February 2012

February 29, 2012

Q & A cont.

Q) (From CE forum)

My comment on tonight's post made me think of a question for Erik. I've read several Sylvia Browne books, and she talks about the different areas of the other side where we choose to live, work, hang out, etc. She says many people choose to have homes that resemble homes here on our plane. Does he live in a mansion? A house modeled after where he grew up? Does he require housing? Where on the other side does he reside? I apologize if this has already been answered.

A) In between lives, manifestations such as homes are created by the emotional thought energy of the entity's focus. And it is often highly symbolic and depends on their current focus or awareness; Often it is a reflection of their desire for comfort, and experience. It would be a mistake to assume a wrote, law, or category that would provide a consistent frame of reference. That's why so much of our Spiritual texts throughout the ages are so allegorical. Also why there is so much variation between afterlife data. You can see some of this by going back through the Erik transcripts. When he first arrived he used a house. But as experience, awareness, and activities expand, the need and desire for such often dissipates. When that happens the construct is dissolved back into the energy from which it was assembled. There are entities on the other side that specialize in building for others. Be it dreams or co-experienced realities, or homes. It's all just a tool to express yourself. The higher level entities tend to work with very abstract constructs, ephemeral, and nebulous. It then becomes about projecting their energy into a construct to interact with you, as opposed to residing in a type of space time. Remember they are consciously operating in multiple dimensions, where we are focused in 3D on this planet. The human concept of where does not apply because he would tend to say something like, "I reside now". It's often more helpful to think of spacial relationships not as linear, but as frequencies or harmonics. Think, light, energy, and sound. And think "state of being".

For example, many spirits choose to co-exist in a state of communal energetic interconnection as opposed to a home. Others prefer to co-create large or small communities and societies that would appear as a village, city, and yet depending on perspective would appear a blob of light at the same time. Frequently more abstract things are created. For example Robert is fond of a tree on a grassy hill. As I am fond of hanging out in a green house, or cabin in the woods. It just depends. Erik as a guide is most often with those who are his charges as opposed to a particular abode. But even saying that is not especially helpful, as it's more about being in-tune with their frequency than anything we would clearly understand.

February 29, 2012

Personal Opinion alert! (hide your eyes)

So, someone on the CE forums asked about "The Shift" and so called ascension.

I didn't answer because I think that perhaps my view is a bit jaded or perhaps not what people want to hear. I gotta tell you that everything I pick up on, get, feel or otherwise hear is that this does NOT describe a physical event. It describes a perception of consciousness, and then how you actualize that in your day to day life. As far as I can tell, Earth will remain a place of duality, a learning lab to explore various love/ vs fear or chaos vs harmony scenarios. Now I am willing to be wrong.... but I think this is about soul age, level, and experience NOT the physicality of humanity or earth.

I've talked to Robert about this before and while we were talking in so far as we can tell, none of the guides or angels have ever said anything to us about a "shift" or "ascension", in fact Erik has never said diddly squat to me about any of it at least on a conscious level I can think of. That doesn't mean anything. Erik has always made it uber clear that he doesn't tell me everything.....and That's not to say anyone is wrong, or I am right or whomever is wrong or any of that. I am just saying I have zero info. Robert and I both agree that this is nothing new. That mini shifts happen every 100 years or so and that bigger ones happen 10x that as souls go through experiential cycles working on themes. And that as the souls that gain experience leave their mark on the evolutionary traits of humanity and the earth, the Earth evolves with them. So that your experience benefits the group, and the group benefits the planet and so on. Like an evolving eco system. The system doesn't die out or go away, it just adapts to new evolution. In this case a higher more complex consciousness that is more aware. It's just another opportunity to choose how you see yourself and how you are going to live.

Of course I may be wrong and full of it, but everything in me is saying that people are getting unduly worked up. I don't for a second believe anyone is going to disappear. I don't for a second believe in "chosen peoples" or making a right or wrong choice or any of the sensational stuff out there. Will people have new attitudes and outlooks? sure. Will humanity as a whole be more harmonious? maybe... But I know we still have to work on all the stuff we came here for. There is not easy exit ticket, no free pass, and no out button. We simply are more in tune with who we are that we are that much closer to mastering ourselves. I guess time will tell........ ps. If you wink out into another dimension without me, look me up and let me know you made it ok... (I say that with loving jest. I plan on hanging out and keeping up with try try again).

February 27, 2012

Q) Will you and my loved ones in Spirit still want to be around me when I am all old and senile?


"You are somehow assuming your spirit is a reflection of your body. In many ways coming home to spirit after a long life is like being born again. Just as in a newborn, the very presence of the spirit is charged with vitality, light and anticipation of possibility, so too do we feel when you transition. We wait with eagerness to share in your experiences, your feeling and the rebirth of your expanded presence. That said, for us though we miss your completeness we are not lost in loneliness, we are always connected to you and can visit while you sleep as you us. We are privy to the many lives you experience each with ages varied and rich. There is no judgement, for each is simply a facet of your light."

February 24, 2012

Late yesterday, Erik offered me a follow up to the previous question.


How do we observe what we feel without defining ourselves by it.


Accept that you have a choice

of what to believe about yourself.

If you want that free will,

you then take the responsibility

for defining yourself into your own hands.

Anything outside of that,

is not who you are.

"Who I am" starts by

Exploring yourself through experiences,

some of which is who you are not.

Until you make the choice

to decide what and

who you are.

February 23, 2012

Talks with Erik about life: Conversation, channeling, and thoughts from the other side:


J to E

Q) Why can't you tell me what I want to know when I want it? Why cant I participate with Spirit the way I want?

E to J


"This is about your life, not us. It's about you, living. Stop worrying about what you think you want or what we want, and focus on what you have to share, and what you can do now. See, cause living's not about anything that's going to complete you or finding out an answer or Spirit making you happy, or taking away your pain. Living is about doing-- right now. 'It's like Yoda said. Do or do not, there is no try.' It's important to know that even that saying, is not about right or wrong or lack or gain, have or have not. It's really about you simply making a choice and knowing that whatever you decide is OK. But it's about doing, not worrying about what you "think" you might want to do. See Jason where you get stuck, it's that you get bored or you get into these emotional mood swings where you ignore what's behind what your feelings, and so since you see us, but because your physical, you are only seeing part of the picture. And so then your latching onto us, totally ignoring what's right in front of your face. Your never gonna feel fulfilled, satisfied, or at peace if you ignore the "now". And your never going to know who and what you are unless you allow yourself to just feel now and then live life with abandonment in that feeling. Another thing that gets you and other folks stuck, is that they think the moment of now is a continuous linear stream. And that once focus and action is taken that they can let go and coast forever. And when that doesn't happen they get upset. But you know time is illusion. Time is focus, perception depends on who's looking and where they are looking. It's about choice. And it's more about a series of choices, a series of eternal now moments. So how you do manage then? Just keep this word on your lips. Choice. With every feeling, choice. With every circumstance. choice. Within every experience. Choice. Today, in this moment, what is your choice? You may think that your choice is limited, or not what you'd like, or should be, have... but STOP! When you think, feel, or speak anything but the decision. You have stepped outside of the moment and the choice is given up. Go back to that moment and say, Is this me? Is this love? What choice do I have in this moment.

That's what matters. You. Your life. Now. Everything else is outside of you. It's in that moment that we wait for you. It is that moment you will know. It's in that moment that 'want' is released and you'll understand that participation is spirit is the default and there is no separation. It's in that moment you will feel you."

February 22, 2012

Do others sharing experience with you on this planet know better than you? Are there those who are better qualified to tell you what to do with your life? This search, this question is just an attachment of desire. Your placing a value judgement on the great question. Who am I. The balance of your life is not going to be "felt" in the answer. What will matter is the balancing point of what you felt while on that journey.

February 18, 2012

Many times in life we walk where our heart takes us. In some ways we feel guided or led. Many times we are. Even so we encounter feelings of pain, frustration and disappointment.

When such happen we question our motivations or the action. Of being led....what feels like lead, though it is not the action but what we "believe to be the action". What is behind, what we feel about our belief of why we are led, or need to be led...... What does this say about ourselves and the world around us and is it accurate. The discomforting feelings are not so much an external effect as it is a internal resistance to get us to focus on whats behind the pain..... When we look closer we may find that such a belief about us, our environment, who we seem to be and how we fit in or what we feel the need to do, is not really about who we are at all. We may find some misplaced assumptions about our greater reality, in such that we thought we were serving ourselves and others, but really we might just be better served in focusing on something else. We may hope for detailed guidance, but in many instances we'd really prefer to create our own maps by feeling our way as we go through the experience.....when you come to an acceptance that this in and of itself is OK and something you signed up for, ....you may find that its not a map your making, but its a light your turning on.

February 17, 2012

Peoples physical experience kinda wobbles on the tip of nail. Don't see much... Only see from a tiny point of view. That's what looking into the dense wood of life is like. Ever so often your world shakes as though life is being pounded on. Well.... That's because in Spirit you are not that nail tip. Your not even the nail. Your the dude driving the nail into the wood looking down at what your building. Your creating something. Your getting better at it all the time. Someday your gonna be a master craftsman! Your gonna see the big picture then. But if you really wanna get into what's being worked on. Just look back up inside yourself and feel each of those shakes and follow that feeling back up into the nail as it passes through wood, and into the hand. It's only by following those feelings that your gonna see where the next nail is gonna go.


E: (Erik m)

It's not that you have thoughts. It's that your thoughts have you. Because they created you.

J: (Jason)



Yeah. How do you feel about that?


I dunno, I suppose I don't get it.


What's to get? You feel and then you had a thought to express it in a more tangible way. Where did that feeling come from?

J: I dunno, I guess cause I just did. I was there, and I just reacted cause I wanted to. I suppose I was curious.

E: Yup, that's how it all started. It's not that it had a beginning, or has an end, it's that you started because you were curious.

J: My head hurts;

E: Let it go, you'll still be here. Me too. Just feel what comes and choose how to express it, no sense stressing about was always was.



Why do some feel that there are differences in those who are psychic and those who aren't


The keyword here is why do they feel, not what are or whats the possible differences, the reasons for many involve a decision to retain an openness, for others physical action mixes with energy, but for the rest such as those who are taught to expand,

It's all about perspective of belief. Those who embrace such things believe in the validity of what is termed subjective. Those who feel resistance, struggle with the subjective as being a valid belief. But either is somewhat misleading, for both lines of thought are labels to understand the experience of feeling conscious awareness. Really it's an attempt to describe the process of allowing one to feel in such a way that can be expressed as physical. It's ok, It's AOK, because that's what this journey is for. It's about coming from a point where you assign value and judgement on emotions, to then being OK with that, to then find yourself moving in to realizing that it's not about being OK with what you believe about emotional experience, but that you allow yourself to accept it as simply as a valid possible experience.



How do spiritual friends happen?


When two consciousness's experience a blending of emotion that serves to further similar thoughts; An understanding, an energetic alignment will occur. When such alignment evolves in shared expression, a range of shared experience will be co-created. It is not the value of love or absence of love in these experiences that engenders a fondness; It is the harmonies created when these two energies balance each other. Many emotions can be had from this blending. The key is that shared experience creates more unity, more balance than experience alone. These co-creations can be understood in ways not available to singular expressions. Which is why such deep value is placed. It is that value that has so much meaning for your kind.

(meanwhile Erik is sarcastically singing the barney song,... I like you.. you like me... we are a big habby fam-i-leee".... ha ha ha.


All processing of experience that involves knowing is but a tool, a label, a limit in perception. All processing of experience that involves understanding is felt, causality of possibility, an openness of awareness....(my guides)


February 16, 2012

Looking for secrets is often not so much about uncovering truth as it is about seeking what gleams beyond you. You cant store treasure when you dont know where to put it.


The only secret is that you return to earth with everything you need. The question is not when or what, but how you come to remember this. It is only then can you really uncover yourself.


Many lament knowledge, skill, or experience they feel they should have. Because they misjudge what they do have. They feel somehow cheated, left behind, or abandoned. Unworthy...thats such bull.....dont you know that everything important is learned in kindergarten? Everything else is just practice.


When you hold onto one emotion your shoving the rest to the corner. That pile didn't disappear. It will keep piling up until you drown. Don't be a hoarder. Air your house out, look at each emotion. You wont feel like home unless you know what you've got. That doesn't mean you have to be a neat freak or that you cant be a slob. It just means if you run across something that doesn't serve you, or you don't need, you know what to do with it.


Alot of folks run across the phrase, God in all things, All that is, or Alpha n Omega. But they don't really give much thought to what that means. Most of the time they fixate on Spirit, God, the other side - as something, someone outside of themselves, separated. In fact, a lot of theologies advocate just that. Those thoughts were developed on Earth. The plane of duality and illusion of separation. But Heaven aint somewhere else that you need to agonize and petition over. Its always been in the here n now.....not now or latter...get it? So folks see this stuff around them and they think...omg (oh my God), what am I doing? Well, Heaven would ask,....well what are you? What do you want? Then people say shit like,

"I want or dont want".....and then they complain.......

Well....you see....just as heaven is here in the now, and God is everything....your words are not some chump change or nickle and dime.....ur damn powerful.....but you forgot.

Look at ur words....want, dont want, and I wish........those are not manifestation tools. They are subtractive focusing tools. Yea math..haha

Of subtraction.

Those words dont create squat. They are used to get you to drill ur focus down inside of you to take away and look at each layer of desire. But their not smart words...they only self replicate more of what they are. What it does is peel layer after layer off your perception. I don't I don't I don't I want I want I wish I wish... Whelll... what is there??!? once all the layers are gone through? What are you doing with what you DO see? But that dont mean you leave the tool in the dirt, it means you look at what your digging...this is gonna show you that life aint about what you do or dont "want", its about recognizing, remembering and seeing what u do have, got, are, am, have, and doing, now, not someday, now.

So as soon as you start to say, i dont, i want, i cant, want....stop and go wash ur mouth out with soap.

Look at urself in the mirror and say, I have. I am. Today I can, Im thankful for.....

Thats another thing,

Be grateful not, for having been given or handed something, but grateful for opportunity to creatively express yourself in any given situation. Cause thankfulness without co-participation, co-creation or reception of something that doesn't let you share or further the experience, take action in the now....is only recognition of what you think you're lacking....your thoughts are so strong. If you only, focus on, being grateful for being given what you seems or think you lack - you just going to ride the hamster wheel some more....what you really are gonna learn here is to be grateful for the opportunity to really explore who you are in all that is. The opportunity, the free will to create who you are in any moment. If you focus on opportunity and what you have you will be happier and manifest more of it....now thats something to celebrate.


Tip. What do u do, when it feels like my head is spinning and i can shut off my brain from uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Stop drop and roll. If you really want to stop, Stop what youre doing, look hard out through you're eyes into the room, move them around and look all around you quickly and think, find something physical to do in that now moment. It will temporarily disengage you from inner hamster wheel....but to warn you; Some people are here to feel. And their gonna wanna roll in it. They are here to learn clarity and discernment...not ignoring their inner life.

February 15, 2012

I know some of you out there think life totally sucks. That you just can't bare your situation any more and you obsess about release from it from time to time. Then you go beat yourself up cause you feel shitty about feeling shitty. Here's a suggestion. You came here for a reason. And for most of you it wasn't to put on a cape and save the world. You came here to put on rubber boots and slop through shit so you could understand not only why it gets there, how it's pooped out, not to figure out how to just clean it up, or make it spic and span, but to experience what it's like to take your boot off stick ur foot in it, squish your toes in it, rinse/wash it off and say... Wow... that is sooo not me...... Look around, see others standing in it? yell at them... HEY GUYS! Lets help each other clean up our shit...... It's about experiencing all life has to offer, the good AND the bad.. together. It's not that your here to figure out what's good or bad, but that it's about coming to a better understanding of what is and isn't your shit.... get me? If you focus on crap around you, your just gonna see more crap and it's gonna stink! Instead focus on you, what's inside of you while going through it, and seek to understand how you feel about it, and how you feel as you work with others to clean off. People get sooo fixated on accomplishment, doing, but they don't know what... they only think they want something outside of themselves and get pissed when they only see shit. It's not that your seeking something, it's that your seeking to know who you are wading through experience. You can use that understanding of the experience and how you feel about it, to learn how to get clean, help others do the same, thow shit, shovel it, sell it to farmers, become a rancher, raise cattle, let all the animals loose, or learn to grow wheat. or some shit.. heh heh.. ... So the next time you feel like wandering off to hill country. Know youre not escaping anything. You still have shit on your boots. Just look at it, how does it make you feel, cause until you figure that out, youre not going to care enough to wash it off or do anything about it. And you don't want to carry it with you. ---- Talks with Erik

You are never resigned to be who people think you are. The main reason is because you really don't have a fair or honest perception of what others' think. What they think is none of your buisness.

If you worry about the contents of some form describing you, Your going to be stuck on some label. You are not going to look at what doesn't fit in the blanks.

Worry is a total Bitch! She whores around with shame, guilt, and anger. She's gonna be that ugly feeling in the morning you can't wash off. Why worry in the first place. No one said you had to go down that dark alley. But you were hell bent on checkin out your red light. Dude,.....just say no.

February 13, 2012

There's a difference between an inner knowing and knowing what you,- think, - you want. Many times you allow yourself to forget or ignore the want because its an uncomfortable emotion or mental resistance. Instead of seeing a want, you psych yourself into thinking its something you know. But really its just a messy unexplored belief, and not who you really are. When you get rid of what feels like a desire, you'll be able to see what you know. You'll be able to feel with honesty. -- talks with Erik


"Most people who want to channel, do not understand what they really want. What we all desire is to remember our connection to Spirit. We want to feel it everyday. We have been trained by our society to think that communication is limited to what we read, hear, and see. That outside of approved history our imagination, feelings, and senses are divorced from Spirit. That Spirit and body must be bridged. That is such a croc. You can not have one without the other, you are one.

Many are stuck, they think that spiritual communication equals words. They forget that communion is not about voice. It's about reconnecting to what you feel, what you think.

Put forth your thoughts and feel what comes next, not the reply, not the sound, not the words, but just feel. Spirit does not verbalize, but projects thoughts and emotions, which you interpret. A fleeting image, a brief sensation, a flash of color, a sensation, a symbol, a resonance of inner music, and inspired guidance can hold far more data that any word you can recall.

What you can create, you can explore with feeling. If you surrender to the simple experiences as being a valid experience what you feel can show you that you have never left Spiritual communion, and that communication is all around."

-- talks with Erik

February 13, 2012

Q & A cont.


A CE reader asked the follwing in the forum: Can we participate in "living a game" in the afterlife?

My question is this. Can one play realistic video games in the afterlife with future technology? It would be like a simulation, but instead of using actual violence, can one roleplay a character which fights artificial intelligence, or pre-programmed scenarios, just like the Matrix? It would be like a video game without real characters or situations. Or is it low vibration to even think such thoughts? I was wondering this since there are humans who have negative thoughts and are insecure on Earth, but I assume that they can end up in the same Heaven as Erik.


Metaphysically speaking, what we perceive of as physicality on this planet is a type of game. How we play it can be achieved on many levels. You can play it from the point of view of others you inhabit the game with, you can play it in first person, or 3rd person, or you can just watch, or watch someone else play. In fact this is one of the reason's Erik and the gang have still enjoyed playing or watching us play such games, because gaming is analogous to life, but in life we are the conscious or unconscious co-creators or viewers.

Now, as to why one could or would play is a point of contention. Are you playing at the level you are capable of or do you cheat as much as possible, or do you create modifications of your game, or totally new games. And if you do, what is your intent? Are you your own biggest end of level boss? or are you a monster (mob) that is around every corner with an axe or gun?

Like many games, you can approach life with violence, fun and fair play, or with achieved skill. Although what one thinks of as points, bonuses, and rewards, or even penalties can be misconstrued by how you set your intention. It's not so much about when you start and when you finish or even how much time you play, but how you feel about each in game encounter. You can approach it from a fear based emotion, an outlet for everything you feel that you can not express in life, due to your beliefs and that of the society you have been born into, or you can build, create, and solve puzzles. Or you can approach it from love. Both can be fun, both are creative, and both provide opportunities if you look close enough. What you think of it all is, as always up to the viewer.

So too in the hereafter. There are many seemingly real constructs that are co-created that one can explore whatever you can emotionally imagine. If you so desired and acquire the skill you can create what you desire through thought forms, mental structures and create materials from the local in which you perceive to reside in. Or it can be a mental exercise in which probabilities and possibilities are examined as visual manifestations. Although the labels you choose to use for all this, is and will be up to you based on your experiential understanding of who you are.

For just as life in physical earth is about what is behind our emotions, so too is what you create in the hereafter. What will you focus on if and when you are in touch with your highest possible self, how this seems will always be your state of being. Neither here nor there, such will be the journey of your experience. At what level and genre of game you play will be up to you.

February 07, 2012

Q & A cont.

A CE reader asked the follwing in the forum: Can one have human style sex in the afterlife?



Sort of new here. Mostly lingering around. I just had a question about sex. I know, I am being a bit unconventional, but after reading some threads and books, I see that sex is somewhat of a bad thing for some people as they are consumed by it.

For me, I am generally passionate about women so I wonder, even though we don't have a physical body, and there is love in the afterlife, can we still explore sexual fantasies in human fashion to experience the thrills? Rather than being stuck in a hellish realm, can we chose to create our own environment, and have other entities participate in our fantasies?

Could a man who can simulate his body any way in the afterlife, have a car trip with helpers disguised as beautiful women on a scenic journey to get explanations of the afterlife rather than simply sit on a park? Just curious. If anyone knows the answer, it will be great!

I realize that everyone has love in the afterlife but rather than a state of being, can we not extend it to an expression of intimacy based on human principles of lust? Thank you!


The short answer is yes, but it depends on you.

This is a really great question. One that everyone wonders about, but few want to ask. It's not a simple of a question as we on earth would tend to think. There are a several ways to approach this and many other similar questions. Namely, how does the dis-incarnate see their own beliefs, perceptions, perspectives and what is their intent. And, how do they feel about it. With a few exceptions, when you die your personality does not change that much. Who you are as always depends on actualizing your focus. So to ask such questions with some of the words you use, we'd first need to look at the value your placing on certain keywords. Such as, "I see that sex is somewhat of a bad thing"..... (According to whom? Who gets to decide?); "Consumed by it" .....(In what way? Is there a bigger picture? What happens before and after? What does it mean?); "Human passion about a certain gender"...(how many lives have you led as either gender? Can you be passionate about non form?); What is the nature of love, sex, and fantasies? What is the nature of consciousness? How do you, define a hellish realm as opposed to anther persons view? Is either view valid?

OK, I know this all makes me sound like a sort of like a pain the As*, but what I am getting at is that what we believe tends to go with us unless it was a part of our pre-life planning. And what and how we focus on, in the hereafter is intensified, until we decide that what we focus on is not for us, or us. If on the other hand, what you focus on makes you happy, and you like it, and you identify with it, then for now, that is how you see yourself, and that's fine. No enlightened being is going to judge you for it. Are there those in the after life who will frown on you? sure. Just like here. If your stuck in a strong belief system, for a time, you will co-create that reality. Just as you can co-create a hellish environment you can co-create your special rules, and regulations on your compound out in God's country so to speak. It's totally up to you.

Ok back to sex... Woo hoo! ha ha. kidding. On the other side, there are many many ways of expressing not only love, but shared pleasure. What is wigging you out are those stories, of people who on earth were so obsessed with sex that it turned self destructive, an addition in the worst way. On the other side, they take that with them, and what they focus on is drawn to them. So thus, the stories of hellish never ending orgies and who knows what else... But, what if you just enjoy it, and still want to participate in it? Can you? Yes. Are you limited to a certain dimensions or "special place"... well, it depends on your awareness. Are you experienced enough with who you are to create your own pocket dimension or manifest your own reality? Or will you used someone else's thought forms and constructs? Or will you use the per-made reflections on the astral planes? And sooo much more.. If physical constructs are something you greatly desire, you can have at it. If that's what you desire, there will be souls lined up at your door for you. you wont even have to ask. Then again, you are not limited to "human" sex. There are many non-physical manifestations and experiences as well. Picture two approaching storms mixing.

Now there is some difference in perception based upon degrees of spiritual experience, evolution, and expansion. As you advance the general trend is to move away from a physical point of view and express unity and wholeness without some of the more physical pleasures or fear based ones. Lust tends to be possessive and fear of loosing something because of perceived separation or illusion. That's not to say right or wrong, in experiencing it, it's just that on the higher levels there is not so much interest.

So, I bet you wonder what Erik thinks? hmm? ha ha.. Robert and I frequently crack jokes with Erik in perverse humor..... What begins as teasing each other, turns into antics of the most absurd jokes. Erik has been known to get carried away with T and A jokes and visuals. But, I know for him and Jill that sex is more about energetically sharing their-selves with each other. Merging all that they are, were, and will be into each other. From what they say, such experience is far better than anything we can conceive of in the physical. In the non physical you share your very essence, all of who you are. But, if you want the phsycial experience, you can recreate if it floats your boat, car, carriage, hotel room, picnic, hell, beach, heaven, whatever...

Here are some quotes that my Spirit team has given me about intense human emotions like passion and love.

"When you feel such intense human passion, lust, drive, it's not that they are somehow bad, wrong or outside of you controling you; It's that they are a tool to help you focus on what's behind your emotions. What can you come to understand about yourself as a result of them. Some of the passion you are feeling is the passion for the potential you see in yourself and we see it in you as well. To the degree you dive in and recreate yourself in every moment is the passionate zeal you have for life. That's what drove you to live this life. We in Spirit can feel this even when you can not. We see and feel every part of you that is joined in this united effort. This is what gives us such joy. To be connected to such energy, such vibrancy, such light. When you and everyone can come to terms with your inner passion for just being, you too will know a true zeal.

To know the touch of another is to know some of the love you can give. To know that you carry them in your heart is to know your love for them. But to know they carry you in their hearts is to know that we are one."

February 03, 2012

So the other night I was talking to Erik and Robert on the phone and usually serious conversation devolves into jokes, innuendo, and totally silly antics. Although sometimes, (lucky Erik) Erik gets to listen to me bitch about life... (grin).. I am not sure what I was complaining about, but it was something along the lines of, "Gee, I bet you sure get tired of listening to us"..... He said, Well, once you transition you will totally see your conversations differently. They will seem very different and take on new meaning". At the time, I didn't really pay much attention to it. But this morning, while walking to the bus he elaborated a bit more.

Erik said,

{Life is a co-created tool. When you transition, you are exposed to all the emotions thoughts and actions of others who have shared their life with you. You are never on this journey alone. You see how each other felt and thought about every thought or action you took. You rely on each other for this.....I promise, when you transition all your conversations you had will seem very different...you will see where you were guided, you will see what was and was not planned....in some regards if it wasn't for your co creators much of life would seem a farce. That's how much everyone on earth means to each other. .....That's why its so important to reach out to others. Because you enrich each others experience and help each other evolve...when you don't, when you play the us vs they games, you reinforce the illusion of separation and it takes so much longer to understand who you are. You experiences become more limiting without each other. Because of your neighbor you can feel just how much more you are.}

February 02, 2012

"I can't" should be a dirty word. Soap your mouth out every time you say it. Instead say, "I will keep trying". "I will do what it takes".


Physical sensations and mental process, and visualization are good tools to use in spiritual communication, but in the end not as helpful as embracing your emotions with trust in so that they merge with thought to become equally valid as any physical experience.


Spiritual communication is not so much about technique, method or belief as it is about expressing emotional intent with focus. You wish to project and receive data out of love and so you do, or out of fear. What you focus on you will manifest by drawing it to you in your reality or you will move yourself to it by altering you.

February, 01 2012

Q) Can drug use while alive alter the energy of the soul?


I've never encountered or read about a spirit permanently damaged by drugs other than what the drugs contributed to beliefs that the facet/personality of their higher-self clung to. And if they do cling to them, it can be due to addition or intense emotional issues such as the need to escape their pain, or trauma, or deal with anger, etc. We typically see this in earth bound or other lower level spirits.

In my experience I find that such things are purely temporary emotional psychosis manifesting their reality. Both physical reality that they perceive and their mental one; these they often perceive as confusing and muddy, and come in a wide variety of manifestations.

There is always healing as an option. In rare cases if the make up or energy of the personality is severely damaged, dissolution or reabsorbsion is an option, but I've never heard of such for a drug user. Most of the time, they snap out of it or they hear our prayers, or their guides etc. etc., and help appears and they move on. Other times, they are very content to just continue.

Now, I don't pick up anything about his specific case (Elisa's blog post on the celeb interviews). I am sure he's just fine. But sometimes, the confusion stems from the fact that the Spirit has moved on, and no longer identifies with the former life. So the personality or facet is no longer used to explore who they are by the higher self. It still exists and is always available and it enjoys it's own awareness of self, but the medium or the higher self may not be fully engaging it and so when the information comes across it appears in short confusing sparks that may not be capable of fully engaging us in conversation. The old self is presented for us to engage, but it lacks an awareness of the capabilities and perceptions of it's higher-self.

In many cases Spirits are simply multitasking and what comes across to us is incomplete at this time. Robert and I have experienced this with Erik. We'll be on the phone talking to Erik and it's like he shorts out or the conversation goes garbled or gets dropped. Then he tells us it's because he's having a conversation with someone else on his side, and engaging in an activity, and is distracted in some way. Think of it like Driving a car with the radio on, while looking at directions in one hand, talking on your cell phone and yelling at your kids in the back seat. A bad analogy perhaps, because in this case no one is in danger like we would be in a car, but you get the gist.

And lastly sometimes, the energy on either end is just not as clear. This could be for many reasons. If this happens it's often easier to just plan ahead for another time. I say this, because in many cases if planned ahead, other spirits can team up and make the connection stronger.

February 01, 2012

When does a message become who we are? When does it define us? When does who we are become a message. We seek to share who we are.

Is how we feel about where the message goes, say something about us, or is it a reflection of who we are? How do we evaluate another's perceptions of any message we share? And does it really matter? Are we the message or is the message apart from us? If we feel unheard, or unacknowledged does the message we project loose value? No. What we project is an energetic by-product of who we are. We are never just the message, and never are defined by it. The energy you give off will always draw more of what it is like. It will always gravitate to those who are able to recieve it. At the same time, it will repulse that which it is not like.

So really the message is not about content, timing, or place. It is about your inner substance. Now what value and how you define that value will create your reality. This is an emotional response. It will follow the creativity of your personal beliefs about yourself. If you find yourself in opposition with your circumstances in life. It is not because you have made the wrong choice, it is more about your beliefs about yourself. What is in your best interest to believe, will always be up to you.