Platform work

Depending on country of origin and culture, 'Platform work' is when a medium or psychic sits or stands in front of an audience on their own and gives readings using one of their professed skills. They could use any of the so called 'clair abilities' or in fact be in some type of trance state. In some cases physical mediumship may be demonstrated. Platform work is what is happening when mediums work infront of an audience for television. Frequently due to the large numbers of beings present there will be a wide array of energies present. Sometimes negative energy from doubters or people trying to test the mediums will throw them off. In which case the medium may actuallly get no information or only sybols or feelings. This type of work can be fairly controversial as communication, understanding, expectation and education of the sitters (audience) can vary to wild degrees. Mediums in the past have been subject to attack and accusations of fraud and cold readings Or warm readings.

*Note-- I personally do not have any experience or opinions of this type of mediumship work. I am not nor do I have any intention of being a professional medium. My interest lays in research, and teaching.