love truly does make a difference. Never fear, for all can not help but progress to their highest possible self, for the Divine resides and is a part of All that IS." -- my Spirit Teacher

Aug. 03, 2011

If you have not already done so, I'd encourage you to check out the web site of the Bristol Spirit Lodge. The guides there have many wise and useful things that I find very helpful in my life. Here is an example.

Words of wisdom from Spirit guide "FC" -- Bristol Spirit Lodge,

(quotes, parapharsed and elaborated to me.)

"Why does mankind who can connect so readily with one another without a medium, so often fail to connect with each other?

It is never too late to say "I am sorry". It does not matter that an apology is not accepted.

Sorrow is a thought energy that is pervasive. Change is helped by accepting this emotion. Apologize to yourself for feeling guilt about feeling. Say and feel what you need to. Forgive others for not being able to share your pain. Forgive yourself for anger at them and yourself. This pain, can be, over time, an opportunity, by healing yourself to change the vibrational energy of that sorrow into a positivity and growth that is passed to others. This will make their journey easier. This is a great sacrifice you make, though you may not see it now. By passing through sorrow you can put yourself in a position to heal others as you heal yourself. It is not easy. Nor will it ever be. But the courage in the face of this fear has the ability to be transformative. Do not give up, do not worry, do not be discouraged. You are far more than this life."

Aug. 01, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

Q) --- Can we end war and poverty?

A) --- Yes and no. It's not the answer that you wish. When this question is frequently ask'd, what is implied is, "why am I living with this pain in a world that offends and hurts me, why did they do this to me, why are they doing this to each other".. The answer lays not in the "other, why, or the world". The answer lays in the "me", the I in spite-of the we. "Who are you, who am I with and without you". "Who are you with and with out me"? "Who are we together". These are the great questions that help answer your question. "Who can we be without the other. Who can be together"? It is when we play with focus we see most clearly. The point of view will illuminate where you should go. Because of the free will you were created under, because of your own soul's journey of self discovery, no one or thing will give you the answer you desire except for that which you create for yourself or with other souls. This is a great power of self creation. And to be aware of it and embrace it, in all it's facets is to create the resolution, create the cure to what troubles your soul.


"You sleep and we sit, hands held strong, together in arm. Remember as a dream, and sleep with peace. Every night more awake, every day more alive. Together, place to place we go, though not you think. You touch those, familiar; with tender care, who can not see me. A team we are and will be ever more. So do not fear, do not be scared. Lay down your head, I am here." -- Voices of Spirit