Spiritual Trust

One of the biggest personal problems I've had of late when it comes to spirits is that of "trust".

-It stems from:

*perceived hurt feelings and past experiences.

*lack of the big picture

*lack of understanding

*lack of knowledge

*improper value judgments

*my root fears of all types

*my attempt to label spirit and their actions, lack of, and motivations

The fact of the matter is that those in Spirit regardless of origin are self creating entities in their own right, just like me. The range of their experience, knowledge and understanding is beyond my current comprehension. Just as I grow, learn, and live through new experiences, so to do those in Spirit. Death and or dis-incarnation does not make my preconceived idea of a perfect being. Erik and the gang are not perfect. They learn just as much from us as we do from them. Don't believe that? What do you suppose "learning to be a guide" means to them? Do you suppose everyone in spirit desires this path or are interested in passing along wisdom?

Some incarnate people get really upset with those in Spirit who give less than satisfactory answers. Myself included. But there is so much going on that we really do need to step away and think about as many permutations as possible when thinking about Spirit communication. Now I am NOT implying anything about any one particular Spirit, but,

Here are some considerations: (in no particular order)

-origin of being answering the question. ie. Angel, Ascended Master, ET, Deity, Elemental, Lower evolved creature, cousin bob, ect.

-The experience of said dis-incarnate

-The emotional and Spiritual level of said being

-The unique personality of the being coming through the unique personality of the experiencer.

-The knowledge of the being. Knowledge and understanding through experience is not the same thing

-The free will of ALL involved.

-The greater good outweighing the good of the one

-Perceptions, opinions, and feelings of all involved

-Your higher self is King. It can and does over-rule guides, family, ect.

-Action, and lack of action can have consequences which can lead to Karmic debt or payment or freedom

-Your free will within your vibrational state has just as much validity as anyone else's.

These are just a few considerations. So you see it is important to keep such things in mind when undertaking Spiritual development that involves dis-incarnate communications. Mistakes can and will occur on both sides of the veil. But what is important is that you be conscious of your intent and original creative thought. It sounds like a small simple thing. But to master it will be among the greatest feats your soul will make. For by mastering it you empower all the potential self creation of your personal reality. Spirit can help you do this. While they make mistakes and come in all levels of perfection, your guides and angels do have your best interest at heart. Their intent in conjunction with your higher self is pure. By focusing on those two intents, theirs and yours, you can move your self to ever greater manifestations of your highest possible self. This is the root of all trust. Trust in yourself. It is not trust in Spirits but the trust that you are a Spirit on a journey to greater purity.