What was up with 111111?

Someone on the CE blog comments asked a question about the date this week of 11.11.11

They wanted to know what Erik had to say about it. He's not said much to me about it. Here are my thoughts on such things. I am afraid I am a bit biased and not the best person to ask such things.

hmmm.... Well, like a lot of stuff, numerology and the study of numbers is about as diverse as anything in Spiritual studies. On the one hand you have the "angel number" folks, like Doreen Virtue, who talk about numbers sequences from angels.




This type of stuff is all over the internet.

I've experienced such things as numerical angel messages, frequently, Although personally I don't pay much attention to them as I have an aversion to numbers, or anything remotely resembling math... (ha ha). I find it easier to just go direct to the the source of the messenge, so to speak. I just mean to say, that other than what is on those web sites I don't know much about it.

Ok, so then we also have the numerologists, who use numbers for divination, and astrologists, and stuff like that. I don't know much if anything about them either. I am totally open to their craft, skill, and abilities. But personally I've never had the time to explore any of it.

Lastly there are those who feel 11.11.11 has some import to the so called shift, ascension or what not. I don't know anything about this either as there are about as many opinions about it out there than I have fingers. I have my own opinions about all this, but am not worried. I feel any shift is simply an awareness thing. Perspective, Spiritual insight, love vs. fear...

To me personally, the date does not hold much meaning. But then I suppose we will all find out here soon! :)

Erik and the rest have said that numbers do hold spiritual meaning. That they are symbolic representations of spiritual harmonics, but they do not have power in and of them selves other than the power we energetically assign to them.

For example, they are not a tangible 3d psychosocial manifestations and emanates power. (although some believe it so). They are a psychic symbol. As well, they are descriptive symbols one can use to mathematically describe. Kind of like music notes. You can describe, scribe, play, and represent, but a note is a note? No, it's a symbol. What you do with it is what matters, and how you perceive it is what makes it a reality. Now as far as dates go, Time in "spiritual" terms is not linear. It is only linear on Earth, at this perception, in this society. There are, has been and will be other societies' joint co-creations that use, have, and create differing dates using numerical symbols.

What they do with those numbers will energetically influence their lives. But only in so far as their beliefs allow it to manifest. The current incarnation of "special dates" is very tricky because the histories in mass conscious awareness is dealing with highly subjective calendars. So manifestation is not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is the choice of living life. Do we create causes with the effects of love, or the effects of fear. 11.11.11 is simply another opportunity to make a choice. (although some will disagree) (grin)