March 2012

March 29, 2012

At times, our perception of physicality can come pouring forth through our brain, whose thoughts give birth to an inconceivable logic of the senses, that we can not seem to understand. It seems, to short circuit what we understand of reality. Sometimes we might wish to leave rationalization, interpretation, and explanation alone. For to truly understand, who we are in such an experience, requires that you surrender to the feeling. The heart, the mind, join in union with spirit that unfolds an inner reality like a flower at sunrise. This too, can can be real. Yet, it is but a tiny spark of your ultimate reality.


From my guides to me this morning as I was complaining about periodic moods of apathy.

"If your'e going to dip your toes in life, you could at least 'try' to swim a little without complaining that your wet"

March 25, 2012

The other day I was chatting with a soul sister on the phone while walking home from the bus stop. She was commenting on how someone she saw on television said he believed that the life personality passed with the body upon death as the soul left. Implying that the soul had it's own personality and that the life personality was somehow not a part of it, and visa versa. I took issue with this as this explanation has not been my own experience nor does it mesh with my own research. To my understanding who we are in each life is but a projected part of our greater selves.

A life ended is never a personality dead. It is the rebirth of conscious perception. Who we were is always available as a part of our consciousness as it grows and expands. Time space is not linear. So the understanding that our personality dies with the body is both at the same time faulty, it is impossible. For what is always in motion, always has been. It is only focus that moves in and out of awareness. Now know, if you believe and perceive your death, you will experience it and be bound by it. But even so you are never limited by that belief. It defines you only in so far as how you focus. Perception of this is simply spoken of due to physical experience and thought of knowledge. To say I've seen, or I understand such and such, in no way makes it your ultimate reality. What you believe and feel about this seems like it. Many in earths history relate what was felt true for them, but it will never limit what is true for you. Once your consciousness expands beyond a certain point, all personalities of all bodies are realized as one unifying force, because it is now seen to have never been otherwise. Only now you understand this through experience.

To hear that we stand united is not the same as knowing how or understanding our part. One of the greatest experiences is to find joy and comfort in our singularness. Through joy and suffering we are able to master our individual expressions to such an extent that we understand what we offer and always contribute to all that is. Once a part is known, only then can we explore parts of an expanded unifying force as an expanded awareness guides us. Eventually we reach a working perception of unified singularities joined in cause and form.

The soul is energy, a part of all that is. It can not be destroyed but rather transformed. The individual life and personality is a part of this energy manifested in a physical way. It too can not die. There is no such thing. We as individualized expressions of consciousness create our reality and physicality by our thought we project ourselves into what we create to learn about ourselves through our ideas, beliefs and feelings. This is the tool our particular consciousness has chosen to express our uniqueness, it is how we learn, grow, and expand. As this happens our awareness of the self within all that is unfolds like a flower so that yet even more self creation and expression is possible.

What we perceive is simply a thought about ourselves. Our awareness rides on a wave to the point of our focus. In physical expression we often forget our greater nature and feel that this focus defines us and limits who we are. And so we feel subservient and a victim, helpless to what we observe. It is only when we reach backwards within ourselves to feel where our perceptions may lay that we can explore beliefs about our reality and self. Only when these are studied can we take action to bring our physical experiences in line with our inner selves.

What we seem to see as personality is like the inhale and exhale of breath. Unfocused we as an entity do not direct its life, pattern, or flow. When focused, we can slow it or speed it up, or study it, but its pattern can not help but exhale or inhale. It is a part of us and yet individual expressions of us. We inhale and feel it, use it, grow, nourish. Exhale, transformed, released, reconnecting. So too is a life time's personality with our greater self. We are one, yet ever more.

March 23, 2012

The glass half full or half empty can only hold as much as shape of the material it is made from allows.


The ultimate answer is how the question feels.


We all have cloaks made of many colors.

Looking at one color, or the just the cloak;

Never tells the whole story

nor can we ever understand

all it's meaning.

Taken together

our colors are sewn

with experience

passed from hand to hand,

eye to eye.

Until it's song is sung

and each showing

is shown to be a unique perspective

to all who see it.

March 22, 2012

Spiritual truth:

Some say it lays and or lies in the eye of the beholder. Some say it's the one speaking. Others say its a matter of perceptive, dependent on point of observation or view. Its been said the revered spirit speaks truthful knowledge, which in turn shows knowledge from humans as faulty. Blasphemies, horror and offense is sure to follow.

I say pish-phaw on all of it! Follow what feels true to your own heart. Don't take the word of any human, spirit, written, spoken or prophisised. Experience what you believe and study how you feel about it. Truth is a tool. An energetic thought. No one but yourself can determine it. To have otherwise, is to give away your power and to ignore who and what you are.

You can seek truth, answers, all you want, but unless you come to terms with the value you assign your labels or others labels, you will exist within the limits of physicality.

When approaching anyone, including those in spirit, it is better to ask their view and its context than to simply accept anything said as truth. Especially when it comes through a medium other than your brain, your heart, and your soul!

March 21, 2012

If you're like me, you've lived a pretty emotionally turbulent life from time to time. All sorts of emotions. Some of them pretty intense. And in the middle of them it's easy to get lost in the moment and you seem to loose yourself. When that happens it's like you loose track of what's going on, who you are, and when it's all over you are appalled at your actions. You then become your worst judge and beat yourself up for what you've felt. If you're like me sometimes those emotions have been pretty hateful. For me, when I've hated it was never really about the other person. It was about my own misguided, misunderstood beliefs, improperly channeled feelings, and poorly thought out actions being reflected back at me. Which in many cases led to me recycling the events in my head, obsessing about them, allowing myself to roll in shame, unhappiness and pain. Many times we have a hard time letting go of uncomfortable feelings in that we tend to obsess about them.

My friend Eric had the following to say the other day that I thought applies. He said, "stop worrying so much... look at what your feeling right now....Not what your thinking! Feel without obsession. Think without impulse. Act from thinking about what you feel."

On Hate and Fear: Musings,

Those in Spirit would like to suggest that we consider less hateful reactions in our lives. We frequently hear the command, Hate not. And so in society we have been brought up to fear hate, and well..... hate the hate.... But really hate is always reactive. The real emotions at the base or root of hate is fear. Hate is just a label for an emotional reaction to our own fears manifested in many inappropriate ways that do not serve us. It's not that the feeling of hate or fear is bad per say, but rather how your soul actualizes it, internalizes it.

A reactive feeling, Does hate lead you to learning, love, balance and transformation? Or does hate stagnate inside of you, rotting, recycling, giving rise to more hate, and lead you from life experience to undesired feelings through lifetimes? The key to understand when we experience hate in our lives; either directed at us, or around us, or from us. Is that it can be, it may be an opportunity to look at our feelings and beliefs and see if they are who we wish to be, and what we wish to experience. Now that's not to say we can always do something about it. Or get out of a bad situation. I am only speaking of emotions in general. And how we might use them to further our own growth.

Dislike others actions, but Hate not the action of a loved one, for it can lead to opportunity. Treat it like a tool that triggers your awareness of emotional experience. Created or gifted. Even should you not see it at the moment. Even if it seems to serve no purpose other than revulsion.

This almost always pushes peoples buttons the wrong way, but I have found from my own research and speaking to spirits that people experience such horrors of duality in life to learn about who they are not. They live the opposite of who they are for a myriad of reasons. Many times it is only once in the afterlife that resolution occurs. I am not saying anything about the right or wrongness of it. I am just saying that hate can be a triggering tool to self examine as opposed to living in the heat of the moment and then obsessing about it.

Go ahead and dislike it in others, but tread not their soul. When you Hate the soul, the energy created tends to bind them to you so that you might know love. But don't fear what may bind you, for that is only self fulfilling. Rather look what makes you uncomfortable or fearful or hateful in the face and examine what is behind the feelings it engenders. What you do with that is as always your own business.... Your higher self will always try to create a balance of understanding. How you go about that is up to you.

Remember the whole "turn the other cheek phrase"?......Know the love you are capable of showing others because you seeing the love in them, is to release the hate that binds and the desire to be free dissolves in a knowing that your choice reunited what was never separated. This is an understanding of opportunity that can take many lifetimes, or be created through sudden clarity. We each have something to be grateful for to one another.

March 19, 2012

Look to nature for the reflection of our Spirit. The source of much growth branches out into new veins, new lines, new branches. Where the life of this growth expands it takes root, expands, fills, flows and creates life of it's own. And yet.... It is still a part of the original whole. All united in singular effort to express itself within experience. So too is your soul. Sometimes the new growth seems stronger than the first flower. But it is not the new blossom that speaks to the system. It is the entire ecosystem untied in joint effort. What came before is just as important as what will be. Together what is, shall never be limited, but can be best seen if simply felt, experienced.

March 16, 2012

It's not that you risk coming across reality's true light.

It's that you just might just risk life and flip light onto your reality.


The pain we feel is shared by those bound to us in love, yet known to all those born of it.

It's not that what we experience is not worthy of feeling, it's that what we understand is worth sharing.

For this we live again and again.

March 15, 2012

In what pain endured can I find selfless love to share and give?

Does what I experience strengthen or lesson who I am and what I can contribute?

Or is rather pain a gift, self chosen and endured that I may balance what I create.

The burden I lesson may just be the burden lessened that others may create balance in their own lives.

Together we can ride any pain as a tool for expanding our understanding of all life.

So then should we strive to eliminate pain or should we teach our value despite pain,

that we may grow together until we no longer need it to achieve balance within all we may be.

March 15, 2012

The Spiritual nature of expectations:

My mentor Linda and our spirit guide Z wrote recently wrote an article on the nature of personal expectations. I wanted to write my own interpretation of it detailing my own feelings on the matter.

You can find Linda's article here:

Here is what I wrote:

My musings on expectations:

What we expect (our expectations) is not so much bad, as it is an assumption about our desires. As such we are saying something with emotional energy about what we assume we do not have. This is really an unexplored belief backed up by unexpressed feelings. It manifests in our reality. This then becomes a perceived circumstance that highlights our feelings of lack and unfilled attainment of the expectation. And so instead of often getting what we think we should have it becomes a revolving self fulfilling cycle of what we do not have, or lack.

It is important not to judge your expectation and assign them a value or label of good or bad, but rather to look at them honestly. Front and back and just feel them, feel yourself, when placed against your highest possible self. Don't ignore them or how you view yourself in them. Keep an open mind as you move through life, open to what may be an expectation. It is then, with feeling you can let go and release those that do not serve the greater good, your greater good.

When you run across thoughts of worry, stress, and judgement of yourself and others that give you resistance; Look at your expectations in terms of outcome. What results did or do you expect and why? Are they fair to others and yourself. Why? In both cases... Look behind the why. What feelings did doing so engender? What do they say about yourself? Is that who you are?

If we can be honest with ourselves, even should we not understand what we feel, even should we be unsure of what we even think, even should we even not know what we expect; It is important to understand that the beliefs and feelings behind these thoughts are creative tools. They will manifest and they will engage others besides your self.

The best co-creations come from mutual agreement, co-operation, and mutual understanding of equality. Where the manifestation of expectation gets us into trouble is when we hold onto it's engendered desires and make assumptions about not only our part, but that of others. Many times these assumptions are enmeshed with many other unexplored beliefs and feelings such as gain, selfishness, fear, love, lust, desire, want, need, etc. So what even on the surface may seem like a simple thing. It really is a storm waiting to brew. Expectation is simply the signal to stop and examine it, if only we take the time to do so.

Some times our expectations intertwine with what is not only emotional energy, but that of perceived life goals, tasks, jobs, duties and responsibilities. Wealth, status, and life style demands. All of which on the surface seem to only be of a physical or ephemeral nature, but are really emotional manifestations. We not only place these into categories of right or wrong, but assign value judgements and labels on our self perceptions, but additionally on others and our relationship to those perceptions. The point is that we often become lost while deep in focus of any desire. Who we are becomes a jumble of emotions that seem to run away from us.

We encounter emotional resistance in our lives when confronted with such things. We often take the path of least resistance. Which at the time, we feel may lay outside of us and in others. Our feelings of expectation become an attitude. This then becomes a highly charged creative force. But because we are focused in what we seem to lack, it only creates more lack and more misconception from who and what we are. Because we are so focused on what is outside of ourselves when we feel this way, we often deny our inner nature.

It is important to know that all of this, is actually a state of being. A frame of mind, or a focus of consciousness. While neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things, such expectations only allow for stagnation and places the burden of your emotional energy on others to whom you are seeking validation of your expectation from. This will only create problems as you are then no longer co-creating in harmony with others. The result is like two magnets of the same polarity attempting to collide. They will bounce back with equal force, unable to complement each other.

We all have expectations. We shouldn't just ignore them. It is a tool for expansion and growth. What we should do is examine how we feel about them and the beliefs behind those feelings. There are many types of expectations. There are those we have of those we share life and work with. They involve actions or reactions we desire to use, to further our own experiences or agendas. Then there are expectations that involve your perceptions of others beliefs and feelings. These are frequently born out of you desiring to control your environment.

Sometimes these expectations come into being due to family or interpersonal relationships, dependency and support. Many times these expectations are never met, but produce the opposite effect as disharmonious experiences. If such happens it's vital that the emotional energy generated is not internalized in destructive ways. You can transfer, transform, absorb, reflect, or let it flow around you.

Many times we are unable to refocus our consciousness in the event of unfulfilled expectations. This is basically us refusing to look inward. We stay focused on external events, and people as blame, judgement, and evaluation.

This sort of thing happens not only unfairly with others, but we are often our own worst critics and judges. The expectations we heap on ourselves are often unnecessary and wildly out of line with out best interest. We confuse needs with desire. And these desires are often not even our own. They are born out of how we mis-percieve others beliefs and feelings. Our misconception of others expectations of us, society and life in general. Not only that we reflect this back in unfair expectations that are not in others best interest or for the greater good.

The point of this is to not give into what you do not examine. To ignore your inner self is to abandon equal co-creation in the moment of now. It is to live in the past or future and force an emotional or physical manifestation. This disharmonious energy creates an ever baring cycle of energy that has no where to go, but in creating worry, doubt, fear, anger, frustration, and anxiety. When you ignore your inner power in the moment of now we often create a co-dependency to fill what we perceive are holes in our lives. You are not only giving your power away, you are allowing it to be taken from you. Only you can take back the reins of life.

To release expectation is not to struggle with the mystical desire to rid yourself of emotional desire, want, or need. It is to simply take the time to stop, look, and feel yourself within each circumstance. To compare that to your highest possible self, in light of the greater good. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.

When you approach life with the goal of understanding your emotional energy you naturally balance and release misaligned expectation, and desire. And you work in harmony with others as you seek to equally co-create your experiences. In this frame of mind you will be more willing to accept personal responsibility for your choices, actions, and beliefs regardless of life circumstances. The love you will see within you as available for sharing will be unconditional. It is work. Hard work, but this intention is not. The intention to maintain inner mindfulness is smooth, natural and easy to return to. It is a simple choice based on your new awareness.

Once the personal affirmation of the inner self is acknowledged you may just find that what you thought you desired and expected... you did not really want or need anyway. Because it wasn't who you really are. Now freed you can refocus with your better understanding of self.

March 14, 2012

The longing of soul mates.

My companion,

Hand held

lightly clutched palms

fingers dipped and twined.

Arm and arm

gentle pressure

always present

like the held breath.

Found longing

lost wistfulness

embraced in hungered passion.

My companion,

ever present,

with fleeting memory

tears and baby laughter.

Lost and found

greedily sought,

while I run

from fears and after love.

My companion,

I wait

I dance, I slumber,

I long for you ever more

Sweet embrace

Heaven holds me

like my love for you.

March 14, 2012

Each life time,

not a span

events or story.

It is a moment.

Beating breath

smelled vision flashing.

Forgive and forget

what lingers

and hurts.

Forgiven selves

loved pain

see's belief dissolve.

Smiling moments

lived from soul

to heart.

True felt

wonder never lies.

The singular

expressions of life

can be had

not in passing

but for the

flashing memory

present moment.

March 13, 2012

One of the greatest joys

in life has been

coming to understand

some of the nature

of Spiritual connection

vs physicality.

When the day is done

dark and my weary heart

can take no more.

When I feel beaten,


and I have

no more tears.

When even

what peaceful contentment

rests with happy life.

When my rising suns

have set.

I know

that it was not

never that I was alone,

but that I never


the presence

of those

I did love.

Love lives life


forever with us

in each moment.

It is there

It is then

It is where

I look for you.

There we remain.

March 12, 2012

I often mention or allude to the keys of life, the keys of the soul, the keys of heaven. This is just colorful language representing emotional ideas.

One of the best keys is to know with all your heart that we are forever. That which seems lost, is really eternal. This is not something that can be accessed by just knowing it exists. You must put the key in the door you create and turn it. To know of eternity, and to feel it with an understanding that defines your reality and how you see yourself is to walk through that door.

This is what our loved ones in Spirit would like us to contemplate. They do not want us to contemplate death, life after death, loss, or life here on earth. They would like us to contemplate the eternal nature of our souls and what that means for the continuance of life, not just this life, but life in all that is. Is it better to mourn what seems like loss or is it better to take what joy we can from eternal relationships.


When faced with setting your soul on fire, you can destroy or you can create. There is always the opportunity to set the world on fire with the love within your soul, or burn yourself to the ground. Your soul is like the great phoenix. It burns brighter than any sun. It is the divine spark. It is the light of All There Is. I can never truly go out. Even in the darkest night you will remain.

You will remain to be born again. Now or then, your fire may grow cold or it may blaze hot, but it shall remain. How you feed it, is the point of life. What seems to die in it's heat, only creates new opportunity for growth.

This can be planned. Following this flame, your light paves the way for those around you. They who walk behind you planting new seeds of growth or learning from your passing. You can plan how and where your fire will burn.

Your heart fire is eternal. It is the warmth, the light, that feeds the universe. How we use this is the gift. The choice. The moment we are confronted with in ever second.

Sometimes we are lost in the flame and we can not see through our heat. Sometimes all we can do is hope to get through the smoke. But the smoke will clear. What is left, will be the light to show you the way.

March 11, 2012

The greatest story you can tell is simple reflection honestly felt.


Awareness of present focus faces off against feeling the now. Lack of intent to balance the two creates emotional resistance that pulls on past beliefs and future desire. Neither of which say much about us. It is only when we let go and simply be true with yourself that we understand that balance floats naturally. we don't have to fight or try to put it in its place. Feel your highest intent and ask who you are in every moment without worry. Love where you can and leave the rest for another day.


Crazie is as crazy does, it is utter abandonment. but only the sane means to hurt with intent. Healing comes from abandonment to ones highest self. Which is crazier, the desire or effort.


Belief is either taken or experienced. It is never accepted sight unseen as originating from the self. What originates from the self is based on experience. This is best felt. Based on this feeling you generate a personal belief or you take a belief and accept it as your own. So it is not sight that comes into play, but emotional may ask what this has to do with your life. Simply this, what you believe is often not you or who you wish to be. You've been participating in something given to you. If you take a moment to examine and be honest with your feelings on any given belief, you will be better equipped to understand what you are choosing to experience.

When we seek validation we are really seeking outside permission to believe our inner experience as an objective reality. The weight of which has not engendered enough comfort for us to accept it with love. And so we look beyond what our hearts can and do tell us about the nature of our reality and we attempt to ground ourselves in perceptual physicality. We seek to feel...what is outside of us to define our understanding. Not good, bad, here nor there, even this is simply an experience. This sort of thing is actually more about coming to terms with who we are in the context of a greater reality. Ultimately while such beliefs can be reinforced and built upon data given, one's experience of it must always be self created.....and eventually it will be regardless of perception or feelings.

March 06, 2012

The understanding of contemplation comes not from worship at the gate, or waiting in the courtyard. It comes not from actions in the pavilion, or sleeping in the alcove. It comes from the quiet gaze of the inner temple. So too our soul. From this we feel and are felt as a complex in unity. It is from here our bell tolls. It tolls for each life, beating as eternal sound in harmony with all that is.


Humanity's great virtue lay not in finding the attributes it supposes is love felt, but rather it's ability to understand it's own personal balance through experience. It's innate drive to express this collectively as itself is it's great gift and joy.


It's not that we have to open a door, or even know what's behind it.

Sometimes it's just about turning the handle.


To find the words to speak when you don't know where to go is brave.

To keep going when your out of words is to be brave for others.


A flame in the dark can cast cold mean shadows and finds little comfort.

What shimmers in faint feeble is not really fearful,

it's just that you need to bring your light closer to your center.

March 05, 2012

Yesterdays shadows can not stand in light if you hold today as the promise of tomorrow. Simply live what joy you can and seek opportunity to be who you wish while understanding your unity with all life. This simple thought is not a duty, task, or purpose. It is you, expressing who you are.


Some say they strive to acquire and control their experience in the hope that the tipping point of life will end in their favor, and as such, freedom to express desire and charity will be one. I say that it is only when you recognize you desire nothing that you realize that you are charity and you can not but help balance your actions as your favor is the same as another. True control only comes from experiencing that you have no control and that you can not acquire what is not already owned by your heart. This does not mean we will not struggle. It simply means struggle can not bind us as a life. Once unbound, we are then free to ease another's struggle.


What joys are left when no yearning can be fulfilled but for the return to love and home? What joy is not left but rather it is made through what you express in every moment. Now, today, this second? What joy can you create.

March 04, 2012

Question Answer continued. (excuse the spelling and grammar)


Conscious mediumship vs telepathy.....difference?


OK; To start, note-- we could talk about this stuff for days. For the most part know this. Understanding how a process feels to you; Will serve you better than any understanding of a word, term, or description. That said, there is some really basic generalities that can be discussed.

Mediumship is communication with dis-incarnate consciousness. It could be from a human, non human, divine, or higher self entity. There are different types or modalities of mediumship. It can include such techniques as mental, physical, variations of trance or altered states of consciousness, ritual, symbolic tools, numerology, channeling, automatic writing, tarot, evp, itc, and telepathy and other clair abilities such as clair audience, clairvoyance etc. It is a broad descriptive term. All mediums to varying degrees are psychic. But not all Psychics are mediums.

Telepathy is the transference of emotional thought energy. This can be conscious or unconscious. It can also be utilized via various dream states. All life can do this to various degrees depending on awareness and focus and inherent makeup. It is not limited to life on Earth. It can be enhanced through various techniques or physical and energetic manipulations on either the projector or receiver, or by an outside agent (mechanical, energy, or consciousness). Telepathy is often used in mediumship, but is not limited to it.

Psychics are those humans who are aware of their connection to Energy and or Spirit beyond the normal physical body senses. Such as taste, touch, temperature, smell, hearing, and sight. Over time, in western society this has become a bit of a blanket label and descriptive terms as well as a action word. It is often associated with what are known as a grouping of extra sensory senses that are energy based and tied to the physical body by various means depending on who is using the term. These are the "clair abilities' Clairvoyance, Clair audience, Clair sentience, Clair congnisanse, ect. ect. Other terms associated with this label are intuition, intuitive, fortune teller, precognition, ect. It also has historical connotations such as shamanism, voodo, palm reading. The list of possible associations is extremely extensive. The process of siting for or using that which is psychic is often called a "reading" or sitting. These are frequently interchanged with mediumship depending on school of thought or tradition.

Channeling is a modern term for several types of mediumship that are related in various degrees. You will find wildly varring interpretations between both incarnate and dis-incarnates on what it means to them. In my opinion, most channeling is the conscious communication of Spirits in various states of altered awareness. It is a type of trance state, but not limited to trance. It is also closely related to automatic writing and telepathy. Depending on perspective and focus I feel there is not much difference due to various perceptions. At it's root, the term channeling simply refers to the process of moving data from one to another through a conduit. On earth great emphasis is often placed on verifiable objectivity and measure, especially as it relates to physical time space experience. Proof and validation are important to many as understanding of their physical experience. There are traditions and schools that attempt to measure and label degrees of modalities and levels of skill and ability.

All this said. It can be rather confusing. This information is but a drop in the bucket of what is out there in our life experience. I find avoiding labels and simply describing process to be a better approach. Lastly there are various techniques that are related but seemingly have nothing to do with the above, but in reality are very related based on Spiritual energy use. Hypnosis, past and future life regression, biofeedback, dream work, shamanism, rituals, acupuncture, and the hundreds of energy healing techniques and traditions.

Lastly it is extremely important to understand that these process attempt to describe the translation of energy between dimensional non space and non time that is not linear through filters of consciousness, energy bodies and physical bodies translators or filters aka sensory organs AND beliefs, perceptions, and perspective. The degree of awareness, focus, also plays a role. The average physical person relates to a a linear space time in which the physical body is an objective experience of measured moments. Many times working with the above terms will seem improbable and discouraging. But it is good to know that you are not limited to seeing your reality a certain way. The weight of your subjective experience is your objective reality. There will never be agreement or "the way" or a correct or incorrect method to engage any of this. There will always be divergence simply because every consciousness is unique to the universe it was born to.

Which ever modality, term, or technique is applied; Most often it is done with other spirits. Spiritual communication is always a co-created experience. Without getting into the very lengthy discussion of soul life and relationships, note that everyone has a Spirit who assists them in life. What one thinks about this and how it is brought to bare on your reality greatly depends on your belief. Spirit does not interfere with free will or the plan you set up for your life. It is safe to assume that every spiritual communication is made in conjunction with a guide, angel, or someone who is spiritually associated with you. This does not mean that it's exclusive, It simply means you are not alone and one who is familiar to you is taking part of the communication. Including the other aspects of your soul.

One who engages in Mediumship may or may not have developed "energy or clair awareness" As such they may or may not be able to sense astral, etheric, maybe cosmic and higher self/aspects of themselves or their "sitters/clients". Physical techniques and tools are often used. In Earth's physicality they are often thought to hold power, energy themselves. They could be symbols, cards, crystal etc. etc. All that is physical and visual is a tool for emotional thought. Regardless of source or destination. This does NOT make the tool or symbol good or bad or indifferent. It simply is. To those in Spirit who are an evolved Spirit, That which is higher Spirit has no need for such. And will often only work with emotional thought. That is to say when in the Spirit world. Ie. Erik or other guides. But to your perceptions may be translated as something visual, auditory, or some other physical sensation.

March 03, 2012

One of the greatest challenges in learning about the nature of ones' Spiritual greater reality be it the Spirit world or the nature of consciousness is the issue of words. Words are inherent to a physical condition. It is often an attempt to symbolically define one's position in physical space time, but is not limited to the body. It also encompasses our other expressions. But words make for poor descriptors outside of a linear perception. Because of our tight focus it is extremely difficult to even contemplate the true nature of the journey of our consciousness as time, distance and place have no meaning where we reside in the hereafter. We we talk about the parade of lives our soul co-joins with and our existence outside of a body as well as the mental and emotional tools we use to interact with probability and dimensional travel; words often fail. Not because the word does not exist, but because the context with which you associate it is in tight focus. For example past present and future exist simultaneously along with the myriad of probabilities... of lives co-joined with a soul and lives not chosen by our soul. As well it is difficult to describe the nature of the higher self's consciousness as it dips down into each life and then is reabsorbed by the higher self. Only a portion of the vastness of the self is represented in each life. But each life lives on forever as well as a portion of it being added the higher self depending on focus. As a human approaching Spirit, we often are solely focused on the life we were last aware of. But that view is not only a fraction of higher spirit's expression, but yours. All life is a join venture between Spirit and the physical, and at the same time, inexplicably intertwined. How to describe that is often a challenge.

March 02, 2012

Q & A Con.

I've pulled a couple of questions from Victor Zammit's Friday after life report that I felt I would really like to expand upon from my point of view.

"Hi, it appears that most of the communications from the spirit realm are from people who had a Christian, Native American, agnostic or atheist belief when on earth. Do you know of any recorded communication from those in the spirit realm who had a Buddhist, or Taoist belief when on earth?"

This is due to the Observer vs/ point of origin effect. Those who are in countries such as India and Japan etc. have plenty of Afterlife communication with those who are in their centers of Spiritual activity. There are many many mediums in large areas such as Mumbai, Tokyo etc. We here in English speaking countries tend to attract what we currently relate to. So as mediums we pick up on those who most strongly identify with the culture we currently work with. I've experienced this sort of perceptual shift before where at one point I started working with people in India. All of a sudden I started getting contacted by people from that country. I imagine the same would be true if I spoke Japanese. Also, those counties often have different communication techniques depending on overall culture. That's not to say one is better than the other. It's just that they are different. It's like the difference between Physical mediumship, mental, and shamanism, or mystic prayer. Each will get you in contact with the other side. It's just the connection and the context will be different. Also, many countries have intense homogeneous political - religious sociological belief structures and systems that do not provide the opportunity for believers to entertain personal realities outside of what is dictated to them. That's NOT to say that their lives are less than or wrong. Far far from it. Because life is about gaining emotional experience and learning to understand yourself. NOT determining what is right or wrong about the afterlife. I mean think of it this way. Think of how much life is in the Universe? Why don't we hear from them? To connect with something one often has to be aware of it, and then direct your focus to it. Then what is received depends on the context of not only the communicator, but the observer. If I was a shamanistic Chinese man who lived in an Atheist community in China, and I went to a rural medicine woman who could communicate with the other side, what I would get would be shaped in a way that would make sense to my current world view. There are plenty of historical examples of this. It's just that we typically don't think of them as afterlife communications. And as a man in China in that sort of scenario, I would not be aware of someone like Victor or my understanding of the afterlife and so what I would receive would not typically make it to someone like Victor unless he specifically sought it out. Spiritual communication is always a co-developed endeavor based on need for the greater good and our greater good. If I or Victor were to go to those parts of the world we would indeed get the communication being asked about. Additionally there is some key terms one can find information about such things. It's called Transpersonal Anthropology. It's where researchers delve into other cultures for afterlife communication. And example. Look at the pdf newsletters


QUESTION: What is the afterlife like ... is it anything like we have on Earth? I read so many versions I'm not sure what to believe. G. D. Louisana.

I wanted to add my thoughts to his answer. Specifically about there being so many versions out there and not knowing what to believe. It's the same with the question above. Point of view comes from the Observer/ point of origin effect. Who's asking, what do they believe. Who's listening what do they believe. Who's guides are involved. What teaching style do they have. What is in the best interest of all involved in such that life experiences are met and played out in the best way. It's helpful to make sure you keep in mind that much of afterlife descriptions can be symbolic. Because from the souls point of view. All life is energetic emotional thought. And so trying to describe personal reality to us literal linear time based 3d human perception is not always easy. So a lot of symbology, allegory, and analogy is used. We are often spoon fed what we need not want. For example. In Spirit you use energy as a tool of the emotional mind. How does one describe your manifesting a worm hole in space time non linear dimensions to communicate? Do you tell them you create mental symbols of a temple pool and shoot light into it? Or do you talk math? Or do you relate to them a story of symbology involving the sun and flowers? Much of the time it is far far better to simply focus on life in the now and how to live each experience the best we can to get the most from now. It is better to know what you believe about yourself as opposed to the nature of the universe. Now that's not to say that exploration of the greater reality is unwarranted. Far from it. But to do so simply takes patience, effort and work over many lifetimes. Don't let worry come into play or you will just be spinning your wheels in mud. Just take the attitude of.. an open mind and keep exploring.