Part 3

How to sail a ship called Heaven

To traverse the Heavens, is to sail life to life, through universal duality. The sunrise and sunsets of consciousness and unconsciousness. Between each point on our soul maps lays unknown quadrants of experience. Each to be fully explored for what treasure we may uncover. Such adornment reveals and brings light to our soul. From each point of light, our ships depart.

A sail for every life, to journey to the edge of reality and beyond. Until one day they meet in the middle and the whole map is revealed.

Only then, once made, a map seen and shown, can the real journey of discovery be made, will all the courses known and be fully explored. Now experience revealed, great lanes of progress, movement and trade can be undertaken.

So you see, a ship passing in the night only leads to dawns light on shores of opportunity. Pretty soon, one day the whole ocean will be yours, unbroken from sea to sea will you be set free.

Thoughts on life

Moving between opposites of experience, trying to find the middle road, the pass that disappears in the sky of my sunset, weary, lost in the shadow of the mountain, I always wake, in the arms of sunrise. Till one day, I crest the peak and see the world spread out before me. With eagle sight, All I've passed through is now open to ever expansive views. Only glorious sun, light and epic visions of a road well traveled greet me. Now, at the peak of my achievement I can descend and fully explore with understanding of where I've been. Now each new day is hiked with truly seen adventure of where I want to go. The path now liberated, stretches down before me awash in renewed intention.

Random Musing: What's your take on orbs?

People often ask, Why do Spirits manifest as orbs?

(ps. If you reply, be nice, this is just me thinking. People tend to get all hot and bothered by this topic)

I know there are more opinions about them than there are fingers on my hands. I am totally cool with any of it being real or bunk! Even so I enjoy testing it out, talking about it, and playing around with theories. Personally I think they are mundane ones, and real ones, AND a combination. I do think a lot of it is actually a combination. Gestalt and all. AND I don't think applying mundane labels and categories is useful in all cases because of that. In fact, I think that not only could the mundane be spiritual in a gestalt way, but it could be a symbolic psychic representation of something real behind the reality we precieve. Personally, I've seen orbs that were full on 3D looking faces and not bubbles at all. And I've seen ones that seemed to glow with an inner light as well as the mundane optical ones. And with film, digital and naked eye. I've seen them move, float, appear and disappear. All sorts really.

Well, assuming you are not a skeptic or materialist that poo-paws the very idea, here is a theory as it pertains to "orbness" ha ha...

Spirits exist in muti-dimentional space time. Just like we do for that matter. Only difference is that they are not connected "Your 3D space time, in the vehicle of a body". We often do not give much thought to the physics of what this means. Does each dimension behave in the same way. What about the physics of crossing the boundaries in-between. What does that do to the energy. So what does this mean for their energy? Well, one aspect is that the energy they "interface" with our space time, is not bound by gravity in the same way. I think that this difference has an impact on the way their energies are often perceived.

Take the example of Fire. Fire on earth, Rises. A candle flame usually rises to a point and interacts with the air in a dance of molecules and chemical interactions. It atomically vibrates at a certain level. A lot of this is due to gravity, air pressure, air make up, and temperature.

In the overlapping dimensionality that Spirits can manifest in, I believe that there is a physical component and a non-physical component, and in that mix, in the bridge between dimensions, gravity does not behave the same way. So in many ways it is similar to a weightless environment like outer space. So that when we see or run across their energy what we see is not only often a reflection of their reality, but their energy behaves slightly different. Such as a flame in space vs/ Earth. Light properties.

In Outer space Flames to not rise up. They move outward from their origin in all directions. An orb.

The closer you are to the earth's ground, the more molecules there are to interact with the energy source, due to gravity's pull. In Space, air pressure gets thin which declines the pressure. The atmospheric pressure difference shapes the candles light. As the air around a flame heats up, it expands, becoming less dense than the air around it. The molecules expand outward, cold air pushes back. When free from Earth's ground gravity, the molecules experience equal resistance in all directions and so it moves spherically outward from it's source. I feel the space between the dimensions could operate like this. And that we pick up on this visually somehow, that shows up as spirit orbs. You know, their energy condensing like that as they move between realms. I do not think "orbs" are a constant. I think it's a by-product of movement somehow.

Take this with a grain of salt. I am just thinking out loud so to speak.

Life as a flower

Life. Life is the budding bloom of blossoms. Enfolded scent, essence, and color, blossoming in light, feeding from soils, and tended or not. What seems to die, enfolds again to create a seed of life yet to be born again. Every moment is chance to unfold in the light. Every moment is a chance to take in nourishment. But the special thing about life is the not only the chance to sow seeds of new growth and change, but the chance to bloom again. You are not your body, but you are eternal Spring in the sunshine of the universe. It's time to grow.

No fear life reviews

This is inspired in part by my conversations with Erik and based on research and experience with the dis-incarnate beings.

Many people fear death. They wonder what kind of lives they have lived. They worry that they may have done it wrong. They fear that they are not doing the right thing.

My response; Ask your self, can I look back on what I've experienced and understand how I felt about myself in each experience. Can I imagine how others felt about me, themselves and the world around them in that moment.

I feel, I felt, I think, I am not sure I understand, I can't remember, I can't see, I see, I know, I understand, I wish, I might have, I could, I miss, I know. I am not sure who I am, This is who I am, looking back shows me.

All these turns of phrase and more is what you will encounter. It is not about judgement, and there is nothing to fear. It is simply about an automatic tightening of focus to such an intensity that you are able to evaluate what you have experienced in the context of all the possible love you are capable of on a soul level. That is all.

Simply if you find you are capable of more love, you then have a choice. Let it alter how you perceive yourself. Use it to create new experiences. Or review it further in new ways.

So let go of any fear, worry, guilt or hesitation. If you approach each new experience with the thought, "Is how I view myself in this moment using all the love I am capable of?". In this there is no right or wrong, yet another choice.

You have all of eternity to explore the vastness that is your love! Live love now!

Personal intuitive development: Tips and tools

Personal intuitive development, decision making, and expanding your personal reality.

Tips and tools:

People often ask, 'How do I know how to do the right thing?'

Try not to worry too much, but rather;-- Trust yourself to have a Spiritual identity. A greater self. This is the part of you that is eternal. The over-soul or higher self. That part of you from which all perception of your experiences is born. Your greater consciousness. Do not worry about how this seems to appear to you. Do not worry about what this would look like. Try to close your eyes and think of nothing, And in that moment think, wonder, and FEEL. How do you feel about yourself right now? Write it down. Look at what you wrote down. How does this make you feel. If you experience hesitation, disturbance, uncertainty, or confusion it is because there is a contrast going on with your life now and your higher-self.

This feeling is an open ended sign post to refocus your conscious awareness.

Keep sitting down and look again at how you just felt. Now write down a question that has you wondering about correct action. Will I, Can I, Should I. Now ask yourself, what do I know about the object of desire? Have I taken into consideration all the information about that desire that I have available to me? Can this desire be responded to in a yes or no answer?

If it can not, you do not have all the information yet to make an informed decision. Your circumstances are not in alignment for desirable creative effects yet. If you can answer that question; Look at how your answer makes you feel--WHEN-- compared to how you feel about your highest possible self. Would you be willing to perform all that is required to make that yes or no question a reality and own up to any consequence as a result. Could you go through this and still be in line with your highest possible self? If you can, then you have entered the assurance of personal creation within your state of being. If not go back and try an alternative. If you can not see further options, you are not ready to make any step, other than exploration of the self. Tackling problems without self knowing is like fishing in the dark. You might catch a big fish, but more than likely you will hit an obstacle. You then might have to discover how you can swim.

If you keep running into resistance, pray, meditate, sit in contemplation of your deeper self. You are seeking a conscious awareness of your greater reality. This will come from within. Who are you within this life, who do you wish to be, who are you outside of this reality? How does all this make you feel? Ask Spirit for help not focusing on the perceived problem, but on who you are right now in spite of the problem. If you can focus on this it will automatically guide you to do the right thing.

Continue to sit and when you feel tired of sitting, think of who you are -now. Ask yourself your question again. Look for a yes or no feeling. Sometimes you will hear a thought, an inner word, hunch, or impression. The first thing you feel, see, hear, in response is Spiritual influence brought about by your deeper connection. Trust it. Sometimes you will get nothing. This is a sign to put the problem aside for now and release worry.

If you hear a response, compare it to your highest possible self you previously thought about. If it still resonates with you, it is OK to act on.

Do not get upset if you struggle with this activity. Most all intuitive development is nothing more than the process of re-aligning, remembering, and attuning yourself with your greater reality. This frequently takes months and years. You may have been too hasty, you might not yet be working for a greater good, or you might not yet be at peace with yourself. Try not to worry. Setting your intent will get you back on the right path. Having faith in yourself and not giving up will carry you forward. Success is not measured in action but, on understanding. Keep trying and you will evolve to a greater awareness.

Thoughts on Intention

Do not assume that just because you are not aware of it, that you are not doing anything Spiritual to advance your experience. You are more than just this 3d body in a waking world. Just that you hold the intent indicates that on another reality your other soul aspects are working with your higher-self to develop. I suppose you think of that old saying, "If only the world were made of good intentions".... Well, the world is made of intentions. It's just that most people are not aware of nor give conscious thought to their attentions. This is where and how unwanted manifestations happen. You can even push your intentions into action by asking your guides and angels to help you work at them while you sleep. To rest easy with the knowledge of good thoughts is far more than happy words. This is about trust in your highest possible self. You are communicating to yourself and the universe that you wish to create a positive greater reality for yourself. You are acknowledging that you are more than, not less than. And that your request puts into motion chain reactions of creation to move you to new experiences within your vibrational state that will eventually raise you up. But you need to put your intentions out there. Be clear. If your not sure. Then that is the whole point right now. Take the time to work on your intentions. Don't worry about getting it wrong. You have time. Even if it means you need to experiment and try a few things out. You will be guided. Do not be afraid of getting it wrong. Just keep an open mind and keep your intention, your focus on your greater good within the greater good.

We are all connected through expanding consciousness

Most people move to know themselves without knowing it. Through joy and suffering their movements become individualized moments of emotional balance and harmony. Their life forces are a pulsing wave of conscious awareness. On-off-on-off. Each pin point mote of light becomes a flood of self illumination that is gathered into perceptions of self creation. The direction of life and movement of lives is determined by karma, unconscious at first, but then gradually guided by the impressions under the conscious light of self awareness. Light is restricted to understanding of one's self in the body of flesh and earth. As experience is gained, the quantity, and quality of the pulses increase in ever expanding waves of the soul's perception. This is an increase in state of being. An expansion of the soul. In each expansion, the light one projects on created reality expands allowing for even further self exploration. As consciousness expands, the self is no longer defined by body and earth. The light under the waves of consciousness take in more detail and understanding of ones surroundings. Under this new awareness, the path becomes more clear. Your light is now bright enough to guide others. Under such light, the impressions of life experiences begin to harmonize and balance and a mastery is achieved. This is an awakening or ascension of consciousness from the physical realities to the Spiritual. Soon, the pulse waves of light now fall not on the body of life, but on the immenseness of the soul and all that it is in it's possible existences. This is the Spiritual reality who's light show's the truth. That all are connected. We are one in Love.

Bonds of love only grow

"The Bonds of love only grow; Death does not reunite or bring bonds of past love nearer or dearer, as you think; But it allows one the freedom to love without the restrictions of emotional bondage of earth life. The joining of those bound in love of all types, create ever wider emotional connections. Each new earth experience imprints new energetic pathways. As each life passes beneath the evolution of the soul, love remains. You will never want, you will never go without. Already you have spirits in Spirit all around you. From brief and long periods of earth life and Spirit life, they stand beside you now, though you do not realize it. Nothing will separate you. You wait for heaven. I tell you now, Heaven is with you. There is NO such separation other than what is in your mind. Just as you are, we are. We simply wait for the recognition and awareness, the remembrance of the love you are capable of. Just as there are no limits of Divine love; In and AS spirit there are no limits to the love you can experience. Do not worry. Do not fear. You are loved. You will know it." -- Voices of Spirit

Changing your world

"How to change the world? Embrace all countries as your own. How to change your country? Embrace each community as your own. How to change your community? Embrace your neighbor as your family. How to change your family? Embrace yourself."

"This is the great work that can not be done alone. It IS the hardest and easiest task you will ever do. This change is vision. This change is heart. You created this world in joint harmony with other souls. You can not live in it alone. You want peace on earth. Peace can only be as it is in your heart."

"How do you effect the unity to create change? Live by example. And trust that love will prevail. Surrender worry and ask for help. Never give up and decide to retain concious awareness of your emotional thought. When life seems to hard, ease your mind that you are far more than just this life. Personal empowerment comes from living in the knowledge that you are more than, never less than. Unity comes from knowing your neighbor is as well and helping them see this."

"When the struggle of the soul's self is surrendered, when you accept you are on a great journey to discover the unity of all, when you allow yourself to live as eternal, then there will be peace on earth."

--Voices of Spirit

Random musing: Hand Holding

Hand holding has taken a negative connotation in our materialist society. We use it in a negative thought when we feel forced to help others. We see it as an imposition. An example of taking a positive and letting it serve our negative feelings. But hand holding is a natural symbol and metaphor for life. It is a means of reaching out in freely given support. It is a means of affection, love, and friendship. Would you like it to signify a bond or a chain? I prefer to think of it as a good thing. I feel life is better when I hold your hand.

Do not fear your emotions

Do not fear your emotions, seek to understand them. Understanding leads to balance and harmony. You are NOT your pain. If you can find a way to embrace your pain, accept the emotion within the experience, if you can begin the process of understanding how it applies to you, it's reasons, it's background, it's outcome and what you learn about others and the world around you; you then might transmute pain, suffering and foster healing, forgiveness and love. Thereby releasing Karma and elevating Spirit, your Spirit.

It's OK to just BE.

"To just lay there and forget the world, just for a moment in time, to forget all your troubles". I think the reason so many songs have been sung, so many poems written, and why so many painting have been painted on just that, is because; Just laying there in the moment and finding yourself a quiet spot is a vital part of human life. People often get into trouble not because life is horrid, or chaotic, or so crazy they can't cope (although for some this is true); People get into trouble because they don't allow themselves to just BE STILL. To be quiet and still and be in the moment and BE OK with it. It's OK to just be still. Sometimes, culture, society, and our own brains will just not allow us to stop in the now. Our own inner drives, our subconscious work ethic, our desire to do, screams at us from what depths we can not see. But This is the polarity of one side of our experience here. The other side is the quiet "oneness of just being in the moment". OF in that moment "feeling" who and what you are. To just lay there with the little me of your soul. It's important to remind our selves to touch and be OK with the quiet peace that is in us all. It's OK to just BE.

The glass blower of my soul.

One of the things people have such a hard time with is that they think spirits have one up on us, or that because we are on earth we are somehow 'less than'. Nothing is further from the truth. We are always more than. On Earth, because we have such a tight concentrated focus in 3D life, we learn through 'hands on' experience in ways not possible in Spirit.

It is like the journey the apprentice takes to become the journeyman, eventually becoming the Master Craftsman. Learning, testing, creating form, function, and works of beauty.

It's like the Master glass blower. Sitting in front of the fire. You blow and turn. You play with the elements, fire, sand, water, air. It can be dangerous, you can get hurt and you can mess up, but you can create works of wonder, beauty and insightful art. You can understand your craft, and "feel" all the elements deep in your very soul. You become the craft. You are the craft and it is you!

People can stand around you and give you advice, opinion, support, and cheer you on. They see you work, They see you creating in the moment. It is a telling moment of creation. It is the 'hands on' perfection of you. The craft of the self creating through hands on experience. Knowing this, this is like life with spirit standing beside you.

This is one of the great things to live for. To master the self is to experience every potential of every probability within your state of being. It is an art form, it is beautiful. What will you create?

Thoughts on suffering,

causality, the change of the soul

I think most people can agree to the belief that some causes of suffering are caused by attachments to that which we desire. Yes? In many different ways, different manifestations of our emotional state creates pain and suffering. Either through direct or indirect causes. Our focus and attention to these has the effect of various discomforts.

I believe that, what we choose to focus on, or not focus on, right now - this moment is the source of unhappiness or happiness. This focus is a lens of conscious awareness. How you see yourself in the 'all that is'. I think our search for happiness is buried in the emotional aspects of physical duality...most of the time.

Because our focus is so narrow in physicality it rarely emerges above it. We live within a happiness that can not exist without suffering at it's opposite end. This is a duality. We can not take part of one emotion in the causality of physicality without moving from one end of this spectrum to the other.

We we are not consciously aware of what is going on, we often suffer. We become attached to this swing of one feeling or the other in a seemingly never ending cycle,, that if we are not careful what we feel becomes our reality in ever increasing degrees of intensity.

This intensity is meant to drive us tword spiritual attempts to create a balance between the two aspects of this duality. But I believe the only real redemption and relief from this cycle is one of detachment brought about by a conscious, willful, intentive study, and understanding of the cause of suffering.

To be so sure and steadfast in your knowing that suffering is caused by a separation of Spirit from our perception of all that is,- from your perceived individual life. Only by holding to the realization, the awareness, that all here in this life, this incarnation, is a momentary and passing illusion will be be able to free ourselves from the bound chains of pain.

Only then will we be able to mentally and emotionally relate to the realities of our eternal selves, our true nature. Nothing is lost, everything is gained. Re-evaluating our place in life can be in our best interest.

Are you this life? this body? this pain? is yesterday gone from you forever? Or is there more going on than you realize? Are you more? Who are you really? What are you really? Is your pain due to a perceived separation or is it a lasting wound? Are you less than? Do you wish to be so? Or are you a part of more? I believe this is a choice. I've made mine. Although you don't have to, what choose you?

This all is not to say that you should embrace life with apathy or a lack or care, or feigned uninterest, but rather that we are keeping mind and holding to a broader concept of the nature of the self and life within our day to day mental state.

It does not mean that we shouldn't "feel" or pretend that we do not suffer. For these things can lead to good things depending on what we do. It might be best to use them to drive us to create change. They can be the impetuous of passion, and provide the drive to really explore our place in any given situation.

But if we can step back and hold within our waking state of consciousness a sense of place, a detachment of the mind and a concept of the soul self within each experience, such a position can help us move through suffering and overcome it by changing ourselves, which then will allow for greater opportunities to help others do the same.


A little heavy, I know. Sometimes, ya just have to get it out of your system or it races around the brain. :)

The return to self

For all the lives that feel a mistake,

When your happenstance is pain to take.

For days you wonder why your here.

This time you hate, your no mistake.

You know I know, where youre really at

Blinded, the glare is too bright.

So many struggles, so much drama

When your had enough

Can anyone have you?

But what you have, I promise you this,

Is that you keep on keeping on.

I try, you try, and somehow we keep on.

Your heart song beats on.

Sink or swim, you gasp for breath.

Swim upstream,float downstream,

What you have, I promise you this,

Is that you keep on keeping on.

You try, again and again, and somehow we keep on.

Doubt and lives that fill us with fear,

Torn asunder, fully to plunder,

this anger fills cauldrons of emotion.

For all this and more,

what remains is the center of me,

the center of you, is all the we.

It's not what is seen,

It's what is felt,

The ties that bind us together.

There is nothing else to do,

but by keep on keeping on

step by step.

I promise you this,

Is that I keep on keeping on,

I try to try to come back to me, coming back to you.

And when I find me,

I'll have the break,

To see what connects.

In my heart, nothing to loose,

Nothing to keep,

is the heart of me in love with this.

This, I promise you,

Is no mistake,

The return to self.

Never give up, never give in, we are all so much more, just wait... the best is yet to come., now or hereafter, life goes on and it can be beautiful.

Spiritual communication tip

*Pick a technique you enjoy, or interests you.

*Try it- at and for a consistent planned time, every day for a month.

*Do not put too much emotional investment into it.

*Treat it like an exercise for the body

*Treat it as a matter of fact. ie. "why yes, I talk to dead people, every day at 4"

*Don't ever say words like; (someday, want, need, wish) Always say empowering words (I am, I going, I try, I do, I will, I have)

*Always give thanks, always be grateful

*Abandon fear, worry, doubts, as best as you can.

*Write about your journey.

Love moving through duality;

Bridging Spiritual separation

You are love moving through the illusion of duality. The return to self is the bridging of spiritual separation.

All life, all material, is- a direct manifestation of the divine love that permeates 'all that is'. This manifestation, this love, is consciousness, that is, self pervasive, self creating, and seeks to know itself though all that it creates and moves through.

This is an inner reality that everything feels in one way or another. It is seen and unseen. It moves through every spectrum in broad sweeps of emotional energy. Every manifestation of this love seeks to know itself through an attraction with other manifestations. This is a self created push-pull. A duality.

Each end of this expressive modality of exploration is a valid way to explore aspects of this Love. In higher consciousness, each aspect of this duality is weighed in experience which swings from end to end until a balance is achieved. From the full expression of the emotional experience, balance is achieved.

An exploration tool used by humans that is often applied is that of reason. Many times humans focus so narrowly on physicality that reason creates a separation from this love that is all encompassing. Many times, this then creates conflict with the love of one's self and the perceived love that is outside of the self, the gap between. The gap seems to be a ford that is unpassable.

Thought from the tightly focused personality clings to reason as life raft in turbulent waters unable to realize that there is no true separation. This creates fear. Reason without the knowledge of universal love can never create the peace of self knowledge. Love without reason can never be fully experienced or known. The key is to balance the two.

You can have both, but unless you mix the two together in a meaningful way you only create confusion for the self, which lengthens your journey back to yourself. When one is able to merge the two in harmony, you create an expansion of personal consciousness. A new level of Spiritual awareness.

Only through deliberate intent to discriminate our emotions and thoughts can we hope to achieve this balance. That is not to say that we are amiss or remiss when we seem unable to get out of a rut of life, or we take a break, but if we pick ourselves up and keep trying, we will eventually succeed.

Avoidance of self limiting thoughts is key. In spite of, and despite feelings of less than, poor self worth, failure, and despondence over not having what we think we should have or need; we can overcome. These feelings ARE subordinate to our ultimate reality and the LOVE that is infused into our soul.

These feelings are just a temporary infatuation that is blinded by the illusion of reason in physicality. We often become so bogged down by our feelings that we can't seem to see that our perceived limitations are self created.

In this state of mind, this state of being, an increase of awareness is impossible. New experiences are hobbled. To recognize this in oneself is to catch a glimpse of the pulse of original love within one self. This glimpse is a gift, it is an opportunity of divine proportions.

If taken, it allows us a chance for self evaluation, exploration, and opportunities for expansion and self discovery through and in spite of difficulty. This is a good thing. This turmoil means your ready for change.

Do not worry. You can do this. Ask for help and the universe will revolve around you to help you facilitate enabling change in your life. Let go of all expectations other than knowing thyself through change. Do not worry, you are worth exploring yourself. It will lead you back to love.

This is you. B it.

Right now, this very moment, you can realize everything you are. Every potential for happiness is within you; right now. All it takes is focusing proper intent with your emotions. "The good life" is just a state of being. Let go of mile markers; let go of points A to C and Be the "B". Don't be stuck in the middle; live, love, move through the true life of who you are right now. Intend to Be the busy Bee of life and let the rest go. This will help you Be content with your state of being.

Your Spirit IS Love. Not more, not less. Within your experiences, it has nothing to do with presumptions of "shoulda's, coulda's, but's, if's, then's, or maybe's". It has nothing to do with proper belief, proper action, proper organization of place and time. It is not in the business of decipherment of hurt, suffering, happiness, or accomplishment. It IS All about developing self awareness through experience. This IS the great journey of Creation. It is this endeavor that fills your creative soul with excitement, thrill, and ecstatic desire. The "desire to know thyself", is the Divine Spark that continually creates who you are in every heart-beat of the energetic life - of Love.

This is one of the inner meanings of your Spirit. There is more to you than you could ever realize in this incarnation. Your existence is not dependent, reliant, or contingent on this body and perception you call life. No physical body could ever realize the totality of who you are. Your Soul is MORE. The Light of Love is a multidimensional sound that permeates 'all that is'. It resonates through every possible manifestation, and it is beautiful. This enables you;-- not to carry out your life in every way possible, but, it makes every way probable.

So, do not beat yourself up for thinking you have created wrong turns. Do not beat yourself up for dispare. Do not disparage your journey. Do not beat yourself up for loss. You lament the ebb and flow of your seemingly negative emotions. Do not worry. You are not less than, you are more than. You are more than IN SPITE OF! Just as all life has cycles, just as there are seasons, just as there is movement from birth to death; so too exists the tides of change within you. This is simply the pulses of all creation. The light of love shines through you whether you think you are doomed or enlightened. How to move through it, is, simply a matter of choice within the now. Creative emotional intent through thought creates action, through which, your perception creates your reality. This is the power, to hold you-- to the creative, the joyful power that is your Spirit. That is pure love! Just as this Love is represented in you, so too is ALL that IS. This, is Who you are. This is Spirit. This is you. Be this. Be you.

The Struggle of Troubling Thoughts

One of life's great struggles is troubling thoughts. They disturb, they distract, they torment, they hurt and become an emotional mess. Obsessive, painful, bothersome, generating fear, regret, anger, selfishness, etc. They make us uncomfortable. In the Spiritual sense, they are any thought that distracts the mind from the state of mind you wish to hold on to. That part of your higher self you wish to connect with. Anything that keeps the mind from the object of desired manifestations of love.

Part of the problem is what Erik calls "Mental Diarrhea" That's when you surrender to the personality's ego and immerse the focus of you consciousness into a stream of perception and let it carry you away. This enables what my Spirit Teacher Z calls, "Leaps of mental associations, or un-guided mind-leap associations. When you notice something in your 3D environment that makes you think of something in your past or current reality. This then leaps to another impression from the past that makes you uncomfortable. Which then leaps to a feeling about the situation and the feelings your personality generated not only about that situation, but what about that situation that would enable your soul to gain a deeper understanding about itself.

For example; Your soul is patience, compassion, and love. It see's the good in everything. But to truly understand this you are immersed in life. You are walking along the sidewalk at work. You see some kids behaving rudely. They push past people, jarring them. You think, gaaa stupid kids. Then your mind leaps to the next thing in life that felt like that. You suddenly think of your co-worker who pissed you off yesterday. You let yourself begin to obsess about it. You suddenly think gaaa I hate her. She is soo sooo... and then you start feeling angry... then you think about how your spouse forgot to do something, which makes you even crabbier. Then you sit at your desk and are in a foul mood.

This is uncontrolled unconscious mental leap association in action. Without paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling you are letting your lower self rule your experiences. But, if you can allow yourself to notice the spark of discomfort this chain reaction of event causes in you; you can then take steps to alter it's outcome in how you feel. All this takes is a slight awareness that you want to take notice. It will be work. But you can greatly alter your reality this way.

As soon as you notice a feeling you don't like or something that causes you discomfort. STOP. Stop in your step. Look it right in the eye and as Erik's says, WTF!?!... What was that?! Where did that feeling come from?! I do not like this feeling! Try to remember the original cause of this chain reaction. Then move past it and look at what it leaped to. What it leaped to is what your subconscious via your soul is trying to direct your attention to. The feelings about your co-worker. By trying to figure out the cause of the feelings associated with her, you might hit upon why you feel that way. Why you feel that way usually says something about you. Usually what you project on her is a reflection of you and what you want to work on. But by re-evaluating your perception of her and how you relate, you can change your view and thus your relationships to how you see the world. You now will see her hard life, you will see her struggles with family and work, and see her struggling to stay a float. Just like you. This triggers compassion and love for her and her experience. You then see that there is great love, in you. This this allows you to channel the patience to see further into the world around you and share the compassion that is at the depths of your real self, Your soul.

My other Spirit Teacher says, "The attempt to suppress or repress or worry about disturbing thoughts are a waste of psychic energy, and is only bound to further entangle the mind and strengthen the discomfort. Freedom only comes from stopping within the chaos and working to uncover the peace and love of the inner self. Have the patience and confidence that you are more than this body, Do this and the pain will ease."

Harmony of view

Your personality's perception of your consciousness often works with opposites as a way to find the harmony of balance. Through the working understanding of balance can you move from the tight focus of your experiences to the broad focus of your soul. Two of these opposites are; "I am" (contextual thought); and, "I am not" (Analytic thought)

'I am not' means understanding your soul through the close examination of your individual experiences to determine what meaning you can discover about yourself. What about your experience does not serve your highest self?

"I am" means comparing your overall experiences from a broad point of view. To hold all the seemingly chaotic experiences in a snapshot in order to understand it as a whole; And the putting it into context of the whole of your soul.

You navigate through lives trying to balance the two; among other methods and means, in the desire to know yourself. Each leads into the other and are better meditated on together rather than separately. To your soul, this is a good thing.

Finding harmony

"Finding harmony between the Spiritual and the world's demands is among the greatest of challenges. Only achieved when we realize there is no demand and that the world is Spirit--all are One. All is but the journey to see individuality of love within the One. To focus on demand is to forget this. Forgetting causes separation from your neighbor. Only by remembering that you are of Spirit will you remember that you are all Spirit, all in this together."-- Voices of Spirit

Love and Service:

Of the nature of the soul;

included, are two aspects.

Often one is borne into or of the other. Like thought and emotion, they combine physicality and the spiritual. They combine reality and perception into the existence of experience.

Like thought and emotion, Love and Service carry components made up of energy. A counterpart to our physical senses that are just as real not only beyond our perception, but through other dimensionalities that effect all that is.

Love through service is an ideal that many souls strive to make into a purpose within their incarnated lifetime. What sidetracks many is that they grow to feel that they have messed up by a lack of love through service. They end their lives feeling like they made no difference, or that there was nothing they could have done to be of service. They did not see the opportunities for service, and then think and feel that they are less than.

This could not be further from the truth. This is because love and service are a form of energy. Not just physical. Service does not have to be of a physical nature. All that is necessary to show love through service is to understand this.

Just as thought and emotion are energy, so too are love and service. Married with proper intent, love through service is nothing more that projected thought and emotion. Don't believe me? Look at someone around you having a hard time with life. Look at someone who is distraught, look at someone who feels loss, look at someone in need. Go to them, smile, and tell them you love them and let them know you care. That is service through love. That is an energetic action manifested in the physical. If you are unable to find such a situation, or find yourself unavailable, look to those that make you uncomfortable and situations that repel you. Ask yourself why; what about that situation makes me feel that way? Is there anything in that I can help myself see that which is good, that which is love? Is there any way I can change my thinking to help me feel more at ease? This also is a form of energetic service.

These actions taken upon yourself, simple though they may be, and though they may be purely of emotion and thought... they too, are love and service to others. Just as action taken in physicality is of service, our thoughts and emotions carry energetic power through our realities and across dimensions to reach other souls we interact with.

The actions, thoughts, and emotions we experience pave the way for others experiences thus altering how the ALL perceive reality and interact within it. Your thoughts and emotions directed to others can be life changing!

Lastly, for those with greater self awareness; Love and service has an even greater potential component. Using that part of you which is spiritually connected, be it healing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, energy work, prayer, ect.. ; for you, love and service can be energetic to a great degree. The more consciously aware you are of your energy bodies the more you can direct your conscious and unconscious interactions in and through the spirit realms. Dreams, travelers, healers, teachers, and guides you can be. Conscious and unconscious you can direct your energy to the healing and service of others through your realized love. This is part of the shift of the soul. This is part of what it means to move back into awareness. ---Inspired by Spirit

The end of my First Year!

June 17, 2011

It's now been one year!

One year since my reawakening to awareness of Spirit. What a year. . . Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever ever thought this would have happened to me, ever. Before this, before my conscious reconnection to my guides; I thought I was either haunted, crazy, and cold dead inside. I suppose to many that's still up for debate (grin-laugh). What started as a way to document the scary paranormal has turned into co-experienced journey of spiritual remembrance. I am so grateful for those who have helped me along the way. Both incarnate and dis-incarnate. Each month of the past year, has been unexpected and each experience has seemed to build on the previous. I am still not sure where this will all lead me, and what exactly I will end up doing with it all. I've really refrained from seeking that answer so far... I strongly feel this is something that has to flower and be explored by doing, not knowing. I've always felt this way. Like I am being herded, driven, to a destination not yet remembered. Driven to learn, remember, do, and share. It has been very scary on many levels and I feel that I have a long way to go. My guides have said, wait, there is more to work through yet to come. But what amazes me about the look back is that from this new perspective is that drama, problems, and scary experiences of life now seem very trivial and easy. I think that's because I've realized that the more I go looking for who I really am, the less real the past, present and future seem, in so much that I am so much more than my experiences, that I am not ever alone, and life and those I share it with are beautiful. Thank you all for letting me share my journey.

What you don't like about yourself

What you don't like about yourself, what makes you uncomfortable is a secret weapon. Look it head on and focus on it. How do you change these feelings? You can fight, surrender, come to a compromise, or change your perspective. By looking at the why's of any emotion as it pertains to your feeling about feelings and your experiences is the key to this weapon. Successfully used you will breach walls of illusion and discover more of who you really are. This is an aspect of awareness.

Inner sight

"The inner sight, the mind's eye is the dream realized through the conscious awakening, to the truth of your Spirit. Every awakening is different and unique as every soul in creation. This inner vision is the dream, it is the clairvoyance, it is the knowing that you can manipulate your vibration in the context of visualization. Perception is only limited to the boundaries you set for your existence. Normally, the incarnate is limited to the conscious perception of one visual input at a time. That which comes from the flesh of it's organ. But buried within the cellular structure lay the energetic connections that married with thought, belief, and action, enable the incarnate to manipulate it's energy to perceive with it's ethereal and astral organs. This is a joint effort of the soul and personality between planes of existence and the connections in between. Also unique in every individual, the power of this perception is defined by the state of being of one's Spirit and the higher self's desired focus. The real method of this focus is emotional intent. Emotional intent within ones state of being is the focus of life. From this, thought is borne into all action. The course and quality of your active emotional thought has bearing on what you perceive, both in your created realities and in the mind's eye." ---Voices of Spirit.

Spiritual journaling

One of my guides once said through a colleague of mine, "When you write out the revelations given to you, you are actually working them out, thus, you are also allowing the emotions you feel at the time to have a safe outlet."

This is very commonly suggested to those who communicate with their guides. Not only is it a great way to do the above, it also develops further channeling, or clairaudient communication.

Here is a sample of one of my channeling journals. I encourage everyone to take part of Spiritual journaling of some fashion.


Jason to my guides (Erik is included in this conversation)

J---"I wish motivation came in a bottle..... Every bottle I try only makes me want to sleep. I've been told, I've had problems with finishing what I start in past lives. My response was, "Hell, I can't even seem to get started".

Guides to Jason:

G---"You have to really want to start."

J---"But I am tired..."

G---"No, your scared. All you have to do is start, and keep trying."


G---"No butts"

J---"Heh heh, you said butt.."

G---"Yea, sometimes I want to kick it. If you don't get back up your gonna give your self a guilt trip and then we have to listen to you whine. It's not that you don't want to work, work for others, or work in your best interests it's that your tired, scared, burnt out, in pain, and don't want to look. All of which is fine, but know there will come a time, you want more again. And then you'll be right back here. You know what you should or shouldn't be doing, you just want us to tell you what to do, when to do it and how much. That's entirely up to you. Work on that and get back to us and we'll work on guiding you there".

J---"What if I just want to sleep and ignore everything?"

G---"You can do that as well, but you have to deal with what will come of it. Do you suppose to think you will have an effect-less life? There are consequences to inaction as well as action. You think your the first person who stewed over doing right by themselves and others? Think on it. There is always time. Past, Present, Future; but the best time might be now. Are you willing to find out?"

Heal you, heal the world.


When the whole world and everyone you know needs healing how do you decide where to start?


"You start with your heart, your head, your feelings within your current moment. Now, here, this second. Only by fully knowing and understanding all of who you are, and working to heal those parts of you that make you uncomfortable can you begin to effect healing others. Look it square in the eye and do not look away. Be brave. But do not worry. Do not be so scared. This is not a linear experience. You do both at the same time. Healing you heals the world! All is one, and All is energetic. The work you do NOW in this very moment changes not only YOU, but your place in your world. This alters everything that has a connection to you. The elevation, the filtering, the charging of this energy or the condensing, the solidification, the coloring you enable, will be felt by all. Though you may not be aware of it, you have it within you to so evolve your soul as to change the world. The work you do forges paths, clears energies, creates new trails, ignites great beacons, Your soul is worth remembering, Your soul is worth exploring, You can learn to express all of what your soul is capable of now. To Heal the world, to Heal others is to Heal you. Healing you is to Heal the world. When a world of souls engages in this type of desire, it raises the energy of the entire state of that life system. Causing it to experience ALL that is in a whole new way. This is good. Your wold will then move out of experiences of fear, and into experiences of Love." --- Voices of Spirit

In hardship we have the opportunity to reflect on who we are.

In hardship we have the opportunity to reflect on who we are... although often, unwilling or unable. It does not matter so much as there is always review on the other side. But the personality who can evaluate the self within the current experience can then make choices to alter the experience and ultimately who they truly are. To have conscious awareness of this, is one aspect, of being one with the Divine within you.

Thought is energy, emotion is the wellspring of soul energy. Communication with you burst forth from our will with unbound emotion and surrounds and propels this thought as if it were solid. Rushing to your personality's pathways a connection is made. Your receptiveness is one of acceptance, surrender and focus.

You soul is but a part of the song of All Heaven. Each personality has tones of symphonic dissonance and harmony. You ask our name, names are nothing to the sound of your soul. All know your sound, how do you wish to sound?

Lessons there are for everything. There is no reason to learn anything other than that of which there is to experience. Within that is the self realization of enlightenment, the knowing of one's self within the all.

Only by knowing your neighbors heart will you understand your place.

Very often Spirit when returned home, will have not yet remembered the physics of the state of being they reside. They will have forgotten that their soul vibrates at a certain speed and it is known by such. But their base etheric body will be first to remember. Unconsciously they will attempt to navigate but know not how. Tossed about on the winds of heaven they will become disoriented. To reorient takes work. In such states, new arrivals will become saddened on their seemingly lack of ability to return to those they love. Some may experience difficulty matching vibrations of those they left behind. Such experiences can be overcome through guidance and experience, and of course remembering. This is part of our work. The return to self can take time. Do not loose hope. Once the return is complete the return to you can begin!

Just as your name has sound so too your soul. Just as your name has an image, so too your soul. The beauty of art, the simple symbol or the crude slash, could be you.

When you combine thought with image you move your intent in powerful force. Your personality is a channel for your higher self and your intent will push through the strongest storms of your life.

Like attracts like. You state of being, your state of mind, your words, your thoughts are a powerful attractor to all Spirit. High and dense states. Don't be scared. Most do not care, nor do they listen. Only true love or true fear seek companionship. Your loved ones hear because they wish to. Those in darkness hear because they do not hear their heart."---Voices of Spirit

Energy workers: Letting go of worry.

Just for today I will not worry. The Reiki mantra holds special meaning for those who practice healing modalities. Often times as a practitioner evolves, learns, and moves through a healing tradition they will become more Spiritually aware of a special feeling of responsiveness to those in need. Many times especially in the beginning, this feeling is amorphous, nebulous and can be somewhat uncomfortable. This is natural and it is your spirit's consciousness attempting to facilitate healing through the physicality of your body. By being focused on the world around you in the 3D body it is easy to unconsciously live through this experience and precieve it as uncomfortable. What this means is that you might feel overwhelmed, sad, tired, a feeling of longing, feeling like you are less than capable, feeling that you should do more, that you've not done enough. You might feel that all the world needs healing, how can I help, it's all too much. So many people, how and where to start... how do I manage...

Know this, these feelings are normal. It means that you are connecting to the parts of your higher self that wishes nothing more than to serve others. It is balancing this within your 3D reality that is the key to managing your feelings. Balance is a funny word because Spiritually it is the point between action and inaction of the self through the experience. My Spirit Guides have taught me that one balancing point is that of Intent. By closely examining feelings which make me uncomfortable I can make choices that would require mental or physical action or I can stop, let go, and surrender to that which I can not effect in the moment of now.

When it comes to a healing modality, service is often best achieved when it is specifically asked for. Another way it is achieved is when attention is brought to bare through an emotional response or a reaction to someone or something in your immediate environment. These needs are usually of a known quality. Obvious. And healing can be addressed in a prompt fashion. If you are aware of it and feel Spiritually called, the action can be taken with assurance. All else that you do not know how to deal with can be dealt with through physical inaction.... to let go of that which you can not effect today. BUT...........

But, Letting go of this worry does not necessarily alleviate the feelings you have in regard to the need of the world! WHY! Why indeed! Because I, you, the whole human race is capable of so much more than that which is in the perception of your physical reality. By expanding what your idea of what is, you can achieve healing by just changing the intent of your very state of being!

Yes, you can! Look at the light being of your soul. Look at it and know your personality carries this being with it. You are NOT separated from the totality of all you might become, all of who you are! All that is required to facilitate the change required to quench this uncomfortable desire is to flip the light switch of your light to ON. Flip it on and HOLD onto the healing light that emerges. Picture the Universal healing energies that emanate from the Divine Source and visualize it traveling at you under the universal TONE of Love in radiating glowing white waves. With this Visualization KNOW that you are capable of receiving it through your INTENT. This Knowing is to channel it. Feel the waves hit your light body and surrender to it's healing flow. Let it radiate through and around you. Let the love and light fill you. Let it radiate around you like a great light. It's color matters not, only your intent matters. Know this, by holding on to this with the intent to radiate healing will your discomfort dissipate. Through your intent to hold and radiate love, healing, and light, will it's intelligent energy go to where it is needed. Into the Earth, around the world, and filling those around you in need, it will go..

As a healer with held intent, you can switch on the channels within your Soul that can change the world. This is some of what it means to be a light worker. Heal yourself, heal the world.

Many people are worried about Erik being too busy to interact with them in a Spiritual way. They would like to ask him questions, or they seek advice, or desire help learning, or seek help with facilitating communication. Or they would just like his help in his capacity as guide, or some other assistance. While he is very busy he'd like to remind everyone that Spiritual communication is not bound by space time of our linear existence. That your thoughts will be heard; and that even if his focus or activities prevent an interaction with you, that your message will reach it's destination. You all have guides and angels who will step in and fulfill this role. No one is alone. Sometimes your intent may need to be examined in proper context. Which might explain communication problems. Remember a key aspect relating to guides and angels in our lives... "Speaking to one, is speaking to all". So if you are in need and worry about a Spiritual connection. DO NOT worry. You are heard... The universe wants to help you, Don't feed it your wants or you will want more... feed the universe what you know when you are in the moment of now and it will respond... Rather than lament what you desire....incorporate this want into a knowing, and the universe will move around you creating a new reality within your vibrational state of being.

Random experience: Objective voice

I just got out of meetings at work. Then I had a fruit smoothie and was gonna sit outside and read, but it is so windy and hot, it is like a blast furnace! And the tent caterpillars are so thick outside, Looking at the ground made me wanna throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Now I am BORED Bored board.... I have work to do, but I am cranky and have a big case of the "I don't wannas".... I also have non-work work to do with the spirit gang, but I am not in the mood for that Either! They are sooo not helpful when I get like this.... They either try to remind me of my self imposed sense of responsibility or tell me to do what I want.... or Erik goes all smart ass on me and starts saying things I can't repeat in public.......I wana sit around on my end, play with my dog and watch the weeds grow! How horrible is that?!

Oh, I do have something interesting to tell you about. This morning I woke up at 4 am or so... and I saw pre dawn daylight.. so I said to my guides and angels,... "Hey guys, I've got another hour to sleep, I am gonna turn off my alarm clock and can you help me wake up so I am not late?" (cause I don't like the alarm cause of the dog)... So at 5:30 or so, All of a sudden I am woken up out of half sleep to a voice originating from the middle of the bed around my arm pit level saying, in a higher pitched male voice, "What time is it?"......

I snap my eyes open and look at the clock and say, I've got 15 more min. Thanks for waking me up!

This sort of thing happens from time to time. The words vary as well as the origination point, but the distance from my body never varies. I think it is within my aura... Also sometimes it's a female voice. It sounds sort of hollow and tinney as if on an intercom.


Sooo... This made me think of an article I had been writing on "objective voice" phenomena.

The non-electronic method or objective spiritual voice.

According to George Meek and my own experience and from my guides.

Objective voice phenomena is when it sounds like the presumed spirits voice is originating externally from empty space, outside of the observer/listener.

This is one example-(process) of how this can work:

1) The entity condenses and contracts a part of their energy. Usually this is a tendril. This contraction can feel to the 3d observer as a thickening of air pressure. Often the air around the tendril will seem to go slightly opaque and shimmer. The tendril is then placed within the incarnates aura in proximity to the point of direction the dis-incarnate wishes the manifestation to originate. (ie. in front of someones face, ear, or body).

2) The Spirit gathers the strong will and desire to speak.

3) The must consciously choose the words to convey and the thoughts required. If not carefully planned, communication will be brief, abrupt, and-it might-be confusing, or trivial, or misunderstood.

**To some in Spirit-communication for not spiritual purposes is frowned upon, for others it is an amusement.

4) The Spirit must recall how they "think" their voice sounded at a specific time of life they are trying to project. This is taught to them or they learn through experimentation.

5) They visualize lips moving, and vocal flesh moving. This is not necessary but it increases the power of their concentrated energy.

6) They project their personality into the energy tendril within the aura. If resistance is encountered OR, they have trouble lowering their energetic vibration, they need to consciously create a vortex from their state of being to the incarnates reality and move their energy through it to the aura of the incarnates.

7) Once the connection is made, They gather energy from either; the observers energy field, the energy field of the etheric plane of the observers reality, or their own personal energy or some combination of; then they overlay their visualization on the condensed energy and push their thought energy through it.

8) At which point, sound will be heard externally in the room to the observer. Because of the possible processes in play, the sound will likely be slightly distorted. It may sound like it comes from an intercom, or through a paper towel cardboard tube, or some other odd feature or from a distance. It greatly depends on the degree and quality of all the energies involved.

So you can see why such communications are not more common and tend towards subjective manifestations. Note; the higher the Spirit, the more energy available for use. And the more Spirits involved the greater the clarity. That's why physical mediumship circles have such successes. There are also a number of 3d environmental factors that might come into play...

The energy is a modulated wave function that has to pass through different atomic densities and subjected to the particles of the specific realities it passes through. Which is the reason for the distortion, sometimes tininess quality of the sound. The more spirits involved, and or the greater energy brought to bear, the clearer, or less distortion there is. One way of increasing the power level is to harness emotional states. Great love, great desire, purpose, urgency, or anger, ect.

There can be other sounds of course. And that is often related, but many times not....

I know some sounds are caused by Spirits energy expanding and contracting rapidly and other times it is the sound of energy moving through matter as well as through vortexes. Like raps from thin air.

snapshots within lifetimes

It is good to remember that insight into future life from the soul's point of view is but a snapshot of posibilites most likely to occur at that moment. Moment to moment is subject to the cause and effect of the personalities decisions and interactions with others. All those in Spirit are not privy to such complete knowledge. The move experienced, and evolved the Spirit, the more it can see through the myriad of possibliites. Sometimes, what seems a certainty is but a plan of desired probabilities.There are many paths to a destination, some routes are chosen on a whim, some are chosen at the last moment, and some are chosen for us with permission. In the end, what will be will be, what has been has been before, and what is will be yet again. This seems to say that life repeats itself, it does but not for the individual, it's purpose changes using the same tools.

Waiting for Permission.

For me one of the biggest barriers to spiritual growth has been waiting. Waiting for permission, waiting for advice, waiting for the right moment, the right time, the right circumstance, the right people, the right feeling. To wait is to use an emotional tool. A modality to look without the present self, and at one's perceived reality. It refers to a period of time spent in inaction. But when used as a descriptor it mean remaining available for use, to remain ready.

I have found that when I look outside of myself I am responding to an emotion of desire, the desire of ready anticipation. Within that anticipation resides a fear of inadequacy, a fear of worthiness, a fear of criticism, a fear that I am not truly ready, and a fear of failure. It is a sneaky way for my lower ego to defend the personality of this body.

My higher-self, my soul knows it is ready and willing to do more, explore more of myself and who I am. It knows risk is relative to the perception of my life choices within cause and effect. So it allows a pause of inaction in the hope that such contemplation, be it nervous or calm will redirect my outward vision to one of inner exploration. To examine the feelings behind the waiting. By exploring the emotional root of waiting, I will discover new insights into my reality. When waiting increases my nervousness my soul is trying to call more attention to itself, when calm approaches, the soul is ready to move on.

Once this is realized, I know that I never needed permission to wait from anyone or thing, other than that of myself. The right time for giving myself permission is now. Now is the moment I look within myself. Within myself is the courage to live in the moment of now. The only thing outside of that are other's moments of now. Approaching moments of now together with others is the only right moment for truly living any reality worth living.

Shared love

Today I am grateful for shared love.

It made me think of time in recent past, and I wondered;

'Where am I in the falling dust of this wide earth, spinning around, blurry eyes and choking dirt, I tried to right myself under the noon day sun. I looked to the sky and my heart cried out in anguished pain. Help me! I collapsed in despair of lonely self judgement. Clouds moved over and gentle wind caressed my tear stained cheek. Shadow fell and I felt a moment of stillness. Inner contemplation moved me to sigh'.... In that moment I heard a voice in 'vision' that said,

"Who you are is now, and it is beautiful. This pain is the mirror of that part of your soul in reflection. It is the image of Love trying to find itself. Look up and out. Feel this feeling inside you and look out... Do you see those people.. can you imagine all the people in the whole wold? All have this moment, all at some point will have your present moment. To find the love of self, the self through love, within and without will redefine each and every soul that goes through it. You are not alone. The path you are on is shared, your suffering can ease pain. Go now and tell them about it. Everyone needs to know they are not alone."

Some Thoughts on channeling

Early thoughts on the channeling tutorials I am writing for the CE community:

Some of the most important aspects of Spiritual communication are:

*Know that it is possible

*Believe you are able

*Setting Your Intent

*Surrender that Spirit has your back

*Begin (an ever evolving process/technique)


*Open yourself to remember


Questions to ask yourself:

Where does the seat of consciousness reside? Where from does thought come? How about emotion? When you say 'the mind' what do you see? How do you see yourself? When you think of yourself what do you see? What is your perception of who you are in relation to the rest of the universe? How do you think Communication is enabled or exists in the Spiritual realms?

I'll tell you; I believe that thought and emotion are Spiritual communication and are as natural as all things of God. I believe the seat of consciousness AND the mind are not of this body. I believe I am a Spirit. I believe I have it within me the Divine born right to explore communication with all of God's creation. I believe fear is often culturally created and has no place in my interaction for Spiritual guidance for the greater good under the light of Heaven. I believe communication is about intent. I believe the Universe does not care how this occurs but it will give me what I want if it advances my soul for the greater good. This does not mean that I march blindly into the darkness.... No! It means I take the hand of my guides, angels, and teachers under the light and go forth with open eyes staring in wonderment of all the possibilities. The Universe is vast, I want to see what I can. Do you believe that the Source of ALL that is- has a limit, do you believe that LOVE has a limit for your life? No, I do not believe it does...

That said, I think everyone is capable of communication with Spirit to some degree, in some capacity. And there are many many ways to do so... It simply requires dedication, work, intent, and faith in yourself, your guides, your angels. Now your intent will greatly effect the results of your endeavors... Spirit is not some performer to speak on demand, or engage your fancy. Purpose will also influence. Do you wish communication for entertainment or fun; Do you wish to limit yourself to proofs of existence of an afterlife? Do you wish for guidance, or do you wish to reconnect in love of past associations? Or are you influenced by fears. Respect, and courtesy is of the most utmost importance.... The golden rule is vital in communications. You are just as much a Spirit as that which you wish to interact with.

-just me pondering,

Q & A w/ Erik:

Feelings of Spiritual awareness

"I sometimes have trouble with my feelings of association between my place in my spirit family and friends and my earthly family and friends. I wish the two could seamlessly mesh, but they can't due to things like distance, and 3D history. Never mind that in all cases I am precieving only a small fraction of reality, and who everyone really is. I know I need to really focus on me, not them. It's hard to juggle it all."

Erik says,

"Oh, Dude, Damn straight it's hard... It's damn hard... ha ha ... damn.. damn damn... (hand on mouth rolling w/ laughter)... OK, look, Damn is what I said when I started remembering... When you come back and realize just how much people are blind, blind living in their bodies, doin their thing. and Trying as hard as hell to remember what the hell they are suppose to be going through,,, and WHY,,, wtf! It's such a trip. And then you go; Oh yea, shit that was me! Damn.... Well, look, it's like this. The whole point you feel so disconnected is because in most cases it's supposed to be that way... You have to have it or your not going to immerse yourself enough to get out of it what you wanted! It's like a little kid.. right? Your a toddler. right? you wanna learn to walk, you wanna feed yourself, you want talk for yourself, you wanna know what's outside that front door. But all you do right now is shit yer pants.. (laughing).. Now you look to mamma and pappa, you look up to them, and you see them as some mysterious love beings that take care of all your needs... but you wanna just DO for yur self, Right? Ok, well are your parents gonna teach you, protect you, or let you on your own? Or are they gonna try to create a balance to help you learn, grow and protect you, so that you, you, can create the best you as possible?... Those little moments in the now, like pulling yourself up on the mantle or bookcase to take your first step, and what that feels like IS all about what life is! "

Q & A w/ Erik:

"E- I feel weird,

"E- I feel weird, I feel weird about how I feel. It feels like I want to feel something I don't think I should feel."

Erik says, "Feeling stuck in the moment? Feel weird? Like you got this funky sense of embarrassment, shame, or uncertainty... almost like your letting some unknown force or person down? Your not being selfish in asking, 'what the hell'. . Your not being weak.. your doing what your suppose to. Question who you are. It's good. Your getting a peek at what your soul wants. You have plans, goals, you want to know things about yourself and grow from it.. You are fine. You will be fine. This is normal. Now go live in the now and embrace who you are."

Going it alone:

I have found in my life that overcoming anything requires strong action based thought. The degree of which should be equal or greater to that which is overwhelming. And it is best achieved if such action is reapplied in a methodical planned out way in-spite of any future feeling. A strong foundation is not built by desire alone. It is not put to good use through simple observation. It must be built upon over time. It must be then used and kept in repair. This is true with our experiences.

As in construction, your life will be defined by preservation, expansion, or decline. But to renew takes constant work, dedication, and planing.

These are all processes of the human condition. A commonality to humanity. At it's best we empower each other in the self creation of bodies of grandeur. At it's worst we tear down and and loot. We can over overcome this cycle by becoming neighborhoods of self sustainability. Each building built with the greater good in mind. How will we serve our neighbor in this effort? Only by joining to raise our roofs will we create structures to stand through the tests of this life.

To deny that we need others can be so painful. No one like thinking they are not capable of building and creating their life on their own. Even though they might be good at plumbing, or electrical, or pounding a nail, even so they frequently do not have the blueprint in hand. They lack the full muscle, and strength to finish all of the work by themselves. They've not stepped back and seen the progress of their house. They are trapped between the studs trying to hold the creation of what they see.

Only by raising our awareness of our self and our place within All that is; do we realize that we can not do it alone. We should not have to "go it alone"...

Do not go alone.

Going it alone in life will hurt

Hurt is not necessary

Let go

Ask for help

Hold out your hand

Help will come

Perceiving others within and without our experiences

We come into this life family of some sort. We are surrounded by people. We are born into communities, societies and many would say surrounded by love, both seen and unseen. It has been said by some, that this happens for a purpose, a reason.

If you believe this concept, there are generally two camps or schools of thought. Those that believe this purpose comes from A Deity; And within this purpose are plans. Within these plans you perceive and experience life with varying degrees of free will and Spiritual Awareness of your self within God. Then there is the camp that believes this purpose comes from, ourselves. That we in conjunction with Spiritual help, choose our lives, associations, and goals within life plans. Then within varying degrees of Spiritual Awareness, we live life.

Personally I belong to the second camp, or school of thought. I believe that the perception of dualities are used as tools in conjunction with varied levels of self awareness to engage in cause and effect. The emotional, mental, and intellectual experiences we take from our lives will allow us to come to an understanding of "who we are" and through us all of Heaven explores the concepts of "who am I'. This is an original creative process that leads back to the Source of all Creation.

But this is neither here nor there other than knowing this is a shared experience. We are never alone. We are part of a whole and the whole is part of and within each of us. And how much of what we perceive varies radically depending on our life goals and their interactions with other people's life goals. Whether we are aware of this or not dictates how much of our experience is shared with others, how much is influenced by others, and how much our experience influences the world around us.

Many times in my own life I've become stuck on how I perceive others within my life and outside of my experiences. I find myself obsessing and focusing too hard on how I interpret others opinions of me and my experiences. I have a fear of others reactions to my self precieved image. Again as I mentioned before, I fear a loss of self. And, that image and perspective is woefully incomplete.

I fear a judgement of this incomplete image. But on further exploration of this feeling I see that, I really have nothing to fear, because I can not loose what I do not yet understand. The self. My perception of self is not yet fully developed.

That is what I am exploring, seeking with all my might to discover. TO know myself. I fear an interruption of this process, but it is pointless because this process to know and discover myself is Divine. It can not be interrupted or taken away. It is eternal. And can it ever be fully discovered? Is there a limit to self discovery? Is there a limit to who we might become, or be? Do you want there to be a limit to who you are and how you experience and to what you might experience? What limits will I set on myself. I guess I fear at times, to find out. I fear the perception of others setting limits for me. I fear others telling me what their limits are for fear that those might be applied to my life.

NO, never fear the journey of the self. There are NO limits other than that which you set for yourself. The only limit is the cause and effect within the karma that you create for yourself. What are my choices WITHIN my state of being, how can I change my state of being. To me, It is all a choice one way or another. How you react, how much work you undertake to understand yourself through experience. Now; you don't have to experience, you can just BE and then you ARE.. But you won't really understand who you are within ALL that might possibly BE.

Now, this is all moot if you don't believe or accept that before birth you do decide, plan, or choose your life. For those that do not... I have no words.. I only have words on my own perception of my experiences. For me; Life is not about the experience. Life is about the "Emotional and Intellectual understanding I take with me through my experience. That aspect of the experience that helps define Who I am, right now in the moment, knowing that I am an Eternal being seeking to understand All that is.

ps. all this is still a struggle.. I am not sure our struggles ever totally leave or get better... only our understanding and ability to manage it grows. Our mastery of it increases...

Protecting Your Image.

One of my greatest struggles has been with how I precieve myself in life. Part of this involves how I see myself in the world. Not only in physical sense, but mentally, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. Combined, this defines my image. And most of the time this is horribly incomplete. Who am I? And how do I know? It can all be a bit overwhelming and I fight the urge to clutch what I think I know and protect myself from what I don't know or think I might know. Most of the time I find myself returning to quiet moments of introspection where I realize I know nothing. In those moments all I know is the present moment. Then I wonder, what the hell am I protecting and what am I protecting myself from.... it must be something or I wouldn't have had such an emotional reaction to a particular experience or person.

Well it turns out there is no image and there is nothing to protect. There is only the feelings within the experience and the thought it generates. What I learn, discover, and take from any of this is what really makes up who I am. If I encounter something I don't like or feels uncomfortable I think perhaps I might need to look closer at it and figure out why and how it relates to me rather than make a value judgement about it before I finish the experience. I think these incomplete judgements within aborted experiences is the root cause of a lot of my discomfort with my image at any given time.

I wonder if just simply trusting that I am who I am, within who I want to be in any given experience; And as long as I keep saying, "Who am I". I'll be more open to guidance. Through which I'll move into greater manifestations of love. As I experience more of love, the more I'll like my current perception of my image.

The permanence of Love

"Do you believe in the permanence of Truth? Do you believe in the ability of love to be a Truth? Do you believe in the permanence of Spirit? Do you believe in the Spiritual nature of Love? Then do not fear the permanence of Love. A mutually connected Truth in Love never dies. Know this. To doubt the power of your love is to limit who are. To rediscover this can be one of the greatest joys of Spirit in Transition. Why wait?"--Spirit

Thought and mind

"The mind resides in Spirit. Mind controls all reality. The degree of conscious awareness of the Spiritual self determines the limits of perception and thus the interaction with and the creation of self observed reality. Thought is the vehicle of creation. Fuel it with that which will carry you furthest. Carry passengers you wish to travel with. Care for it as long as you wish to drive. For In the Return, you will have created a reality based on your present thinking. It is better for you to remember some of who you are now. It's a simple matter of owning your intent. Someday you will fully realize and have vested interest in the power of your thoughts. Being aware of this personal power is to create form from will. The more experience you have with this, or the more emotional intent applied to these forms the easier it is to apply your will to realities. This can be applied to Spirit as well. This can be subtle influences, or waves of onslaught. This is why you have the huge range of influences in your life. Physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional. You are always dealing with influences. That is why it is so important to remember who you are. You are Spirit experiencing. Embrace your true nature, and work with those in higher spirit who have your best interests at heart to realize your full potential. Do not fear that which you do not understand. Do not fear unknown, unseen influences. You are an influence in your own right. There are limits on influence. Within each state of being the manifested aspect of the soul is bound within it's vibrational reality. Like attracts like. If you own your thoughts within your state of being you have nothing to worry about. Much of the time, your focus is too tight to lead you astray from your desired experiences. Just be yourself, Be who you want to be and trust that Spirit who loves you will lead you to where you need to be. Follow what truth is in your heart that is based in love and you will arrive. What does this mean for your present reality? It means to follow active intent with action to create your own personal reality. If done within your vibrational state of being you will create it."--Voices of Spirit

Spiritual Focus

Focusing on life is so hard.

Focusing too hard---is harder.

True focus is about looking at how you feel, think, and react within a particular situation. Then comparing that reality with how you precieve your highest possible self. If you only focus on goals; ie. what you want, desire, and think you need; if you make a list, check it twice and don't look up you will not be able to move beyond self-protection and self-promotion. You will not be able to fully engage in the process of doing. Nor will you be able to take part in helping others do the same. Which will exclude you from team efforts and shared experiences. But true personal success is always a team effort. And to lead that effort, you must look away from tight self focus. But still, as you've heard before; focus is good and desired and necessary to have a life experience; but too much focus can be bad. Better is to find a working balance. This can often take a lifetime to master. This is good.

ps.. where is the rewind and fast forward button for life.... lol

Moving back to Spiritual Intent

The ups and downs of mundane interaction between Spirit and the daily life. Moving back to Spiritual Intent.

One of the biggest challenges I struggle with is mindfully retaining or holding on to the perception that I am a Spirit living within a manifestation of a Spiritual reality. That there is more going on than what I can see, feel, or hear. Now granted for me, that's a bit more than many people; but I think that makes it so much harder. Much of the time I maintain an awareness of Spirit in a physical, visual, and mental whether I want to or not. Although a lot of the time I can ignore it. Especially when life is good, or when boredom sets in, or if I am in the middle of a bad attitude. And during these times I do this a lot! Some times I just don't really have anything to say. I know "they" are there and about, but because my perception is incomplete I don't even know what to say. So i ignore them.....

That is until... I get stuck. Or life takes an ill turn. Then quite often my reaction is to go into freak out mode. Where instead of turning to Spirit for help, I'll lock up my mind and let it churn over self pity, anger, depression or some other ill advised mood. What makes this even more weird is that during these times; Spirit (like E) tries to get my attention by attempting to move closer. The skin buzzes and mental pressure increases, ect.; but, still at times, I want to wallow. So I let my mind and attitude run away with me and I ignore them even more.

Then they are left waiting for me.... waiting to call on them when things get so bad I call for help, or I get myself out of it.

Well, Spirit would like to say to all of us here on Earth; "Please don't shut us out until you are in the dregs of life. We are here for you always. Not just in your darkest moments are we there; but we want to be apart and share the joys of your life. It matters not what your going through. We will be there for you. We will always be with you. Even should you ignore, shun, or simply be unaware of us, we will be there."

Here is something Erik said,

J-What do you want to say?

E-"There's not much to say anyway, it's just an observation really, but still true."

J-Ok, what?

E-"So, like I was saying the other night; youre no different than anyone else. I can't tell you how manytimes ya get into a mental state, where you totally ignore Spirit when life is good, but then go running for help when shit hits the fan. We havent' gone anywhere you know. We are here for you all the time. It'd be nice if you could wave at us from time to time when things are going good. We like hearing about the good times too! Not just a thank you, but a, I love you is good. I remember you, I am looking for you... still.. It's all good, we know how things are. We have the big picture. But sometimes we get stuck only communicating with you when you have your little freak-outs. Not saying that's bad. Cause then your focused again. Your not dumb, you know what's going on... Sometimes you need your space, and we give it to ya. But, dont forget, were not ignoring you. Were waiting for you. Sometimes, your just not in the right spot yet. Were doing our best to get you there, but that doesn't mean we've given up. So you shouldn't give up either. .. Oh and another thing that bugs.. people get in this funk thinking we can't hear them... Gaw.. if they only really KNEW what they are, what they are capable of! Serious... dude, you all are Spirits too! Your not trapped in your skull.. Get out of it... We can totally hear and see you. You want us to hear you.. WE DO! The moment you truly believe that you are not alone, the moment you know you are heard by, well,, anyone in heaven you want.. that's the moment you break free. Where people are getting stuck is that they are half in and half out. They've got one leg still stuck in the door, while their trying to keep from fallin on the floor. What happened is they cracked the door open, they shoulda opened it all the way.. And trust that there was another room to step into. That's just fear and shit eatin away at their locked up brains. They wanna label that other room and door and tell themselves, no- argue with themeselves, that.. noooo.... I cant do it... what if I am wrong... Well, Shit.. I'll tell you what... You'll never know unless you just let go and try.... Same with anything in your life... you gotta just let go and try... and if you mess, up try again.. same with all this Spiritual junk.... you gotta let go... just because tried it once and forgot, messed up, or got yourself into a funk; doesn't mean you can't go back. Going back to your Spiritual intent doesn't mean failure or renewal, it means you get to build on it an move into something powerful you want to create. Add to youurr your old intent and renew your power. So go back, and keep going back... and don't forget to wave hello. k-Lub ya"

Realize the moments

"What is all of history; what are all the tales of personal drama? Where does the story of life go when the last sunset falls on the life of a man? Is one story worth being told to the annuals more than another? What good are the tales of your life? What is the point?

The point is what each of us takes with us. Nothing else matters. What have you experienced to enrich your soul? What have you done to enrich one another? And of the two, what have you learned about your place in existence?

So, to some this sounds a trifle; a pointless blurp in the flow of forgotten time... But we tell you now, what value does a mother place on child's first laugh? What treasure is a first love? How glorious is the sunrise over the mountains or the sunset over the ocean? How does your heart swell when life is rescued from tragedy? These types of experiences are limitless in emotional glory and are but a drop in the bucket of the subtle glories of life!

Realize the moment that you are not alone. You, are each, lights in the darkness of self realization. Realize and be aware of your place in each others life. Only together in companionship can you share in the individual joys off all that is..."

---Voices of Spirit

Understanding unbound life

"The power of your experience lays in your understanding of it's meaning. Nothing can exist outside of it's own understanding. To do otherwise is to move without purpose, without true life.-- If so, then you live life for others purposes within their understanding. Live life for your own purpose and seek to understand it. All seek to understand experience. It defines them, it rules them. It drives creation. Humans seeks to label and categorize this process. But in doing so they limit their personal visions. They hobble their dreams with measured boxes of bound order. But the gift of light does not go forth from All Creation, from Source, from God in confined lines of context. No, it radiates in ever expanding waves of creative emotional thought. What limit will you allow this in your life? Mirror the waves of creation. Let it expand from you in unbound radiation. It is better to feel expanding love in ignorance than to bind oneself in ignorant self assurance. Truly new growth only comes from unbound light, unbound nutrition, and Divine love. Love will grow in bound containers but bound love is limited and experience is narrow. "

---Voices of Spirit

Memorial Day to all the departed

A Lament to Memory

The vision to march on under the memory of your love lives in my heart. The well spring of my joy is to meet the greatest vision of my highest self. I will not give up. I have much happiness yet to feel. I will gather it up and carry it to you. You will see; my love is greater than all this. Our love never dies. I will show you.

Only by following the love of Heaven, only by following my love for you will I move from the darkest night to the shining sun of life. I march on. Through cold, through snow, through harsh life, I go on.

When I looked up at stars and my desire burned for home, I saw the return to you. I longed not for the pain of this world, it's suffering through homeless hope. I longed for you. No drowning in old vengeance, healing form the knife wounds of agony, I know nothing more but, missing you. My heart has long marched away to your golden house in the heavens above. I only have to follow the trails you still set in my life and yet not lose my way. I follow your star, I follow the memory of your love.

May the memories of this national Memorial Day find you and your family in the fondest memories of everlasting love.


Hungers of life

"There was a hunger inside you, before you were born. It moved you to seek a place to eat. You longed to feast and sustain it. After you were born, you forgot this but still you were famished. You thought this might be thirsts of the flesh and you wondered if you could ever quench your urges. You lamented and tore your mind in search for satisfying your hungers. Some of you found nourishment, Some starved in search of nutrition. But for many, only after death did you realize all the while it was life you feasted on. Some to fast, some to gorge, and some found balanced meals. In the end all that was hungered for was satisfied. In the end you dreamed again for further meals of the flavors of life..."

--- Voices of Spirit.

Love knows no boundaries

"In the end we come to a great truth. We are nothing knowing little without each others experience. Each unique experience adds value to the shared understanding of who we are under the Light of Heaven. To worry about who is right or wrong is to belittle the perfectness of Creation in all it's possible manifestations. Such worry takes away power and shackles us to incomplete perception wandering in clouds of time. To let go of the correctness of self perception is to embrace the timelessness of the Creator. Do you doubt yourself? Then you doubt the perfectness of the Source of all Love. Love knows no boundaries." -- Voices of Spirit

How to achieve your Spiritual Goals:

Plan: -- Before you begin, you should have a sense of knowing where you are starting from. What, how, how much do you know? What have you tried already? Why? How did that make you feel? What more do you want? Who am I? The more questions you have the better. It reveals how open you are, and suggests the most possibilities of your experiences. But that doesn't mean you have to leave yourself out in the far field wandering away. Just pick something that interests you. Pick that which you feel passion about. Pick that which brings you joy!

Do: -- Go. Just do it.. So much of the time we loose steam. We get distracted. We loose drive. Our will power somehow seems to shrivel up and die. What was lofty and glorious plans; what was burning excitement and uplifted spirit gets flushed in a downward spiral of self indulgence and personal comforts. Nothing worth having appeared without at least a bit of strong intent. Now take that intent and swallow it. Just let it burn..... At first you may feel guilt over focusing so hard on it. But this inner struggle IS more than half the battle! Very often, in 20/20 hind-sight- IT, will have been the true experience. This is because you are creating the emotion, the drive, the original creative moment that will define your experience. This moment will add to who you are! Once you Do, Go, Try, Try again, Keep going; It will add something to your inner being that no one can take away from you. Never loose faith in what you are capable of. And never ever fear to ask for help.

Review: -- When you catch your breath. When you look back on action you took, (or did not take); Pause and contemplate what happened. Where were you? What did you do? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about others? About the world around you? Did anyone teach you anything? How would you have done it differently? If there was nothing you could have done differently, how would you change your thinking? How do you feel about each one of these things? And Lastly, what about the experience are you grateful for? And if it's all just too much and you don't know... then it's OK to say, I need to let it go for now and move on...... There is no time limit on looking back.

So all said and done. Take your Spiritual goals by single steps. Step by step by step. Plan, do, and review. If you get overwhelmed. Do one part of the whole- at a time. Baby steps will reach a destination the same as leaps. You must learn to crawl before you can walk. You walk before you can run. And once you get into the zone of running, anything is possible. Be it running with balls, leaps and bounds, or even flying! Work hard, try again, and never give up.

More on guide interaction

Sometimes people, especially those sensitive to it in an organized religion, those practicing mediumship, or even just in prayer...sometimes we lament when we feel that Spirit does not give us enough independence over our lives. I'd like to tell you that you are indeed heard... but, as so often the case, we forget to take charge of our choices, actions. This is because living a life is work. Full of intricate dances of action, thought and emotion in many subtle layers. And when we do forget, and then realize our life is becoming a tangled mess... we often blame Spirit for not looking out for us....Well, then Spirit just proverbially throws up their hands and say's, 'I thought you wanted more independence? Your in charge, if you want something you have to speak up... Your aware to a certain degree, use it!

I'll give you an example... the other day I had a burning desire to spend a bunch of money on a friend. I had all these cool plans and fun things I wanted to purchase as gifts... And I even tried to keep give myself reminders to go online and order the stuff. Well, For some reason I kept forgetting. It seemed like no matter what, the desire to take that action would always be forgotten at the end of the day... It was quite frustrating. But this morning on reflection, proper reflection of my finances and bank account; I realized that while I had the money to splurge; I had already spent way beyond my budget this month on my new dog; and if I wanted to maintain my stability, I did not have the funds to spend on my friend. At which point, my guides made an appearance and said,

"seeeee.... If we had not helped you forget, you would have let yourself get carried away.... We often work best with you subconscious and unaware mind to help steer and guide your life.... Now you said you didn't want help; but, see what would have happened if we had totally left you to your own devices? We have your back and will make sure to steer you on a better path. But now that you are more aware you can consciously state what you want, where you want to go, and what you want to do.... This is a team effort after all.... In life you are never alone."

Who you are

Would you rather get what you want or what you need? Would either of these fix some aspect of yourself? Which would you give up if you had to pick; need or want? You might not know which would be better. But; When you know that you are neither of these; They are nothing but unfilled cycles of desire; They will not change who you are. Who you are is the feeling inside you in this present moment... Only then can you move into a peace of knowing that is happiness.

This weeks random encounter

This mornings Erik report (ha ha)... is about a prank. I can't prove it was him per say or him just laughing about it.... But I have a C-pap machine due to obstructive sleep apnea. The air hose and mask attachment are attached by an extremely tight fitting rubber connector. I have to use two hands to attach them and detach them. I never unhook them, so that they can just hang on the bed post and be ready for the next night. When I reached up to grab my mask last night the mask was detached and I pulled it to me and the hose just sat there and dangled disconnected. Then I heard giggling and laughing....

Oh, and Erik was talking to my friend Sharon. through another medium and he mentioned that for those who are aware of their guides and Angels, that they would like us to keep in mind that we are in charge of our lives and they are not here to interfere unless asked. They are here to guide, advice, and protect. But for the aware or sensitive, this really needs to be initiated on our end. It would be good if tasks were assigned, requests made, and advice sought. He does say though that this does not mean they will be our organ grinder monkey and play fetch for us, or 'do the work' of life for us; but it does mean that as sensitivity and awareness increases we need to help by taking greater responsibility. And this includes asking, interacting, and consciously communicating with them. Even if we/you can not hear as you would like; they can---and will find ways of responding to you.

Oh and on a side note; Erik's already messed with the new dog. I was sitting on the couch the other day and just mindlessly flaking out. When all of a sudden I felt a spirit buzz my face and hand and then the dog does a dead stop and looks above over my shoulder and starts growling and barking and the goes crazy. I look up at where he was looking and notice the curtain moving back and forth and sense a presence there. I rolled my eyes and then heard laughing...

Sharon Wolf HaltemanWhat would we do without Erik and his mischief?! I love it. Yes, i was told erik needs a job otherwise he just stands around.. You know what they say about idle hands...

Reflections all

"All states of existence, all perception, all belief, all understanding, all knowing are illusion outside God Sources' own Being.

Your realities are but a reflection of that in Spirit. You exist only through the quality, the clarity of this reflection. You depend on the view of this refraction, it's unique vision, and perception. You seek recognition in the vision of your life.

Behind the veil of flesh your eyes only have the ability to see certain light. An incomplete spectrum cast upon poorly understood matter floating in a sea of unbound energies attracted to thought and emotion.

The strain of seeking the totality of all of this creates a sense of lost wandering of self fulfilling desire that is only quenched on the return to your true selves under the light of the ALL.

To wake from this illusionary state of being and realize that aspect of ourselves that is the source of the reflections is the opening of the knocked door, the return of memories that will bring understanding of our desires. The desire of God to know." ---- Voices of Spirit

The return to purpose.

"To the newly returned (to Heaven); come the fruits of desire. Self created illusions form realities of idealized wishes. This comes naturally as Spirit takes takes time to reconnect to the totality of it's soul-scape. Sudden enlightenment is not desired for then exploration of the self would not be possible. The nuances of knowing would be unfailing. As their energy departs the mortal coil it hungers for what was dreamed of inside the former life. This is passion bound with threaded thought and intensive emotion. It becomes the burning will, but it is a will of the past and is illusion within only a fragment of all you are. But do not fear, this is only transitory. Once your passions, desires, and expressions are worked out you will understand that progression is incomplete. You will desire more. Upon which point this world too, will melt away in second death and you will be reborn yet again with self evaluated purpose. It is within this purpose that you seek new experiences to explore who you are. It is only when you fully embrace and let the awareness of who you are, what you are, and all the possibilities granted to you are you able to move on to ever greater purposes." --- Voices of Spirit

This was about the Spirits return to the Heavens. About how it's a process of remembering their true purpose and awareness. For many when they first arrive they create their reality around them, but it-like earth is an illusionary world, only as their rememberance of all that they are, does this initial or astral projected creation melt away and they become aware of who they are and their true place in the universes. That then they can fully re-explore their nature, surroundings, and purposes. Which is then the point that some in Spirit choose to become guides, or learn more, or reincarnate.

This; I was told, is quite common. Which totally depends on a large number of factors. Almost all of which are wrapped up in emotional thought. The mind is quite powerful and when unleashed from the flesh can cause quite a number of difficulties. To this end, I was told then, that our prayers-thoughts-words to our departed, Angels, guides, in assistance to our recently departed do help! We here on Earth can be a light in the darkness for the newly departed.

From some of the things I've read and been told that the more aware we are of our Spirits and who we are and you know, all that Awareness stuff, the more impact we have on the world of Spirit in human flesh form... and also that at night while we dream.. we travel and work very hard to help wake up other souls in Spirits. That we become guides, guardians, and Angels of light rushing to those in need.

The power to change life can be about exploring emotion.

I was thinking about this on the bus last night. Thinking: how much of my life is spent re-hashing and mulling thoughts over why I don't like the way I feel. Which then my Spirit Teacher popped in and we had a little discussion...

"People always say focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. This is because what you focus on is what you will experience. But many times, what we don't want is really a certain emotion applied to an experience. i.e....

"I feel bad; I feel shame; I feel guilt; I feel pain; I feel betrayed; I don't like...etc." --about or over some aspect of our behaviors or thoughts. This can be an intensive self creating thought that is full of original creative thoughts. So since we are focusing so hard on it we will usually experience more of it.

This becomes something about ourselves we are not comfortable with... WHY?

.. WHY, is the key. We must fully explore and understand the root of our feelings to become comfortable with them. Until then we will have difficulty changing a feeling we don't like.

And sometimes we let others tell us what we don't like or how we feel. This could be through, Action, words, culture, beliefs, society and all culminating in discomfort for us. This is because when we look closer we actually desire that which makes us uncomfortable.... why... why... why...

Sometimes it is because the cause of the feeling actually describes us. It is currently a part of who we are. In some way it has become fundamental to our state of being. Now whether this is desired or not totally depends on what you want or what you allow others to create in your reality.

Right or wrong is irrelevant when placed against how all this makes you feel and what if anything you wish to do about it. Sometimes who you really are is just- fine, and, it is where you should be to experience that which you have desired to experience. If so; Then Own It. Other times it is a wake up call to explore and edit your current state of being. This editing will help you increase your awareness, thus enabling you to own or take ownership over how you decide your state of being should be.

Changing your reality can be easy or hard, but if you want to succeed you have to keep at it. Power to change your life comes from conscious awareness and exploration of the self!"--- Lessons with and from my Spirit Teacher.

The point of your personal power

"How you react to your experience. That is is the point of your power. What you perceive of the experience will form your belief. Your belief will define your experiences. How you choose to think about all this will define you.

Your reality can be an illusion of your making or a prison of circumstance. The choice is always yours. Either now or in the hereafter... Why wait. Choose now. The wheel of life on the spoke of love can be driven or it can ride you into the dirt. Steer clear of self created labels on an incomplete map. Open yourself up to a path that serves your greatest good.

Often the best path is to simply be aware of your thoughts. Your mind will make every effort to make rushed leaps of mental associations. Left to run rampet they will carry you away. Giving control to the lower ego of rampet emotion. Not that such passions are bad, but that they keep you from contemplating your experiences.

Then you are left with raw emotion or others defining your existence. To keep yourself from this can be done by simply deciding that other labels are not in your best interest. That contemplation on your reality is better."---My Spirit Teacher

The illusion of duality is the exploration of love

"Duality is real and illusion by it's very nature. It is tool born out of original creativity to develop and evolve the soul. Light and Dark. Useful to a point when exploring the diversity of all possible existences. But it too is but an illusion, a dream of unconscious Divinity. The reality is that ALL has the goal of the conscious realization of the Oneness of God. We are all connected, We are all independent unified expressions within the One. A drop bound eternally in an Ocean of fathomless cosmic LOVE." --My Spirit Teacher

An alternative thought on life immersed in certain hardships.

Wow, this is such a hard topic for me... But, I wanted to share something said to me, and my own experience with it as per my grandmother...

Sometimes we all think, ponder why some people are born into miserable lives. I've often wondered. And sometimes have gotten fairly mad and offended about it. Last week I was thinking about it again and I heard this from Spirit:

"Do not underestimate the "emotional experience, the feeling, and sensations" felt in the physical plane. The release from such experiences can rival any known pleasure. Sometimes, hardship, bondage, burdens, and the horrors of life are chosen simply to experience the rush of freedom. Be it in corporeal life or in the moments of transition. The rush of release can be ecstatic that is hard to simulate in Spirit." ---FC ~A Spirit I deeply respect.

I know such a statement is going to be hard to take by some people. But I tend to believe it. I remember what the Spirit Seth once said; Something along the lines of, "I once had a life where I was a woman in poverty with a ton of kids. Everyone kept trying to help me and make my life better, but it never worked. That is because I wanted to experience that type of life."

I also remember what my maternal grandmother said through Robert. That the reason she lived most of her life bound to a wheel-chair and bed with crippling arthritis and osteoporosis and other severe health problems was because she was a higher evolved spirit and one of the things she wanted to work on was exploring fortitude under physical restrictions. Later on, she indicated to me through my own personal experience that many times; although it pains them, that sometimes Spirit doesn't interfere because it would totally go against what our higher-self wished to go through, what it planed....For example, she mentioned to Robert how hopping mad and pissed she was when she found out how much fear my guides put me through in this life. Because one of the biggest things in this life I wanted to work on was Spiritual fear. Fear of all types. A few months ago I even asked her for help with an experience and she said no! That I had to work on it more!.

On a side note, when Robert channeled her. She told us that she wanted her wheel chair back! She was always complaining about that when she went into a nursing home! I did not tell Robert that.... There was no way he could have known, because I had totally forgotten about it! It was a major complaint of hers. One of much humor too.

Trust that you are heard=mindful communication

I don't make much a habit of traditional prayer. In the Western sense, I don't like to pray TO anyone. To me the word prayer seems rather one sided. Speaking to or sometimes, listening only....Although listening is good. Hearing is better... but, perhaps interaction is best?...

Rather I prefer to talk in the now, with those in Spirit as well as to live with mindfulness of Spirit. Source, God, The Light, Those in Spirit are not some esoteric abstraction. The perception of our present reality is the abstraction, temporary, and far more fluid than we realize. Spirit is the real foundation of existence.

With that in mind, I live in waking mindfulness of being the abstraction in the ever present reality of Spirit. It, is the reality, and I need not struggle to seek a connection. I simply surrender to Spirits ever bearing all encompassing presence.

Intentive thought based action creates reality and in my reality, Spirit of all just mentioned, is within me, without me, and all around me, always.

I simply accept and surrender to this concept and let it flavor every aspect of my precpetion. Even so, a great deal of this interaction, I do not understand, contemplate or see. I simply know. I know and trust that which I can not feel, see, hear, or understand is still there. I am being heard. I know I am a part of Spirit, and they are a part of me. There is no difference, only awareness in degree through experience.

As one of my Teachers once said to me, "The love in you is the love in me, Connect to what is already in your heart of hearts within the light of your soul. Connect to this and you will know that we are together." "Do not worry that you are not being heard. You are a manifestation of God, God lives in you, through you, and is you. You are not alone in the universe. Trust by my example, Trust in the example of all the Masters, trust that you are surrounded by Love. Love is all there is. Never worry, never fear, You are surrounded by love."

If you work hard at visualizing your goals, looking beyond any precieved troubles and focus on the details of who you really are in the face of problems, you are connecting to your divine creativity. If you do this work with unselfish devotion for the greater good of all, you will be living in that aspect of your highest possible self. You then approach those of us in Spirit. You move into love. Worry not, Trust that you will move through love. Don't just look for it. Know it.

Your reactions have spiritual effects.

"Your reactions to people have a strong spiritual effect. Your Spirit is emotion. It is emotion and thought represented in form. Your feelings channeled through action give an impression of who you are. This can be seen by all in the light of Heaven. Contemplate the intention of your highest self through love. If you can not act on this, then you might withhold your reactions for the greater good." ---Voices of Spirit

Spiritual visitation and the perception of consistency

To all the new blog members and returning blog members and those who are interested. There has been a return of perception of our loved ones in Spirit not being as communicative as we would like. I believe Elisa mentioned that it seems from time to time, that Spiritual visitations by our loved ones seem to tail off....

I'd like to share some of my experience and perceptions on the matter. I've channeled about it before. You can view some of the messages in the previous postings in the forum. But I'd like to share my take on after life visitations.

First, I'd like to say, that I firmly believe based on my experience and research that so called death is just as much about "Process" as anything in our 3D reality. Second, Just as they undergo intensive processes, so too, do we as grievers. These two processes combine and at times along our journey can become quite a tangled mess.

Here are just a 'few' of the steps.



What a poor label... Death is really about transition. Any given life is a tool that the personality of the higher self uses to experience. Personality, spirit, the soul is eternal. The experience of life that the aspect of soul just had never goes away. It is a part of who the entity is. Any attachment made of love, mutual love, or any emotional bond is retained. So much of the time, we view the departing spirit as leaving us. As departed, forever broken, taken from us, separate, and we are left lost behind. Nothing can be further from the truth. We are just as much Spirit as they are. To fully know this and use it as a tool is our forgotten birthright. For us still in the 3D death is the most painful and traumatic events we can experience. Because it is an impact on our emotions and bonds. To the Spirit making the transition is simply stepping on the bus to home. Both parties in the here and here after would be benefited to remember that both view points are tentative and temporary. There is no death and there are no dead.


Unfortunately the "Transition" is different for everyone. It has to be. Because everyone's is different, everyone's situation is different, everyone's experiences are different. Sure there are similarities, sure there are basics. But we in the 3D need to remember and hold in our hearts that ones persons after life communication doesn't have to hold true for another. What influences "knowing, understanding, and perception" of the transition? Belief, awareness, and perception. Within this is knowledge and understanding through experience. As you well know none of this is the same... Which is why we must hold on to patience through love.

** "with" vs/ Tuned into:

This concept is one of the biggest struggles for the incarnate. Specifically when dealing with loved ones in Spirit. Part of this stems from our lack of understanding of locomotion, physics, and communication in the hereafter vs... our 3D reality. When a Spirit first Transitions they will very often be fixated on those in the 3D. This is for a variety of reasons, it could be life review, it could be because of self created reality or genuine affection and love. Or other.... So because of that intensive focus they lower and condense their vibrational energy to move closer to our reality. This enables manifestions that we can precieve. So when this does happen, we get the impression that they are "with us" standing side by side in our reality. And as time passes, depending on our beliefs, perceptions, emotional and spiritual state, the feeling of "with us" will change.... or due to various reasons the Spirit begins to feel that we can no longer precieve them and they loose hope of communication in the near term. So they let go the denser vibration and return to a faster state of being. But, here is where we in the 3D get into trouble.... Thought creates reality. In Spirit most communication is done through emotion and thought. Much of the time, Spirit exists in "states of being" not physical places. So just because we can't physically sense them as we would like, does not mean they are gone from us. ANY emotional thought, transmits instantly. Like a lightening bolt. Unless they are blocking, they will always feel it. Now whether this can be a two way street and get back to us is another matter. There are all sorts of reasons why that may not happen.

**Attempted connection

This is natural. My personal opinion is that neither side should ever give up, where there is a connection based in love. And I believe in most cases, hope never dies. Because most in Spirit realize problems are just temporary. All in love will be reunited eventually. In the beginning of "Transition" the biggest problems involve emotion, perception, and belief. On the incarnates side intensive emotion can at times, create psychic walls that prevents undeveloped Spirit from drawing near. On the dis-incarnate side, the beginning phases of transition are heavily influenced by belief, perception, and experience. That is why some Spirits seem confused, why some seem off running around the universe, why some seem aloof, and others are right there. In any-case, while it's more complicated than that, and involves many more variables, any connection bond in love is retained and communication is attempted. We here in the 3D are best served if we just trust that it is so, and not get discouraged when it doesn't happen as we are aware of or expect.

**One sided communication:

For these reasons and more, communication often seems one sided. This is normal. Heck, this is even true for sensitives of all types. We often feel like communication is heavily one sided and that Spirit only spoon feeds us content... No matter. In the end there are only 2 choices. Keep trying or let it go. In this there is no right or wrong. Because what you think about it is so subjective. How you feel about it and how you participate with such an experience is totally up to you. If nothing else remember that no one person, nor no one spirit has all the answers. In Spirit the entity may persevere by passing along dreams and fleeting manifestations. In 3D you may pray, or talk to Spirit in tentative hesitant wishful hope. A better way is to embrace the concept that you/we are just as much a Spirit as those in the hereafter. If you Know this beyond a shadow of a doubt, communication can move away from one-sided endeavors to the many many methods of two way communication. This is and can be quite the process. Never give up.

**Creating awareness

One of the best ways to over come one sided communication, or heck even no communication is to create and develop our Awareness. This means being aware that we are Spirit having a physical experience. And that the "world" of Spirit is not some other place, but here now. Within us, around us, and all about. Through and through. We are not apart--- but A part of.

But creating and developing this as a daily part of our lives we enable thought and emotional patterns to set themselves up in our lives that facilitate communication. Then we are constantly aware that Spirit has untold methods of communicating with us, we simply need to key into it.

**Maintaining awareness

So now we know that Spirit communication can at times depend on Awareness. And that there are many variables that go into communication. On both sides for different reasons. So that said, one of the most important things we can work on is maintaining awareness that we are Spirit. Where a lot of people get into trouble is that they do not realize that this is an ongoing life long process. There is no right or wrong in this regard, only preserverence. There will be ups and downs, and that is fine. But we need to know the importance of try try again. Because just as we are not unmoving beings, so to with Spirit. It can be a lot of hard work. But in the end you have two choices, ignore Spirit-ignore your journey, or embrace everything possible. So whether you pray, meditate, do energy work, channel, or simply live with mindful intent, it's important, no vital to remember that you are no different that Spirit. You are Spirit and communication is within you. Its a process, There is no easy A in this or any aspect of life. Keep trying.


ALL is not but energy. Condensed, contracted, slow, fast, thought is energy and energy is emotional thought. Because of this this there are more manifestations of energy than any incarnate can possibly conceive. When we worry about our energy preventing communication we become lost in a cloud of misunderstanding and incomplete information. Information that in our current form we have not possibility of navigating. So what to do? What we all can do, is hold on to the awareness that energy, thought, and emotion create reality. Simply having the desire to learn about and explore you own personal energy is enough to set you on an appropriate path as it pertains to communication. You will be led to where you need to be. Holding the desire to manifest your Spiritual energy is enough....

**Maintaining vibration

Vibration is just a fancy word for "state of being" or the state of your Spiritual energy. And Energy is always in motion. You are always in motion, a great work of progress on a great journey on the path of your choosing. To maintain that is quite simply the desire to have the greatest sense of personal awareness of your reality as you can within your experience. There are untold ways to work on this. It matters not which one you pick, Simply doing with intent, will set you on your way. This process opens you up to more communication with Spirit.

**Ups and downs of energy

Even so, There are ups and downs of maintaining your energy. This is frequently emotion based. This is normal, natural, and expected. Even on both sides of the veil. There are techniques and things we can do to return to and find balance. Finding balance will make communications easier.

**Callings, work and education.

One aspect of communications not often thought about is that it often depends on understanding of realities. You can't understand something until you know of it. And you can't Know it until you experience it. So with us, so to with Spirit. Communication difficulties can happen if a Spirit simply doesn't have the knowledge or experience to communicate. To find out how, they may become engrossed in education, work or a called vocation to enable the experience. The problem is that we often don't know this. And no Spirit necessarily tells us this. There are so many reasons this may happen. But it is a possibility. But know that our thoughts and feelings still reach them. So if we are patient communication will happen.


Given this new work in Spirit (or even through your own work!).... Spirit will enter a new phase of existence, and you may find that communication attempts return. You are not forgotten, nor were you ever; There is simply new awareness at work.

**New awareness

With new awareness comes the desire to progress, but this does not mean progression AWAY from, but progress encompassing MORE! Remember you are more, they are more, Spirit is more than you could ever imagine. With more, nothing is lost or left behind. If you never give up hope you too can participate in this progression. No matter how high a Spirit may become, "They" always have ways to reach you. It is but perception that suggests otherwise. Have you any doubt that The Highest of Heaven has limits? So then push fear from your mind. You will never be alone. Love knows no limit.

**There comes a point when it's up to us to no longer rely on Visitation, but to treat it like any long distance relationship. Through progression we eventually reach a point where we are able to leave the nest. No longer do we have to rely on Spirit manifestations. We become able to meet Spirit half way or even go all the way to Spirit. The human brain is an quantum electro magnetic computer that helps facilitate our Spirit interacting with 3D reality. It is fully capable of Spiritual communication. This can happen through a myriad of techniques, but when you are aware that it is possible. Those in Spirt will often try to find ways to encourage this. And at times, if we fall back on our old selves we can forget and become re-enmeshed in doubt and fear, which frustrates all efforts.

**Work & Effort:

Now that you know you are no longer limited in Spiritual communication. You know that you do not have to wait for Spirit to come to you. Through work, effort and a try try again attitude you can learn what you need to, to facilitate more communication. But know this is work and a lot of it is hard. It's not something can readily hand you on a silver platter. To sustain it, you must embark and keep going.

**Meeting half way:

Once you get your bearings and begin your new journey, you will often find that Spirit meets you half way. It is then becoming a true equal meeting of the minds. Trust and faith on both ends of the Spectrum meet half way through love. This might come about through technique or through sheer force of will and love. It can happen on either end of the veil and is enabled by making an effort to initiate the connection. There are many ways to meet Spirit halfway or to go to them. This can be;

Raising ones vibration, working on the self, realizing you are spirit too, working with others, knowing and faith that your communications are heard, Knowing that everyone in spirit is just as different as we here on 3d earth. Knowing that every thing in Heaven is just as much about experience as it is here.

*We are but a reflection of Spirit.

*Like attracts like, bonds of love remain unbroken

There is never a reason to give up hope. For love is eternal.

I can write more about this later in the forum.... On a personal note, Erik often figuratively shakes his finger at me for relying on visits instead of initiating communication. I guess for most people that means trusting in the knowledge that our loved ones in spirit hear us. Trusting that they are there for us, and then try to work on ourselves.

In the end there is nothing but the hope of love

In the end there is nothing but the hope of love. If the doubt of your beliefs leave you weary with burden; realize then, you are presented with these choices. 1) Do nothing and force a blanket of forgetfulness over your life; 2) Turn away and embrace the cold of the passing grave-of nothingness--the limits of this life to define your reality; 3) Embrace that love is eternal. Accept that there is more to existence than you could ever know. Surrender to YOU being MORE... and KNOWING that you ARE worth EVERY possibility under Heaven. And UNDERSTAND that IF you are, SO TOO are your loved ones in Spirit.....

Relying on love without worry

"Living with Faith can simply mean relying on love without worry. Know your highest possible self is in tune with the Source of Light and Love as a part of yourself. You will always receive what you need; even that which is beyond your understanding. Method, Means, Process, Reason, are all held within the the hearts and minds of those in Spirit beyond your current comprehension. When you rely on them to see, know, and understand your bigger picture, you are trusting, you have faith that your soul will progress within love to where it needs to be.

This faith can be simply letting go of that which is beyond you, or it can be grown and cared for. Once grown, cultivated, it can blossom or dry up. But to care for this aspect of yourself takes work. Often takes hard work. This does not mean sitting back and waiting for Spirit to come to you, It means active intent, active participation. It's like learning to drive a car. Anyone can sit behind the wheel and get somewhere. But to know where your going and know where you are, where you've been, look at the sights, AND navigate successfully, takes practice. When you sit behind the wheel you multitask. You are aware of multiple things on multiple levels. Much of it to varying degrees of awareness. You don't know how or why this works. But it does. And you know you can get lost, you can zone out into space and still reach your destination, or you can look about and enjoy the ride.. You can also get stressed out and angry and reach your destination full of road rage...

So too can you interact with Spirit, with your Spirit. But, if you surrender to letting go of just a little worry, you will be better equipped in life, and have a better road map. You might enjoy the road more"..---Voices of Spirit

Q & A-- w / Erik

Do you visit other aspects or realities of ourselves?

Do you visit other aspects or realities of of myself and other CE blog readers? Other lives, past present, future, parallel lives?

"Yeaah,,but not like you think.. You see we ALL are multi-dimensional beings. So the part of me that resides or shares experience with your other dimentionalities more often than not stays in that dimensional experience because it is vital that the interactions of those experiences that are desired by those aspects of ourselves, not be influenced. Some times, especially when for a purpose, we can and do tune into past, future, and parallel experiences. This is typically for information. On occasion you will physically, psychicly or etherically interact with your other dimentionalities or selves, but when this happens it is facilitated by your higher self in conjunction with your guides, angels, and teachers for a purpose. For example when people see, "Shadow people" or their "shadow self"... While this could be another entity, many times, it is your shadow self. And the reason you are seeing it is to help wake you up to Spirit and your ultimate reality. So while I could go see the "evil you" or the married with 20 kids you..... I don't because the part of my spirit you are connected to now, shared 3D experience with your current set of precieved experiences. I still have a higher self and other aspects of my All soul that you do not interact with. It's really complicated... Just remember what is important is current perception, message, and understanding of experience."

Question from reader:

So if the other side is timeless can we be here and there at the same time? There was a comment of a person being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Can Erik acces his spirit on his side in timelessness while the spirit is here on this side?


As far as I can tell from what "they" say, we are everywhere at once. But this is really a Patrick question... ha ha... But, yes, from what "they've said, and my research", Spirits can access someone's higherself AND other lives if they've been reincarnated.... I seem to recall Jamie, had this happen to her once during a mediumship session. I may be mistaken, but one of the sitter's other selves showed up! As far as I can tell, Erik has access his other incarnated selves before, because he once suggested to Elisa that we could channel clairvoyently his other self that HAD lived and had children! Now, I've not done that, I've only seen fleeting past life images.

All that access totally depends on the Spirits vibration at the time, their beliefs, and preceptions. The faster the vibration, the more they can see.

It also depends on what's going on right after death. The return to Spirit process can be a doozy sometimes I guess...

"Finding the courage to do this will define you.

Decide to live in each moment with active intent.

Fully embrace the balance of this world and,

your higher self in all the glory of your self created reality.

This is acknowledgment of your immortality.

Go without fear. Be not afraid.

Live for yourself, Live now, Live forever.

Fear not, and know all of heaven is with you.

Even the smallest creature

Even in the darkest corner

Has a spark

The light of the heavens

knows no limit

Within each of you

rests the path

to the love of a new day.

All around is there nothing new?

Life is an illusion of infinite age

The age of creation is defined by

The return to self

an eternal cycle

never to be feared."

---Voices of Spirit

Emotion that is bothersome

Our emotional states are still going to exist when we die. So if we have an emotional feeling that bothers us or limits us; Depending on our perspective, and belief, it will still be there upon death, but only much more intense because there is no stop mechanism to slow it down. So if we can look at the feeling and try to understand it. ... We can then determine what about that feeling serves us best. Take what serves you and what you wish.. and leave the rest. And surrender to the acceptance that what you leave behind is OK, and that which you wish to take, is truly part of who you are and for now, that is OK. ---Spirit

Spirit Guides:

"Many people are not aware, that their guides as well as their past life association are not necessarily of the society or culture of the one the currently are experiencing. Language is not a barrier to Spirit. This is because Spirit is not restricted to the vocalization of the written or spoken word. The subtle nuances of thought, emotion, sound and Spirit are wrapped up in woven signature that knows no boundary. Mind to soul is a permeating light that is innate in each of us regardless of Spiritual evolution. Your loved ones in Spirit hear you always. But don't fear judgement or shame. Each listens to harmony or ignores dissonance according to their nature and desire. They are well aware that all is a journey." --Voices of Spirit

This mornings amusing experience

The laundry room in my house is located in the basement. The light in that room is on a motion activated light. The sensor is on the ceiling. And it does not turn on unless you walk directly under it within the middle of the room. It then has a timer on it that turns the light off in 5 minutes.

Some times; like this morning.... When I get out of the first floor shower and I walk past the stair well to the basement, I'll look down and notice the light has switched on, while I was in the shower.

I highly suspect Erik. Although why he is roaming the basement I have not idea. Boredom?

I emailed this to my friend S. and she said, "Oh he gets bored easily And likes surprises. I felt the bed shake. It's pretty slight but still noticeable. I looked around to see if one of the cats had jumped up. Nope."

Well.... I don't know what to think about bed shaking. I hate it when Spirits do that. I'd much rather be buzzed. Because they don't typically shake the surface of the bed. They often do it from the inside so it feels like an earthquake. It's freaky!

I am not surprised, "the gang" has been quite active lately. Lights and switches are prob. Erik... He's fond of interupting electrical energy to mess with us. I've turned on light switches to have nothing happen, or to turn them off and have them flicker. And one of them is fond of opening or shutting doors. And Erik loves a challange. I got a new phone this week. I am currious if he will play with it like he did the old one.

It's not a bad electrical connection. My dad replaced the switch to proove it to me.

Yea, now that I think of it I've had things turn off by themselves too. Erik told robert that most of the time I was clueless. That an airplane could buzz my head and half the time I'd keep walking into the wall totally oblivious. I was just outside talking to Sharon on the phone and Erik said to me, he wasn't my "organ grinders monkey" --so no on demand stuff; that catching me off guard was the goal... cause it's "fun"... (LOL!)...Then as I was coming down the stair well to my office, the entire hall was filled with fart smells. I think he was just rubbing it in.... ha ha...

It was the miscreant... He did my thermostat /air conditioner this week as well. Pissed me off! I've even called the repair man.... I turned it on, turned around walked down the hall and it turned off!, then when I went about fuming, it turned itself back... I blame "Casper the friendly ghost"... errr....

Thinking with the lower ego vs Thinking with the higher self.

---Inspired by discussions with my guides and Teachers.

There are quite a few terms for the lower ego. But when I talk about it, I am referring to the physical body that is inhabited by the narrowly focused personality created by the higher self for this lifetime. In many instances the lower ego comes with concrete etheric or energetic barriers that envelop the tendrils or spiritual connections from the 3D body to the higher self or the all-soul of your Spirit. The reason for the lower ego is to enable you to feel and experience the physicality of this life without undue influence on that which you wished to experience.

And this lower ego at times can be so overwhelming that it becomes a war with the wishes of the higher-self. It thinks very differently than the higher-self. It is the raw emotion, the primal urge, the selfish preserver of the body. Neither good nor bad, it is a function of the 3D.

Here are some examples of how it thinks.

Lower ego thinking:

*Primal passions: The urges, desires, wants, needs of the sensual and emotional. Anger, pride, lust must be sated. Consequences of fulfilling such actions are tossed to the wind. In the moment of action, reason is abandoned for the primal desire. Desire of any emotion type.

*Impulsive self assessment: Using the unconsciousness mind and wild creativity; justification for effects caused by Primal passion is given. Ignorance is bliss, and if we can toss out statements of contradiction no matter how irrelevant or false (or true), we will get permission to do what we hunger for. In this frame of mind consequence is something that happens to others not the 'I' or anyone I know. Remember the old parental line, "if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do so too?" Well this is where the mind says, 'everyone else does it, I am going to as well'. Under this frame of mind, our ego tell us we are immortal but does not clue us in-- that the body of flesh is not. Even though it says, all will be well, it does not tell you about the consequence to emotion and spirit, may be overwhelming.

*Irregular connection: --To memory, emotion, and experience. This makes awareness, understanding, and cognition of process within the experience difficult to deal with. This is because learning, understanding and Knowing is done by the higher mind. When we begin to understand; truly know an experience, we are in a state of mind created, stemming from the higher-self looking within, through, and back on the experience. Living in the now of passion and impulse of the 3D body is to-be blocked from the balance the higher self can offer.

*Flight or Fight: The lower ego does not have time for planning, contemplation, and introspective thought. It is focused on survival. When we become out of balance with our emotional and spiritual selves; we are left with the lower ego in control. This frequently leaves us with Flight or Fight reactions reacting within our primal passions in world where just assessment of our experiences does not occur.


How to work on returning balance: ....

Connections to the higher self must be established. Consciously or Unconsciously the two minds must be returned to a working functionality. This can be done through active thought based intent. There are many ways to approach this. Here are some.


See in your mind the action within the experience that lead to the unwanted emotion. Then imagine never being able to do it again. Understand thoroughly how this makes you feel. What do you want to do about this feeling? The more you can see the actions that lead to unwanted feelings the more aware you will be the next time an experience presents you with similar situations.

*Making lists:

Take paper, pen, or fingers. Now think of your unwanted feeling. Try to check off possible 'causes' of the situation, feeling or thought. Right or wrong doesn't matter. Just list them out. Anything goes. Just list. Think about each entry and try to visualize the situation if each one didn't exist. How do we feel now. How do you feel about each one separately? Does any one entry validate your reaction, perception or understanding of the situation? This hard work will give you vested interest in positive change. Keep going.

*Contemplating resistance:

Your lower ego will often fight your higher self. As stated above, when examined closely the resistance may not be especially rational. Often simply seeking thoughts on the matter will overcome uncomfortable resistance. This is a moment by moment affair though. It is not something done only once. Mindful contemplation benefits from daily renewal.

*Closely examining emotional states:

Hind sight is 20/20. But that does not have to be a facetious pop statement. Looking back for emotional lessons can help us work through debilitating thought. Cautiously bring yourself back to that moment where you felt the undesired feeling or thought. Contemplate how you feel about yourself within the feeling. Ask yourself WHY?

*Exploring other views:

Everyone comes to this life with their own set of baggage. Some bags look the same on the baggage return of the airport of life; but, each has different contents, arrivals, and destinations. Looking at others bag contents gives us all a little better understanding of who we are. If you can SEE and understand that someone came with no clothes, you might be more willing to give them the shirt off your back or help them lift their heavy load.

*Setting limits and boundaries:

The lower ego wants freedom. It wants the expansive grassland of the 3D to experience everything possible. Even if it doesn't serve our best interest. Many-times due to poorly contemplated experiences the lower ego tries it's best to protect us from more precieved hurt that would inhibit our future possible experiences. But what it does is take away balance, which causes experience without understanding. This is often painful. To fix this we need to allow the mindfulness and contemplation of the higher-self to set limits and boundaries based on how we wish outcomes to manifest. But this needs to be within our present state of being. We can successfully set boundaries by focusing on just one thing that we want and is within our current ability or circumstance.

*Acceptance and surrender:

Know that liner time in this life is fleeting. Accept the only thing you can control is what you do now. Know with all your being that the past does not have to hold you hostage. Know that you choose not only your future but more importantly how you react to it. Surrender to just doing right by yourself now and live as mindfully as you can.

*Letting go:

Whatever does not serve you; whatever is not helpful; whatever is left out of what you can do now --CAN be let go with simple mindfulness. This is the release of emotion and the embrace of Spirit.

Just for today, I will not worry.

As some of you know I am into Reiki. One of the mantras of the practice is, "Just for today, I will not worry". I defiantly feel this is a universal fundamental to living life to it's highest standard. But it is darn hard to do!

To hold this and other thoughts in your mind and soul amongst our daily life often seems an impossible task to me. Much of the time we feel quite alone in our troubles. So much so that our head is down and our mind becomes blank. I know I sometimes think if I ignore everything it will just go away. Then I often become tormented by the lurking elephant in the corner.

So I then find myself in a battle of inner wills. The will to do and the will to do not. And this becomes a vicious cycle of worry. It gets ugly. I hate it.

But it doesn't have to be like that. My guides say, "you know what you need to do, why are you asking us?" "When you are ready you will do what you need to.""Instead of worrying about tomorrow, DO what you can today, and let the rest go". "If you know you did what you could today, then you have no reason to doubt yourself. What you could not realistically do today is beyond your control." "Why worry then. You are deeply loved. Rejoice in this knowledge, strive to do what you can everyday and know it is who you are right now."

This is a message I run into time and time again in my life. Not quite a broken record, but I keep chewing on this food for thought. Reiki helps. It helps me narrow my focus in to action. It helps me think of what I want to do and how to help myself and others. It helps me surrender to action without boundaries through trust and faith.

But one does not need a healing tradition to apply the principle of not worrying. If we just hold on to and try to understand what is already deep inside us, everything will be ok. So no matter if your pray to God, or if you meditate, sing, paint, or simply tell your children that you love them; Know that no matter what happens in life, IF you do what you can today, you don't have to worry so much.

"Courage is the right thing to do"

Yesterday on my way home from work I was walking to the bus stop. I was upset and bugging Erik yet again about how I worried whether or not I was doing the right thing. I was distressed for feeling a lack of direction, and lamented that I was not getting more guidance. I was fretting over feeling like an aimless wanderer. Beating myself up for feeling overwhelmed. I feel I have the motivation, but don't know how to apply it and stick to it. But then part of me say's, "Run".... "why am I such a coward?"....

Erik said to me,

"In the face of fear, Agony over the Right thing to Do IS Courage. This is because it is the first step to action. Right or wrong is irrelevant as this process is everything. Look at this another way; Courage in the face of fear is all about sorting through the Agony of Self-Defeating thoughts. Hell, Just that it bothers you is something."

Duality of selfishness in emotion: A tool

If you are having trouble with emotion, with the expression of emotion, in any situation for any reason; You-are-normal. You are not broken. You are not a freak. You are not going to die. What you are, is a state of being. It is quite simply where you are. And this is OK. It is OK to BE.

But know, In this state of being, this is not WHO you are. And none of this HAS-To-be where you end up. The key is surrendering, and acceptance of what you feel without qualifiers. And then putting active intent into exploring where you would like to go; what you would like to do next

Remember, that just because you go elsewhere, doesn't mean that you loose something. What you retain or gain, depends on how much work you wish to put into understanding where you were.

Too often humankind puts labels on experiences without looking at all the nuances of the emotional nature of reality. Many choose to sit, suffer in silence without the desire to self explore. This seems a cold way of saying they are a like the child who fell on a wet lump of a log and then refuses to get up and look at the rest of the forest.

The trouble with exploring emotions is that they (the emotions) are Selfish by their vary natures. But this is neither good nor bad; though, it feels like it. What is selfish is NOT feeling the troubling emotion, rather what is selfish-- is not looking at the emotion. It's your emotion. Do what you want with it. But by not exploring it, your lower self is being selfish to or in contrast to your higher self. You are choosing the easy way out. Or just sitting and looking at the lump of a wet log instead of picking yourself up and exploring the forest.

This is caused by all sorts of things, but predominately fear. People stuff emotional expression deep down inside them so that no one can hurt them again. Or, they think that by bottling it up and treasuring it they will be better off. They see themselves as being weak, less than, a bad example. This is a type of misguided selfishness.

For when you do not give into a different type of selfishness, the Selfishness of "I am more than," "I deserve more than I allow myself"; you selfishly withhold all that you are capable of and what you might have to offer to others. Be it support, service, or teaching moments.

By allowing yourself the simple selfishness of simple self expression, you are not only doing right by yourself, you are doing right by the greater good. For by allowing yourself this emotion, you are being in the now. This tames and prevents bottled up explosions and leads to a more balanced life. Which then allows you more capacity to look up from the wet log and look further into the forest for the next path. Perhaps the path home!

This is the duality of positive and negative selfishness. Allowing ourselves to be OK with it, is about the unconditional acceptance of who we are. Judge not applies not only to others, but ourselves. If we actively embrace that we are all at a different mark on our journeys we will see there is no right one place but that mile marker we set for ourselves.

One of the best things we can do in helping others explore this duality is not to be sorry, but simply reach out and say, "I love you, I hear you, I am here". Smile-hug-let go.

---Voices of Spirit

Spirit touches

I did have one interesting Spirit interaction the other day. I didn't bother trying to figure it out so, I am not 100 certain it was Erik, but it was amusing non the less. I saw a fuzzy static air shape around my feet on the foot stool while on the couch. It started Rubbing on foot. The typical Erik rub; pins and needles with slight pressure. As if someone was kneading it. So I then said to the air-form; "rub the other foot". And the sensation moved from the foot to the other instantly. It was quite a fun demonstration.

Yesterday, a friend and I and Erik were talking on the phone. Well, mostly E was just listening and making lame joke comments. In any case, we were talking about physical interactions with Spirits. Or the physical sensations sensitives get. Erik then said "that not all the interactions and manifestations are him. That just because we are aware of him doesn't mean that others in Spirit dont' interact with us as well. We are never alone and are always loved. Guides, Angels, loved ones and friends are always dropping by. Just because we are not aware of them or remember doesn't mean it doesn't happen all the time."

Sometimes I find these nice because I don't have to bother with looking in my minds eye or channeling. It's just a mundane signal to know I am not alone and loved. Comforting.

What are some other sensations like that are indicative of the physicality of 3D Spirit touch?: Feeling like the skin being brushed with cob-webs or a feather. Pins and needles-very localized or on the move. Like the crawling of an insect. Feeling tickling sensations and or light pressure on the skin; often around the ears, nose, face. Internal feelings around the mouth and throat, or even tugging. Tugging around stomach, forehead, scalp. Slight wetness on skin almost as if tears are on the face. Rapid subtle vibration of the body. Spontaneous alteration of alertness and or altered consiouness. Some times these sensations are similar to those when channeling. That being sensations around the main chakras. Skin sensations around the scalp, temple, ear, chest, throat. Could include warmth, cold, coolness, minty tingles, light burning, buzzing. Sudden unexplained ringing of the ears, or high pitched sounds.

For those in Spirit with unfinished business

For those in Spirit with unfinished business. They are brought together with their guides; those who held a vested interest in their last incarnation. They all examine experiences; sort everything out from a broad view and look closely. Sifting specific moments with fine detail. Then the Spirit is given a chance to further review and understand the possibilities and share with others. As soon as understanding dawns they can delve further into experiences that interest them the most. At the same time, they seek to re-unite with those viewed with love. This review, is different than the life review. It is the self judgement and examination which leads to understanding that leads to the desire to new knowing.This then leads to new experiences through which new understandings can be had. It is this self examination that leads to perfection of new forms. So then, it is often better to start this self examination while still incarnated. A change in view, attitude, and a broadening of belief will open the door to further possibilities in Spirit. ---Voices of Spirit

To those who fear the darkness after death

"To those who fear, the darkness after death. To those who hold with fearful hope of poorly understood existence. There is not only hope, there is always evolvement. Let your your hope transform into action for the greater good. For by living by example you are a witness to those in life around you, but also to those in the realms of Spirit. Your light shines out.

The journey to the realms of Spirit does not facilitate an instant increase in soulful evolution. There is always the desire to refine and redefine perception. The return to God does not mean a loss of self or past life. It means ever greater understanding of ones place within the whole. You are ever more, not less.

Even looking back on those still in flesh, one can learn about the fallacies of human fastidiousness. Each new viewpoint can alter attitudes which then open new perspectives, attitudes and states of knowing; then allowing for new experiences and expressions of self.

The momentary reflection of what such concepts of self- mean, can be causes of suffering and pain. But it too, is but illusion created by the body of the residing plane of existence. This narrow focus is temporary and desired. For only by such close attention and focus can understanding of the structures of the self created reality be known.

This will bring sparks of desire within the self created reality. This spark will trigger new awareness. This in turn calls out to the light and those who serve in love. This and their new attention brings dawn for those lost in darkness. Your prayers, thoughts, love, and attention can help flame spark into light of renewed opportunities.

So turn away hard hearts of pain. Forgive, and ponder unconditional surrender of the greater good. For within each such thought sits a reflection of the love of God. Know that there is always hope. Both now and in Spirit."

--Voices of Spirit and Light

Changing disabling feelings

Have you ever been disabled by your feelings of others? Anger, disgust, irritation, etc.?

I have a co-worker I often struggle with. Interactions with her frequently set me off in a bad attitude. Some of it is based on past experience, some of it personality conflict, and some of it is me. I am often appalled at the thoughts I find myself sending her way. Sometimes this can catch me in a moment, where I suddenly realize that my state of being and existence in the now, become disabled. I began to worry about this and wondered how do I prevent myself from having these undesired thoughts.

Here is what my Spirit Teacher said,

"One of the first steps in changing anything you do not like about yourself is to carefully examine it. When you run across unwanted emotion in your experiences it can be a sign post. This is a signal to become aware of. At times such emotion is a sign of something you wish or need to work on. Other times it is a warning. What you choose to do about this unwanted emotion will determine your perception of the experience. If you wish to direct your experience, examine how you are perceiving the emotions that the experience or interaction with others is affecting you. Once you have more information you will be able to understand the possible effects of your choices. Once you do that you can take steps to change the situation. For example; Everyone comes to their life with a set of desired "focuses". These are often experiences, often they are emotional experiences. So they will create and allow themselves to enter into situations to bring this about. When your experience approachs them your perceptions become entangled with theirs. This entanglement begins a reality that is co-created. How you react depends on how you perceive the lines and how many lines you are aware of. Sometimes, simply recognizing and acknowledging other peoples focus- can be a path to change the emotion you are experiencing.

There is no magic pill to halt emotion other than that of yourself you are willing to swallow."


May 7, 2011

Yes I agree. In my case it also heavily involves my current attitude and how much I am "really" willing to change. Motivation to change vs, intention, vs, lazyness. Like sometimes, I say to myself, oooo,, so I really want to take the time to sit down and try and connect with Spirit for guideance and change or would I rather sit here and down a bottle of wine and whine... Other times times I can't overcome the guilt of actually "really wanting to embrace a negitive thought". Once I say to myself, gee... I really don't like this... and that's OK.... so then what can I do about it. Then it helps me list out my options and decide if I really DO want change. I think this is making myself OK with my reaction and the helps let things go.

Thoughts on Universal consciouness

from an aquantince of mine.

It brings to mind communication with the Spirit realms.

Christine Di Nucci, Bristol Spirit Lodge.

Universal consciousness is like the internet. The internet does not exist except as an abstraction. The interaction of computers is made possible by the internet. The internet has no existence of its own, it isn’t located anywhere, and the member computers that constitute it can and do change all the time. The internet is far more a process than a thing. Universal consciousness does not exist except as an abstraction of all the consciousnesses that are interconnected. Interaction is made possible by conscious will, which itself form consciousness. Universal consciousness has no existence of its own, it is nowhere located, the member consciousnesses that constitute it can and do change all the time. It is far more a process than a thing.

There is no way your computer can become the internet. It can be a part of the internet, and you can cause information to flow onto your computer, and from there through the internet to be received by another computer that is also part of the internet. It's the same with consciousness - your consciousness can't "merge" into universal consciousness, but is a part of universal consciousness. Information can flow into your consciousness from universal consciousness…and flow out again, with or without alteration of content, into universal consciousness from your consciousness - but only by that information being communicated to another consciousness which is also part of universal consciousness. Phew!

Interestingly, you can easily ‘upload’ to many other consciousnesses at the same time. For instance you can speak to several people at once. However to make sense of incoming information, you are most frequently restricted to downloading information from one other connection at a time. There are times, such as when in a crowd, that you do download from more than a single consciousness at one time…however…really, probably, you are downloading from the interaction of the crowd of consciousnesses as a whole.

Even when you computer is off line, it is still heavily under the influence of the internet - all those programs, pictures, movies, emails, etc. that you have downloaded are still accessible and can influence the behaviour of your computer while it is off line. It's the same with you - even if you are not actively communicating with any other member of the universal consciousness, you are still heavily influenced by all the ideas, thoughts, emotions and memories that are stored.

Spiritual dedication=embracing one's greatest Love: a message from one of my Spirit Teachers

(Yesterday on the bus on the way home from work, one of my Spirit Teachers, started talking to me about Spiritual dedication.)

Spiritual dedication:

"Surrendering to dedication is not about loss or giving up. It's about embracing the desire for one's greatest Love.

What one desires to love; What one does love; Is not the same thing. How one expresses Love is a telling tale on how life is lived. It permeates all experience and manifests in the lives of others around you.

True and pure love is not desired. It simply is, always. It is a state bliss that is arrived at through surrender. It is not gained, it is not struggled for, it is not fought for, it can not be forced, it can not come before, or after, nor will it arrive. So wait not for love. Just be love. Only through acceptance of the greatest good through the Spiritual advancement of all will you arrive to the highest perceptions of your experiences.

Remember this.

What you desire,

What you express,

What you love,

You will always be.

To hold on to this thought is dedication of the purity of Spirit."

Erik quote

Erik says,

"Yup, I do sometimes say things to push buttons.. Get it mom? the big red one! Here's the deal, OK. there is no ONE reason for things like obesity. But there is one cure. But it's not like you think. The cure is in how yal deal. Yup. It's not about curing the symptom. It's about curing the cause. And there aint no one cause. And their anint no one single symptom. It's a nasty green stew. A toxic brew for you to sort out the ingredients. And once you figure out all the ingredients you know how to to make trouble, and make life taste better. And when you can get life to taste better, that means your on your way to mastering it! So Spiritual basis for disease can have many sources, even more than one at a time. Sometimes it's pure emotional conflict, sometimes it's about Spiritual connections; Like a rip in an aura, or a battle of lower ego vs higher-self. Sometimes it's about the battle of living for others vs living for yourself. Or living too much for others and not for yourself. But what it's always gonna eventually led to is finding a balance to live in harmony. It's like surfing the coming storm. You go out and you find that right moment, the right balance of turbulence to ride the wave. And you ride it until you collapse in calm waters, and then you go find another wave to try."

Erik quotes**

The greatest part of letting those in Spirit help you with change is to be vocal in what you want. NOT what you don't want. Write it down, nag yourself, whatever. Just tell yourself and others. Things come to those who KNOW and then ASK and then SEEK it out. Don't wait. Make yourself.

If you ask and dont' receive it's probably because your being a lazy SOB. We are not going to be your magic eight ball or do the work for you, but we will hold your hand and help you.

Just be cause you can see, feel, or hear us, doesn't mean we are ignoring you... Mayyyybe we are just waiting on you to make the next move.

Dude, Stop being a baby and get up and DO something. If you wanna wallow, fine. Let me know when your done and I'll be here.

It's not what your feeling or doing that is the problem, it's your obsessing about it that is the problem. There is no right or wrong like your thinking, it's about fucking up the rest of your life to obsess that is the problem.

Do whatever brings you the most joy.

Are you going to eat that? (head over shoulder)

Are you going to eat that? Dude that's so nasty.

Are you going to eat that! (head back gurgle noise)

Magic words, ritual, and technique are all crap. What matters is two simple words. I AM.

Who, what, when, where-- are you. Put the 'I am' on that and you've got frosted cake. You gonna sweeten it up or eat it plain?

-no worries, just chill. you do need more dedication though.

-Just keep trying. You'll get there.

-no shortcuts

-no butts

-yes that's the problem, YOU want. Think about what Someone else needs- not WANTS.

You need to keep a spiritual journal. Write down your dreams, write down your experiences. -Dude, I told you it was fine. I don't no why you haveta keep doubtin urself. This is good though that ur writing stuff down. Don't wory too much about spelling or if you make a mistake that will improve with time, just concentrate on typing what you hear from Spirit, from your heart, and the rest will be fine. We can practice later. It will befine stop fretten and gettin worked up about it. No drama queen shit.

-Dude, don't make me smack you. You know sometimes you and your moods really make me want to scream. You need to just pull your self up instead of sulking. And stop apologizing. DO or DO not.

Jason to Erik:

Sometimes I feel like a total freak. I can't help this feeling. I feel stunted, deformed, broken...

Erik to Jason:

So what? What do you want to do about it? Are you gonna give up or sit up? Common, the only way we are gonna fix you is to embrace it. I told you before, and it's still true. Everything you hate is for a reason. It's you, giving yourself a bitch slap. Snapin fingers under your face. Screaming pay attention to me. How do you know where to go and what to work on unless it comes to your attention? You wanna sit here and drool on yourself with mindless easy ass pleasure for the rest of your life? Or do you wanna do somethin? You are who you are. Who you say you are. Get up, put on some music, and shake your ass, pump your fists in the air and be yourself. If you don't like what your dancin to, change the music. No ones' gonna change it for you. If it means you have to leave the room or go outside to listen to your music, then that's what you gotta do. If it's too loud and bothering thing the neighbors, you can turn it down; you can turn it off and go listen to their music; you can turn UP your music, or you can change the tunes. It's still up to you. Now your prob thinkin that you want us to listen to your music too, right? Well, I am not deaf. I can hear you, you know. Who do you think changes your songs when your not looking? Who do you think puts that song in your head? You can listen to the message in the words, or just chill to the feel of the song. Zone out to the music inside of you. But whatever you do, even if it's the silence of-no music, just do it.--Erik

Words from dis-incarnate Spirit, Charlie.

"But do not forget; you come not alone but with everyone else within your circle of friends and family; so you may well chose to depart in a particular form for the benefit and awareness of another. This method of departure may be, in physical terms, horrific or tragic, yet there is growth and learning and experience for those who are left behind, and it may be that it is for that purpose that you have chosen to leave so abruptly. There is no accidental death; all life has purpose and all events have meaning, and it is what you extract from those events that determines your own growth and development." --Words from dis-incarnate Spirit, Charlie.

Bristol Spirit Lodge

Just some words I like to contemplate from time to time. What is the big piture I cant see. Sometimes I feel like I am peering out of a fish bowl.

April 25, 2011 Today's Messages from Spirit:


The court of your own judgment is the greatest tool you will ever experience in this life or in the hereafter. You will rejoice in the greatest pardon and crawl through the worst punishment. All of your own creation.

Blame is the self imposed illusion of aware or unaware cause and effect. The more we detach from experience and the more we focus on motive and the emotional source the more we will understand and realize an understanding, a journey of the self.

Anxiety is often fear of living an aspect of life which is out of balance. The only way to release this fear is close examination of the root cause it's effects upon the whole life and compare it to future existence. To not examine the emotions generated by ones fears will only lead to inner chaos. The quiet embrace of that which is all of you- within, hopes of understanding through practice of action will bring balance.



How does one get through Physical Tragedy of a loved one?


Rather than think about what is best for him/her in relation to you.

Think about what is best for you in relation to her/him...

You Spirit will know the right answer.

Often physical tragedy is a cause for opportunities for Spiritual growth. What that will be is usually totally up to you. Sometimes that can be as simple as sharing words, options, and understanding. A chance for emotional and spiritual closeness that would not have otherwise come to be. Within that action can come healing and time. How much control we have over any given situation is often a fleeting emotion based on our desires. How much work and effort you wish to put into any of this is not something that anyone can tell you. It must be decided and owned by you. Not the comfort you were looking for I know. But often the only true comfort is in the holding of a hand as we make our journey.

"The lost and trapped soul, in a despair of their own making will often be lead into warm freedom by the hand of a little child. In the loss of pain there is always hope. The voice of your thoughts are so loud and clear, that all know you for who you truly are. It is often only through the intervention of a pure child like soul filled with the light of unjudging forgiveness and compassion that progress can be made." ---Voice of Spirit