Past memories & emotional tools, Lessons Learned

Past memories & emotional tools, Lessons Learned

posted Dec 06, 2010 by Jason

**Using past and current life experiences as a tool in your current life**

Lessons Learned:

How does one communicate with the Divine? It is one of the biggest questions that humankind has entertained throughout it's existence. What are the methods of this interaction? How is it manifested? Is it the same for everyone? Who has it right? Who has it wrong?

Written history, written word, inspired word, story telling, speech, vision, dream, imagination, thought... and above all, Feelings. What does all this feel like to you? Feelings allow one to judge thought and personal experience. Feelings are not the same as thought but they occur at the same time. Why?

And why does thought contain images and pictures?

The answer is because, Feelings with images, pictures, and thought is one of the most complete ways to communicate. Who the communication is with, is really only limited by belief. Feelings and thoughts in all its unlimited manifestations are a far greater tool to us and the Spirit realm than words.

Words are a poor substitute for the "feeling and thoughts of the experience". Words are simply human symbols created in an attempt to understand feelings, thought, and Experience. Which of these; words, feelings, and thoughts, comes closest to describing what is real?

Trying to discover what is real, and discover the realness of our experiences and what to make of it all, is part of what our current lives are all about. One can reflect upon, relive, study, and contemplate the essance of any life memory to attempt to glean life lessons. What does it all mean to me today; now.

Now many people do not believe in the existence of past lives. And that is ok. It is indeed a subjective concept. Each to their own in their own reality. If this is you, in which case; the study of past memory and experiences can be studied and learned from. The attempt can be made to turn feelings into lessons that can be generalized and expounded upon and conclusions can be passed on to others or applied to future experiences.

But if you belong to the group that does believe in past lives, you have within you the possibility to discover more. Through various methods; i.e., past life regression, hypnosis, mediums, channeling, dreams, etc., You have the opportunity to examine and study ideas, thoughts, visions, memory, imagination, dreams, ect. to examine them for emotions. These emotions tied to past life memories are symbols of current life lessons. And can be useful in understanding how you currently feel and understand the universe around you and your place in it."

Through conversations of mine with a Spiritual Teacher and a channeling Erik blog members, (Leo & Linda) and I learned some about past lives. Leo, recently said to me;

"Your past lives can be a duel edged sword if you will. Yes there are important issues from our previous life experiences. Certainly they help you to understand who you really are. Essentially by paying attention to previous lessons can and will help you both now and in future experiences. That's the whole idea, we are in a physical learning lab. We are supposed to learn from our experience and as each one passes, we move to a higher level of understanding. Then at some point we have had so many experiences that we become beyond the need to return to incarnate life.

The whole point of having life experiences is to learn valuable lessons from them. Of course it goes without saying that we shouldn't repeat past negative issues. We are growing into more and more spiritual awareness with each successive life experience. We should not get overly excited about past events as they are but lessons to be learned. We learn and we move on. It is again important that we learn or we will be back to go over it again. We are supposed to raise our vibrational level and to move up in the spiritual realms. Some simply choose to not progress and that is their choice. Some chose to remain in the lower realms where they are content to accept it.

There is one thing to keep uppermost in your mind and that is that Rome wasn't built in a day. It can sometimes take a person more than a lifetime to gain the knowledge. So go slow and savor each bit of spiritual knowledge. We are eternal spiritual beings, so there really isn't any need to rush we have an infinite amount of time.

Reincarnation is our way of increasing our knowledge. We learn both in the spiritual realms and here on the earth plain. When we pass from our physical experience, we are given an opportunity to review our most recent human existence. We have a period of rest and a chance to learn from our experiences. We have guides and teachers who help us with understanding what we are about.

Of course we also have the choice to not participate in any kind of educational experience. Those who don't wish to change can remain in the realm that they are vibrationally aligned with. As I understand it, those entities would be in the lower realms. It is because of our spiritual growth that enables us to gain a higher vibratory alignment.

The period of time spent in the realms is both for rest, time to enjoy our spiritual friends and family and of course the time to learn more. We also can get started with our plans for our next existence.

We all come to experience something, Even if it's only to just experience the experience of a human life". Knowing your path is obviously important as it helps one to avoid the pitfalls of human existence. Our ego/mind has problems listening to our spirit as our ego thinks that the spirit in some way will harm our ego. That is why it is so hard to overcome our ego/mind as our ego/mind thinks it knows best. We are programmed to believe in what our mind sees and that's why most of us can't "see" spiritual things. We have been brainwashed to believe in only what we can feel, see, taste, touch or hear. Anything else is myth or illusions."

**So that said, I'd like to share the following:


Dec. 04, 2010-

Over the past month; over the past several weekends; over the past few days; off an on....I and a few other Channeling Erik blog members have been, off and on, exploring shared past lives.

For example;

Robert and I and Erik feel we have had past lives with Ceridwen and Sharon; together and separately. Everything from living in the Celtic era in Europe all the way to Victorian turn of the century America. We've talked about our possible relationships as it appeared to us in visions, flashback, images, emotions. This and a sense of Knowing, combined with direct communication from guides, and Erik. We've talked about parent child relationships; Husband wife relationships; sibling relationships; religious and scholarly relationships; births, deaths, murders, punishment, happiness, loss, love, and what it all might mean. After this article I'll try to go through my emails and post some of these experiences and what they mean for me.

Dreams, Vision, thought, and feelings have a reason for being. How we interpret them is up to us. How do you choose to apply faith? What faith, who gets to say? Who gets to interpret it? What does it mean to you? The contemplation of past lives is but yet another way to explore the interconnection of all in Spirit.


Below is a chain of emails between Robert and I. We have been sharing further Visions of past lives together. With the help of guides and Spiritual Teachers we are learning how to channel the emotions from the visions into lessons to be applied to this life. We choose to believe this is real; But, we understand how this can be viewed as imagination of the Psyche fantasising about emotional problems. Regardless we both strongly believe the lessons still apply and hold value to improving our lives.

Over the past couple of months we and a couple of blog members have been sharing stories and visions of supposed shared experiences of past lives. We believe they are channeled from past lives via; our higher selves, the God Source, Guides, Erik, or us just plugging into the Spiritual grid. It is an extremely subjective experience to say the least.


**Using past and current life experiences as a tool in your current life**

Lessons I Recently Learned:

1) Feelings like words and experiences can be and are symbols

2) How to pick apart feelings and visions from past lives and apply them to unresolved issues and lessons for the current life

3) To not fear feelings

4) Longing, desire, love, are the flip side of Obsession, lust, objectification... and that it is ok to feel all the different aspects of intimacy if channeled into healthy loving relationships. That true love in all it's many many forms has no shame. It is ok and right to acknowledge past love and feelings.

5) There is no such thing as lost love only evolved love.

6) It's ok to cry

7) Feelings of loss and abandonment are better described as symptoms of fear. The inner turmoil these cause are often heavily influenced by past lives and past/present experiences. The way to get past these symptoms is through self empowerment and self love. Not that someone out there loves you or will be there for you, but that you are worthy of love. That you are worthy of eternal companionship, friendship, and love.


The email / Journal entries----------------------------

Jason to Robert: Dec 2

Hi Robert,

Apologies for the weirdness. The other day/ week and since. Well, really over several weeks/month we've been getting past life visual flashes. Everything from Ceridwen and me, to Sharon and me, to Erik and me, and to You and me. Why no Elisa yet?, I dunno prob. because I've not focused on it yet. But what's interesting for me is that they are coming to me 2 ways. 1) just knowing, and 2) often followed by brief visual memory flashes. These are either image stills or actually moving full color memories, AND they contain intense emotion! Which led me to freak out some and ask Erik about some of those emotions. And that's when he admitted to a few of our past lives. Umm -yea. Which at the time really freaked me out. Cause well, you know. That's like GROSS!. ha ha.. I get the concept; it's just the emotional junk with the moving images was sort of overwhelming. And it doesn't help that Erik likes to TEASE me about it!

Ok, so lets just lay it on the table.

Past lives. Me and you. I've decided I've just got to lay it on the table cause if I don't it's gonna bug me.

So far, I've had moving Visions of different lives with you. I just KNOW there are LOTS. You know, -that sense of knowing. Like thousands of years of knowing.. But in recent past history I have 5 vivid ones.

The most recent that I recall is one of the embarrassing ones. I had a moving technicolor Vision with emotion and sound of ME as a middle aged woman, as a couple- With you! I relived that relationship as if I WAS her. I was in that body. All of her features felt like they were mine. And they were totally tactile to touch. I relived everything from cooking for you, to serving you dinner and touching your hair. I relived intimate moments. Together in love and all the imagery of what that means and Erik as a little kid was peeping at us through a door! You had long black hair and a beard! I also remember Erik and I in that life. I held him in my arms as a child and rocked him to sleep in a rocking chair. In fact that vision was so intense emotionally, Eriks been using it to startle me. Don't even get me started. I am totally fine with it and get the implications of it all, it was just soooo far out there I was totally floored by it. In fact more than once of late when on the phone talking to you I caught myself visualizing you not as looking like yourself, but as this black haird man with facial hair. ( just the face!) That in combination with Erik replying in your voice was very surreal to say the least.

The other vision is of me also as a woman. A french prostitute in who knows what city and I am certain you stabbed me. Or maybe I am mixing up lives because I have anther more detailed Vision of me as a young man in the Italian Renaissance as a courtier and you were my "client" and was your favorite well, you know... And I get the impression you were a priest! Again. More visuals..... yea... I know....

The other Visions are totally non sexual. You as a professor, me as the student in a theology school. You as a head master me as a student.

You as a druid and me as a lowly acolyte/ servant.

and so on

Ok, there I said it.

And Erik if you give me one more lewd comment I am gonna scream.

Jill, please help me,... He just replied, "OH pleaseeeee you know you liked it.".

So yea... on a related topic I've also Visualized my death more than a few times in different ways in different lives.... Not fun... Weird and kinda cool, but not fun.... Totally explains my irrational fear of heights and water.... and knives....


Ha ha... I am totally cool with it all btw..

I just wanted to say that.



Robert to Jason: Thu, Dec 2

Hey there

No apologies necessary young'un! :-) I loved reading this! I got very vivid images of me as a dark haired man and you as a woman. I dunno if you got this, or not, but Erik wasn't your son in that life...he was mine. From what I get, you and I were seeing one another. My wife died during my son's birth (Erik's birth), so I wasn't cheating. I was looking for another Mother to my son. We had a deeper love than I had with my first wife. This was a very, very long time ago...I get it was in the mid 1500's! LOL!

Oh, and get this...I wrote a poem when I was 18 or 19 about stabbing someone! I remember when i wrote it, it felt like i had actually done such a thing. I had no idea until now it was a past life experience! It's now coming to's making my heart race...I can feel the anxiety and repulsion at what I'd done...the body (yours), was left in the woods and in that life I was haunted by what transpired. That is the life where I realized life is precious and should never be taken from another. The feelings I have right now are intense thinking about it....such fear and guilt! I was a man who was worried others would discover I was seeing a prostitute. You fell for me and kept coming around. I lured you to an isolated place and did that terrible thing. I knowing was in another life (literally) and all, but apologies are in order! You had no idea you were in danger. You are right about me being a priest and you being a male prostitute. It was at the end of the 1400's. I remember the exhilaration of the experience...I also recall the fear and guilt afterwards. Excellent channeling work. -- Robert

"All that can be, will be...All that has been before, will be again..."


Jason to Robert: Dec 2

Here is another one. So I just said to Lydia (one of Jason's spirit guides). "Gee I sure wish I could hug ya." And she showed me a vision her holding me as an infant. And she said. I used to take care of you. I said.. wow. really.. was Erik there too? and she just smiled. and I said... "Was Robert there"? and she smiled and said to ask you! cool. huh?


Robert to Jason: Dec. 3


Lydia just showed me that image and more...she and I were married...I was your father...Erik was your older brother...we had a very loving family. She was the doting mom and I was the protective father. We were both very nurturing. I have this sense of longing regarding her that I didn't have before. A feeling of love lost, but not because of a separation in life. It was death that separated us. A grief filled heaviness...a facade of emptiness. Lydia is one of my (several) romantic soul! She's smiling now...beaming in fact! :-) Thank you Jason for sending this and that you Lydia for showing me that life! It was a very happy vision and I am very, very pleased to know you are Jason's Guide! How wild is that, Jason? One of your Guides is one of my Romantic Soul mates! Lydia's telling me she knows the Romantic Soul mate I am to meet in this life too. She says he was her sister in another life (not the one all of us shared). She says when I meet him I'll feel as if I've known him forever, because on a Soul level I have.



Jason to Robert: Dec 2nd

oh, ps. also after that, Lydia and my higher self in my minds eye had some good hugs..... I was kinda crying. It felt really good. It felt like good one on one time with Mom. She said I was her little sickly baby. Her small miracle and joy. And no matter what I did or didn't do she was proud of me and loved me. I asked her she had been with me my whole life and she said yes. It made me feel safe. Like I had nothing to worry about-ever.


Jason to Robert: Dec. 03

hey. are you free tomorrow day or Sunday day? I've got some more emotional stuff and Erik and I have been arguing on whether or not to tell you. He said no more blog or channeling until I get re centered and worked out... I feel just rotten about asking you to listen to me.


Jason to Robert Dec. 03

Never mind, I am ok.

I am a little better. Our Guides/Teachers helped; stepped in and helped me . They talked me out of it and advised me what to do.


Robert to Jason: Dec. 03

Hey there

I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I was at Elisa's for our usual Friday get together.

Don't ever worry about needing to talk to work through stuff little brother! I'm always here for you! :-) I wish so much we could chat about it tomorrow, but I promised Elisa I'd go with her, Rune, and her sister to a Xmas Party. I'm really sorry we can't discuss it tomorrow as I think sooner would be better than later. Do you think you'll be ok till Sunday?



Jason to Robert: Dec. 3

Hi ya, I am back home now and on my computer. Apologies for the weird cell phone emails earlier. I spent the last several hours in so called psychic meltdown. Accepting and being pummeled with past life emotions, visions, as well as other emotional issues I'd not dealt with, which were dragged up from the depths of my soul by working on the Channeling Erik forums and blog as well as my own, and arguing with Erik whether or not to tell you. Lydia (my guide) tried to help shield you and Sharon from my meltdown, So I hope you were not hit by anything. I was worried.

It is a blizzard of snow outside. And I was allowing all this to happen while standing in the snow for an hour. I felt like bawling like a baby the whole bus ride home. Finally, our Spirit Teacher was able to talk me out of it on the walk from the bus stop to home.

Basically what was happening was that I was allowing myself to relive all that through emotion and then not channeling it in ways that applied it in a lesson, or to my current life in a meaningful way. Just emotion and vision, no picking it apart for lessons. Soooo... But anyway, I just wanted to quickly email you to let you know I am doing Much much better now.

Although I should prob. read you what I wrote sometime which is what triggered it all. Sigh....

Hope you have a great night.


Jason to Robert: Sat, Dec 4,

I am doing a lot better. Although I still feel like I'd feel better if I sat down and had myself a good old fashioned cry. Here is a journal entry I am working on about it all at the suggestion of our Teacher.

What I learned last night and the past few days:

**Using past lives as a tool in your current life**

Lessons Learned:

1) Feelings like words and experiences can be and are symbols

2) How to pick apart feelings and visions from past lives and apply them to unresolved issues and lessons for the current life

3) To not fear feelings

4) Longing, desire, love, are the flip side of Obsession, lust, objectification... and that it is ok to feel all the different aspects of intimacy if channeled into healthy loving relationships. That true love in all it's many many forms has no shame. It is ok and right to acknowledge past love and feelings.

5) There is no such thing as lost love only evolved love.

6) It's ok to cry

7) Feelings of loss and abandonment are better described as symptoms of fear. The inner turmoil these cause are often heavily influenced by past lives and past/present experiences. The way to get past these symptoms is through self empowerment and self love. Not that someone out there loves you or will be there for you, but that you are worthy of love. That you are worthy of eternal companionship, friendship, and love.


I was working on a text file of questions I'd like to ask Spirits or tell those in Spirit if I had gone to another medium. Meaning ones I am too afraid to channel myself.....And that re-triggered things-- yesterday. It started triggering past life memories in vivid detail. I kept getting hit with wave after wave of emotions and at the time I didn't know what to do with them.

For example:

1) The memories of me as the woman and you with the beard and Erik as your son. Not just the intimate moments either. I relived holding and rocking Erik and the feel of him sleeping on my chest. I remember cooking for the both of you. Of serving you and kissing your head. I remember mending your clothes. It wasn't just the vision, the replay of events as a matter of fact. I relived it! In full color, full sound, full emotion and Physical sensations. I remember how you felt, my eyes on your eyes boring into your soul. And wave after wave of emotional and tactile sensations and love hitting me. I still feel dizzy just thinking about it. Lydia (my guide)says she remembers it being like that with you too. And over and over in my head while thinking about these events I heard in my head, "This is true romantic love in it's purest form. This is good. The baser emotions of love should be channeled into relationships like this." over and over in my head I also heard, "There is no shame in this bed".

2) The memory of you as the priest and me as the prostitute. I remember you coming through an alley covered in a dark concealing robe and cloak. I can remember the fear from you. Remembering how each week you paid the people who held me in bondage and secretly brought me little sweets and gifts. I remember how the guilt and shame weighted so heavy on you. I adored you! My own father sold me into this life and for me you were my protector. The father, the man, the lover who would rescue me. Rescue my body and soul all at once. You told me God was punishing you and that you were doomed. But that I could still be saved. I desperately wanted to believe you would perform a miracle for me, but I could see the fear and lie in your eyes. But I didn't care. I was so in love with you. When we were together I felt such power. Like I could lift myself out of my life. You made me feel drunk. I felt like you were the breath of life and if only I did what you wanted that you would save my soul from hell. In these visions I keep hearing, "You cannot hide inner pain in lust".

3) The memory of me as the French prostitute and you stabbing me. I relived that moment. It was after a night of drinking and song. I thought you were so powerful and wonderful. You lit up my eyes like no other did. I was so afraid of telling you that I loved you because I feared you would stop coming around. I remember a grand game of chasing you around. I followed you out of my brothel and giggled and laughed after you as you led me on a merry chase. My curly hair flying in the wind as I breathlessly chased you into the woods. You came out from behind a tree and grabbed me. And I squealed with delight thinking of more amorous things. But then I saw the look of your eyes in the moon light and I became afraid and tried to run. You grabbed my waist, then my arm. You were hurting me. You pulled me to you and wrapped an arm around my head, and stabbed me with the other. I left my body then in shock as I crumpled to your feet. I remember my soul standing there looking at you as you just starred at me. A shell of a man. And all I could think of was, 'how I just wanted to be with you'. In this vision I kept hearing, "Love has no shame, Power over love is love lost."

4) Then I started having visions of your and Eriks deaths throughout time. Some seemed in the past some seemed like future possibility. But it wasn't the details per say. That was there some... like I saw myself having to give a speech at your funeral and how I couldn't cause I couldn't stop crying. But I also saw bodies buried, bodies burnt, bodies on boats and rafts. Bodies in battle... And the feelings were sooo sharp sooo painful. I felt you both die. I felt horrible loss and pain.. Like I'd be totally abandoned. Like life wasn't worth living anymore. THEN, it would switch to meeting you both again right after I died. It was in the void between realms. And you and others in light stood around my arrived soul. And I collapsed in grief, pain, and relief at being reunited again. And I just sat there, laid there crumpled up with arms around me and sobbed and sobbed. And all I could think of while having these visions was, "That this is my fear of abandonment".

Again, I said to Erik that I was so afraid of being left. And he apologized for saying the other night that he would choose Jillian over me, but that he hadn't meant it like that at all. That at the time he was only trying to be light of heart and funny. And he and Lydia both said, "Do you honestly think a Spirit-a soul as old as you would have no one in the universe to journey with? Do you not think that you are worthy of love and companionship? Just because you can not remember all in your mortal form doesn't mean that the love of many isn't waiting to be reunited with you. After all, we are both here, are we not? I tried to examine my feelings for you, Erik, Elisa, and my guides. I kept wanting to say, the longing, it's like being in love. But not. That's when I heard, "Yes, feelings and emotions are also just words and symbols. Symbols of lessons learned and lives gone by."

Then I started remembering some of my life with Lydia and you and her as my parents. But mostly it was just the feelings and love. And the knowledge that all are interconnected with love, history, and divine purpose.

Then as I lay there in bed thinking that I needed to write all this down and closely examine it to try and relate it to my current life. I heard. "It's ok to cry". And I even though I had already cried and felt better. I kinda secretly wanted to just sit in the corner and let it all out one more time. Then I heard. "Do not fear feelings" Fear has no place in the feelings of love". "Shame has no place in love". Feelings channeled into love and expressed in healthy ways is a reflection of the divine."

Well, that's all I got. Erik says I should treasure the memories. Hold onto the good, and understand the negative. And know that I will never be alone.

So I think last night I had an ephipany... My past and present fears of being abandoned are a direct manifestation of my fears of being abandoned, cut off from or loosing my way to God Source. Some of it is past relationship based. but a lot of it comes from forgetting my spiritual connection in my mortal body. and how much I hate it. and so i keep manifesting loss, dispair and reconnection in all its forms.......



Robert to Jason: Sat, Dec 4

Excellent, excellent work young man! :-)

Emotions are one of the greatest challenges we humans face. We go through a great deal of our lives (past and present) either supressing, hiding, or running from them out of fear they will destroy us. The key is to experience them and relish the joy and sense of empowerment we get from making it through the other side and truly understanding their purpose. I've said this before, but it bears repeating, you've come a lonnngg way! Keep up the great work!

"All that can be, will be...All that has been before, will be again..."

I Know this may seem very different, difficult to many. That's OK. A key to life is to know that by self examination of feelings, a soul can find that which is within. That which is within, in the darkest corner, hidden deep, is the spark of knowing, the spark of being. Everything that which you hold secret, everything that sets you apart. All your experiences, all your loves, all your dreams, everything, the good, the bad, that which makes you-YOU. That is your power. No one can take it away from you. Let the fear fall away. Head forward, eyes inward. Be not afraid. Let fear fall away. Take just one step and you will find help to take the next. Be brave, be true, be honest. Love and Live. You are never alone. In darkest night, you are a shining light that flares across the universe, a spark of light that mirrors the great Divine. A spark that cries out and says, I am here. You are heard. Angels flock to you. Reaching out to you, clamoring to hold you up. You only have to but open your heart, open your eyes, and hold out your hands.

One of my mentors once said or wrote:

"For what we are is the result of what we have been, the result of what has gone before."

When I read this, I immediately thought of another past life vision I had yesterday involving one of the blog members here. I was waiting for the bus and reading her email, when all of a sudden my field of vision went blank and my minds eye vision took over. In vivid technicolor I was a very little boy. We were in Nova Scotia Canada. Sometime in the late 18th century.

I wrote to Sharon about it, I wrote: I was a little boy sitting at the dinner table in a kitchen. It was all homemade furniture. It was all lit by candles. And Mom was over the wood stove. Dad was in the other room. And Mom told you to set the table. You were a little girl and wearing a full length dress or nightgown. It had little flowers and a white background. And the sleeves ended at the upper arm in little bunches and had lace edging and ribbons. You had long straight hair. And you were pouting and mad about having to set the table. You had a great temper and I was scared of it. So I tried to sit there and stair at the table. You took the stack of wood plates and stomped around the table with bare feet. Slap, slap, slap... around you went and at each spot you slammed the plate down.

Now this is not the first past life vision I've had of her and with her. Erik has showed me one, and told me and Robert that she has been older sister, mother and best of friends to me. On this vision she replied, "That is so me! Some things never change. I don't pout so much about chores and housework anymore but when I was a kid I had lots of experiences just like that! I have an awful temper....."

Very interesting to me. She replied after that some more, as to what she thought it meant, but it really got the both of us thinking. For me, ... I keep hearing over and over again the words, "You fear others emotions". I had in this life's past, always thought it was due to my parents personalities. But now I think this is yet another "fear" related topic that simply plays itself out over and over again for me in each life....

Food for thought indeed....