The power to manifest

The power to manifest your individual Spirit upon the reality you exist at can be done many ways. Many can be done consciously by you or others by the following:

----Faith above all, conviction, belief: one or more in agreement

-----association, of thought, deed, or feeling, or physicality

-----words with ideas that change thought or feeling

-----agreement or vow


-----intent based action, thought, or feeling

-----decelerations of faith


-----sound, color, numbers, material constructs, vibrational resonances

-----repetition of words, thought, feeling, action

All of these are tools for the higher mind. The soul energy that makes up all that you are. They allow you to manipulate reality around you or channel energy. A great deal of it depends on the will power of the individuals involved. It greatly depends on love in ones heart, and determination of the originator. Such manifestations can also depend on the Spiritual evolution of channeled energies and the evolution/ receptivity of the recipient.

You ask how can we possibly have time to manifest Spirit in our lives. How can you learn to communicate with Spirit, this raising our vibration, awakening of awareness, thinking and doing spiritual stuff? You say, 'I have no time'. Some say, Time is money, but some say there is no time but now? Which is the right point of view?

The conflict is resolved when you come to the point of making a decision. What do you want to do? What do you intend, and how will you implement what you want in life? Do you need to achieve a balance? Yes-No? And if so how? These questions are among the greatest experiences you will have on Earth. This can take life times to achieve.

Just as it often takes repetition to memorize, so to it take practice to create a strong path to hold on to a raised Spiritual vibration. This can be a good thing for your trail can help guide or warn others depending on their intent. This sounds very speculative to you, I am sure. And raises many questions. But every voyage of self discovery creates many questions. Find their answers within your experiences. Have faith in yourself and you will reach your destination.