Feb 2012

February 29, 2012

I am not a fan of meditation per say in a traditional way......As in getting all woowoo about it. I find worrying too much about symbolism and a certain "way" often distracts me. That's not to say I don't use things like music and reiki, and visualizations to sometimes help get me in the "zone". But it's more about getting rid of distractions and letting go of feelings and setting the mood if you know what I mean. I think it becomes a problem if you focus on the how as opposed to the why and who.

The most simple meditation is to be mindful of yourself while surrendering to your part in a greater reality. It is best felt when focus is removed from desire, but that the intent is actualized without expectation. A knowing. The flower opens under the sun because it feels a force. It focus's not on it's nature but exists within a state of being that is surrendered to as ultimate reality. The unfoldment is responsive and the absorption and transformation of the force is a transfigured participation of what is. Inner action meets faith through intent.

February 28, 2012

What you believe about yourself doesn't have to define you, but it can define your experiences. Even so, it does not have to limit them. Just as we evaluate the world around us, we do so through the proverbial glass house. Reflection passes both ways, but the light passes through the glass walls you built. How this is seen depends on you. It is better to let go of worry on how light passes through your glass house. It is better to simply concentrate on what you grown under the light that does come through. Once you're focused on growth you will naturally know when to let in more light, open up walls for more air, and take up the ceiling for rain and space. Even should what you grow not turn out, you will gain experience and knowledge in the process. And the growth you have achieved can be shared. Success in life doesn't come from being an expert or having it all. Success come from surrendering to the process of growth.


Q) I am interested in energy work for healing. What color should I visualize if I want to heal myself or others?

A) What color would you like? It is better than you focus on intent as opposed to a color. Color will take shape naturally as you express your intent. It is the effect not the cause of healing. Some may find such a tool useful, in others limiting. It is a choice. Does not the night flower bloom in darkness? Not all life is bound to the sun. All life is bound to express itself. Focus on life and the rest will follow as it's nature grows. --Voices of Spirit


One of the greatest feats you can achieve in a life-time is to nurture the intent of mindfulness and self compassion for yourself. To know by understanding your feelings that you are not alone in this world. That your pain does not define you. And that you can learn a lot from all experience regardless of cause or effect. This does not mean that you ignore, deny, or obsess about your feelings or experience. It means that you are honest with and about yourself. Knowing that what you perceive is simply a belief based perception that will never limit who you are. That each experience adds to you and one's greater reality.

February 27, 2012

I saw this article in Victor Zammit's weekly after life report. It's a PDF.



Although about NDE, I'd like to point out her descriptions of physical and phsycological changes and I quote:

"Because of what I have seen in my research, I no longer consider near-death

states to be any sort of anomaly. Rather, I consider them to be part of the larger

genre of transformations of consciousness, no matter how caused. I include in this

genre those episodes of a more turbulent nature such as religious conversions,

near-death episodes, kundalini breakthroughs, shamanic rituals, sudden spiritual

transformations, even certain types of head trauma or having been hit by lightning.

I also include those more tranquil in how they are experienced: from the slow,

steady application of spiritual disciplines, mindfulness techniques, meditation, vision

quests, or because in a prayerful state of mind an individual simply desires to

become a better person.

Because the aftereffects of all of these transformative states are the same or

similar, I now refer to the process itself of transforming consciousness as a brain

shift/spirit shift."

February 27, 2012

Q & A cont.


When we have thoughts that our loved ones are talking to us, how do we know it is really them and not our imagination?


Short answer: Feel what value such experience gives you.

Long answer:

I wish I could give you rules and laws that would define this for you. But such "an experience" is unique to everyone. I think Erik and I's friend Robert said it best when he said. "Communication is not about an event, doing, or technique so much as it is about the give and take of feeling emotions with acceptance in good faith of one's part."

Along that line, If you sense interaction, look at the feeling it engenders and follow it back to it's source either internal or external and use your heart to determine value. If you misinterpret, does it lessen the value of the experience or communication? or does it add to your understanding in some way that can built upon for future experience? If approached honestly Spirit will provide validation in it's /their own way that you will accept.

When we question the validity of our inner spiritual experiences, be it fear, doubt, worry, or anxiety we question not the validity of what we are capable of but we question the nature of our greater reality. As such we often look to outside guidance to direct our beliefs. In such circumstances we will never be able to expand what we feel and others views will restrict our awareness. Quite frankly when you deny the subjectivity of your perception You place limits on your objective reality.

Until you come to terms with belief on your own, doubt, fear, and worry will matter. It is only when you surrender to your experience that awareness expands. To explore the very nature of consciousness, imagination, thought and feelings in all perspectives is very much a purpose of some lives. If you feel you are in communion or may be in communication it may be in your best interest to simply roll with the experience, follow what your heart tells you and take, make, and use of it what you will. Authentic communication does not come with worry doubt or fear. If sought in love and good intent, all will be well.

You may then ask, but how can we know? I am telling you again, what do you believe about your self? How do you see thought, the mind, imagination, perspective, feelings, and perception? How do you see the body, energy, spirit and life? What is the validity of any of it inside and outside your experience.......I ask questions not to frustrate or guide, but to turn the decision and choice over to you. To help you empower your own journey.

Imagination grows from the feeling of expressing and creating what we desire. Communication grows from knowing that there is nothing to desire because there is no separation, you are simply actualizing and exploring ways to share what already exists. Visualizing and imagining are not the same thing. Just as want and seeking are not the same. Its about feeling and understanding belief. The litness test in objectivity can be held to verifiable proof, but On whose terms? And then what does that say about the nature of your subjective experience and who you are? Do you wish to be told or do you wish to experience? Which has more opportunity for growth? Spirit works on their terms in what you need, not want. The keys to heaven are never found, or given, they are created with in you so that the door opened is the door you built and then approached.

I know that for many just starting out in Spiritual communication, that there IS a certain amount of desire for solid or concrete direction desired. The problem is; IF you wish to communicate with conscious awareness on your own, the weight of your subjective experience at some point becomes your objective reality through faith, trust and acceptance of the validity of your personal experiences as having value.

That said, there is quite a bit of material available online on how to interpret one's experience. Simply look to the many e-books on mediumship and psychic experiences out there. Or sign up for a course or web forum or other site where people talk about such things. For example, if you look at some of the articles I've written in my Spiritual communication section you can get a feel for what I am talking about.

I've written about such matters, In the Spiritual communication section as well as the articles and Q & A section.


You can find similar writing on the subject of telepathy and clairaudience from other places online such as;



ps. One the one hand its about mental disassociation and acceptance of new identification about yourself and on the other its about dividing your mental self image and faith in the experience. Does the sun shine, yes because i experienced it and feel it. How do you reach.for something in the dark? You step out because you know its there. I find that if there is doubt its often best to pause and read up on such topics so that more comfort is found.

February 27, 2012

A great mystery of life, is not in understanding what we do not know, but of the mystery of why we believe what others say about us. If we but realize who we are is best experienced, then all said will not seem so mysterious.

February 26, 2012

You.can not hope to have satisfying interplay of communication as a spirit communicator if on the one hand you seek it conditionally and yet on the other hand believe it withheld, unattainable, without merit, or otherwise unavailable to you. By approaching desire while feeling what else you believe, you reinforce what you focus on, all of it. Both what you want and what you do not want. You create conflict. You do this both actively and passively.....

To alter this pattern, simply look at what your beliefs, expectations, and feelings are....if you approach communication regardless of outcome as simple experience, simple co-participation...such experiences will build, evolve and grow upon each other...in such new light you will begin to notice an expansion of your reality. One that can be built upon and felt with new insight.


To deny ones feelings, no matter how unpleasant; is to ignore that which is a part of you and what it has to offer your experience. Even so, no matter how accepted; such feelings do not define you, except by that value you give to your beliefs about your feelings.

When we express a feeling that disturbs our experience we often look to an outside source as cause. When in reality what we believe about ourselves in such experience is the cause and what we feel is merely the effect. In some instances the idea of what gives us discomfort, being self created sends us running in horror or disbelief......when doing so, it is not in our best interest.

If we can but pause for a moment and seek to understand what such experience has to offer; even if t is to alert us that we do not really identify with such causes, such feelings can add to our experience as true felt, true faced, and true expressed. If faced honestly then what room is there for regret, guilt and shame? If such experience enables us to expand our perception of self, the experience.and our ultimate reality? Who we are then, will have shifted, expanded, and grown.

So never fear your emotions. Illumination is but one focus away.

February 25, 2012

But that we all could feel some of a mother's pain to understand their love.

Even a fraction held to our own experience

the world might realize a mothers love as their own.

To all the mother's out there,

Knowing of your own love has helped me see who I am.

I am grateful for what youve shared of your journey.

For me in part because of you, I know that a better world is possible. A better life, a better way.


Sometimes the greatest fear you can overcome is personal, to do what's right by you.

The greatest bravery can be to know that is enough.

And when you understand that we are all united in this purpose

you will see that you can not help but to do right by others if you are true to who you are.


I find it hard to regret what I can't hold on to.

I think it totally pointless to get worked up over something I can let my heart feel.

Even if I once had it, the memory doesn't define me. I think that just smells too much like fear.

Longing for what shoulda coulda woulda... blechk! If only.

The only thing that matters is who I am now. As long as I keep honestly trying, I am good.

February 24, 2012

It's not that one needs to bare their soul outside of their comfort zone. It's that by confronting it they can create their own comfort.


What's lost is often never found. Rather it is remembered through experience.

Instead of finding ourselves, we often discover that what we sought was created along the way.



Loss is not about what may be absent, found, recovered, or removed. Loss is about highlighting that aspect of ourselves we have to give, to share, to realize and remember of ourselves. Even should all we have be found on what is our face, it's reflection is the fullness that our soul is greater than anything gained on Earth.

February 20, 2012

The tick of the clock





with counted tocks.

The hands of life





how tight you grasp.

How does one tell their place in time when how it's experience despends on how it's touched?

The only lasting moment is the ones we feel, the only moment that matters is now.

February 19, 2012

Ceaseless prattle

Endlessly leaps.

Peace sleeps

Momentarily wakens.

What doth conspire in the heart of man when he surrenders what may come. Why then should startlement take him? Is it not conspiracy except to that which he agrees upon to test his mettle. Not so, not a plot, but simple opportunity. One that firms choice.

February 18, 2012

Sometimes to learn how to cry and be OK with it, you have to learn how to go insane and still live with yourself. It's not that the pain gets you through it, it's that you remember and feel your strength. Then if you get to that place your tears will have joy and release mixed in. Serious, It's OK to cry.


Reality happens when you allow yourself to forget belief. What really happens is what you choose to believe.


Is love something you want, need, or have? Or is it something you are and have to give?


I once saw a tornado. My folks thought we were doomed. My neighbors feard destruction. I thought about a new house and a trip to OZ.


Be it in the physical or Spiritual, the only insurance that can ultimately be relied upon is the one in which you see your value and your assets for what they are, knowing full well that value and worth are not the same thing.


February 18, 2012

The stones of order stand with the rocks of chaos upon the grains of matter. Energetically charged, their connection never ceases. Attracted, repulsed, reflected, absorbed, all is transformed into a cohesive push pull of emotion. Within such resides not static, but harmony where unity can be felt. How such is expressed is up to us. The choice is not about vs or visa-vie, but rather it is the opportunity to understand our experiences as we simply be ourselves, one with another.

February 17, 2012

What does it matter then if what seemed possible,

left you with a feeling that pulled your heart?

If you were able to look honestly behind that feeling,

does the objectivity of the symbol define you.

Or is how you felt about the experience what matters most?

February 17, 2012

In the course of my journey, I've had the wonderful experience to come to understand that in Spirit, family roles as we perceive here in life, do not hold the same emotional charge we place on their individual values that we assign. I've discovered that father, mother sister, brother, lover, friend, all simply become one as a loved companion.

There is nothing ever to fear. The bonds of shared experience are retained by the value you place on them. In Heaven's light, what often seems lost, abandoned, hurt, misguided, reckless, heedlessly, is really a gift of opportunity by those who love us the most. In the end it's not the broken heart that is healed, but the soul that is found complete and larger than ever before!

So while you may not be able to move because of pain, trauma, and feel that your wounds have lost love in this life time. Just keep in the back of your mind that we are all united. That the love you can give, even if it's to love yourself enough to say, you're not for me, is enough to gain just a tiny bit more insight into who you are in such experience. Many times this was given as gift by those who love you the most in Spirit.

February 17, 2012

The journey of spirits in the light: What it means

Take my hand,

As we step out onto the lip of the pool. Spiraling outward the edge of the water, air becomes a starry cloud. Like a great iris it spirals open. As we lift a leg, butterfly's hit our ribs and we float into space. We feel pulled into a vortex as wind coalesces into a rush of sound all around us. Lifted afloat we race across the galaxy to where we know not. Stars, color, and sound streak by.

Suddenly we stop and start light bursts all around us in sunlit glory. So blinded by light, there is nothing I can see but the feel of your hand in mine. I look down and see not a hand, but shimmer. Motes of blue and white sparks chase yellow streaks across a fog of form. I look in wondrous confusion. A thought escapes my lips and I raise my eyes to yours, but I can not see anything but the light of the love I feel for you. I wonder how I can exist beside you when nothing can be seen but felt? That's when I realized, I have never been separate from you. We have always be embraced as one light, under the stars.... Each just dreaming of the first steps we took. Now I remember we took them together.

Suddenly I can see.

February 16, 2012

You know, this morning, I had the thought. Or I think that I, society and what not really don't realize just how interconnected our journeys are here on Earth. All the time, I hear from people, "What's my purpose, what am I here to do".... but no one seems to give much thought to our roles in a group experience. Family, Neighbors, Community, Cities, Countries, Society. I really thing that experience in various group situations can provide a lot of experience and teaching about who we are if only we stop seeing ourselves outside of the group and start being more inclusive. I think that's why a lot of things don't go like people think they want. It's because they refuse to see their connection with it. And if they do see it, they won't actualize it as being a part of who they are. It' s only when they really believe that they are not apart from it, that reality gets changed.

February 14, 2012

Sometimes in life, we discover that we can not move walls, rocks, boulders, thorny bushes, or obstacles. Sometimes, the experience is not about moving, removing, or making way.

Rather, life can be about illuminating what stands in front of us.

And then again, a wall is not necessarily for defining anything. Sometimes it is simply left for us to decorate

with our own special painting.....

February 14, 2012

The Monsters in my closet

are The fears, I've hung.

Shine my light


just A

Jacket full of down.

Knowing what I have

to wear

wont wear me down

I can wear my fears,

or I can dress without restriction

I can toss what I don't like

and run free just to be me.

February 13, 2012

Q & A cont


Why is it that so many in our society seem so sad and alone? I know many like it, but some seem in so much pain.


In spirit we are able to fully feel our connection with all that is. Not that we always do, or exist in such a state, but it is easily available. We can instantly merge with others in our families and soul groups as well as anything else according to our state of being and experience. As such we exist with an understanding that we are never alone. As such we still have the desire to know who we are, in all possible ways. One way of achieving this is to create or participate the illusion of separation. On earth this can be easily achieved. We can participate in scenarios that seem to remove us and create separation from all that is. From even ourselves! To fully and truly understand this ever-present connection we must have experienced who we are without it. Alone. It doesn't define us, but it allows us the chance to feel the core root of us as perceived as a singular expression. Some blossom, some implode. But each is an understanding in how choice in such a scenarios effects our understanding of ourselves without our collective love. Then as we return to it, we fully understand that we can never be parted, we have never lost, and we can never loose who we are. One in Love of All that IS. It is this new understanding, this new insight from the experience of being alone that is often sought after by us here on earth. So the next time you encounter someone desperately alone. Remember that what they feel is real, valid, and has purpose. If you can show them love, compassion and share who you are, even a little bit..... Then you will not only enrich their return to unity and love, but you will be a conscious part of it. Their perception of all that is, will include you.

February 13, 2012

Q & A cont


There has been something that has been on my mind recently regarding astral projection or OBEs (out-of-body experiences). I have experienced this phenomena a few times in the past. Each time I was able to astral project I awoke with an all over vibrating body. It felt like I was laying on a vibrating bed and I was literally "buzzing." My question for anyone who might know is why was my body vibrating like that? What caused it?


From my own research I've found that the vibrations are caused by the conscious point of view of one's consciousness moving from the physical to one of the energy bodies. It's analogous to getting on a tethered inter-tube from a boat and letting yourself climb on and float out. The movement is what causes the vibration. In many cases, this is accompanied by the phenomena of sleep paralysis, in which the interpretation your brain makes of your consciousness moves between sleep states, ie. Rem into awakening. It doesn't happen all at once, the engaging and transitioning fires off in a chain reaction of actions. So that in some cases, your awareness comes back to center within the body, before your energy body (the inter-tube gets back in the boat); before your energy body is totally reengaged. Medically, you become paralyzed so that you won't harm yourself during the process. So some experience this, while others such as yourself experience vibrations. And some, experience sensations of floating, feeling expansive, and vertigo. Western materialist medicine and science says this is nothing more than transitioning between sleep states. But then again, altered states of consciousness and spirituality is not something they tend to measure. Usually, they want to treat the symptom, not the cause. From what I've read, these vibrations are a symptom, not a something to worry about or seek change over. It can be a tool to increase your visualization or other tools you use to OBE. Sometimes such things are scarey because they have an inner ear, auditory component. If you get scared. Seek out your guides and angels while trying to wiggle your tongue and toes really fast. This detailed muscle impulse will usually reengage your body fairly quickly.

February 07, 2012

Everybody makes mistakes, it's a human thing. Seeing those as opportunity is a Soul thing.

The flame struck in darkness reveals only what is felt.

A still mind is not really about letting go and embracing emptiness.

A still mind is simply taking the time to seek clarity and discern who you are.

Worry, doubt, and fear is like the unfolded umbrella in the gale.

If you would just put it away, you'll feel enough to get out of the wind.

Words never come from the still void. Words come from the filled heart.

February 05, 2012

You know; One thing that always strikes me with awe? Is to hear that popular religious quote, "Heaven is here. Now, Among you." and I know, grossly paraphrased. as well, the following, " Forgive others for they know not what they do." ... Also, I know waaay out of context, especially for orthodox and evangelicals, but then this is my journal isn't it? Ha ha...

Really.... This life, Everything that is all around us.....

I look at my experiences, and I can't help but think; We have put a cloak around our eyes. We play these little inner plays. We are haunted by these petty beliefs that we are all alone in the universe. That if we do not cling to some self created image, the life we build for ourselves, that we are doomed to eternal separation and failure, and loneliness. When in fact it's the other way around.

People really don't know what they do. Because they have forgotten that "life", and "Spirit" are joined as one. There is NO "real" separation. We say, "Those we love are regularly taken from us". Spirit says, "We have chosen to step away from God, from Them, from All that IS, so that we can understand ourselves well enough so that when we share love, we not only share our connections, we Share all that we have been, all that we are, all that we will be, and all that we can be.

Everyday all over the world; After each life time; in the blink of an eye the veil is lifted and we are again aware of our wholeness, our unity with all of those we love, all of those we have always loved, and will always love.

Truly what we do for ourselves, we do for each other. The more we understand of our own love, the more we understand our capacity to love -- The more love we have to give each other. I'd like to think that's one of the things the Eric's of this world work hard at. To show us that there is NO separation. That love knows not years, lives, nor actions. That if we can get over the emotions that turn our perspective from that of separation, we can see and feel the emotions that join us. Once we are able to focus back on that aspect of ourselves, we can live life as though there really is Heaven on Earth.

Heaven does not wait for us to rejoin her. Heaven is not a hope. Heaven is all around us, we only wait for the return to ourselves.

February 02, 2012

"Even though you face emotions from the past, doesn't mean that their going to go away. You have to keep looking at it whenever it appears. Just make sure you don't hold onto it. Just let it go. You will only identify with what you have held onto. That anger and fear isn't you, So don't go grabbing for it." --- My friend in Spirit Eric

February 02, 2012

Someone the other day asked me about lucid dreaming.... I can't remember who... Anyway, I was exploring my own visions last night, and using these sites, and it reminded me to share with you.

Symbolism site


Lucid dreaming site.


February 01, 2012

The effort spent seeking perfection is often lost in hidden truth. What felt wrong, dripped with insecurity. Illusion all, we reveled in what loves tender light revealed. Hearts to heal, lives to mend. Perfection is not as important as understanding the effort.

February 01, 2012

The follies of life are best played by those who believe their performance matters the most. The greatest shows capture the heart, fool the mind and leave lasting impressions, its not always the actor that sells the show, sometimes the master performance is simply the audiences reaction....

I cry and hurt at what love fly's through storied scenes. Knowing at curtain call, all will be mended well...at that final bow, i will look into their eyes once again, and see my own part, in life's greatest show. No clapping, no applause, no flowers to show, will ever be as great as watching it with you.

February 01, 2012

Here are my latest two articles.

