Contacting the reincarnated

Q) -- Can my departed loved ones be contacted if they have moved on to another life, reincarnated?

A) -- It depends. One's soul is multidimensional. An incarnation can have more than one meaning depending on belief system. To me, based on my research and personal experience, it can have multiple meanings: 1) An incarnation is a co-created new personality in dimensional space time to experience aspects the higher-self/over-soul wishes to develop/ work on. This new personality is co-existent with the old ones, AND the higher self. They exist all at once, and yet seem seperate. As fingers to a hand. Then, contacting the different lives are all the same, and is simply a matter of belief filtering the message of the channeler/medium. 2) Same as above, but the individual personality or "life as you remember it" has chosen to take on another life and body here on Earth. If this occurs, contact can be made if the channeler/medium is able to connect with the higher-self/over-soul, and thus through it, the personality "life" in question. In a direct way that is. Some mediums can connect when the said personality is asleep. 3) Same as previous, but the specific personality has chosen to enter another system of realities or life 'elsewhere'. Contact then can be made in the same way through the higher self. 4) Same as above, but the channeler/medium can contact the said personality through the Akashic records or through the said personality's guides and angels. A message relay if you will.

All of these are totally dependent on the beliefs, perceptions, and perspectives of both the channeler, medium and sitter/quest-er AND the technique they use for contact. What is experienced just is, and is neither right or wrong, just a matter of view point.

There is fair enough debate on this topic within various religions, spiritual traditions, and practices. So this is just my personal opinion based on personal experience. Robert and I do not usually have a problem contacting through these scenarios, although he is an expert at it. On occasion a personality or spirit truly is unavailable. This is usually due to self inflicted realities. It can also be due to induced unconsciousness or spirit sleep for healing, or metamorphosis, evolution.