Spirit Responsiveness

My Friend Dawn on Facebook, (Clairaudient Dawn) Has some important words on Spirit Communication to share. Please friend her!! She has such important work to do! Hugs!

She Writes:

"Responsiveness, how important is it? For our relationships with others it’s vital to maintain friendships and close family ties. If you make contact with another for them to ignore you repeatedly or give little response to you then the signal received is quite plainly...not interested or don’t care. Message or rather no message, received and clearly understood!

What happens next? Do you bother making that contact again? Maybe but perhaps with not the same enthusiasm.....

This is similar when working with spirit. Our responsiveness is incredibly important to maintain a strong link, create a good energy between you and to go from strength to strength. Even if the communication in whatever way with spirit(be it clairaudiently or clairvoyantly or combination) is a struggle and the understanding is not clear, as long as a person is positively responsive, it goes a long way towards inspiring spirit to keep enthusiastic and a stronger link can be yielded.

Unresponsiveness brings apathy. How a person responds is important too; no rose tinted glasses here but positivity can be injected in a response just by attitude. It is encouraging.

When I talk with my guides or the people they bring to me, even if I cannot quite make out a sentence I still respond by saying how it sounds to me. This gives spirit an insight into how it is being heard. Yes they know how it was sent but not how it is received so once they are told this is what I hear or see, they can then adjust it accordingly so that a person hears or see’s what they are sending correctly. It is hugely beneficial whatever way you may interact with spirit; they need help too!

The reason I’m sharing this is it was the topic of conversation between my guides and other people in spirit last night. These words are inspired by spirits words to me, explaining the important issue of communication, without a strong link, you cannot reach the full scope of what is available to you. One aspect of what strengthens that link is responsiveness, there are many more of course ;) If they share with me an aspect of what can make a difference or help a communication become stronger between us humans and those in spirit then it’s for everyone who is interested too :)"

My Response is this:

[Yup, Spirits are people too...The words, "I love you and I remember--go a long way!" Although I'd like to point out that any directed thought based in love, affection, or really any emotion for that matter will reach them if they are receptive". The bonds of Love never die.]