Dec 2011-January 2012

January 30, 2012


Every so often I have conversations with people about the Spiritual term "Vibration". It's a term in may Spiritual traditions that is tossed around like so much salad, but people really don't know what's in it. I frequently hear it used in the phrases such as, "I need, I am, I have, I should have". I don't really think that's especially helpful in understanding one's place in the universe nor one's state of being.

There are multiple things to think about when approaching the matter. One is that of Dimensionality. What plane of existence does one gravitate to or primarily reside in. Also, from where do you operate from. Personally, I don't think that anyone in this era of human history can or will ever fully understand or be able to measure this. We are talking about the inner nature of sub atomic make up, the world between inner spaces. Although, how you perceive any of this, will have some impact on your experiences. Most of the time, this comes into play outside of physicality.

The main thing to keep in mind about vibration is that it's more about a mental and emotional state of being. Your thoughts, actions, and emotions carry or have a certain quality of energy. What you focus on, builds such energy and manifests it. Thought and emotional always come before physical action even if you are not aware of it.

In matters of Spiritual communication, I often hear people lament that they have, a low vibration. Or that, 'if only they could raise their vibration'. But I am not sure if they know what that means per say. A low vibrational state is simply actualizing the focus of a fear related emotion with such completeness that it defines your thoughts, and feelings. It is NOT bad or wrong per say, but it is somewhat limiting in that it forces you to spin with to eye of the storm so that you can look within a calm spot to re-evaluate who you are. It's sort of like walking through thick Smoke or swimming in an oil slick . They cling and choke. It doesn't stop Spirits from knowing where your at, or touching you, but it hinders you seeing them, your surroundings and yourself. With a few exceptions no one can get you out of it unless you ask.

How to get out and calm the storms? Let say this spirit stuff didn't exist. How would you fix an emotional crisis? Therapies, intensive emotional introspection and taking care of yourself. Then throw in the spiritual communication stuff and its still a ton of hard work. There is no magic wishing involved other than the focus of intent that drives you to mental or physical action. To get to and from the land of oz you can either ride out life's storms, or you build your shoes, balloon, or you seek to understand and use your inner magic.

What else can it mean?

What does the term/saying, "Raise your vibrations", Mean?? Who am I and how do I advance my Spirit?

-Your casual every day thoughts become your life's intention- (who you are)

*A purposeful aim; your most secret wish and desire; your judgments; your fears; your wold view; your unconscious; your minds endless chatter.

-How does what you are doing affect other living beings? Harming? Benefiting? or are you full of apathy?

-How does what you are doing affect the planet?

-Every intention to improve yourself takes practice, repetition, and is a life long daily struggle.

Vibration is another fuzzy Spiritual term. It means different things to different people depending on who one talks to and in context.

In Spiritualism, this refers to the rate at which the atomic structures of the soul move. The higher the vibration the faster the various energy components move. It is intended that the faster the movement the more ethereal and refined the Spirit. A high level Spirit. A Spirit of high moral, spiritual, “good” being. They become more rarefied and less dense. Able to transcend higher and higher spiritual dimensions. The lower the vibration the slower the various energy components move. They become more and more dense. It is believed to describe spiritual beings of lesser or less evolved state. Confined to lower dimensions including the incarnate earth physical reality. The denser the vibration the closer to physical matter it becomes.

The lowering or increasing of these energy components is called ‘transubstantiation’. When those from the afterlife- want to materialize, they have to lower the swirling of the atoms to bring the swirling of the atom to the same speed as the earth’s. ‘Through transubstantiation, an object or a person/afterlife intelligence could materialize or dematerialize. De-materialization is NOT dissolution. A de-materialized object or entity would be invisible and intangible. But it would be no less real than it was. The object would simply have changed in substance to become super-physical.’

Raising vibration entails living life with positive emotion. To live with mindful purpose, moving ever more to whom and what you think your higher self is. This is to be mindful that the effects you desire are from causes of a more perfect nature causing ever higher/spiritual effects.

There are tons and tons of mystical, spiritual, and metaphysical opinions and advice on the matter. Just look at peoples links. But there is a great deal of agreement out there. Raising vibration can come from meditation, light work, prayer, good works, change in attitudes, love, all the positive emotions, but basically it boils down to putting into practice one’s active intent to change ones life for the better. A change of personal perspective. It’s really not about mystical mumbo jumbo.

January 26, 2012

Q & A

A CE reader posted this question on the forums:


I'm really curious about whether souls can hug each other in the afterlife? Does it feel the same as hugging someone on Earth?


There are tons of stuff out on the net about Spirit hugs. They come in lots of variations too. Here on CE, I think you can find several really good insistence's in the archives or by searching or what not.

Hugs could be from loved ones, past friends, past life relations, guides, teachers, angels, etc etc. Mostly it's just their energy blending with yours that carries the emotion of love. It can come in many different energetic, psychic, and physical manifestations or any combination. For example, you'll hear people talk about temperature changes, static electricity feelings, buzzs, tingles, gooseflesh, tickles, feather touches, squeezes, air pressure changes, air thickening, feelings of floating, change of mental and visual spacial orientation, visions, sounds, you name it. Many many times it is a combination of these. I mean, for someone without 3D flesh, how would you describe a hug like interaction? The point is, is that it's love.

Now as far as "technical details" go. What is happening is that they are blending their energy with yours. They expand or contract theirs, they use energy bodies drawn from whatever plane they are functioning on and interact with you. So they could approach you via what would appear to us as a morpheus energy cloud like structure, or a energy body. Or they could operate through an intermediary. They might be able to have enough experience, know how, and energy to do anything themselves. Frequently they team up with other spirits, such as guides and angels to boost the energy to reach us or cause a manifestation. For example I once had a hug from Erik back in the day, in which he said it took a good handful of them to raise my state of being and lower their and punch the power through to make me feel a hug. What had actually happened though was that they enabled my energy body and consciousness to project closer to theirs; me and the whole room. In that place and state, they were able to interact with me. Other times, they create vortexes through our auras and energy fields so that their energy can be felt or sensed by our sensory organs and nerves. Sometimes this looks like tunnels, worm holes, waves and clouds, motes of light jumping from contact point to contact point. Here's an example. Have you ever had just a horrid day? Where you found yourself praying, "Oh God, just please help me get through this and keep it together" Then at the end of the day you crash down to bed or the couch... suddenly you feel like your surrounded by soft thick air and your mind with blissful gratitude shuts down and sleep overcomes you, without explanation? That is more than likely your guardian angel hugging you and wrapping you in their energy. There are all sorts of variations. Unlimited. Everything from a feather light tickle to an example I had a while ago, Here's how I wrote about it.

[One night, I felt so bad that I was in tears. Then all of a sudden I had a really unusual cool experience. My eyes were closed and all of a sudden I felt this thick air surround me with pressure and I felt slightly dizzy, kinda like I was suddenly floating on a pool raft, and wobbly spinning. Then suddenly it felt like my point of consciousness, you know that feeling of looking through your eyes and thinking, this is me? Suddenly it felt like that point had moved up out of my body through my chest and head and I was now smaller. And that I was, the me, was now located above my head, about where the head board is. And at the same time this was happening, this air pressure had the sensation of rolling from my feet, around my body and up and against the wall carrying me. Exactly as if you can imagine picking a child up as you scooted to a sitting position in bed, while sitting up against the headboard/wall, and then holding that child in your arms against your chest. This went on for what seemed like a half hour]

Now, people will say, "How to I facilitate these more often?"

Well, there are a few approaches. 1) You could just hold your concept of Angels and Loved ones to mind and simply ask. Then wait. In this instance the ball is in their court. Be patient as each spirit is different and each situation is different. 2) Co-create these experiences. This will require you to closely examine your own belief structures and emotions as each of these impact the energy available. I know this sounds sooo pat and cliche, but its really true. For example you can get stuck in emotional cycles of "wanting or not having" vs "love or sending love" and gratitude. All the emotions are a-ok, Erik swears they are; but it's were the point of your focus is that this always true. Oh sure, when spirits are motivated and team up, they can get through a lot, but it might be that you chose to experience a particular aspect of having vs not having or some other emotional paradox. One a very related note one of the easy hugs to manifest is from you angels. So be sure to focus on them! Also, Beliefs and belief systems, fear, and perceptions are a huge influence. I know growing up in the traditions I was raised, any spirit contact was forbidden and those ideas carried a lot of fearful baggage that was really tough to work with. It was only after I reexamined my beliefs and emotions about them that I was able to change my perspective from fear to love. My life is a lot richer and happier for it.

Hope this helps some!

**Follow up questions

Q) I remember reading one of the channeling sessions that made me think that touching on that side wasn't the same as it is here. I remember Erik saying something about the physical touching not being the same or how he missed it.

A) It's not the same unless you choose to manifest it in co-operation with another soul. In which case then you create it from personal energy or you create it from the environment they operate on, IE. astral, mental, etc. plane... This can be done via an energy body, a physical form they create based on whatever plane it is they are operating from, or they project it as energy hologram so to speak. Otherwise this is in addition to "the energy merges", as well as different from sharing energy with those in denser vibrations... It's really a lot more convoluted than we think of here on Earth. What he misses is the tactile contact of a loved one who is still on Earth. There is always something to be said about sharing love with two souls who are playing on the same field.

January 24, 2012

** Musings on Light from the boys,

Tonight after some conversation, I was reminded of a childhood song. This little light of mine. At which point Erik M. showed me the image of a man with a flame thrower....

Later in the evening Eric K. stood next to me and helped me understand just how our light seems to 'them'. He said that your own light is not just a point of light that flares in darkness, nor is it a blast of fire but its a sun, we are the stars in whose presence all we touch grows. So its not that we should shine or try to tend our light, but that we can not but help to shine. If everyone could realize how many souls stand in their light with love for them, not only that, but that our light could be seen as love, in so much as we recognize ourselves as having it to give, the world would be a better place.

** Last nights Joke courtesy of the E and the spooky biker gang.

I thought I'd pass it along....

"Life is like.....Life can be painful and feel tired with bloat, it will bind us up and leave us twisted if we don't care. But if we surrender to the movements it will pass with ease like so much gas....~Love and big burps, the boys"

January 24, 2012

In the tumultuous heart, the silence of every beat breaks blood through a lifeless body.

When the calm assurance, that you are worth love claims you, every heart beat will pump living joy.

January 24, 2012

Q & A

Q) What does one do when feelings are misplaced?

A) You can turn the light on. You can re-evaluate how you feel. Or you can find a new place. That place is just some hole in your belief system. That don't mean it's right or wrong. Just because you think you put them in the wrong spot, don't mean that you have to hang out there moping in the dark. Who's gonna know?, unless youre likein screamin in the dark. You think your gonna save and treasure pain when this life is over? You can... but it totally sucks.... Don't do it. Just say no to beating yourself up. Learn to say fuck it and keep trying. That's real passion! That's real Feeling right there. Don't just stick it, just feel it, flick the light and move on. -- Erik

January 23, 2012

Q & A

Q) So we plan these lives ahead of time right? And we make contracts with different people in our lives, with people in our soul group/s and others. People of different ages. So given the age differences in peoples ages, how does that work? How's all this fit in with soul groups, soul mates, twin flames, I don't get it. What's the deal? How can I know who my soul mates are or is? Can I have more than one life at the same time?

A) (Soul groups are a type of association of like minds. Those who have united purpose, thought, emotion, or quality--Read more here)

Explain soul groups and mates

January 22, 2012

Someone on the CE forum commented on her bi-polar brother.

My own physical brother in this lifetime was/is bi-polar and I often find myself having a hard time thinking about the condition, when someone asks a question about it. Obviously I am a firm believer in the pre-planned life. I also believe that there are many "experiences" of consciousness that can only be had while the brain is limited in function. I am assuming that there are more reasons that I could possibly give rhyme to. Not only for the person living the life, but for those who interact with the individual.

From my research and interaction with Spirit, I tend to think of the body, the brain, etc., like a lens. They are focusing tools for the consciousness. The mind like a switch.

In my family's case, I found my brother did best when family allowed themselves to be his emotional and spiritual center and ground. I think this was the hard, often traumatic thing for us to live with. It was painful for all involved. I've noticed that my parents who like any normal parent tried to create an independent self sufficient successful man. But that was impossible because of his limited or tight focus. It was only when he was given a solid ground, center and responsibility with the deep emotional attention could he thrive. At one point I tried to do this, but without the resources (mental and financial) it didn't work out. It was only when my mother allowed him back home and helped him get a job with structure and responsibility but with out the stress of failure that he was able to stable out and meet a spouse and start a family. Now, raising a child provides a lot of that for him. So far so good. He's a stay at home dad. But I know that's a wild tuf sell for a lot of people. I guess what I am trying to say is that hand holding and a never give up attitude seemed to work for us. Although I know in a lot of cases it's so hard to deal when one's own state of being is on the line. I think in our family it failed when we each tried to tackle it individually and only when we came together as a collective did it work. Who knows. Time will tell.

January 20, 2012

"The love you recognize is the love you are capable of giving. Unrecognized love is not missing, lost or hidden, it is simply not given. To be given love is but a small reflection Of the love you are capable of giving"

"Sometimes boredom is a form of resistance, stagnation a sign, a calling from the universe to move on. Sometimes it is your soul calling on you to surrender to acceptance, to be OK with just being who you are. Other times it is an inner attempt to motivate you to new creativity in what you are here to do. The difference in either scenario is your beliefs and your root assumptions from which your feelings stem. Sometimes what seems so real, in another light is just a different perspective - not wrong. And if so, then why worry? Do what you feel is right and let the rest go."

Q) Dear Erik, You and others are here to guide folks and help them out. I can really feel that and I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. I don't want to disappoint any of you up there. I wanna do right by you.


"If you do right by you, you will be doing right by are doing right...right??...then, I'll do right by you. See, its not that you do what you "think" I want or need its that you try to approach life out of love as opposed to fear, doubt, worry or expectation. Don't try and judge what you think others feel. Try to live the best you can day to day from joy, happiness, love, in line with how you see your highest Possible self. If you feel resistance, anxiety, or turmoil, it's not necessarily that your wrong or need a direction, it's often that you need to look closer, understand, and accept. There is a certain degree of 'learning to surrender' to what you can do as opposed to what you feel you may lack. Lack is about separation and you will never find anything outside of you to make you whole. You have to look within at what you do have and explore ways to celebrate it with acceptance that you are worth sharing. You can not take from life what you are unable to give. What ever it is you emotionally seek, it is what you have to give or understand about yourself."

January 18, 2012

Q) CE reader writes; "What can I do for work that can help other people, if that is my path." A)

"When looking for work that is of a spiritual nature, Do what brings you joy. In this instance "THE" path is about learning how to focus your intent. When looking to focus outside of yourself with proper intent, you are looking for the path of least resistance. IF you are looking within, you will want to look behind what offers resistance. Does this make sense? If you approach the beliefs behind any endeavor, and your intent, you will be able to more fully understand the emotions these beliefs generate. This will allow you to understand any resistance you may encounter. Whether this be an interior or exterior resistance. Once you understand this you can embrace what brings you joy without guilt, shame, worry, or stress. You will have the self assurance to know that you are doing right by yourself, no matter what you decide to experience. I know most people want a specific task, duty or place to go when seeking work. But to offer you the snapshots of the possibilities without having you study the emotions behind the choices would limit your choice. You will find as you take the time to explore each interesting joy, that the 'probably' of the possibilities will unravel in ways you have never experienced before. Do what brings you joy. Always choose love. Love yourself and be confident that this intent will set you free". --- Erik

January 18, 2012

Q) CE reader who is learning to channel and use his clair abilities emailed me last night; "I am having a hard time keeping spirits from interacting with me while I am changing. I want my privacy. I can't seem to get them to stop. I concously know my guides and spirits are around me and make it a point to say out loud that I would like some privacy, for everyone to step out of the room for a bit and when I am done I will yell back for them. Normally I can feel the spirits step out of the room. But lately it seems to be a real problem to get that privacy." A)

Well, as you intellectually know. We are never alone, nor have we ever been alone. In your case I would hazard a guess that you typically have anywhere between 6- to a dozen entities in and out of your "presence" at any given time. I don't like to use the word, "with" or "house" because this 3d world as it relates to the spirit dimensions is illusion. What's going on is that they are entering your presence energetically, or visa versa. Think the movie matrix. "do you think that's air your breathing, that you really exist in these walls?

So these entities or consciousness's are typically guides, Angels, and relatives from past and present and previous lives. In addition to these, there is typically twice that in which you have connections to because you are soul mates or energetically connected to through love or what not. Then you are connected to members of one or more soul groups which could be a few dozen on up to thousands of individual consciousness. Not to mention, "non-human" and "animal type" or even nature spirits or beings.

And I promise you, that much of the time, they are in no way "tuned into" your physicality. What they are "viewing" is your energy and emotions and thought forms. Now that's not to say that your guides, relatives/loved ones, and Angel/s don't see you physically. They do. It's part of the deal. They are your bouncers, back up singers, teachers and care takers. In fact a good proportion of them, have been family to you if not in this life, past lives. As Erik says, "I know you better than you yourself right now".

For example, My guide has been my mother before in a past life. Erik has been my brother. On that level of intimacy they've seen it all. As spirits, they still see it all. Not only that, my mind is an open book for them. There are no secrets, there never has been any. I promise you, the do not care one i-ot-ta, what exactly you are doing. No judgement. What they care about is the emotional and thought energy you assign to what your doing.

The key difference between you and the average Joe, is that you are now aware of all this. So, what does this mean here on out? Well, such experiences are not going to go away. What you can do is focus your intent and conscious awareness so that you can learn over time to block the signals you do not wish to tune into. ie. ignoring them. Or you can have a one on one talk with your GA (guardian angel), to police who you interact with. But you must be very specific on a regular basis. Because you higher self wants you to expand in psychic and spiritual experience. So on occasion it might over-ride your ego's personality (fear). Or you can look at and change your beliefs, or how you feel about your beliefs.

Of course you can act out verbally, energetically, or emotionally. There are techniques to shoo them away, so to speak. But some of that is illusion, and some of it rude and mean. And depending on whom you interact with, such actions will have little to no effect or may cause undesirable effects. It's better to go straight to your GA for help, or work with the individuals as an adult.

Now as far as this incident goes. If it was Erik... He does have a tendency to beat a joke, prank or silliness to death, regardless of what anyone says. I gave up a long long time ago about shooing him away, because it only eggs him on to make poop jokes or some other rude thing. Sure it can be annoying at times, but I am just grateful I am not as sensitive as Jamie or Robert. Roberts house can be like the bus depot with spirits coming and going in his awareness.

Here is the key. Spirits are what you are. They are sentient emotional self aware consciousness (most of the time). They like you deserve to be treated with respect and consideration. But at the same time, they can be like any family. Little siblings, friends, neighbors, etc. And when we operate in the realm of illusion and duality, we are often interacting from a place of separation. It's important to know that sometimes, they have a hard time helping us keep the illusion.

But I know what you mean. If I had a penny for every time someone followed me into the bathroom while I am on the pot, I'd be rich. My usual response is a big sigh, followed with, "Do you mind?" followed by their yammering at me....Erik always says in such moments we are less distracted and easier to communicate with. (rolls eyes)....

January 17, 2012

Q) Vickie from the CE forum asked the following: I am also wondering about the dolphins in Japan. Will we see the slaughter stop in our lifetime.


I am getting from Spirit, that in this particular instance (the cove) that the consciousness's (dolphin) were self sacrifices to each those involved. They were to teach us all about the value of all life, and to further own understanding of what constitutes sentience. The people involved will not be able to process this until their own life review. As well, this happened for the awareness this has brought on a global scale. The dolphins involved, were able to be rejoined with their soul groups or reborn. But, for those humans involved they have/are creating a certain type of heavy thick fear energy that will be internalized in other lifetimes as tool to manifest more complex fear based human experiences. This happens a lot in war, certain aggressive actions taken by social groups as well. Nothing is wasted. The energy is either reabsorbed by the soul or absorbed by the earth system or it is held by the souls to be transformed into love at another time. Now this is not a statement of good or bad, right or wrong. It is just a statement of what I am picking up on in this particular instance. Such experiences are always co-created. Change comes when the separation that many humans see between them and other creatures and their environment is altered. When enough people internalize and manifest the belief that there is no separation between the species and their environment, such tragedies will cease. The individualized personal beliefs will alter participation of the greater co-created manifestations. You wish to know if such experiences will stop in your own life. The 'probabilities' are very good for this particular practice to end within the next life time. But, it's likelihood will depend on the free will of the individuals and companies involved. But this is a great example of how we can manifest a co-created reality on a global scale in a dualistic world. Through focus, perseverance, and conscious intent your energy can be shared in unique ways to create the experience you wish.

January 16, 2012

Q) how do i know that I am honoring the plan i was born with? How do i know i am doing right by those i made plans with? A) Follow your heart. If you look at what your feeling and try to understand it you will be getting what you need to live up to your highest possible self. Life has many purposes and even the best laid plans can be reevaluated or even outdone by new experience, new understanding. Wait before you judge or label yourself. Its better to hold yourself open to unknown questions than hard Certainties in a closed heart. Worry, fear, doubt, and judgement has no place in expansion other than what it calls attention to. --- Erik

January 13, 2012

"You feel like you're gonna fall off a cliff... Baby steps baby steps, get Ur eyes off what you think is a cliff and look at your feet. If you left yourself go all wobbly, you'll never edge out and see your vista." -- Erik

January 12, 2012

If what you desire causes you pain, look at the emotion behind your beliefs about the desire. What root cause, as it pertains to you evokes such emotions-- which fuels your imagination to this desire? Instead of acting psychically on this, express the feeling through your whole mind and body. Feel don't act. Allow yourself to focus on the love and light within the emotion regardless of how small and give it, feed it, and express it to the object of your desire. Express your gratitude for this gift. This will allow you to transform it's energy into something that can be used by your highest possible self and shared with others.

Through this pain, I have felt the pleasure of my desire, of my wish. In this I know I have felt a spark of the love I have for myself. The love that I can manifest if I can but touch or tap into the root love of this pain will allow me to see me for me. I am grateful for the experience and your gift. Because of which I have grown to love and understand myself. I hope to share this.

January 10, 2012

The new year has begun and is off to a very enjoyable start. I had a rough past couple of months. I've got writing about it on my to-do list for the next month or so. I am going to exclusively stick to that for for a while I think. For now, beyond writing and self development I don't have any plans. I know some people have assumed I would move into some sort of professional spiritual career. For those that know me, it will not be any surprise that such an experience has never interested me. But as a typical old soul I am much more interested in exploring my inner reality, finding a balance in the wide array of my interests. Along the way, if I can help people- great, but beyond writing, being in the lime light is not for me.

I've been asked if I would participate in telephone channeling sessions. I will have to decline. I do not channel for others beyond my own spirit team outside of a formal seance or channeling session. And my channeling talking (trance) skills nor my relay verbal channeling skills are not strong enough for me to interact with strangers at this time. I do best on the key board. That, and aside from limiting time and scheduling issues. Such an experience would not work out.

A couple of people recently have asked me to verify their own channeling. I have to decline such inquiries at this time. I don't plan on channeling non guides, spirit team outside of my writing for the indefinite time in the near future. I've got a very packed writing schedule planned out.

January 10, 2012

I had a wonderful weekend. (sans a traffic violation ticket--ha ha). Very nice and lazy. It was great to get some cooking done and hang out around the house.

I slept very very weird last night. I swear I woke up every two hours from midnight on. And I kept having weird dreams and thoughts as if they were not my own. I finally had to ask Angel for help each time I woke up. Instant relief so that was good. He told me to shield myself at one point. Weird. Now that I think about it, Ever since my spiritual awakening I find that I sleep weird. Maybe it's cause I am off astral traveling. I always seem to sleep in short bursts and wake up at odd hours. It's when I wake up that I hear the objective voices.

Oh, and I have to tell you. So last night between 9-10pm I don't recall exactly when, but I was bored out of my mind, and asked Eric (not Erik m) and Angel to give me a hug. And so he shows, and I could tell it was him, but nothing happened, and that's when I asked the two to join up,... I confess I was feeling whiny and needy. ha ha ha....

Then all of a sudden, while laying there under the covers, something surrounds me. Like thick air pressure. And it sort of felt like something came up from under the bed and surrounded me, from neck to waist. Almost as if I was floating on water. And then I felt this undulating pressure under me. As though I was laying on a chiropractors traction bed (the kind with rollers under it) and there was this methodic rolling massage from my shoulders down to my toes. As though I was riding in a wave pool. Except it rolled with only maybe a second between waves. This went on for maybe 5-10 min. At the same time there was a warm buzz tingle all over my body. Then everything dissipated and went away.

I said thank you and good night. A very cool experience. I thought I'd write it out as people from time to time ask me what a Spirit hug is like. While not quite a hug like we think of it. It is more of an energetic enfolding and caress.

Anyway I know for some this could seem scary. Especially to those with strong traditional or fundamentalist religious backgrounds. But if you still believe in that fashion, perhaps you shouldn't be reading this anyhow? Also I know some esoteric persuasions feel such spirit interaction is perhaps inappropriate as spirit is manipulating our personal energies to achieve this. I like to think of it as a mutual shared experience. I say this because someone recently wrote me with concern or fears that such interaction might be a poltergeist or some spirit out to harm them.

They wanted to know if the energy they felt was Erik. They suspected it was, and they asked me to confirm. This person experienced something similar to what I just described. Here was my reply.

"It's just Erik and your Spirit team messing with you in a playful way. It's about love not scary stuff. Technically what is happening is that your energy and consciousness was in a moment of receptive expansion. What I mean by that is that your awareness, your conscious focus was shifting from one perspective to a spiritual perspective. These "times of expansion" are frequently felt and seen and sometimes heard by people with clair abilities during the times before and after sleep or other altered states of consciousness or relaxation. During these times you are more receptive to mind/-/matter interactions and play. So then you not only pick up on and perceive such psychic events, you feel, see, and hear them. These can manifest in many ways. One of which is the physical undulation of the space around you and the bed. It is manifested by manipulating spiritual energy within your own aura and the surrounding space. Think of it as They are moving around you within the wave of energy. Frequently such things are tied to your chakras as well. It can even appear as though blankets and body pillows are breathing as if alive.

I find it best to simply acknowledge the Spirit, say thank you and I love you and then go to sleep.

Hope this helps. Try not to worry about scary creepy thoughts. Do you really think those who love you would allow anything bad to happen? They have faith in you. You should have faith in them. You are a very loved soul. Hang in there. It only gets better.

Remember that you are just as much a singular, precious, beautiful, intelligent, giving, caring, wonderful entity in your own right. You've lived many lives with great variation to better understand all that you are within any given situation. You co-create your experiences with others with all the attributes that you are capable of, as well as using all that others are capable as a tool to understand and expand yourself. Now some of these experiences can feel quite horrific and scary. But the key is to understand that you are not alone. That you have been given as much as your capacity to give. All shared for this purpose of self expressed experience. What is one life's horror may just be the gift you have given to another. Or visa versa. Now passing through it with this inkling does not lessen the pain, but it might let us step back just enough to understand that we are not this body and are not limited to any given experience. To find, see, feel, and understand who we are within and without any experience is to evolve not only us, but all in association with us, despite it's or their seeming nature.

Never give up hope, Never loose touch with all the qualities that make you. Have faith that you have the skill to access your imagination and practice actively living the best you can. Let go of any fear or worry that you may fail at what your hearts desire. No worry. I promise you if you can find a way to just let go and do the best you can, you will be able to let go of some of the worry and fear. This will help clear your mind and ease you into ever better experiences. I promise you, you are making a difference. You matter. You are smart, you are beautiful and you are worth finding out and sharing who you are. You are worth it. Keep up the good work."

January 05, 2012

"When you feel invisible, its because one of your spiritual goals is to understand that your inner struggle is heard by many and felt by many more. You may not come to understand this fully until your life review but you are meant to feel the contrast and surprise realization that the music of your soul has always carried the song of your heart. What sort of songs you play and how loud is totally up to you. Would you want your words stifled? What your heart playing; art, a movement, or dissonant noise. Whatever you choose you will come to understand that no one is invisible and no one is alone. The songs your life plays can be for you alone or felt in the swell of heaven....whatever you choose to feel is you own special music, it is beautiful and it will be heard. I promise." --Erik


Spiritual communication is like anything worth working at. It's a skill, it's a muscle, it's a knowledge. You have to approach it with proper intent, hard work, dedication, understanding, openness, preserverence and patience. Just like exercise, sports, art, any job really. For some, there is an element of genetics, for others prior experience. Looking at my website and posts I know it sounds like I have all this down pat. That's not the case. Quite frankly I am just an average joe. I have my own perceived and experienced failings. I often don't practice what I talk about. But I do know what I am talking about. I know that Spiritual communication is a two way team effort. And that if I want to increase my own experiences, skill, and participation I have to step up to the plate in spite of my fears, and emotional drama. It's very hard work, or at least in relation to the resistance I create to my experience. We all are a work in progress. We will all get to where we want to be. And where we are now, where I am now is exactly where I need to be to take the next step. Never give up. Never take your eye off the target.

January 04, 2012

Problems with Spiritual Communication:

I run across folks who say, "I am just not good at...[ ]..."I don't believe I can....[ ]...", "I've tried and I cant make it work. I don't understand"

I think they are closer to being in touch with consciously creating their reality than they realize. To say these phrases implies a certain amount of inherent Faith on their part that what they desire is possible but that due to their beliefs that it's unlikely to happen. Faith will only carry you as far as belief can manifest. Faith is a form of visualization. It follows belief. You can not manifest your reality unless you can see yourself in it. It is a conscious acknowledgement of belief. It is the feeling visualized. Although, how in depth this is expressed can vary greatly and is always expressed in degree that one's belief is understood. The degree one identifies with this belief will sustain or dissolve how much feeling one associates with any manifested reality.

All this is to simply say that Spiritual communication entails a great deal of visualization based on beliefs. To have faith that Spiritual communication is possible is not enough to make it likely to happen. When what you believe is understood you can re-examine yourself to see if it is an accurate representation of your reality. If your reality includes Spiritual communication then the faith in your ability to visualize and communicate will never be in question. It will just be a matter of fact. What remains then will be a matter of learning to understand and master the experience as opposed to reconnecting with something you lack.

Visualization is akin to imagination only in degree that that you associate it with your personal reality. Just because what you imagine is something you desire or not, does not mean that it lacks validity or realness. The associations made in cooperation with your mind are not limited to a series of bio-electrical signals in a physical dimension. All thought comes from Spiritual dimensions and so it's context is valid regardless of what belief you assign it. Where people get hung up is in their desire to manifest. Just because you desire something doesn't mean it will manifest. What manifests will be dependent on how you visualize your beliefs. Don't like it? Then examine your beliefs and put the time and energy into visualizing new ones.

That said, I'd like to share a visualization technique I've found useful and enjoyable. I am not sure what to call it.

At various points in my life I've felt the fear that I was loosing the ability to remember my departed loved one's or places from childhood I treasured. This was especially true at my grandparents funeral when I knew their house had been sold off. I lamented that I would never see them or it again. I worried that I would not be able to hold the events, experiences and settings in my mind.

So what I did was to picture myself standing in my grandparents house. No one expect myself was there. It was in the middle of the day. I imagined myself to be from a time where I had felt fond memories of them and my time there. I then closed my eyes and sat somewhere quiet, where I wouldn't be distracted or disturbed. Somewhere where I had a good half hour to be undisturbed. In my mind, I pictured myself slowly walking from room to room. I walked around each room and looked as close as I could to each and every part of it. I looked at the carpet, I studied how it felt, looked. I gazed at the color, texture of the furniture. I looked at the dust on the shelves, at the way the light hit the walls. I studied all the decor and then thought about how I was feeling as I was doing this. As I worked at this I found I could get better at it and recall more and more. I also found that I could do this with other rooms from my childhood. Rooms in my own home, rooms in my church, school and outdoors. Then I tried it with people. I also used photos to help me get started. I'd start with their hair, move down their skin and study all the parts of their skin. I visualized how they smelt, and that lead me to recalling how they sounded. Over time as I practiced I found that what I looked at took on a life of it's own. Especially when examining those who had passed on. Remember this. Everything held in love can be revisited and examined. Nothing held in love is ever lost.

I guess I'd call this technique, "The slow imaginative lingering gaze". I've even used this in clairvoyant experiences. Where I cease all desire for communication in lieu of slowly gazing at what I could see. Lingering on detail. Letting go of any desire to understand the realness of the experience and simply surrendering to looking. Not worrying about truth and simply letting myself give into the feel of quietly looking.

When you can allow yourself to quietly look, you will be able to feel what you visualize. What you experience is only limited by faith in your imagination. What you can imagine will always be ruled by what you believe about yourself in any experienced reality. Examine what you believe and you can understand what you Spiritually communicate.

January 03, 2012


What am I to do when I seem so alone, so hurt?

I feel so strange when I think of my loved ones who are on the other side. When I think of spirits like Erik, or others, I think of people who are now leading perfect lives, where everything is easy. They can do anything. Without limitations, they can really make a difference. I feel guilty, shame, and depression for what I see that lacks in my life. Spinning my wheels in a rut.


I am here to tell you that YOU are perfect. You came to this life to have a hands on perspective of yourself in various situations. You can NOT fail.

You took a portion of who you are and you chose to come to earth and paint life with color.

There is nothing more to do.

Nothing that you can give or do for another will be more important that to feel who you are in every moment of your experience.

When you accept what you feel as less worthy or not as real as another's experience you create the illusion that you are less than or separated from ALL of who you are right now.

You are smart, You are special, and you will understand. The emotion you allow yourself to feel, the work you do to understand yourself through it, not only evolves your own soul, but all those energetically, emotionally, and spiritually connected to you on ever dimensional level. Every perspective you gain, every insight you find into yourself, will transform life as you know it. Both here and in the hereafter.

You wonder about The Erik's of heaven, you wonder about the Angels of light, you wonder about those who loved you. Those who left you to struggle on Earth. Do not fear your loneliness, do not be afraid of what hurts, do not worry about overcoming. You are surrounded by their love. They are all around you cheering you on.

You are present and alive, doing the hard work that they can not do. They are relying on you to feel, to live, and to work at understanding your experiences. It is you who are in the trenches of life that holds the line. Every foot of ground you gain in life is a triumph of personal achievement. Not to scoffed at or cheapen by a poorly understood evaluation in the limited sight you have available to you at the moment.

Those like Erik, those you remember with love, those Angels of light are working at holding you up. They surround you with love, energy, and guide your attention to what hurts so that you can transform it. When you realize what hurts is not broken, but an opportunity for grow and expansion, you will no longer fear. What seems seems scary and painful will be the wake up call allowing your to transform yourself and help others do the same.

Does this mean you will overcome everything difficult, that there will be no more pain? No, not in the structure of earth. But what it does mean is that you can master any situation, any experience you go through. It means that you have the opportunity to master the creative tool that earth life presents.

By facing what's inside of you, you not only heal yourself, but you draw those to you in life and spirit who are going through or have gone through the same thing. Even those in Spirit. Your light transforms even though you can not see. Your light has always shone out into the darkness, Your light has always healed.

This is what Erik meant when he said, 'If you could only see yourself as I see you'. Your job, Your job right now, is to feel. To be. If you can come to an understanding of what you do have; You will see more of what you are- presently. Then you will realize that what used to seem as lacking, was not missing, but rather you simply were not focusing on what you always had, what you have always been. Beautiful. Perfect. Take the time to uncover all that you can be.

December 17, 2011

Over the past year from time to time I've worked on personal issue of anger with my Spirit team, Erik and my guides. That said, here is something I wrote yesterday at work. Some issues I was thinking about in my own life, I thought I'd share.

Random Musings: anger, resentment and the past

For me,

Letting go is not about forgetting

Letting go is not about forgiving

Letting go is not about understanding

I often see Letting go as about choice

You see, some experiences are such that there will not be much in the

way of helpful relief. The past can not be changed, nor can it always be

understood in this lifetime. Much of the time such experiences are not even about you.

It CAN be about what you make of it though. That is a choice.

Sometimes the choice will have to be made on an on-going daily basis.

Sometimes only to be revisited periodically. But what is for sure, is the

choice of how you react to these feelings. The choice to act, is not the same as feeling.

Some choices are made before you started this life; Some are determined via accrued Karma.

But what free will and what choice you do have is in what you take with you, in

context from this point forward. You can grow to understand different

aspects of this context and different points of view of your possible

options, but the stage was set beyond your control.

Now just as the action of letting go is about choice, it can be

related to, and involve those other actions such as forgetting,

forgiving, and understanding. But it's important not to assign a label

to your anger, resentment and past. It's more important to own who you

decide to be within the context of what you experienced. New and

greater understanding often resides only after this life is over.

That doesn't mean we can always use this to ignore or pass off what we

feel as being other worldly. We usually experience such events as an

opportunity to further develop ourselves.

Many times it is not very useful to dwell on statements such as, "You

did this to me, You didn't do this, I wish you would have, or why

couldn't you, or I should have.." It happened, There is no getting

around it. You were not able to influence, control or divert the

outcome of circumstances or anothers' actions or inaction's. The key

is now to not let go of wounds, or forgive, but rather to have

compassion for not only the other person, but for yourself. To

understand that who you have become, and what you may yet become is OK

and can be something special. To do this it might be beneficial to

understand who you are in-spite of or despite, and as a result of your

experiences. You don't have to remain a victim of experiences beyond

your control.

And, if along the way you are able to give forgiveness and are able to

find some peace in forgetfulness well, great!, but never forget that

you are more, and WILL become more as your understanding grows. In

this life and beyond. Forgiveness isn't easy, isn't some symmetrical work of spiritual achievement.

Forgiveness is not giving into accepting another person or event. Are you perfect?

Can another be perfect? Can you be 100% sure something was meant to be or planned?

It's really about accepting the power you do have now, never mind your experience.

I would say, real forgiveness is having the compassion to acknowledge your experience

and the compassion to give yourself permission to realize, recognize opportunities for self understanding.

Remember, It's often more useful to see yourself and then decide

whether or not a particular emotion is useful to you or not; and

whether or not it truly describes you. If it does, can you be OK with

that? If you are OK, do not lie to yourself. Accept what you have

experienced, only now, work on determining if such emotions

surrounding the feelings you are experiencing are a genuine

representation of who you really are.

Here are some tips to remember:

* It's important not to remain wallowing in what you feel.

* It's better to slow down and look it dead in the eye and say, WTF was that?

* Ultimately Anger can be used as a tool. A tool for action or a tool

for self discovery.

* Assigning blame, guilt, or labels to what you feel or the

circumstance surrounding it can lead to resentments.

* Resentment is the lazy way of not facing your fears.

* Feeling surrounding the past are rarely about the past, but rather

how you feel about it now.

* Telling yourself you should or should feel or act a certain way is

pointless without identifying what you do have now that will help you

create opportunity for the present.

* It's OK to pitch a fit, rant, rave, and cry. If you hold it all in

you will explode and rot. But if you do let it out, do so with

awareness inside of a willingness to be compassionate with others and

yourself. Before you get too far into beating yourself up, or taking

it out on another, ask yourself if you are being compassionate.

* You can sink and drown, you can let it flow around you, or you can

seek ways to transform it

* Just because you feel you've dealt with something in the past

doesn't mean you are free from it forever, It simply means next time

it might be easier, you might master it, you might become such an

expert you may be able to help others and future you! It might mean

next time you will see more opportunity.

* Facing your anger and resentments means facing your fears NOT your

past. Deciding who you are in-spite of your fears will change the

energy of the past, not the event. This new energy can be now applied

to the present, which will alter future experience.

* Being honest does not mean devaluing your experience. Being honest

combined with compassion means that you can face your experiences

without guilt, shame, or self judgement. Your honesty about your

feelings has nothing to do with anyone else. How others feel about the

situation is non of your business. As only you are responsible for

what choices you make today.

* What you do not actively work at facing could very well manifest as

physical ailments, taking the time to work on your feelings even if

it's just writing about them may just save your life.

* Maintaining an awareness of your feelings is just as much hard work

as anything you will do in life. The more you master this awareness

the better at life you will be.

* Spend time visualizing you in different choices, pay attention to

how this feels.