Keeping track of the mind

Q) -- How are we to ever manage and keep track of what goes on in our minds, our feelings. How do we navigate that which we don't like about ourselves and the world?

A) -- You ask and so you intend. You intend with honest feeling, and with feeling that is greater that a whim, or a simple desire. You empathically wish to manage, and understand your mind and heart. This tells the universe you are serious. This says, I want to work. Help me know myself. Help me work it out. So then you are being guided to. Right this moment. Those who love you in Spirit help your find yourself. This can take a life time. And it is a purpose of your own creation. What to do with it depends on how much effort and work you are willing to put into yourself. From the soul perspective there is no rush other than what you are internally driven to do. Do not worry about how. Just take the simple step by step approach. If you get distracted or lost, or overwhelmed; just pause. Pause and look in the moment. Within that moment you will discover who, where, and what you are. This will help you work out where you wish to step next. It is better to take an assured step than an uncertain leap. Although both are available to you. But if you leap before you look, you will also experience the effects that such action generates. There are many conscious ways to keep track of your actions, thoughts, and emotions. You already know many of them. It is simply a matter of dedication to the self. Do not worry. That you keep trying counts for a great deal. Keeping all this in your mind, or returning to these thoughts with conscious awareness will help you navigate the pathways of your journey to self discovery. If on your path you encounter troubled waters that do not serve your journey, you can always set a new course and look to new stars to guide you on your way.