Varience of Visitations

May 18, 2011

Random Musings: (rough thoughts on)

Spiritual visitation and the perception of consistency

To all the new blog members and returning blog members and those who are interested. There has been a return of perception of our loved ones in Spirit not being as communicative as we would like. I believe Elisa mentioned that it seems from time to time, that Spiritual visitations by our loved ones seem to tail off....

I'd like to share some of my experience and perceptions on the matter. I've channeled about it before. You can view some of the messages in the previous postings in the forum. But I'd like to share my take on after life visitations.

First, I'd like to say, that I firmly believe based on my experience and research that so called death is just as much about "Process" as anything in our 3D reality. Second, Just as they undergo intensive processes, so too, do we as grievers. These two processes combine and at times along our journey can become quite a tangled mess.

Here are just a 'few' of the steps.



What a poor label... Death is really about transition. Any given life is a tool that the personality of the higher self uses to experience. Personality, spirit, the soul is eternal. The experience of life that the aspect of soul just had never goes away. It is a part of who the entity is. Any attachment made of love, mutual love, or any emotional bond is retained. So much of the time, we view the departing spirit as leaving us. As departed, forever broken, taken from us, separate, and we are left lost behind. Nothing can be further from the truth. We are just as much Spirit as they are. To fully know this and use it as a tool is our forgotten birthright. For us still in the 3D death is the most painful and traumatic events we can experience. Because it is an impact on our emotions and bonds. To the Spirit making the transition is simply stepping on the bus to home. Both parties in the here and here after would be benefited to remember that both view points are tentative and temporary. There is no death and there are no dead.


Unfortunately the "Transition" is different for everyone. It has to be. Because everyone's is different, everyone's situation is different, everyone's experiences are different. Sure there are similarities, sure there are basics. But we in the 3D need to remember and hold in our hearts that ones persons after life communication doesn't have to hold true for another. What influences "knowing, understanding, and perception" of the transition? Belief, awareness, and perception. Within this is knowledge and understanding through experience. As you well know none of this is the same... Which is why we must hold on to patience through love.

** "with" vs/ Tuned into:

This concept is one of the biggest struggles for the incarnate. Specifically when dealing with loved ones in Spirit. Part of this stems from our lack of understanding of locomotion, physics, and communication in the hereafter vs... our 3D reality. When a Spirit first Transitions they will very often be fixated on those in the 3D. This is for a variety of reasons, it could be life review, it could be because of self created reality or genuine affection and love. Or other.... So because of that intensive focus they lower and condense their vibrational energy to move closer to our reality. This enables manifestions that we can precieve. So when this does happen, we get the impression that they are "with us" standing side by side in our reality. And as time passes, depending on our beliefs, perceptions, emotional and spiritual state, the feeling of "with us" will change.... or due to various reasons the Spirit begins to feel that we can no longer precieve them and they loose hope of communication in the near term. So they let go the denser vibration and return to a faster state of being. But, here is where we in the 3D get into trouble.... Thought creates reality. In Spirit most communication is done through emotion and thought. Much of the time, Spirit exists in "states of being" not physical places. So just because we can't physically sense them as we would like, does not mean they are gone from us. ANY emotional thought, transmits instantly. Like a lightening bolt. Unless they are blocking, they will always feel it. Now whether this can be a two way street and get back to us is another matter. There are all sorts of reasons why that may not happen.

**Attempted connection

This is natural. My personal opinion is that neither side should ever give up, where there is a connection based in love. And I believe in most cases, hope never dies. Because most in Spirit realize problems are just temporary. All in love will be reunited eventually. In the beginning of "Transition" the biggest problems involve emotion, perception, and belief. On the incarnates side intensive emotion can at times, create psychic walls that prevents undeveloped Spirit from drawing near. On the dis-incarnate side, the beginning phases of transition are heavily influenced by belief, perception, and experience. That is why some Spirits seem confused, why some seem off running around the universe, why some seem aloof, and others are right there. In any-case, while it's more complicated than that, and involves many more variables, any connection bond in love is retained and communication is attempted. We here in the 3D are best served if we just trust that it is so, and not get discouraged when it doesn't happen as we are aware of or expect.

**One sided communication:

For these reasons and more, communication often seems one sided. This is normal. Heck, this is even true for sensitives of all types. We often feel like communication is heavily one sided and that Spirit only spoon feeds us content... No matter. In the end there are only 2 choices. Keep trying or let it go. In this there is no right or wrong. Because what you think about it is so subjective. How you feel about it and how you participate with such an experience is totally up to you. If nothing else remember that no one person, nor no one spirit has all the answers. In Spirit the entity may persevere by passing along dreams and fleeting manifestations. In 3D you may pray, or talk to Spirit in tentative hesitant wishful hope. A better way is to embrace the concept that you/we are just as much a Spirit as those in the hereafter. If you Know this beyond a shadow of a doubt, communication can move away from one-sided endeavors to the many many methods of two way communication. This is and can be quite the process. Never give up.

**Creating awareness

One of the best ways to over come one sided communication, or heck even no communication is to create and develop our Awareness. This means being aware that we are Spirit having a physical experience. And that the "world" of Spirit is not some other place, but here now. Within us, around us, and all about. Through and through. We are not apart--- but A part of.

But creating and developing this as a daily part of our lives we enable thought and emotional patterns to set themselves up in our lives that facilitate communication. Then we are constantly aware that Spirit has untold methods of communicating with us, we simply need to key into it.

**Maintaining awareness

So now we know that Spirit communication can at times depend on Awareness. And that there are many variables that go into communication. On both sides for different reasons. So that said, one of the most important things we can work on is maintaining awareness that we are Spirit. Where a lot of people get into trouble is that they do not realize that this is an ongoing life long process. There is no right or wrong in this regard, only preserverence. There will be ups and downs, and that is fine. But we need to know the importance of try try again. Because just as we are not unmoving beings, so to with Spirit. It can be a lot of hard work. But in the end you have two choices, ignore Spirit-ignore your journey, or embrace everything possible. So whether you pray, meditate, do energy work, channel, or simply live with mindful intent, it's important, no vital to remember that you are no different that Spirit. You are Spirit and communication is within you. Its a process, There is no easy A in this or any aspect of life. Keep trying.


ALL is not but energy. Condensed, contracted, slow, fast, thought is energy and energy is emotional thought. Because of this this there are more manifestations of energy than any incarnate can possibly conceive. When we worry about our energy preventing communication we become lost in a cloud of misunderstanding and incomplete information. Information that in our current form we have not possibility of navigating. So what to do? What we all can do, is hold on to the awareness that energy, thought, and emotion create reality. Simply having the desire to learn about and explore you own personal energy is enough to set you on an appropriate path as it pertains to communication. You will be led to where you need to be. Holding the desire to manifest your Spiritual energy is enough....

**Maintaining vibration

Vibration is just a fancy word for "state of being" or the state of your Spiritual energy. And Energy is always in motion. You are always in motion, a great work of progress on a great journey on the path of your choosing. To maintain that is quite simply the desire to have the greatest sense of personal awareness of your reality as you can within your experience. There are untold ways to work on this. It matters not which one you pick, Simply doing with intent, will set you on your way. This process opens you up to more communication with Spirit.

**Ups and downs of energy

Even so, There are ups and downs of maintaining your energy. This is frequently emotion based. This is normal, natural, and expected. Even on both sides of the veil. There are techniques and things we can do to return to and find balance. Finding balance will make communications easier.

**Callings, work and education.

One aspect of communications not often thought about is that it often depends on understanding of realities. You can't understand something until you know of it. And you can't Know it until you experience it. So with us, so to with Spirit. Communication difficulties can happen if a Spirit simply doesn't have the knowledge or experience to communicate. To find out how, they may become engrossed in education, work or a called vocation to enable the experience. The problem is that we often don't know this. And no Spirit necessarily tells us this. There are so many reasons this may happen. But it is a possibility. But know that our thoughts and feelings still reach them. So if we are patient communication will happen.


Given this new work in Spirit (or even through your own work!).... Spirit will enter a new phase of existence, and you may find that communication attempts return. You are not forgotten, nor were you ever; There is simply new awareness at work.

**New awareness

With new awareness comes the desire to progress, but this does not mean progression AWAY from, but progress encompassing MORE! Remember you are more, they are more, Spirit is more than you could ever imagine. With more, nothing is lost or left behind. If you never give up hope you too can participate in this progression. No matter how high a Spirit may become, "They" always have ways to reach you. It is but perception that suggests otherwise. Have you any doubt that The Highest of Heaven has limits? So then push fear from your mind. You will never be alone. Love knows no limit.

**There comes a point when it's up to us to no longer rely on Visitation, but to treat it like any long distance relationship. Through progression we eventually reach a point where we are able to leave the nest. No longer do we have to rely on Spirit manifestations. We become able to meet Spirit half way or even go all the way to Spirit. The human brain is an quantum electro magnetic computer that helps facilitate our Spirit interacting with 3D reality. It is fully capable of Spiritual communication. This can happen through a myriad of techniques, but when you are aware that it is possible. Those in Spirt will often try to find ways to encourage this. And at times, if we fall back on our old selves we can forget and become re-enmeshed in doubt and fear, which frustrates all efforts.

**Work & Effort:

Now that you know you are no longer limited in Spiritual communication. You know that you do not have to wait for Spirit to come to you. Through work, effort and a try try again attitude you can learn what you need to, to facilitate more communication. But know this is work and a lot of it is hard. It's not something can readily hand you on a silver platter. To sustain it, you must embark and keep going.

**Meeting half way:

Once you get your bearings and begin your new journey, you will often find that Spirit meets you half way. It is then becoming a true equal meeting of the minds. Trust and faith on both ends of the Spectrum meet half way through love. This might come about through technique or through sheer force of will and love. It can happen on either end of the veil and is enabled by making an effort to initiate the connection. There are many ways to meet Spirit halfway or to go to them. This can be;

Raising ones vibration, working on the self, realizing you are spirit too, working with others, knowing and faith that your communications are heard, Knowing that everyone in spirit is just as different as we here on 3d earth. Knowing that every thing in Heaven is just as much about experience as it is here.

*We are but a reflection of Spirit.

*Like attracts like, bonds of love remain unbroken

There is never a reason to give up hope. For love is eternal.

I can write more about this later in the forum.... On a personal note, Erik often figuratively shakes his finger at me for relying on visits instead of initiating communication. I guess for most people that means trusting in the knowledge that our loved ones in spirit hear us. Trusting that they are there for us, and then try to work on ourselves.