Achieving Spiritual Goals

How to achieve your Spiritual Goals:

Plan: -- Before you begin, you should have a sense of knowing where you are starting from. What, how, how much do you know? What have you tried already? Why? How did that make you feel? What more do you want? Who am I? The more questions you have the better. It reveals how open you are, and suggests the most possibilities of your experiences. But that doesn't mean you have to leave yourself out in the far field wandering away. Just pick something that interests you. Pick that which you feel passion about. Pick that which bring you joy!

Do: -- Go. Just do it.. So much of the time we loose steam. We get distracted. We loose drive. Our will power somehow seems to shrivel up and die. What was lofty and glorious plans; what was burning excitement and uplifted spirit gets flushed in a downward spiral of self indulgence and personal comforts. Nothing worth having appeared without at least a bit of strong intent. Now take that intent and swallow it. Just let it burn..... At first you may feel guilt over focusing so hard on it. But this inner struggle IS more than half the battle! Very often, in 20/20 hind-sight- IT, will have been the true experience. This is because you are creating the emotion, the drive, the original creative moment that will define your experience. This moment will add to who you are! Once you Do, Go, Try, Try again, Keep going; It will add something to your inner being that no one can take away from you. Never loose faith in what you are capable of. And never ever fear to ask for help.

Review: -- When you catch your breath. When you look back on action you took, (or did not take); Pause and contemplate what happened. Where were you? What did you do? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about others? About the world around you? Did anyone teach you anything? How would you have done it differently? If there was nothing you could have done differently, how would you change your thinking? How do you feel about each one of these things? And Lastly, what about the experience are you grateful for? And if it's all just too much and you don't know... then it's OK to say, I need to let it go for now and move on...... There is no time limit on looking back.

So all said and done. Take your Spiritual goals by single steps. Step by step by step. Plan, do, and review. If you get overwhelmed. Do one part of the whole at a time. Baby steps will reach a destination the same as leaps. You must learn to crawl before you can walk. You walk before you can run. And once you get into the zone of running, anything is possible. Be it running with balls, leaps and bounds, or even flying! Work hard, try again, and never give up.