April 2012

April 24, 2012

Q & A's cont.


In many Spiritual circles people and metaphysical thought say that we are here to have physical experiences so that we may master our emotional and thought through the tool of manifesting. Some say this is more about balancing experience, through experiences. And yet, others say that we are here to expand, grow, and shift in some sort of spiritual energy that equates to love, or some high level emotion. Which is it, and what about our new information age, online webs, networks and virtual life? How does that fit in as being a physical experience? For example, as per a wiki, "Judith Donath wrote about the ambiguity of identity in a disembodied "virtual community". She said, "In the physical world there is an inherent unity to the self, for the body provides a compelling and convenient definition of identity. The norm is: one body, one identity ... The virtual world is different. It is composed of information rather than matter".

Are we already moving into a new non-physical physical world? What's up?


(from Erik and the gang)

"No way, you are and always will be what "you think" you are. The only thing that 'seems' different is the tool. But really your reality that's just what 'you' think as well. Your concept of the internet is nothing new. It's a junked up broken piece-meal reflection of spirit communication. It's got many forms across worlds, and universes.

It's not that there is some sort of barrier or separation between what is physical and what is non-physical. It's your perceptions that make it seem so. Your point of view. Look at you. You have a physical body, but is that all you have? Where do your thoughts and feelings come from. Are they just some sort of messy biological reaction to psychical stimuli? Or are you more. People have always been more. Never just physical or non physical.

Same with identity. You think that because you can only (usually) perceive of one life at a time and place, that you are frozen with some form fitting rigid identity? well that's total bull. Who you are is fluid like water through mud. In the physical your personality is molded and manipulated and morphed through not only your experiences, by your choices and your beliefs and feelings about them. Your identity is the 24/7 365 nonstop train ride....

It may seem like you get derailed, or gonna wreak, but your not, cause you build the track as you go. It's up to you to feed your engine and look at the scenery. It changes constantly, forever in motion. And here is the kicker. Youre not the engine. Youre the whole train. And this view you call life, it is only one of the cars in an endless ride. Youre not just the whole train, youre the line, youre the route, youre everything you pass through from that point of view.

You have never been anything other than a virtual world. The only difference in this "internet age" is that a bunch of people created a new type of double decked train car with wrap around windows, and communication between trains with similar views. So your asking about humanity moving from a physical to a non-physical world. Nope. Not true, the information is the same.

Your opportunity for identity development is the same. The only thing that is different or seems different is the opportunity for the point of view to multi-task, expand, and share information with an increased awareness within a larger group setting. Expanded ways to play with understanding who you are.

Energetic data or it's usage within a system of reality does not make it any more or less physical, other than the perceptions your inner experience brings to the interdenominational interactions of your consciousness. Which, has always been engaged in while in a physical system (your universe).

Who you are is not limited to one perceived identity moving or shifting to another. Just as you are not just one life, one life time, who you are is not limited to one perception, one singular physical or even non-physical identity. You are and always have been an amalgamation of conscious points of view working in harmony as one unity. A great engine racing to understand the infinite unique expressions it can create.

In this system, Spirit manifests a union of non-physical and physical matter that is self created. All of it is a virtual creation of co created consciousness. What 'used' to seem like a norm was simply a focused point of view. The view that is yet again moving, is that what matters to us is that matter may be made up of information we have not focused on before.

The old question we asked ourselves may have been "who am I'"? The new norm may just be for some, "Many bodies, many identities" so that then who am I becomes, who have I been, who will I be, who are you, who are we together"?

It may not be up or down, but as you always are, it's movement! People are learning how to take what had once only been perceived as opportunities for physical action in limited circumstances with tight rules, they are learning how to incorporate more awareness of that conscious intent for percieved ill or good on an expanded level mixed with new perceptions of their own consciousness. It's not about trading one for the other."

April 19, 2012

Q & A's


What does it mean when I feel conflict with what I think I should or could or might do, with this funny resistance I feel right now?


"It means, that it's not that you shoulda coulda woulda do anything, but find the comfort of balancing and coming to terms with the emotion behind that feeling of resistance.

There are many reasons that we can experience emotional resistance. It's not just a physical reaction. It's a psychic reflection of your spirit driving emotional energy through the physical construct of this life. Driven from past experiences; past lifetimes, past choices; all channeled through your mind and body into construct formed by your beliefs, feelings, your desires. And so when confronted by this flow, it can feel like an onslaught, or like sludge, or like a barrier. But it's none of that really. It's you holding focus in one hand, and perception in the other. At the center is your comfort zone that you are trying to reach. It's not necessarily that you have to achieve anything, but rather you have to choose what and who you are in that moment. Really that moment is now.

So I always say, not only to just take a step; not only take a step towards what brings you joy, but your higher joy. Don't give into worry. Worry will come if you hold both hands out and refuse to look at what's in the middle. What's in the middle is what feels like you. For some, this is going to be the scariest thing you have ever attempted. For others it will be like lacing up your boots with assurance that you can do it. And yet for some of you it will be the relief of taking off shoes and socks and wiggling your toes in the mud. Just let go and squish it between your toes and laugh. Just figuring out that what you feel is ok, that it's ok to feel, is having found that comfort, that moment where you found you! That's life. Real life. It's from that spot that you will automatically do what is in your best interest, you'll want to do for your greater good. And if truly you are in that spot, what's right for the greater good will happen automatically. But like I said, it's about finding your joy. What's love? Who are you in that moment. It's about balancing the flow of life. In it's stream, create your joy by surrendering to who you are." --Erik

April 18, 2012

(My comment on a recent channeling Erik thread in regards to the dispair, horror and disapointment with violece in todays world.)

I often feel as you all do when it comes to violence suffering and poverty. On a soul level it is sometimes helpful to take a million steps back and look at All That Is possible, and all that is probable based on our personal point of view and then ask our selves, just exactly how much do we create or co-create with others? If this particular universe, is an amalgamation of Harmony and Chaos, and we strive for mastery and balance through comfort of all we might be in all that is; naturally some of the possibilities with in that system we agreed to work with will contain matter or experience of both types. As such, our karma, our choices, our free will can lead us into many vastly different scenarios. All of which, are but exploratory tools, or emotional puzzles for us to attune, balance and master our souls within this particular universe's constructs. Both in the physical and the non-physical. Earth was set up as a plane of duality specifically to address the vastness of these two polarities and provide an arena or stage in which souls could learn through intense focus, balance through hands on experience.

Here is something my guides said when I asked them the question,

Q) "Can we end war and poverty?", I am sure or at least for me, applies to situations such as mentioned here. (And yes I personally do realize where everyone is coming from on an emotional and belief level and that for many/most, it is all unacceptable.) That said, here is what Spirit said,

A) --"When this question is frequently asked, what is implied is, "why am I living with this pain in a world that offends and hurts me, why did they do this to me, why are they doing this to each other".. The answer lays not in the "other, why, or the world". The answer lays in the "me", the I in spite-of the we. "Who are you, who am I with and without you". "Who are you with and with out me"? "Who are we together". These are the great questions that help answer your question. "Who can we be without the other. Who can be together"? It is when we play with focus we see most clearly. The point of view will illuminate where you should go. Because of the free will you were created under, because of your own soul's journey of self discovery, no one or thing will give you the answer you desire except for that which you create for yourself or with other souls. This is a great power of self creation. And to be aware of it and embrace it, in all it's facets is to create the resolution, create the cure to what troubles your soul.We know you are not satisfied. This is good. It will drive you to create your answers. We will help you if you ask."

All of which brings up another point of which I asked my guides;

Q) -- How do people grow, improve and learn from fear based life experiences. How do we know? How do we move to only love based experiences?

A) -- "By living, remembering, and moving toward your highest possible self, through action, thought, and emotion. By creating a balance of self creating causes that enable effects that serve us and others. You know when you experience with conscious awareness, that you have served your best interest. You know this through experience. What you think is your best interest is not always what your highest possible self would do. To merge the two takes a working experience that enables personal awareness of the totality of the self. This frequently takes more than one life time in both love and fear experiences. It is something to work at with assured knowledge and faith that you will meet the goals you set for yourself. It is not to be feared. Working through life and mastering your experiences does not suddenly limit you to only one type of experience or out come. Many masters in your history have had to deal with seeming difficulties, but even so, they move themselves through it with a balance that enabled them to overcome, thereby helping themselves and others. TO do so with conscious awareness of what they are doing and hold to fearless faith in service to others is serving ones greatest interest. To know life, to know all it's manifestations, to know your neighbor and all their journeys is to know and master yourself. This is moving through life. This is the return to the highest possible self."

I know a lot of people really struggle to understand this world. The anger, the fear, the grief, the inconcievable means of why they or anyone would choose such a life. Here is something that may be useful; From Spirit:

"You are love moving through the illusion of duality. The return to self is the bridging of spiritual separation.

All life, all material, is- a direct manifestation of the divine love that permeates 'all that is'. This manifestation, this love, is consciousness, that is, self pervasive, self creating, and seeks to know itself though all that it creates and moves through.

This is an inner reality that everything feels in one way or another. It is seen and unseen. It moves through every spectrum in broad sweeps of emotional energy. Every manifestation of this love seeks to know itself through an attraction with other manifestations. This is a self created push-pull. A duality.

Each end of this expressive modality of exploration is a valid way to explore aspects of this Love. In higher consciousness, each aspect of this duality is weighed in experience which swings from end to end until a balance is achieved. From the full expression of the emotional experience, balance is achieved.

An exploration tool used by humans that is often applied is that of reason. Many times humans focus so narrowly on physicality that reason creates a separation from this love that is all encompassing. Many times, this then creates conflict with the love of one's self and the perceived love that is outside of the self, the gap between. The gap seems to be a ford that is unpassable.

Thought from the tightly focused personality clings to reason as life raft in turbulent waters unable to realize that there is no true separation. This creates fear. Reason without the knowledge of universal love can never create the peace of self knowledge. Love without reason can never be fully experienced or known. The key is to balance the two.

You can have both, but unless you mix the two together in a meaningful way you only create confusion for the self, which lengthens your journey back to yourself. When one is able to merge the two in harmony, you create an expansion of personal consciousness. A new level of Spiritual awareness.

Only through deliberate intent to discriminate our emotions and thoughts can we hope to achieve this balance. That is not to say that we are amiss or remiss when we seem unable to get out of a rut of life, or we take a break, but if we pick ourselves up and keep trying, we will eventually succeed.

Avoidance of self limiting thoughts is key. In spite of, and despite feelings of less than, poor self worth, failure, and despondence over not having what we think we should have or need; we can overcome. These feelings ARE subordinate to our ultimate reality and the LOVE that is infused into our soul.

These feelings are just a temporary infatuation that is blinded by the illusion of reason in physicality. We often become so bogged down by our feelings that we can't seem to see that our perceived limitations are self created.

In this state of mind, this state of being, an increase of awareness is impossible. New experiences are hobbled. To recognize this in oneself is to catch a glimpse of the pulse of original love within one self. This glimpse is a gift, it is an opportunity of divine proportions.

If taken, it allows us a chance for self evaluation, exploration, and opportunities for expansion and self discovery through and in spite of difficulty. This is a good thing. This turmoil means your ready for change.

Do not worry. You can do this. Ask for help and the universe will revolve around you to help you facilitate enabling change in your life. Let go of all expectations other than knowing thyself through change. Do not worry, you are worth exploring yourself. It will lead you back to love. "

April 17, 2012

Q & A's


How can I achieve an inner peace?


Breathe. Inhale what you need. Exhale what you don't. Let it nourish you where it will. Energize you as it flows in.

Inhale through your mouth. Let it Fill you. Hold it, close your eyes and try to feel all of you in that moment. Everything you are able, you are in that very moment. Nothing else exists. The feeling that hangs suspended on that breath is what you need. Let it roll down your body as you exhale. Push it out your nose. Know that you have released not only what you don't need, but you have transformed what you have used. In it's passing you have moved on to the next moment. There is nothing else.

Know that even in chaos, life is the held breath. So you can focus on taking it in, holding what you can, and letting go of the rest. That pause is not a call to surrender to what seems to fill your lungs as to focus on a rythum that lets you feel who and what you are in that moment. That is learning about existing in the present moment and knowing that just as you can take in something, you can let it go. What remains is where you are at. You can then refocus on it, and try to see how it balances throughout your body.

April 17, 2012

"When it rains....., sure it can pour, leave us soaking, miserable, and dreading the weather. But sometimes it's just an opportunity to show off your dancing skills as you strip down and run through puddles seeing how big of a splash you can make." --Erik

April 17, 2012

Q & A's


I was wondering the thought on when twins are born but only one survives. What the lesson might be in this. The reason I ask is because I am a twin less twin and I struggle on why I am here and she is not. I would appreciate any insight into this.


The spiritual source of the loss of a twin has several possible reasons. All are highly individualistic, and a tool to understand emotional experience as well as spiritual separation and union. A good past life regressionist, shamanistic therapist or metaphysican can give you specifics.

For example:

-Most twins have complex soul associations or are drawn to the same spiritual explorations. So they frequently incarnate together. As such, the separation could come about due to Karmic issues. And so the separation can be a form of achieving balance from past actions in former lives. Not necessarily due to reward / punishment or cause and effect, but more of give and take. ie. you help me explore loss in one life, and I'll help you in another life. Where in future lives the give an take could be about unity and abundance. It's not that one twin is "here and the other is not". Because as we are all Spirits we are always united and together regardless, it is just the illusion and separation we utilize in the physical that makes it seem otherwise. The point is the emotional and spiritual experience such events enable us to explore ourselves. In many cases like this, the departed twin is actively engaged in the incarnated twins life as support, guide, and observer.

-In other cases the two friends may not be on the same page or pace of development, and so one bows out early do to second thoughts or misgivings on a soul/ energetic level.

-In some cases it part of a larger group action involving family units in which the emotional experience is not about the twins, per say but really about the parents and child. These situations are usually planned pre-life or on a soul level to fulfill emotional and spiritual development of various reasons. Again, it could also involve karma or balancing issues here as well.

-Almost always, such experience have several spiritual and emotional themes or educational soul issues interwoven in them. So that what the soul takes with it over the course of the lifetime is robust and complex, allowing it to expand and understand in a larger way that a single issue alone would allow. Frequently any and all of these issues may be involved.

-One of the things my own guides have taught me, was to journal about my beliefs and emotions and delve into what may be behind them as it relates to my circumstances. Over time, this will help get to the root of some of the emotional and spiritual themes or issues being addressed. And of course for the past life and karmic issues; one could utilize things like past life regression therapies, dream-work, dream journaling, energy healing, Akashic record readings, speaking to guides or angels, journaling about visualizations while meditating, etc.

April 16 & 17, 2012

Q & A's


Is Time travel possible?


That answer will totally depend on if you mean in your present physical body, using today's technology, using your view point in this life, in this body, in a particular evolution of your consciousness or if you mean that as your astral/ mental body doing the traveling or if you mean via Spirit pre or post physical incarnation.....

Some of the things Erik says to me, is that Time has more to do with what, than when. That it is more about a state of perception in which you as a spirit, direct your observation point. And that to travel as we tend to think of it, requires knowing or having experienced a destination point. In which case one's spirit would move an aspect of the consciousness to that point, or would recreate that point around the individual focus or you would visualize your point of origin and destination point and then energetically create a bridge, path, or channel between the points. But it's not just connecting a and b. It's connecting to A and b with C as your self's awareness level based on your experience. But that the viewpoint you would connect to would be your uniquely your own. Your perception of your experience from a certain view would be different than anothers. You do this from view point to view point or you would feel all this as a unified blend with your higher self, all at once.

So then "travel" then becomes about using emotional data to blend soul experiences to co-experience perception. That's why Spirits have said, you live for others and others live for you, as well those in your soul group live your experience through you, and your point of view. To fully reengage in a probably future requires creating thought forms that energize or merge with a type of physicality to play out your physical illusion with you. OR it requires his co-created spirit harmony to merge view points. This is sort of what happens when one has past life visions as well. For example, as a spirit you could return to ancient gual if you've lived there, and live again through yourself as you. You can zoom down and experience this as a vague flickering retelling or as emotion, or as fully played out in the flesh, or even with new insight. But to go somewhere else you have to be aware of it, and plug into and experience that energy. Be it other soul group members, teachers, other spirits who have dealt with the what you have heard about. It's all about experience and perception. If you as a spirit want to experience a time, place and life you've not touched before you go to those in spirit who deal with not only akashic records, but probability scenarios and your view and experience certain aspects of your desired point of orgin to see if that life will meet your needs. It's sort of a way of playing with the physical in a non invasive way. Those who don't explore their point of origin or destination point, run the risk of having their experience go amuk and nilly-hilly. Such as those who due to emotional issues jump from life to life to try and escape their problems. That's why when we ask about the future or past from a medium or pyschic, we are dealing with energetically connecting to those probibilities or likely to occur's based on co-created view points. How one connects to that data depends on point of origin and point of observer and point of destination. All very subjective and fluid and forever in motion.

But back to your question. I am assuming you mean your current physical body using your view of linear time. Such things are not only possible, they already exist, just not using our current earth technology or point of view. There are beings out there that engage in what might seem like our fictional time travel, but it's not. It's really dimensional travel. Time is not a place, when, or even how. It's a state of being and it can be used internally and externally.

-- Patrick from the Channeling Erik community also had this to say,

" time exists for humans on earth for several reasons. We have daily cycles, the result of the sun "rising". If you fly in a plane at the same speed the earth rotates - so the sun never changes position - what time is it? You would have to measure time against the pace that's kept on the surface. That "time" is built upon day/night cycles. Leave the planet and enter space above the atmosphere; satellites can orbit with or against Earth's rotation or even synchronize their orbit to always be above the same spot. What time is it there? There are no day and night cycles.

Another reason is that human bodies age. This, too, becomes a longer term indicator of time's "passage" but what if you're above Earth and up there, you occupy no body? How is time measured if there are no days, no nights and no body changes? There are only places and sequences of events around those places. Go to my website (www.theamendment.net) click on Dusty Old Archives and then read the file "Earth Design 5 April" and this will explain better than I've done here. "

April 16, 2012

To know thyself is the great question. Who am I? Know that who you are can be seen by looking at the reflection of what you project out in life, mirrored back at you. This can come from both environment, as well as those you share experience with. So join others in the experience, Try not to alienate yourself too much. Talk and support each other the best you can. For you are all reflections of each other that can not understand the journey of life alone.

You need not only the view of yourself in the environment, but others view of you in their environment, as well as the view of where and how you seem to be in that moment. This compared with what you feel and know about your highest possible self can define you, but will never limit you.

The reason all this interplay is needed is because we often are hampered by our intense focus in our life situations and circumstance. Our desires, wishes, fears, and intentions...both for the greater good and our perceptions of our good alter perception and perspective. So much so that understanding and observing all the points of who we are become impossible without the co-created and co-understood process. This is why by default you are never truly alone in life.

You will never see the same thing from view point to view point, nor will others ever see the same thing as you do at any given point. What is behind all this are emotions about belief structures in the conscious and unconscious environment. For example, fears, discomfort, nerves, or bad feelings about a particular encounter may seem obvious, but not to others and visa versa. Other emotions are often better perceived and pointed out by others as opposed to ourselves. This is because such emotions often automatically generate value judgements, that we then internalize and compare to how we perceive each other. The big self love self judgement topic. In this case we will always exaggerate our own feelings about this and form new beliefs, being our worst critic. This is why others are sometimes actually better at keying in on who we really are in such scenarios because they are not using our value judgements or beliefs. So while others reactions to us are often scary, we shouldn't fear them, but rather take them as part of a greater collection of information about who we might be. And who we may be to others may seem a lot brighter in reflection than it seems when projected back to us through our own lens.

All of this is difficult to do in physical life incarnations. The intensity of focus in life is very complex and our understanding of others is diluted by our emotional frameworks and beliefs. One of the best ways to deal with this is something Erik has always advocated. Stop what your doing, and just listen. Listen to your heart. Try to listen to your highest possible self and just let yourself feel. If it feels like you, explore why and what may be behind it. If it doesn't let it go or let it go for another day.

April 13, 2012

Q & A's


from the CE forum:

Hey, I've just found this amazing blog couple of days ago, and I am reading more and more bits everyday. Well I think I kinda over-read tonight since it's 4 am here in the UK right now... Haha Anyway, my question for Erik is something that I really find exciting and shifting...: Can a soul be induced by us - the human beings, or does it only have to happen from a higher dimension. For example, when a child is conceived, it is the human act that triggers the induction of a soul into a physical 3D body which gets developed in the womb, but the essence for it happening was created way before us (maybe by God or higher dimensions?). And as the trees also have souls, on a different level from human souls, would this mean that electrical components such as a machine or a computer software which perform a certain algorithm also have souls? I am really hoping we can get an insight on this, ideally by Erik from the higher dimension itself. Cheers :)


I asked Erik if he wanted me to facilitate an answer for you; He said, 'go for it dude' and buzzed my head and hand; So here's Erik.

" Hey George, whatz up? Welcome to the family. So... you wanna know if you can pop out a soul huh? vs a higher dimension? Well, first thing is you're gonna wanna know is that there is no just you or me, or human. There's us as in unified Spirit. All consciousness can evolve to the point of awareness where co-creation can occur with intention. But this can also happen unconsciously to varying degree. Now your thinking, yeah, but I meant can my soul make another soul like me? I'd respond with, what's like you? Can you exist as a singular point of view or are you already multiple consciousness co-existing, co-creating? You are. So is everyone else. Not only that, you are united with all that is, continuously creating in many many ways. What's really gonna bust peoples nuts is that the idea of age, point of creation or when and how is not something that as a human is gonna be understood, because the contextual experience or view from a 3d environment just isn't possible to fully understand what's going on. There is no singular point of origin for the birth of a soul. It's not like God has a factory where the big bang happened or some shit like that. It's not like you or I evolve to some god like understanding and are then able to go have soul babies. A bad analogy perhaps, but the wheel symbol does help some. Think of a spinning wheel with a ba-zillion spokes. Each turn of the wheel cranks out a new spoke, each turn of the wheel is a new life, each flash of the spoke as it turns is a new view of experience, each spin travels, but where it starts, where it goes, how fast, how long, where it ends is infinity. You can see through the spokes, you can stop the wheel and feel them, you can spin it so fast there are no spokes. There is no wheel. It's energy. It's emotional thought. The wheel doesn't just exist in front of us, or somewhere. We are on the wheel. We are a spoke, God is the wheel. We are all untied in it's motion. United in it's co-creation ever turning, ever traveling, each new spoke is an energetic co-creation between us, as us, with God, As God. It's our experience, intention, and awareness... the point of view that allows us to participate in creation. You constantly create life. Every moment of every day. Ever hear of the term "thought form". It's tossed around. Basically your emotional thoughts pull energy into matter and project you into new life, new physical experiences all the time. Only your awareness of it, and interaction with them, and the power you give them totally depends on your intent, and experience. So as your own soul evolves you can give birth to yourself not split yourself, or divide, but create a new aspect of you, in addition to you, and that consciousness aspect can evolve and grow on it's own terms depending on the situation of the creation experience. It can then have it's own line of incarnations, and the other aspects of yourself can go on to group experiences or non physical experience or some other experience operating from the higher self. Or merge with others, in a unified way. Together the groups have their own births as a group consciousness. Souls are continuously being created, born from the Source of all that is. But it's not where is the source or when is the source, it's the ALL THAT IS, that is not a point, but that unified consciousness express's it'self on a whim to know it's self. Yourself. Who are you? That thought gave birth to it'self and never stopped. You may then ask, when was I expressed or created? All happens simultaneously at the same time. It's the view that jumps around. The view, or who am I. So from what one view seem like having a point of origin. In anther view, simply feels in eternal infinite unity with everything. It's the held breath, the inhaled scent of life. Feel the scent. Where does it go, from where does it come, what is it's purpose? What does it sound like? Who are you. Creation happens when you seek to explore.

But back to your question. It is not the human act of sex that triggers the induction of a soul. It is the souls co-creating that triggers the mutual use of the co-creations. The soul using the new physical creation is not necessarily a new soul. Although it may be new to physical form on Earth. The soul is fully developed already before entering physical existence. There is no base essence. All that a soul was, is, and will be is unified already. Only a portion of the soul is projected into the co-created life form in a physical expression. This projected expression is not limited to this planet, or even this universe and it's many dimensions. There are machine like, computer like, and non biological expressions out there as well. Some expressions you would only recognize as symbolic numbers or math. Or sound, or different forms of energy. Some of this exists in other dimensions that you would only vaguely feel or see as disturbing emotion or ghosts if they were to cross over to your view.. Not only this, but humans can create thought forms, or energy that has varring degrees of self awareness as a part of themselves or an aspect of themselves on various dimensional levels. Some of these can interact with other things we create and so seemingly have a life of it's own. But in general in this physical plane, physical tools created by mankind do not have independent souls. It's because they don't have consciousness. But all consciousness does have a soul. How self aware it is, is another matter. It's important not to try and place a human label on a soul expression. Does a rock have a human soul? no. Does a human have a human soul? no... that's a label. It's a matter of a consciousness having experience. I think it's best to just get rid of as many labels as you can and think about spirit in terms of consciousness expressions asking questions in a spectrum of awareness.

All the best, lots of love, Erik."

April 05, 2012

Q & A's (These are some of the recent Q and A's I've responded to over on the channeling Erik forum.)


I've been wondering about the afterlife a lot lately. So much that its gotten me down. I just can't help feeling worthless, like this is all pointless. However, I still deeply believe that there is a reason for it all. Anyway, I was wondering, if we don't remember our past lives, how can we learn from them? Also, I've heard of people having negative/scary nde and some positive, what determines which you'll experience? Are there ”hellish” realms one must experience? I often have experiences with spirits, most of whom I don't know, ever since I hit puberty. A lot of the women in my family have a second sight, I also seem to attract people who do as well, why is this? Why are people and spirits drawn to me?



What has gotten you down? Do you mean that you find physicality pointless? I find that hard to believe as you say that you still deeply believe there is a reason for it. I think perhaps you are just feeling emotional resistance and stagnation with what you perceive around you with what is your desire to express yourself. You want to take part and make a difference, but you don't know where to start. So rather than face that internal struggle and seek a way to find a place of inner acceptance and comfort you are seeking what seems to lay outside and beyond your present state of being. Try not to beat yourself up too much over this. It's more important to find a way to participate in something that brings you joy. Even if it is only a small thing in and amongst your daily life. It's more important to take one baby step at a time. Day by day, just look at your feet and focus on that one step. Once you get into a rhythm that feels comfortable you'll find yourself at a steady walk. Once in that zone of comfort and familiarity, don't look around but focus on what part of your daily experience you are enjoying. Focus more on that. As Erik once said, the afterlife will wait, Life is for the living. How we go about living and how we feel about it, will do more for our evolution as a soul than any knowledge of or interaction with the spirit world. Don't worry about assigning worth to how you feel. Just look at what's behind that feeling and see if you can understand it's origin. If that experience is who you are, embrace it and let the rest go. If it is not you, tell yourself, this was an experience, but it is not for me-- I release you. Then turn around and take a few more baby steps away in the direction of your joy. At the end of the day it is not going to be your physical interactions or non-physical experiences that define you, but it will your feelings about it all that will shine through you.

You ask about past lives. There are many spiritual traditions, psychics, mediums, shamanism, and mystic traditions that deal with past life regressions. Here are a couple examples:




Personally I've found that there are many modalities and ways in which a sensitive person acquires past life memory. Additionally such memories come in many types or forms. I've found regardless of technique or type of memory, what is remembered will almost always be for an emotional purpose approved by those in spirit who work with you. And as such they will pertain to experiences and lessons that you are currently dealing with. Those past lives beyond the scope of this current incarnation or desired experiences, are not usually revealed. So, what is revealed can give insight into physical issues such as hardships, as well as certain emotional predilections or experiences with other physical people around you. Learning is highly subjective and can take time to process.

Just as in physical life we have the possibility to experience negative experiences; if those emotions are not resolved and if upon death they are held onto, upon crossing over, depending on circumstance and other variables, the emotions, beliefs, and perceptions of the spirit in the absence of physicality are intensified. It is quite common for all souls at one point or another in their non-physical experience to pass through this. As such, it is possible for a physical incarnate to plug into such ie. scary nde. Other times it is not actually a true nde, but they are being shown a gestalt or symbolic representation of their current energetic and emotional state. Or it could even be a parallel life or non physical life. ie. a probability. What if you had made this or that choice etc. There is nothing that you "must" experience, other than what you create or draw to you, by your beliefs and emotional state. For example. Lets say you lead a life of crime regardless of cause, you held onto bitterness, anger, fear, resentment, hate, and self loathing. Upon death, no one is going to "send" you to a "realm" or a location or some pit. This person will either forcibly linger around the physical plane, or will by it's very nature be drawn to other souls like itself, who then all co-create their environment based on their state of being. There are energetic divides that separate states of being. So these individuals would not be able to approach those who are have progressed beyond those emotional quandaries. Once these souls are done punishing themselves or are ready to open their perspective to more aware beliefs and higher emotions, they then become aware of their guides and angels ready to help them progress and plan their next life, or further education, etc.

You ask about spirits being drawn to you. You decided these types of experiences before you were born. And so through either energy and or physical circumstances you chose to be born into a family who's genetics combined with your energy would enable such experiences. In your case, many of those you attract are not attracted because there is something wrong with you, but because they agreed to interact with you on a spiritual level. Others are guides, angels, and teachers for you. Many are souls you've shared past experiences with. And some are drawn to your energy because you are open to it.

Do these bother you? Are you afraid? Is this why you ask? Or is it that you hope to start the path of education, and learning about such things?

Know that you are spirit first, and spirits you interact with are on equal footing as you. As such it's important to treat them with the same respect as your neighbor. But, it is YOUR life. You are in charge. It's your choice. If you are approached by a spirit and you feel fear, discomfort. Politely ask them with no hesitating conflict to leave you alone. If you feel the need to explain, go for it, but it's not necessary. Telepathy and all. If they are in the light they will gladly respect your choices. They will not be upset, angry, or sad. They have the bigger picture. They will show no negativity or judgement. If you, when you state your wishes, and you still feel fear, anger, sadness or what not, you may be dealing with earth bound or lower level consciousness. In this case, until you are more experienced and know more, you should stop all inquiry and go directly to your guardian angel and guides and specifically tell them to stop all negative contact, and all contact from entities that are not your guides or angels. You will need to ask. And don't give conflicting requests.

Here is something I say, when I encounter spirits I do not want to deal with,

"This is my formal notice to the Universe, to Heaven, to ALL Spirit. I only wish to deal with energies, and entities of the light, of higher spirit, who are with me for my greater good AND the greater good. I wish an extremely close relationship with my guides, Teachers, and Angels. I want those 3 groups to help me honor this request. To protect, shield, guide me and removed negative attachments. I am requesting that fear based emotions be vacuumed away from me."

There are plenty of similar prayers and like mantras, and techniques out there on the internet as well.

Good luck!


Q) I have such a hard time believing in anything spiritual or paranormal, or the afterlife. Life seems so meaningless to me.



A young man in spirit that we both know and love told me the other day, "Validation without faith in yourself, in your experience, is useless because then one does not try to understand and apply the lesson of experience".

Personally, I don't think it matters what one labels as scientifically valid or invalid. Nor what label or value one puts on personal belief. I think it's more important to understand who we are on the inside by coming to terms with what we feel in our hearts. We can then decide if that is who we are, or if we are more. I am not really sure coming to terms with "something" is as important as the journey. Like Erik has said before, if we wanna sit on the pot, fine. Sit all you want, but don't forget to flush, or all your gonna have is a stinky mess.

I don't think there is anything wrong with not believing, or even not finding meaning in how one views life. If that's where someone is at, that's where their at. I remember when I was an atheist, and hard core materialist, I held a lot of the same views. Although for me, I'd have have rather died than go to a medium. Even so, I found some of the worlds philosophies to be helpful in forming my attitudes on life and what I could and couldn't do with it. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Socialist theories, psychoanalysis, etc. I don't think personal, emotional, moral, and spiritual development is contingent on the belief in the afterlife, or anyone else's spiritual reality. In this young man's case, I would look to coming to terms with how I feel about what's behind my feelings about my family and role/place in life. I think worrying and getting upset over past experiences with the afterlife is not as important as working with emotional experiences in the present. In this case I would say the point of life is to find a comfort zone, no matter what that is, and then once there, hope that I would then be in a better spot to then explore and express who I wanted to be and how I saw myself.

Even if we strongly believe life has no meaning and that we didn't ask to be born, we are here. And so we are ultimately left to do right by ourselves, no matter what the world may think. And so we are left to create and mold our lives to our own meaning. Sometimes all we can do is just feel. Feel good or not, but feel. A million songs about it, and only a few singers. I think maybe it's better to try and sing about it anyway. Who knows, maybe we each have something unique to add to those songs.



Erik said something during the Steve Jobs interview that startled me. It was when he mentioned to his mom that he swore SSteve was bipolar like him cause his moods (energy) was swinging during the interview. I suffer bad anxiety, OCD and mild Tourette's. I hope to GOD I don't suffer like this in my afterlife!!!! So, what is the deal?


I have no clue in the specific incident you mention. I can't speak for the content from other mediums.


I've never had any indication from the gang (CE related Spirits I've dealt with) or any other Spirit that would indicate to me, that mental illness survives or is not healed once fully crossed over and reunited with it's other aspects or higher self. Nor do I find much of that in the literature out there. Now that's not to say the Higher self or the personality facet of the soul from that life time, would not intentionally project that aspect of it's personality for recognition purposes to those still incarnate.....

Because I do find that happening. Without getting into a much larger discussion of the "makeup" of the multidimensional soul, Personality retains significant commonalities at it's root level, from life to life. But the amount of personality the higher self or over-soul projects into each lifetime is but a portion, of it's total make up. So in one life where a specific type of experience was desired, one may use limited aspects of it's personality to enable it to experiment with balance, fear, anger, self love. (ie. disabilities), Upon death the personality returns to a fully conscious multidimensional level of thinking and awareness, whereas in physicality that is usually strictly limited.

But away from the "recognition, doubt, validation" period incarnates tend to go through, or outside of the medium's sitting... I've never had Spirits act mentally ill. That's not to say it doesn't happen if the spirits belief is strong enough to keep them from reincorporating with their higherself. ie. a personality stuck on this plane or in the astral due to strong disabling beliefs or emotional issues. (don't worry, I swear and promise this does not apply to you). And this also has nothing to do with those in Spirit who intentionally remain fear based (or shall we say not very nice) for whatever reason. There is no judgement, for them it's a choice based on experience.

Now, when you go to a medium, you are usually requesting or intending to speak to the personality of the most recent life time. So, that is projected to you or that is what you connect with. This is for validation purposes. But know, that in no way limits who you are nor limits who they are. They are the sum of all their parts even if you do not see it.

Lets take some of the older personalities mediums have channeled. We all have requested facilitation with the personalities from our perception of a historical 3d linear time periord, who from our perspective is ooo say, 300+ years ago or more? Well, does the personality not grow, expand, change, and add to itself and it's experience in the meantime? Of course it does. But do we really care? not usually. We want to hear from the historical figure. So that aspect or facet or lifetime personality, or our perception of them is projected at us. Does that mean that's who they really are? no. Of course not. You just have to ask them how they've changed since then to see that.

Oh, and I just wanted to follow up and reiterate. You will be healed and peachy fine on the other side. Erik and the gang promises. So many of those I've worked with over the past several years have had emotional and mental setbacks, issues and illnesses in their lives. All of them were healed on the other side. We take on these intense issues in physicality not as a problem, or limitation, or punishment, but in the hopes we can see our own opportunities or create them for ourselves to grow. Don't be scared regarding how others in life "seem" or how those on the other side "seem". Because in our bodies, we will never have the big picture. We only have the picture we create for ourselves. That pic will always be awesome, strong, beautiful, smart and perfect. We just have find a way to express it and be. Just be.



I was wondering about the internet and it's use in the spiritual realm. Can they surf the net up there too. I assume you can from one of the channeling sessions where Erik talks about watching tv?

I guess that leads me to another question where for instance you lived in 1500's and died then not knowing electricity, how to drive a car, use a computer. Can they now learn that up there?

LAST ONE I PROMISE!... Why do some spirits get stuck on the earth plane and need help rescuing from the other side?(like the show rescue mediums)

Just a few? ha ha.. we could spend hours talking.. ha ha.. I am teasing you. I think your questions are cool.


Do you want the short answer or the long ones? I'll give you the short one. yes, but depends...then again, maybe.. :)

Longer-ish more convoluted answer....

Lets start with these words: Perspective, perception, and belief --- of the self; and of the observer.

Always think of these words because as Spirits we are all emotional thought aka energy. Not bound by time or space, unless you think you are, or wish to be. Not up, not down, not when, not where, but ... those 3 words previously mentioned. aka. State of being. Everything exists as your reality in motion based on view. Yours, and others. All creation is a co-created experience at the same time. So as to say, even if reality is not in your view, it still may exist. Just not to you. To participate, you have to know about something. To know, you have be able to observe it and project it and your self within harmony or chaos with it. By experiencing it, you can work to master yourself and achieve a or yourself in balance with it. To do so, is then to understand.

So internet. The incarnation, facet, personality, aspect of the soul or consciousness/ is not limited to manifesting nor using their energy to interact with a certain technology or it's use based on prior experience. ONLY IF they are aware of it. How they become aware of anything is far beyond our own perception, and there can be many ways of doing so. So yes, surfing the web is quite possible.

Now how that seems to them "can" be a bit different, based on those 3 words for them. Depending on those words, they may participate, manifest, or interact energetically or physically depending on many variables. Or they simply may tune into the probabilities and possibilities and become aware of your own interactions with said technology.

This works both ways on our own view of those 3 words. Erik may not know how to farm or plunder a village, but I bet his ancient viking self sure does.... would he give you all the gorey details? hhhmmm... maybe maybe not. It depends on his view of those 3 words, combined with yours AND both of your intents, combined with your higherselfs life plan..... oh, and guides views as well... So you see.... it's rarely a simple answer to a simple question.

Now as to spirit rescue and stuck spirits.... it CAN get a little complicated, because again.... the 3 words.... who seems stuck.. who think's their stuck... based on what view of the three words.. and how does everyone feel about it, and who gets to judge and place a value on it?

That aside.... It is possible for a lifetime facet to "get stuck". There are many variations on this theme, and we could spend hours talking about the all the variables. In a very brief statement, This happens when the personality gets trapped in their own emotional belief structures that create a void or living hell or their thoughts energetically gravitate them or they draw to themselves a reality of a similar energetic state as themselves. All of this happens because of emotional self judgement. ie. they punish themselves, based on feelings about their beliefs and their value assignments of their "lives". They will choose to punish or make it right or balance it out based on their view of those three words... in this situation... karma. Now, additionally there are certain situations where they deliberately choose not to work anything out. This is not judged. But, if they have chosen to remain fixated on fear, anger, hate, etc, etc, instead of evolving, they will either naturally gravitate to others like them, or their guides will move them there. In that like state of being, guides will attempt to mentor them... or they will hear our prayers, or feel incarnates intervention, which then opens their view of the three words and gives them the desire to evolve. Thus, spirit rescue. Again... that is a very very basic view. Spirit rescue as a mediumistic calling is a whole other bag. To talk about it depends on one on one understanding of the mediums knowledge, philosophy and beliefs, as well as those whom they work with as well as those who they feel they are rescuing. Does that mean that some spirits need rescuing...? depends on who you talk to. Manytimes such experiences are caught up on life plans of others.. so yes, they do. Other times, it is simply a good deed of a medium or loved one, who touches the heart of a lingering spirit who is emotionally conflicted. Other times, the spirit doesn't give a rip about anyone incarnate and is perfectly content to remain or move away from the irritating incarnate. In which case as always... it is the job of guides and angels to deal with that souls, facet. This problem btw, does not limit the oversoul or higher self at all. The oversoul or higher self simply projects a new facet out into a new life. aka, this is where people come up with the idea of a fractured soul... in my own research of the literature, its simply semantics. Everyones soul will get to where they need or wish to be eventually.

I am sure there are a ton of other opinions and beliefs out there. And well, I don't know that trying to figure out who's right or wrong has any value, other than what the three words of any given situation mean to each of us in our hearts. It's simply yet another opportunity for us to explore and express who we are.

March 30, 2012

The most important part of any probable past, present, or future is you, right now.

All is forever held in motion by your view even should they not seem to exisist.



Hope is not a wish.

Hope is not given.

Hope is created

when you take the feeling

of your hearts true expression

and you act.

Hope is yours to create.

How it plays out

will always be up to you

when you let go

of expectation

beyond yourself.


Q & A

Is language a barrier to Spirit?

In communication with spirit, consciousness does not use an interpretive biological organ like the brain to process the data behind symbols. That is what words basically are. They are the constructs that humans have created to physically represent emotional thought. Our brains interpret them so that we can interact with each other in a physical way, among others.

In spirit even if you form or manifest a body for yourself, you are dealing with more energy than a physical projection. In spirit the primary mode of communication is emotional thought. And it is projected energetically. ie. telepathy. The symbology of words does not have to come into play. The thought projections can travel in various ways. But you can liken it to how cells in the human body communicate. It's similar to bio-chemical communication. Except instead of proteins, and cellular walls, and fluid exchange we are dealing with energetic fields. He was also showing me images of spokes of clock work gears coming together, meeting, and turning in unison to achieve a working mechanism. Every turn of thought meets another in just the right groove and they turn together. Or like the cells, there are receptive sites and functions that are able to plug into other cells and send and receive information. etc. That energy can be projected or it can be merged.

So in telepathic communication, words are not necessary. It's the mediums brain that is the translator. This can come across to them as words, symbols, emotions, etc. Sometimes a mix. I'll give you an example. While I talk to my own guide just fine, the way she told me her name was with symbol. It was like playing a game of pictionary. She showed me images of different people I knew with variations of names that started with L. Then as I said, them, she would rapidly flip images and told me to combine them, until I merged two peoples names and struck upon the right one. Why did she do it that way? Because she didn't want me to rely on language or certain context for communication. Because in spirit we are not limited in such a fashion.

I've also had communication with spirits that only worked in analogy and symbolism mixed with feeling. For example, my reiki guide first introduced her self using the symbol of a white flower, a crane, and a flexed bicep. I know that is soooo woo woo and strange for a lot of people, but I just wanted to point out that language isn't a problem unless people believe it is.