Communication Dificulties

Dificulties in communicating with Spirits--

(*I realized after having this communicated with me, that some of this is not meant to be taken literal, but was presented in a way to get us to alter our viewpoint for widely different perspectives).

When desired Spiritual communication does not happen It is important not to allow yourself to fall into sadness. This sadness is often left unexamined. It should be avoided because this lowers your energy and makes it harder to make further connections. This sadness demonstrates that we are thinking of ourselves rather than the intent behind the desire for communication.

Common reasons communication does not happen:

*over analysis

*improper intent

*wrong perceptions

*grief laced with fear (as opposed to grief from love)



*self centeredness

*looking without instead of within

*doubt, faith and lack of dedication


*improper judgments


*curiosity without proper intent



*viewpoints based on finding fault

*hurt feelings


How does one overcome some of this?

-Try to see yourself as others see you.

-Try to see yourself as other societies see you

-How does the child see you

-How does the beggar see you

-How does the tycoon see you

-How does the mother see you

-How does the thief see you

-what of you can you see that makes you uncomfortable?

-What of you makes you cry with joy?

-What if anything are you willing to do about these perceptions?

-How much are you willing to grow and develop that which is positive and based in the joy of love?

This intense self examination is among the hardest and yet most important Spiritual work one can do. Sometimes the light glares so badly that one turns away and awareness is ignored so that advancement seemingly drifts off. This spark of awareness does trigger further experiences in future incarnations to resolve what has been brought to light. So that such understandings will be eventually worked out. But the path becomes long and winding whereas it could have been steep and narrow. There is always a choice. Fast success takes bravery, dedication, a 'try try and try again' attitude. Never loose faith in the power of your will, but keep going. For this desire, this wish of will cause your soul to burn brightly in the night sky and ensuing Love will rush to you. ---Spirit