March 2011

March 28, 2011

I am a little behind in posting some of my experiences, esspecially my weekly channeling practice session transcripts with Andy and my guide Lydia. But I thought tonights was worth posting out of order and to a broader audience.

Channeling-visualization practice session #7 03-28-2011

This session was very last minute as I was recovering from experiences

from the previous past several days and it was

only with my Teachers/guides advice through myself and Robert at the

last minute that I got off my behind and did some work. I really need

to continue to contemplate attitude. :) This session did not involve

Andy per say, other than an appearance, (I think) (I am really not

sure what to make of it or the visions origins)



First I saw an older woman who looked perhaps Indian. Dark graying

hair pulled back. A larger nose. In perhaps a white sari, with blue

and yellow trims. Larger ears. A jeweled nose chain. She took my hands

in hers and said Have faith in yourself. I will be there.


Then Andy came and slid down the bench and bumped into me and said,

"Hey what's up" And then I felt Erik pull on my ear lobe.


Then I saw Emily throwing either little rocks or bread into a pond.

And as each piece hit the water it would ripple out. Then it seemed as

if all the world could be seen in the ripples.

She said,

"Yes, all the world is in the ripples. The ripples are the ones you

make. What you see in the ripples is from the size of the rocks you

throw into the pond. If you don't like the waves you've made. Throw

something else into the pond to cancel them out. Try to see your

reflection in the water as it undulates. It ripples and is confusing.

One moment you see one thing, the next something else. It can distort,

twist, and pretty soon you cant tell where you tossed what into the

water. To end this reflection, try to remember that you do not need to

throw anything into your life's pond, but rather, just float on it's

surface in calm balance and just be. Do not add what is not needed to

your pond. Stop looking around for things to calm your reflection,

instead if you be still long enough you will just float through the

glassy surface of your pond, carried by with nothing but the gentle

breeze of life's wind. "


"Do not think of what must be done, but think about what you are doing

now."-- unknown voice of spirit


Then my Spirit Teacher Meher Baba came and said:

"Do not fear the unknown symbol or message within the dream. They are but tools for the mind. That love which you are already capable is the only tool you need to shine your light in service to the heaven, to me, to mankind. All healing energy is born of the heavens. It is mankind who needs tools to grasp it. So much of the time they wish to call it their own. The healing of heaven belongs to all and is born of all that is God. You, me, your neighbor. You wish to heal. Channel yourself into light and will it to your neighbor. There are many many tools to help you do this. Heaven will not endorse one for you. What you decide is best, will for the moment- be the best. It is the love in your heart that will guide you. Not a doctrine or school. Choose one you can live with, and then give all your love to it. Give your love to it, and you will be doing this for us. You will be loving as we love. You will be on the path to us. This can be bothersome, this decision. But by doing the work necessary you will be empowering yourself to move closer to us. So work with light, work with love, work with thoughts, work with prayer. But work as yourself. Not someone else. Be the love I've taught you. You have this power already. Remember that you can be like us. Remember who you are. Do not fear this journey of discovery. As our love for you never wavers so your love for your fellow mankind should never waver. Be true to yourself and what service you may offer and you will always find what you are looking for. "

Then in Vision:

I see imagery of a cobra with a flared hood riding a cloak of

darkness. It drops the cloak over a prostrate woman. The cobra goes up

to Master Baba and becomes small and tame and seems to whisper into

his ear. He smiles and clasps it in loving embrace and put it at his

feet. He then walks to the woman and pulls off the cloak of blackness

and hands her the snake and the cloak. And says,

"Tame others fears, for there is no darkness but of that which you create for yourself.

Show love and compassion to all and all that which seems fearful will

be just another aspect of all creation. Heal where you can, comfort

where you can not."


I say to Andy, --"the bald man blog member have been seeing. Erik? and


I keep seeing a balding man with sort of a comb over. But all I see is

a face. It looks a kindly face. Nothing odd. It keeps flying around in

the void of my minds eye.


I feel a hand on my crown now. Not sure who.

It tickles


My gut tells me this man might have to do with the blog in general.

But I am not certain. I see gray mist of the in-between reflective-

contemplation realm. I keep seeing flashes of light. 4 wings? I can't

really tell. They look sort of like dragon fly wings, but move like


Now I see this form flying over misty bright lit mountains. Rolling

over sun lit clouds. Now I see it zoom down into a house and a bedroom

and I see it kneeling on a bed of a sleeping prostrate figure. And I

see him touch the head and shoulders of the form. Leave a kiss and

return to air. And the process repeats to another person. I see a

sharp divide. a black cloud and a white cloud and I keep thinking

cross the divide. back and forth. "Heal where you may. comfort how you

can. "-- unknown voice


I say to Erik and Lydia: -- "Is this right E? L? Am I getting this right? "

I hear a voice say, --- "Don't interpret. Just lay out what you see."


Now I see the void from a great distance. And I see a giant web of

lights. And I see beings of radiant light at all points of the web.

And I see what seems to be the man put on a shining helmet of light.

It looks gold. And flairs with light when he puts it on.

I see a being swoop down and grab a soul in agony and rise with it

above the clouds and as it does so the soul sheds it's darkness and

turns into a child in tears in it's arms as they break through the

clouds into the light.

I hear a song.

"Call upon us and we will come and lift you out of your bonds. Their

is always hope. Even in your darkest night. Wounded beyond repair we

are waiting to come to you. Have faith in yourself. Reach for the

heavens but remember it's up to you to call out for guidance. It is

your life and you must live what you have helped create. Call to us

and we will bring you comfort. We will help you heal your wounds. We

will show you light. We will help you break the chains around you. We

will stay with you when you feel lost. We will help you find your

light again. So that you can help light others paths. "

March 26, 2011

Sat. night.

* I feel my friend and dear brother on my ear & I am happy for his companionship. I've learned a lot today and feel like I've had many an eye opening revelation to spirit. Although i often wonder how much is a revelation as a remembering.

Today I learned about the continuance of not only life but human personality. The bonds we see or think we see are but part of our illusions. What remains and what is true is personality, and only within that can true emotion be seen. If it be a good soul, heart, and personality; then love remains true.

Love or fear within said personality exists within the vibration of self creation. Outside of this love the bonds of earthly relationships are not held in permanence. This is because outside of self created love they exist in a manifestation of fear. It is only when one moves into true unconditional love can the true bonds of loving relationships never be broken. These true bonds will hold in the face of all selfishness and can be grown wherever needed.

Even so, given what I now see a little more clearly; I pause to contemplate the family I was born into and realize I face yet another aspect of fear. That of earthly vs/ afterlife bonds within this bloodline. All this fear. I wonder what other sorts of great themes I explored in past lives. Well for now I contemplate the bonds of Earthly and Spiritual family.

Of late, so often, I hear of peoples family members who upon departure from this life discover that for whatever reason are not yet with a vibration of love,-enough to sustain old precieved earthly relationships. So instead they behave in seemingly negative ways. To my view it breaks my heart to see such callousness. It seems rude, cruel, and sad. I pity them and cry for those still alive.

I've seen these departed souls lie and deceive and cause strife. There is not desire for the work of the greater good in them. I lament and pray they will find opportunity to progress.

All this, is a revelation. In my own journey... in it's contemplation. I wonder at what past hurts I may have caused in Spirit form and in my lives. I know I do not want to behave like what I saw. And if, I ever did such hurts I hope for forgiveness from those I may have hurt.

I wonder at the Spiritual bonds I have have OR.. Not have with my current blood family members. I wonder if the love is true or if it is false. Will my parents and what not; still love me with tenderness in heaven? Will they still be capable and desire to hug me and call me son, or child and call me baby? I hope so. I do feel if it were me & I saw a former or current relative in need I would do what I could to engender that such feelings remain. Even if false i would try for their benefit.

Is this wrong? I do not know. I feel my guides and Erik do this for me, even though I am an entity in my own right. I feel their feelings of love to be true. I know they will stay true when I return home. For my feelings for them- now- are as deep, loving, special as anything I have ever experienced. And even though I've thrown many a temper tantrum and said/thought hurtful things. What I've felt from them and for them has been the highlight of my life.

I feel it true; when I go home I will be able to say to them that my love for them always will be. And Even if friend, father, brother, mother, teacher, twin, they are not really that; but, through that love we can remain each other's companion.

Now. How to share and help others. I am not always sure. I think just sharing is a start. This journey in part has been about finding a balance to work within. Work, family, play, and service. Service is within those yet separate because to my eye, service is akin to duty, honor, and responsibility. I feel inexplicably driven to overcome fear, ego, and weakness, but much of the time I am not sure how to start.

Part of me feels constricted and strangled by work, family, play, and part of me feels I must offer service within those boundaries. So I am left with a series of dualities. Perceptions of duty vs/ perceptions of service. Fear vs/ love. These provide friction and drama with which to work through experiences. It's a lot to think about and remember.

March 22, 2011

Oh, before I forget. The other weird vision I had last night was of Erik following his brother around. It was very disorienting and weird. Like I was looking through his eyes. I got a kick out of the CE blog post today. It was on having fun. Which made me think;

Speaking of fun, sounds like heaven is all about discovering the fun in yourself. Dancing, singing, and moving to your own tune. Doing it through the all love that is and always has been that wich is in all of us. I think we all need to be pushed onto the dance floor. Thankfully Erik is fond of that!

March 22, 2011

I had a very unusual experience late this afternoon that does not occur very often. I spontaneously channeled individuals upon reading a post of a CE blog reader. This lady had lost her son and was posting some questions on the CE forums in relation to that. I was just catching up on posts without any thought in particular. Then as I finished reading my mind switched over to clairvoyant vision and I saw the void. A dark tunnel looking environment with a long hall back lit by incredible white light. The walls, floor and ceiling could not be seen. Then all of a sudden I see little Emily pulling on the hand and arm of a young man. She was forcibly dragging him with little hopping motions and urging him on. And Erik was pushing him from behind and he was acting as if he was totally embarrassed and shy. In the back ground to the side there was another young man break dancing. I was thinking huh??!! And then Erik, and the boy and Em get closer. And I see the kid. I couldn't see his features clearly, but he had floppy hair that he kept brushing out of his eyes with his fingers and he was wearing a jean jacket.

I thought what? Is this the Eric guy? Son of the lady I just read about? My gut was saying yes. I kept thinking over and over again, 'Erik and Emily have Eric.

The guy looked at me funny. And Em followed his gaze and then said, "Oh- That's just my dumb brother." Startled I starred at her with a accusing look. And she said, "WHAT?!?, He's being stubborn!"

Then my Erik jumps in front of him in a crazy motion with arms out and says, "ERIK! TADA!". Then they all laugh and in unison the two boys say to a voice mail machine, "This is Erik and Eric. Were not home right now. We're learning the moonwalk."

That's all I got. I am always Leary of these new experiences. I can't help it. It just comes on me and I ride them. And if I try to fight it, they just replay when I am distracted. I did at one point try to open myself up more. And I heard the words, I heard her. I can hear them. I am OK. Am happy.

I didn't really know what to say. I have told my Spirit gang that any friend of Erik is a friend of mine. So maybe the kid will show up again with antics from Erik, Em, and Andy. We'll see.

March 18-19, 2011

A message from Spirit--03/18/2011

*Jason here. Last night I was overcome by Spirit and felt compelled to write. I kept being interrupted from family activities and felt overwhelmed to rush to my note pad. Voices called to me in my head and I wrote what they said. I feel it was voices of guides, angels, and our loved ones. I personally don't feel I can relate to much of it, but I was asked to present it anyway. Lots of love, Jason



Voices of Spirit to the CE community:

"There are many who see their deceased loved ones as being silent. There are many possible reasons for this. But you must remember you are all on different journeys. You are all at different levels of perception, awareness, understanding and belief. So to, are those in Spirit. Every being is a force unto themselves. And you do yourself great dishonor when you assign blame to yourself for a perceived lack of communication. You must keep hope that your love will be true to yourself. That your loved ones evolution has engendered the ability to receive that love. For love never dies. Only our ability to experience love is influenced by the reality we create for ourselves. In the past, present and future, as well in other realities. Discovering this is a process of growth, learning, and evolution of personal awareness. For you and for your loved ones. It would be a mistake to assign blame or reasons for a perceived lack of communication. Rather it is it best to think about what you might learn about yourself from this experience and how you can share and support others in spite of your experience.

It is vital to never give up and to move your views and attitudes to how you can support those around you within love, without expectation. But do not fear this as giving up, giving in, or loosing your loved ones yet again. For even if they are stuck in a reality of their making, or their emotional state does not lend itself to communication, there is still hope. You can not possibly know all the reasons for a perceived lack of communication. Even if this experience is somehow part of your life plan for emotional experiences, you can still bring positive change. Prayer for those who need help in Spirit does work! It is always heard. All of those in higher spirit can hear your love projected. Your love will strengthen those who would go to your loved ones. They are flares of light in clouded darkness. They are calls of hope, calls of love. And upon hearing the calls your loved ones will eventually look up and reach out to Angels, guides, and loved ones of hope, to continue their journey of self discovery. Eventually upon doing so they will hear your love. Love never dies. It is only transformed. Have faith in yourself. Share it with others.

Never see silence as loss. Never see reasons of loss directed at you. Never fear, but see these experiences as an opportunity for personal growth.

Many times you experience great grief in your life at the loss of family and friends. During the process of dealing with this grief you often encounter evidence and experiences of the continuance of life. Many times as with this community, you experience fluctuation in communication levels, awareness, and a sense of closeness or nearness. And then as time passes you experience fluctuation in that spiritual presence. So that at times you feel the spirits of your loved ones seem to move on or become more and more absent from your presence.

The terms and phrases: lingering , moving on, holding them back, visitations; Can be confusing and incomplete when you try to give them meaning. They do not quite work like you think they do. This is because you are working with incomplete information. In part, information that will never be totally complete. But as humans you need to assign meaning to the world around you, to interpret your experiences.

View of dis-incarnate vs/ incarnate on these topics are really about a process. For the dis-incarnate spirit it is about remembering upon arrival in the so called afterlife. It is also dependent on variables of their personality and spiritual evolution. And it all changes based on their emotional state, spiritual callings, and interests.

Humans are often confused.They are trying to interpret objectively an experience that is always subjective to your point of view. To properly deal with these terms and experiences a change in thinking is necessary. A change in perspective. View loss as not something gone or taken from oneself, but to a view of a process of gain, growth, and discovery of every greater love. It is actually like raising a child or the process of growing up. Upon each new spiritual transformation, this process repeats itself to a certain extent. Being reborn; self discovery; remembering or finding out who you are; acting out; learning; careers; hobbies; family; then returning; new awareness.

All these terms really represent--Not loss, but a process of discovery to ever higher callings. This process is simply a continuation of what you go through in your time on earth. It is among other things, yet another process central to being human. These types of processes and growth do not change on the other side as you like to think. It is your perception that causes confusion.

Just like a forgetful teen going off on their own there are some Spirits who-new to the return to Spirit life; can seem to cause a misunderstanding in themselves and you by their perceived actions or lack there of. They have deep impulses toward self discovery so that in their current incomplete awareness they feel the need as you perceive to move on. But, what they discover is that rather moving on is a poor choice of terms to relate to their loved ones left behind. It is actually a process of realizing their higher self, NOT leaving you.

Another misinterpretation you make is that, one of the #1 things Spirit wants us to know, do, remember, is to live in the now and complete your life goals. Whatever you wanted to experience, learn. What you want to work on emotionally, spiritually, ect. So sometimes your loved ones in Spirit seem to leave or 'move on'. But, rather they are trying to turn you back to yourself. They are not gone but waiting for you to come back into proper thinking.

Higher Spirit never abandons but waits for healing and works in ways you can not currently perceive. They wait for changes in emotion, perception, and EXPECTATION, for the greater good. For even the highest of beings come to you or send their messages, messengers, love, and communication. Life is NEVER lost. And Love is ALWAYS transformed into higher and greater love. "

Emily says:

" The beauty of the universe is never kept from you. By seeking to grow every opportunity experience gives us you will reach higher more positive feelings and open more doors for communication. When you say, "you are gone from me, I can't feel you anymore, you must be free"; You often forget to free yourself. If you never give up and keep trying, you will come to hear us and see us through many aspects of creation. You will eventually find that you can create experiences that will help bring about such communication. Don't have expectations of Spirit, or communication. Do not grieve over your expectations or how you see things. But explore your expectations of how you wish to experience communication. Explore how you wish your life to be-- given your new circumstances. How might you change your reality for the better? If you don't know, or don't wish to be, live or go on; Explore those feelings. Look at them honestly. Only by staring at them in the face can you find out some of who your are and how you can help others through your experiences. Even if you can not see, now, then, or later. Its about the emotional process. Both now and for those in the here-after. In the end it will always be about moving into love."

Andy says:

"We are not asking you to let go and move on or saying that we can't be there for you. We are saying we want you to come back to yourself. This is about your journey. Not ours. We all love you so much and we want you to love again. We want you to remember that death is not a brick wall, it is an illusion. It can be confusing, it can seem like an huge hole. A grave is not a dead thing, it is a pile of clothes. We have new clothes now. We love you. We have lives here just like you have lives there. Just like kids who start off to college sometimes the kids and the parents each seem to get wrapped up in the new life, but as life happens we move back to those we love. When it matters we call home and love. We make visits. Just be patient and hang in there. We got school here, and you got your stuff there too. Just wait, pretty soon we'll all be home for the holidays, together again.

Chris says:

Same here. When I first came here I tried very hard to stay focused on those I left behind and my life here. It was wild. I couldnt believe all possibilities in the universe. So much to do, so much to see, I often didn't know what to do or where to start, so I just ran and ran and tried to get in as much as possible. It can really be overwhelming sometimes and exciting. At the same time I focused really hard on mom. But as my time here progressed I began to remember more and more of who I was and I realised new things about myself and what I wanted to to do and accomplish. But I felt kinda like a kid. I kinda knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know quite how to start. So I tried different things. And a lot of that came across as miscommunication and silence to mom. It was hard to balance what was best for me, and what her and her guides said was best for her. Also she has goals and plans and I can't interfere with them. I wanted to try to figure out ways to help her. That's part of what I want to do. Do those plans with her. Cause that's part of my goals too. When Erik came along he helped me with that. That's some of the work that Erik and others like him do. I just really want people to know that communicating with us is not a black and white thing. There is so much going on. Not only on your end, but our end too. Grief is a process for you, and remembering is a process for us too. Just make sure you don't view these in terms of a timeline. Cause it's different for everyone. Just don't give up.

Erik says:

You guys need to stop worrying about if your a freak show or not. You need to just feel! You need to get it out. If you need to work it out. You need to lean on each other for support. You need to be there for each other and hold each other as family as a community. This is what matters. Working out your experiences as emotional and spiritual lessons. If you need to cry, go for it. If you need to yell and swear, do it. Just let it out, but do not hold on to it. Do not obsess about it and punish yourself. Cause if you do that you are not helping yourself and others. These experience are painful. They will not go away because they are a part of you now. They are part of your experiences of this life. But they don't have to hold you hostage. You might feel that your weaker, stupid, broken from them. But here's the thing. Now what? Where do you go from here? Are you gonna give up? If you do you can, but how's that fair to those still living and yourself. If you wanna give up no one is going to stop you. But yourself. If you keep trying and try to keep living you might eventually find new things about about life. You might find more to love. You may not think so, but then you wont know unless you keep trying. So keep telling each other your stories. Keep giving each other love. Cause when you do your light shines brighter than the sun, and it's rays will heal and help others on their path too. Luv Erik

March 16, 2011

The other day I asked E and my guides how things were going with me. I was thinking about my life so far, the past, I asked them how I was doing and I said, 'What should I do now? Where should I go with all "this" What should I be doing?"

They said, " Whatever brings you the most joy".

I was a little shocked at the simplicity of the message. It's such a seemingly small idea that I think everyone always overlooks. They want elaborate heavy detailed instructions. But in reality what makes life truly worth living is finding joy and love where we can. We often think that it has to, or should be others that provide this for us. But what will always work the best is finding our own joy through love in whatever we do. I think much of the time we get wrapped up in improper guilt and shame over such an idea. I think it's time to get over that and see that we are worth finding and keeping that which is joyful.

March 15, 2011

Question to the Gang:

So I read and hear that "we" are multidimensional souls. Our soul is made up of many parts, levels, and has various functionality. Just like organs of a body. And that our soul experiences multiple 3D realities at any given time. Past lives, future lives, parallel lives, other bodies, other existences. So my question is, When our currently perceived body dies; Which of these perceived lives are we upon arrival in the afterlife? Who are we? what do we look like? Which one will be us?

E's Answer:

"Any thing you want! Whatever, whomever, and whenever you wish! That's the beauty of being a divine being. Your thoughts create your reality. Everything you ever were, Everything you will ever be, every 'thing' you are NOW, you will be and currently ARE in the here after. You are vast. You are an expression of all that is. Embrace who you are. Fear not, for you are eternal, wonderful, and the only limit to your experience is all that you can possibly perceive. Study your thoughts and live fearlessly and joyfully for you have an eternity to be an eternal being!"

March 13, 2011

Erik says: "I want people to wake up and relise they have to fix themselves before they can fix others. You know the whole know thy self thing? Don't look outside of yourself to fix the world. Look within. Fix you, then you'll do what's right to fix what's around you. People need to stop asking me to intervine in their lives as if I am some messanger boy. I am here to help bring guideance, advice, love, and a change in thinking, not retrieve who-done-its.. I am not their tailasmin to divine the unknown. I am here to guide them to the fact that there is no such thing as death and we all need to fix our thinking. This aint no cult of personality, it's just a message of hope."

March 10, 2011


So I stayed home sick today. Feel kinda crummy.

A weird day. I woke up at 5 is feeling lousey. I called in and went back to bed. I slept until 10 am. I woke up and thought.. ahhhooohhh. I got to call my friend (Erik and I's soul sister she cannels him too) and tell her why I didn't write. Then I thought. No, Erik will tell her.

Sure enough. She called me imediatly after that thought and first thing out of her mouth was, You called in sick. She was laughing that I was relying on Erik to tell her. Then we talked a bit about some personal experiences, past lives and some other junk. Things like; When viewing visions of past lives or other psychic experiences how important it was to go with first impressions and not over anyalze experiences. And how when having past life visions that involved emotions; how important it was to tell yourself to just be the observer. To examine them for lessons to apply to your current life and let the rest go.

So I go to take an afternoon nap.

As per usual. One or more of the "gang" stops by to 'hang out'. First Erik pops in and out trying to cheer me up. Plays with the hair, pulls my hear. buzzes my face, tries to tickle me. He says, ' It's my job to harass the eternal 4 year old'. During these times my mind switches over to total minds eye vision. I have no clue as to anything else going on. It's the waking dream that is more real than real. A mirror or tunnel into somewhere else. Usually its the void in which full technicolor interactions happen. Frequently when Erik is involved they turn into rough housing. He creates visuals that interact with me; I create visuals that interact with him; and the visuals-thought forms in their own right, interact with each other. It 's often a case of one up-manship. So All of a sudden I find myself sitting in my porch swing in my minds eye. Then all of a sudden, Erik and Jill are swinging in a duplicate swing opposite of me. I stretch out my legs and grab on to their swing and try to make the swings go in tandem. And Erik is trying to force the swings to go in opposite direction and is giggling. I jump over to their swing and give them both kisses on their cheeks. Jill says hi, and Erik tries to wipe it off. So I am sitting in-between them and have my arms around them both. Erik squirms away and sits sideways and looks at me. I start complaining how ill I feel and how I am feeling down to boot. I start complaining about life in general. I ask Erik how this life compares in difficulty to other lives I've had. He says that I am doing fine. That in other lives I experienced physical pain and trauma; manual labor, and more gritty experiences and in this life I didn't have to fight for that. But in this life I had the spiritual traumas, the fears, the emotional battles of dealing with metaphysical experiences. He said it's just duality but on a different level or aspect. But that I am still doing ok but how hard I keep trying to get back up. He said sexuality and emotional issues were always something I worked on. Because it was just part of my personality. Then he put his feet on my lap. I pushed them off and he put them back on me. And then he turned them all hairy and gross, huge and smelly. Like a big foot or yeti! and He starts cackling with laughter. And I shove his feet off again and he wiggles them in my face. Then I drop an elephant on him. Yup. And then they fall through the floor and he jumps back up and threatens to fart on me. And jill shoves me off over to his side and says, "should I leave you two alone?". I start giggling and open my eyes and try to roll over. My entire left side of my head tingles with energy. I roll over and try to sleep.

No luck. I start to notice clairvoyently -- Emily crawling on the floor at the foot of my bed. Her and Erik are trying to sneak up on me. I said, "I can see you-you know.." She laughs and jumps up on my bed and kicks off her black shoes. They smack the wall and drop to the floor. I can see Erik and Andy sitting on the other side of the bed. Emily starts kicking her sock encased feet back and forth and crawls up the bed and over me and sits there and hugs me and says, "Stop whining, your making my head hurt. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up and do something". Then she rolls over me and lays on her belly and is doodling in a note book. I ask her what she is doing. And she turns to me and wiggles her pencil at me and says, " I write poetry ya know!, I write for mom."

I then sigh resigned to that I will get no sleep. So I feel compelled to get up and write this down. Like so much in life it's about just forcing your self to get out of bed and try again. Showing up is often half the battle. Those in Spirit will help you get the rest of the way there. There is always love. Even if you can't see it, it is there. Just keep looking cause your never alone!

March 08, 2011

I had some very interesting experiences yesterday. Erik playing a minor role. One was a 3rd party medium passed along a past life vision and message to me via Sharon. It was so unusual and mind blowing, that I am not quite sure what to do with it yet. The other interesting event was a discussion with Z about family spirits looking out after their decendents. And then another past life vision, and then I was attuned to master / teacher level in Reiki. Quite the day. My life sometimes feels like a metaphysical soap opera. "As the afterlife turns"; "Days of our past lives"; "One more life to live"; ect...

March 07, 2011

So as per usual; My experiences of Erik's and the "gang's" loving antics the past several days were no less entertaining.

I think it's hysterical that the CE blog post today is partially about Aliens. This weekend I was bitching to Erik, 'why was the first 3D solid full color Spirit materialization' I'd ever seen or that I recall' "why was it of Aliens". You know the experience I told you guys about that one time. It still sounds totally crazy to me. (Basically "my guides were giving them a human guide/charge tour and showing them what someone like me looked like right before a human starts to channel".) I was a little peeved. I was like, "Damn it guys" Why not someone I loved?! And then Erik appears in my minds eye with plastic springing attena on his head. Like from my favorite martian and he says, "heh heh, wanna touch my attena-- they have balls!"...


Then at one point I was on the phone talking to Robert on the phone. I was telling Robert about my Reiki attunement this week. And I was telling him about Reiki balls and sending distance Reiki. And "OF COURSE" Erik jumps in and starts going on about "BALLS" and how weighty shoving reiki "BALLS" at people... and on an on and on it typical Erik fashion.. ha ha ha....

Then I asked Jillian a question about her and Erik. I asked what was the first life time that they fell in love. When on the linear time-line that was......

Jill told Robert and I that she first fell in love with Erik before humanity really got started. In the Spirit realm. And that it was like magic. Their two energies came across each other and it was like nothing else existed. That all they could think of was each other. And that suddenly their was only their love for each other. That their first life together here on earth was in northern Africa and it was tribal, at a time where there was Neanderthals still on earth? How cool is that? That many many times they reincarnated with each other. But just as much they reincarnated separately because if they had been together they would not have been able to work on issues and experiences very well, because they would have been so consumed with each other. And some of the lives were to take a break and be solo. And some were just to take it easy and be together in total joy and bliss. But always in the end there was always each other.

Although ... I was hoping for super romantic stories of knights and damsels.. ha ha... I am such a sucker for romance. :)

Erik said; "It's important for people to realize that they are entities in their own right and everyone has had a long long journey. It's important not to attach so much emotional investment on 'us' because you gotta remember that you are YOU and you need to empower yourself to the fullest extent. There is always people out there in the universe that love you and will be there for you! Don't get discouraged! Even though you might not be able to see it, you are not only have those that love you, but you are WORTH all the love in the universe. Give love and you will receive it."

And of course after finding out about Erik and Jill's first life together here. Robert and I mercilessly teased Erik about being a cave man. And How he prob. clubbed Jillian and dragged her back to his cave! AND Jillian said, No I clubbed him! ha ha... And then Robert and I started calling him captain caveman and saying his name was "UG" and he said, NO, it's UGGA! LOL!!! ha ha...

March 04, 2011

Just as there are innumerable beliefs, opinions, perspectives, judgments, experiences, theories, and facts in the various fields of Sciences, Religion, and Sociology; So too in the areas of the so-called paranormal fields. Every thing is precieved in objective or subjective ways that get compared to our experiences. Who gets to say what is right or wrong? You? Me? Who gets to decide? These questions sure don't stop people from voicing their perceptive to others. And in the end, it's nice to remind ourselves it all comes down to free will and choice. Not only do we get to choose belief, action, inaction; but we also get to choose how we react to others. It's good to have these two contrasts for then we get to decide through free will and choice what if anything we will do about it. Erik taught me about not living in fear. His mother taught me about honoring and respecting others journeys as being as valid as my own. My guides give me further advice on applying this to my daily thoughts and behaviors. I am a work in progress. But I want to say thank you and show my gratitude. I choose to look for Spiritual love, not fear.

March 02, 2011

Erik talks to Jason about Spirit's Names:

"So many people want to know about names. What is in a name. Who am I "Really"? What am I know by in the here after, the other side. What do my friends and family call me. Do I continually take on the name of each incarnation? or am I known by something affectionately. Seth called Jane- Roburt. Obviously this was from an affectionate shared experience. But equally as obviously a name is not a good description of the totality of who one is. A name represents a certain life. A certain perspective. But a name is also a symbol. And the meaning of symbols change over time, point of view and with knowledge. So what is our name. Our true names are not actually words. They are two things:

1) They are how we personally describe ourselves. But, by becoming aware of and exploring who we are, we gradually and/or suddenly begin to "own" who we are. And we project that Knowing out. This becomes a manifestation of energy. This mental energy symbol represents who we were, who were are, and who we might be. It's an energy signature, that is akin to a snap shot, not in time, but of current perspective. This is why Spirits get all odd when it comes to names. Because names are actually energy descriptors and do not have the same emotional attachment and meaning for them as they do for us.

2) They are how other beings describe us. Exactly as I just mentioned but from the other beings point of view. So when, in the other realities-- when a being wants to contact you, rather than saying, "Hey so and so......" they simply think of how that energy signature/ symbol feels to all the senses and they then project their own sense of self to the energy field. This is how Spiritual communication and travel is enabled. You think of where you are at, and who you are; then you think of where you want to be and who they are, and you imagine yourself there. Then you are there. So it's not about movement but more the process of imaginative thought bridging perception.

Now that's not to say that Spirits do not have names they prefer and are known by. Because they do. But you need to know about the function of energy perception behind the concept. And yes, you can call me Erik. That who I am -- Durrr.... haha"

(*Jason's note: In moments of extreame sillyness and antics, he calls me big baby or little shit but always followed by, you know I love you).... :)