My photos

Have you ever taken a photo of an orb or so called spirit that you think is significant to you?

Have you ever recored a message via EVP or ITC?

I've take a few before that made question the whole dust/etc. vs/ spirit. And I do realise the whole everyone see's what you will arguements. I have my opinions but I don't make any assumptions.

Here is a photo I took in my bedroom once upon a time during a period of rather busy so called paranormal activity. (click onlink)(you might have to use the keyboard controls "Ctrl +" to enlarge these.

bedroom overview -- Large view: I've highlighted where I see them in the photo with white lines.

In photshop I then picked one so called orb and adjusted it's highlights and threshhold levels to try to zoom in and see what I could see.

origional --- highcontrast and equalized --- threshold ---- Another view

Here is what/ Who--- Robert and Erik said the orbs were about:

Cool huh?!

Robert to Jason

Hey there youngster!

I'm assuming the face you wanna know about is the one that looks like a child/baby's face. You'll probably never guess who it is...maybe I should just let ya stew on it a while....torture ya and make you wonder....hummm? Well, it actually was your nephew! It was around the time his Spirit had decided on his family and he was stopping by all of his "relatives to be" to check in on their lives.

Here is how my Nephew looks in the flesh. Now compare the orb face with his face.....Face flesh........orb face.

I really do understand the subjectivity of all this, but I enjoy reading about this sort of thing.. Photo ITC and looking at others photos and ideas.

Here are a few more of mine to look at.

Face in a water bottle Same photo imediately afterward Face in a candle votive TV faces Here's an odd one, another view , Our Living Room,

Here are some more from 2010 xmas with the family. I've edited the contrast and color to try to bring out the so called orbs a bit more. I won't say anything about them as it can be so subjective. But I found them interesting non the less.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I've drawn white lines around where I see something. So you can enlarge the image to see if you do too or not.

In my experience and from what my Spiritual teachers and guides have told me; A primary method of communication is the altering of our environments and neuro optical pathways to get us to see "what it all means to us". So yes indeed much of the time cameras record so called dust/pollen/water created orbs, but at the same time. It can also be as a result of spirit manipulation. The thing is that they want to get us to think and ponder the possibilities of life around us as well as any messages we might take from that. You'll see on so many ITC site and "ghost hunter sites" intense debate on the nature of photo communications and manifestations. Erik says it's all bull. Because it's taking away from the message that there is no death. That rather than try to "reason" away experiences we should look inward and see how we feel about the experience.

Many manifestations can only be seen by those open to them and those willing to believe. And to those who do not, there will always be a mundane explanation. I really don't see a conflict in combining the materialist view point with the spiritual view point. Indeed most phenomena can be either or. It really is all about faith and ones own personal experience of phenomena. Same with visions, and telepathy. Is it subjective? Is it misguided? Gestalt? A mental disease, or delusion or real? my gut tells me spirits use lighting phenomena and the camera record of it as a way to get us to 'feel' their presence. To help push us further along the path to communication.

There are many photo ITC/ instrumental trans-communication web sites that delve deeply into orbs, photo communication, recordings, ect. There are literally hundreds of view points and opinions on such things. But really does it matter? What did this experience mean to you? Are you going to let someone tell you and move your opinion that spirit communication is not real? If so that's OK.

Here are some ITC web sites:

I think you will find these websites fascinating.

Personally I believe that all such manifestations, whether there is a natural or mundane explanation are valid. Why? Because they trigger feelings, insight, faith and other forms of communication. The meaning behind the meaning. Signs and portents. Symbols and images. Faith and feelings. Yes, that flare is a flare, yes that dust is dust, yes that poem is a poem, yes that static is static..... But... It is also MORE!

There is no such thing as a Spiritual smoking gun. There will always be ways to blow all of "THIS" off. The key has always been, to look within, and determine, how you feel about it and then what are you going to do about it. I wish I could offer you more proof, or guidance. But I am just feeling my way along all this too.