Are there certain times that make it easier for spiritual contact

Q) -- Are there certain times of the day / night that make it easier for spiritual contact? How about times in regards to level and intent of Spirits or type? Are we at more or less risk for influences or obsessions?

A) -- This is actually of significant debate in the various "afterlife believers" communities. It really boils down to belief based on experience as to what you could subscribe to. I can certainly tell you what I think based on experience, and what the Spirits I communicate with think. But I will also tell you that there is going to be a fair about of disagreement out there among sensitives.

Personally, I think there is no barrier to communication other that your beliefs and perception within your state of being. Time or moment does not matter. What matters is your awareness within your emotional state. Same could be said of Spirit perception themselves. Time is not linear, and time/day matters not. What matters is intent. Now if you are a spirit and you wish to make communication. And if you are inexperienced, you might choose a time of least resistance. Such as in the middle of the night. So to many incarnates, it would seem that spirit communication at night are of low level beings. Beings close to earth realm. It is further fueled by tradition, culture, and society. Now proponents of things where numbers and astrology matter will disagree. But in my personal experience such things are simply tools for the mind. But then I am willing to be wrong. Also from my personal experience, dark thoughts dark intentions wait for vulnerability. This could be at anytime of the day. However good thoughts and good intentions wait for all and every opportunity that serves the greater good. To encounter fear, and show love will always turn darkness to light. Awareness of such interactions are usually part of a life plan. Our guides and angels have our backs and will not leave us to the mercy of fear. What this means, totally depends on perception. It's not for me to say yea or nay to any belief. Just my two cents.