August 2012

Summer - Fall, 2012

Summer hiatus -- In general I'm on hiatus from regular posting as I am exploring a few avenues of personal exploration, such as book writing, and spiritual development. I am sure I will continue to post from time to time in my Erik and Musings sections and still take some Q & A's.

I am in the middle of designing a major website design overhaul. If you start seeing really strange things, don't be alarmed. The way google sites works, I don't have a good way to do this offline, other than bit by bit. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading.

** Side note. I am not a fan of traditional publishing. Having worked in academia all my life, I am a huge proponent of open source creative commons work. As such any published material will be remain freely available as a web born product. If there ever comes a point where a charitable organization I identify with exists, I may make limited alternative versions in print for charity. ie. table top books, etc.