What can you tell me about God as you see things


What can you tell me about God as you see things?


Personally; I am very open minded, and while I was raised in a very strict evangelical protestant setting, I attended a mainstream religious school. In college, I pursued some studies of comparative religion. Since then, my opinions of the divine has radically fluctuated over time. But I am still very open to what others think. I am very well read in most all aspects of religion, spirituality, and metaphysics. But I mostly I highly value what my guides have told me.

I've noticed that different guides, teachers, spirits all have different ways of describing God etc. Including variation in my own guides. I am not sure that means disagreement, but rather different ways of describing perception through context. For me, I think it's vital to not rely on others descriptions, or depictions, but to form our own, and let them evolve as our understanding changes...... but that's just me.

As for me, at the moment I believe that what most people think of as God, is actually the unifying energy that flows and connects All That Is. That means, all that was, will be, and IS. Everything, everywhere, all dimensions, not just life, but energy, void, chaos, order, balance.... all of it has not only consciousness in various forms and levels, but takes part in group consciousnesses and ALL consciousness. This is not a singular energy field, but rather it is a massive unknowable (to a human) mass consciousness that self creates creators who create realities. I believe that as a part of that, we are that, in that we are a part of this unity. That this creation process was started on a whim to understand. On a whim, consciousness asked, "who am I". And so all that is, was, will be, began to unfold at once, while the consciousness split it's focus into infinite energetic mirrors with different points of view....( souls)...reflecting themselves back to their source. And when they did so, they all personified the focus and saw what aspects of themselves they understood. And so for them, God can be personal, meaningful, and relate to their own creations and explorations. God living through them, as them, with them, all as one.

Here is what my Spirit Guide and Teacher (Zennia) had to say to me about the nature of higher Spirit, Divinity, God, the origins of the universe, and the titles humanity gives to Spirits, Teachers and Guides:


"The presence of the initial force / energy field of creation is what is known as 'All that Is', The Creator, The Source. The reverence is not attributed to a spiritual entity as none exists like a human thinks, but is attributed to the original Energy Consciousness, that began creating, then what was created was given the power to create, in other words the Creator created & the creation continued creating & while creation was creating itself it also created universal laws of operation, thus law & order in the observable universes as well as the unobservable universes. Unlike the human versions of the Source, there is no old gentle wise man cloaked in white garbs, with a long white beard & flowing white hair. This is man's perception & is necessary because man requires visuals based on imagination for the purpose of association no different than man's perceptions of the inhabitants of the angelic realm - who incidentally do not have wings unless your perception gives them such.

When a universe is about to be recreated it draws itself up into itself. It goes into a "rest" period, & it's inhabitants, in spirit only, go into this same rest period until a new universe is created. Each universe exists in a reference of time humans can term an "eon" although linear time as you know it does not exist in the spirit realms, time is vertical, is measured by events, not measurements. Seasons, yrs, myths, etc., etc. The universe is conceived of as being a wheel ever in motion, so what goes up must come down. Hermes, the ancient Egyptian god, author of the Emerald Tablet describes it with the following axiom: "what is above is below & what is below is above" so you see the wheel, also referred to in Taoism as Yin & Yang, is ever in a state of circular motion. Nothing in the universe is ever stagnant, the universe itself is in a constant state of change & is ever expanding outwards.

Now, when a universe is recreated, all the masters, teachers, guides, god like entities, etc. come forward & are integral to the recreations. Many of them actually come upon the face of the earth to begin the process of life all over again. There are many great masters & teachers who are fully cognizant of their existence in prior universes, the Buddha, as an example. They remain on the face of the earth until there is sufficient human procreation at which time these masters, teachers & guides need only to assist from the spirit realm. However, as those who are born into bodies through physical incarnations continue to evolve, they become more & more consciously aware or connected to their physical senses, becoming dominated by the senses, overcome by emotion & ruled by the ego. So, from time to time anyone of these great masters, teachers, guides must come upon the face of the earth to instruct & to redirect man away from his wayward, self-destructing manners. You know the names of these as they are well written about but what you don't know perhaps is that they are in spirit first.

Now in regard to the appointment of titles labels and descriptions humanity gives higher spirit. This can be a necessary factor that begins like this. When the universe was first created spirits were born & evolved over many thousands of years, times, times, times so as to master and become proficient in all aspects of maintaining everything that exists within the universe. Some become the great Masters, some the great Teachers, some great Guides, of course, in all combinations as one cannot be a great Master without being a great Teacher and so on. Some attain god like power through experience, expansion, responsibility and understanding. Now spiritual titles represent areas of expertise & symbolize our planes of responsibility. Now what I mean by plane of responsibility is that we are held accountable to one who is above us in responsibility and experience. Management, creations, and responsibilities have to be delegated.

Consequently then, some entities have some greater purpose or function each are responsible for. This all occurs at the higher levels in the spirit realm because we exist in these various realms as the result of our increase in knowledge of all things & likewise our wisdom. Can man ever attain such. Yes, we are you. As I have often told others it takes a spirit many thousands of life existences both on the physical plane & in the spirit plane to arrive at a higher realm.

In addition there are those of us existing in spirit only and can never again manifest in the physical due to our expansion and energy level, however, there are many, who can inhabit a physical body but only for the purpose of being instructors on the physical plane. This is not to mark a distinction in wisdom only but marks the distinction in responsibilities and experience.

Now to answer the rest of your question in regard to why spiritual entities desire personal relationships with humans on the physical plane. The answer is relatively simple: you were born first into the universe in spirit first, you were spirit far longer than you will ever be in flesh regardless of how many physical lives you incarnate. So with that said, it stands to reason then that you have any number of spirit associates, some holding titles, some not, some that have manifested on the human plane, some exist only in spirit - it all depends on the circles you travel within while in spirit. Incidentally I might as well inform you that your spirit goes about its usual business regardless of the fact that it has a physical overlay if you will. Your physical body does not come first, you are spirit with a physical overlay much like the clothing you place over your physical body. Understood? To finish out your question, those who seek to be in your presence may or may not be former acquaintances, they may have tapped into your consciousness because you are willing to communicate or perhaps they agreed before hand to serve in the position as guides to assist you through your physical life, or you guiding and teaching them; regardless of whether or not you were or are aware of them.

The whole purpose of the human experience is to evolve in wisdom & knowledge - not so much on the intellectual plane as intellect only goes so far but when intellect is wisdom based your entire human experience changes in accordance. Your life begins to take on all new levels of significance, the ego does not over inflate but rather behaves accordingly, the five senses are appropriately maintained, the emotions are stable & balanced, thus the all of you "becomes" and as you become in one life existence - so you become that much more in another life existence. You come to understand yourself through experiencing all that you are."