Apr 2011

April 25, 2011

Q & A's --What's my name?


What is my name in Spirit? Am I called by my most recent name upon each death? When I am in heaven between lives who am I?


"Your-- Names are ephemeral, and fluid. They are collected like favored memento's of fond remembrances of vacations past. Some are put on display and some are worn like a badge of honor. Some are hard won. Some are given. Some are descriptive, some are a beacon. A light. A talisman of intent. Most of the dis-incarnate identify with the feeling of engendered emotion that resonates with how they currently perceive themselves. So upon greeting an old friend they think about the totality of how the friend feels to them. This is usually an emotional thought often encompassing an image. But names are used. People are people both now, then and forever. Names and language often have fondness that the Spirit enjoys retaining. But do not worry. They will own the name you know them by for so long as it serves you both. That bond is a bond of love and if true, it will not be picked apart. What matters is the shared experience and emotion, not a label. You might find it comforting to know that instead of addressing a past relationship by name, upon leaving your body you will think, "Father, brother, friend, companion of my journey. I rejoice in reunification once again. I love you" Or.. you could say, Hello Roger." Both will serve, but the choice will be up to you. Whatever aspect of your soul gives it an energetic thrill, color, feel, sound, experiential history-- is what you will be known by. While you can think of yourself with a fond label and it can be used, your true Spirit name is a growing thing, just like your soul. It changes with your description. It's like music, you can call a work of music by a certain title, but is that a good descriptor of all it's notes? Or does the impression of the sound of it's notes give a more accurate representation of it's being?" -- Voices of Spirit..

April 24, 2011

"You can't focus on what you can't see. If you feel blind, focus on what is right in front of you even if it is only the unceasing rhythm of your heart. Within that moment you are present. This core focus is all you need to discover your next step. In this moment of introspection you will move towards a greater focus.This will help you think about what matters most."--Voices of Spirit

April 23, 2011

Random Weekend Musing: Perceptions of afterlife associations

--inspired by Spirit

Many people today worry about their continued relationship with the so called deceased; As well as their reunification once they also depart. One must be careful about perceptions of this topic. It is not a straight forward affair. There are many things involved. Many things to consider.

The first topic to consider is one of process and logistics.

Touched upon earlier. It can take time to get oriented to the other side. It's a process. Then we need to know, just as we have lives here, so to do they there. There are a myriad, a plethora of reasons on both sides of the veil that need to be taken into consideration in regard to communication difficulties. Everything from physical conditions to mental. Everything from experience to spiritual evolution. Perception to belief on many topics.

The second thing to remember is like attracts like within the Spiritual vibration. Everything in existence is attracted or repelled based upon reactions to shared information. The reactions are a part of our personal created realities. Everything in these realities can have a reason and purpose. Either on a conscious level or unconscious level. Spirits associate with each other based on personality, interest, work, past life associations, emotional sympathy, understanding of experience, and knowledge of self. Much like when one is incarnated. The only difference is when incarnated; we seem to have less choice in associations. In the afterlife, these choices and gravitation's happen instantly and are accelerated by intention through awareness of self.

The important thing to remember is to work on the relationship with YOUR spirit. To explore aspects of yourself that would engender becoming who you want to be. To become all of what your highest self can become. If you do this, and share it with whom you can, where you can, you will always gravitate to those like you bound in mutual affection.

True love never dies. Like attracts like. And if you find it is not attracting there is a good reason. This not not something to lament, but to understand and grow from. Bound despair from perceived loss can be released by greater understanding. Same with unrequited love. The point is not that you've lost something that which is yours, but that you learn how to manifest and attract that which which is like you.

Like Heaven a relationship is not a thing or place. It is a state of being based upon your perceptions. These perceptions will engender relationships that are ever in motion. Love:-- Steady, but wave like will always attract an ocean of like currents. Same with so called fear based perceptions. Except instead of currents and eddies, you will get storms and windless stagnant waters.

Spirit groupings in mass are like oceans and are actually called "spiritual sphere's of influence". They are akin to factions on earth. But it is important not to assume what you think the term faction means. In this case it is an association of likeness of Spirit. These associations act mass as well as individuality to form a sort of awareness or quasi conciseness. So that the individuality within can act with unified purposes.

Even so this is not cause to fear. Bonds of love will always overcome the bonds of circumstance. And the love developed will heal all past grief. You are never alone. For within unified influences of like, you will always have ever closer families of love. And within these families are the great bonds of affection and love that will carry you through the eternity's of self exploration. If you feel a deep bond that is because it is part of who you are. It lives on always. Look for it and it will be there. The best way to retain a love connection is to work on unselfish love, endearment and gratitude for shared experience. Prayers of thanks on wings of affection through faith in eternal friendship will break the barriers of worry and feared loss.

April 22, 2011

Fuzzy Spiritual Term: Channeling

What's old, is new, what's new are perceptions of labels returning yet again in manifestations of name.

Like so many Spiritual labels, the term is tossed about like a waldorf salad in a hotel lounge! But, really if you keep in mind the adage, "What does it mean to you" and expect that it is different for everyone, you will be fine.

But it is interesting to note the wide variations of "meaning" place upon the term as a label or concept. There are HUGE differences of opinion and really hot debate on the internet. You will find different meanings in almost every school of thought or so called practitioner. With lengthy explanations and examples. Some with huge differences. So much so I can really only tell you what I think and toss my hands up to the rest. Honestly, the whole debate makes me very irritable. Why does it matter? I think the only thing that SHOULD matter is how "any given message" is applied to your life via YOUR consious decision.

Alright so I want to discuss the term a bit more from a personal perspective.

To ME; Channeling is the simply using a "clair" ability to pass along a message from the disincarnate to the incarnate. I think there are lots of ways to achieve this. That's just me though.

If you hear me use the term, I am refering to using my mediumistic or clair experiences in such a way that I am recording them in some fashion as I recieve the experience.

April 21, 2011

Connecting with the true nature of your soul.

-- Seth, & partial excerpt from, 'Seth Speaks/Jane Roberts.

"One prerequisite for intuitively understanding your soul is having the desire. The intent. If the desire is strong enough, they you will automatically be led to, guided through, or will create experiences that will result in vivid, unmistakable subjective knowledge. There are many methods for connecting. Here is one: 'Close your eyes and try to sense within yourself the source of power from which your own breath and life forces come. When you feel within yourself this source, then try to sense this power flow outward through your entire physical being, through the fingertips and toes, through the pores of your body, all directions, with yourself as center. Imagine the rays undiminished, reaching then through the foliage and clouds above, through the center of the earth below, extending even to the farthest reaches of the universe.

This is not just symbolic. It begins with imagination, but it is based upon fact. The emanations from your consciousness and the creativity of your soul reach out and from the depths of forever you pull yourself in."

April 19, 2011

Reality is belief in the eye of the observer. Knowing is belief passing through experience. Understanding is the conviction of realizing the nature of your personal reality is based on your beliefs under force of action and reaction.

April 18, 2011

As you may have noticed I have a new section on my web site called FAQ....

It is a place I will put researched or channeled answered to questions I or others have submitted. Here is an example that was answered today.

Q & A's --The Spiritual nature of grief?


Is it even possible or even right to have control or no control over grief. Does it matter? Is there a correlation between grief and vibrational energy, and is this right or wrong. Is there a correlation between being a better evolved soul and sadness or grief.


"To understand grief is to break apart the word, and it's associated cause and effect as applied by the experiencer. Control is a poor descriptor as it is a tool of individual perception. Grief also can be a tool. So right or wrong the degree and style of grief is simply a tool to express the self based upon one's need or desire. Grief like many emotional expressions can be very healthy or very bad for one's well being. What do you do with it. The key is in fully exploring the root cause to which grief is applied. On one hand grief is an application of expressing sadness to certain degrees. This is a combined Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical manifestation. Actions such as tears to wracking sobs are natural, wholesome and cleansing and should not be feared. For within such basic reactions is the healing of the soul. This outpouring can be an expression of love.

On the other hand Grief can be harmful. For it can also be a tool for the lower ego to express selfish loss. But this is also not a black or white situation. As there are many considerations to examine as grief pertains to loss. There are a wide range of degrees that can be expressed through loss. So first examine the cause of sadness. If the sadness is based on love, and selflessness, then grief can lead to even greater love and healing into light and happiness. For example; the difference between missing a great love v/s resenting their loss. If the sadness is based on selfish perceptions of loss and individualized internal hurt; Then grief can lead to a self fulfilling prison of further pain and agony. Thoughts such as, I blame you for leaving me. How could you do this? I am nothing without you. I can't go on living alone.

This in itself is a Spiritual tool to narrowly focus the emotion. The Spiritual intent is to direct internal healing to the deep examination of the self perception. Once that is healed or changed, then the original sadness can be addressed. It is never an easy experience, But it can be a liberating one. Once you have overcome the self healing, you can move to thoughts such as; I miss you. I remember the love of your soul. You have been and always will be my love. The memory of you makes me smile. The thought of you brings tears of past joy to my eyes. I will see you soon. This type of sadness and longing is a better place to express grief from. Tears within these feelings can bring joyous release and can easily be shared with others. They can be great teaching tools for understanding the spiritual journey.

So you see, grief can be expressions in the light or in the dark. There is not true good or bad regarding grief. But it is yet another process of self realization. A journey, a degree of reaction within the spectrum of love and fear to understand one's experience on the path of self creation.

Now the manifestations of grief are expressed differently depending on vibrational state of being. But this is not a level or degree. All emotions are available to Spirit. The difference lays in the degree of Knowing and Understanding of experienced Realities. In Spirit, Grief is manifested to a greater or lesser extent based upon ones understanding of one's self. The lower evolved Spirit will have much of the other lower ego based emotions mixed in with Grief, Such as hate, fear, lust, desire, anger. And it can be sharp, intense and harmful. The more evolved being will express grief as a brief burst of pure love mixed with compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and a longing for reunification of companionship.

Do not fear your standing on these matters. That you question and wonder is an expression of your right evolvement." ---Voices of Spirit.

April 15, 2011

A facinating article on reincarnation. I am afraid it's a bit beyond my total level of understanding or apprieciation at the moment as the subject is not one I am well versed in. I pretty much only know of what 2 of my Spirit Teachers have told me about. And of that my discourse has been limited. In any case I have mixed feelings on the topic as I feel that how we think and feel about our current life is more important and how we choose to live it is key. Never the less, here is the web URL.


The Enigma of Reincarnation

Be sure to read the comments, which are just as interesting!

Here is what Seth said through Jane Roberts about such things. I tend to agree with him and the more Metaphysical view points as opposed to the old Spiritualistic or Eastern approaches.

"Seth states that there are fragment personalities of the soul/consciousness that exist in non-time and are non-local. Linear reincarnation beliefs are a result of incarnates assuming time is linear and objects/people are localized in existence. Instead, various incarnations exist simultaneously in a matrix or web. Non-time and non-locality are also accepted concepts in quantum physics with evidence provided by the behavior of subatomic particles that also act as waves simultaneously (i.e. being everywhere at once)."

April 14, 2011

A dear friend of mine was lamenting a precieved life event that had departed unseen. You see this life event was first brought to his attention by a medium upon him asking a question about his future. But it never came to fruition. Why? Upon discovering that such an event was not to be, he was left in a profound state of loss. But, what had originally happened was that the spirit in communication with the medium he inquired of, was giving him a snapshot of a probability or likelihood based upon current circumstances and mental desires.

For this reason I have such a huge problem with people asking divination questions of spirit. The future is always in motion. And free will truly does reign supreme. By asking spirit to tell you the future; In many cases you are giving your personal creative power away. This is because in many instances you cease to seek, discover, and co-create experiences for yourself. Instead you wait for the big reveal, or you wait for life to come to you, or you wait for Spirit to bring you the promise on a silver platter.

The problem with all of this often is that to meet the prophecy, to meet the likelihood and bring together the probabilities, requires a lot of hard work, active intent on your part, and active creative participation. Because no matter what anyone tells you, you are the master of your own destiny. If you ask for the future; ie. will I get this job, will I be cured, will I meet my one true love.., etc., You are essentially saying to the universe, "Life is beyond me. Tell me what to do. I don't understand, I am confused, This is a problem for me."

And the universe will always try to respond to your original creative thought. Whatever you deeply focus on, it will bring you more in an attempt to allow you the opportunity to "Master that experience". So for example-- take myself. I've often asked myself, "will I ever get over the fear of the paranormal" So I kept having experiences with it until I was no longer afraid. For the person who is afraid of never having that job; they will be repeatedly be presented with situations that force them to put themselves out there until they take the initiative to decide and seek what they want. And for the lonely person. They will be put into situations that let them remain that way until they reach the mastery of self love and the knowledge that life is about sharing the journey, not finding completion in another person.

In my experience, truly higher level spirit will never give you predictions or divination's without telling you that it is just a probability, likelihood, or snapshot of a circumstance, and then offering you help on how to discover and achieve your goals. How you live now is so much more important that what if scenarios. It is a telling aspect of communication.

You can either ride life or let it ride you. But whatever you decide to do, take the reins and dont let yourself get floundered.

Just my 2 cents today..

April 13, 2011

Hold this thought: Is this that I am going to do likely to make me better equipped to serve my world, or be a better channel to spread love and happiness?

April 11, 2011

Wisdom from across the pond.


The guide of an acquaintance of mine in Britain, offered some wise words to contemplate. My friend was commenting with dis-satisfaction on the lack of definitive physical evidence of spirit. Such as materialization vs/ , small spirit lights, or rapping on the walls.

The spirit guide (FC) said, "Watch the Big Screen". "the screen that is our world and beyond that, our universe."

My friend had asked for Spirit to make evidential phenomena clear rather than present phenomena that felt questionable. She asked Spirit to show her what they were capable of, beyond all doubt.

FC, the guide, reminded her that "we are all Spirit, living upon the earth plane in physical form. That all that is us, and all that IS, is as ONE. There is full scale evidential phenomena all around us.... That is the "Big Screen. This evidence, beyond all doubt."

And I feel is saying,

'If you doubt that which is Spirit in you, if you doubt which is spirit all around you; How can you ever hope to experience Spirit of the Heavens? Or, that which of you IS so much more, and will ever be more." Have faith in the Spirit which is you. Have faith in the Spirit that lives in you. Have faith in the Spirit that lives through you. If you can realize this and hold it within your reality, you will come into ever greater awareness of the reality all around you.

April 08, 2011

Headed up north to visit with family. Going off the electronic grid for a few days. :)

April 07, 2011

I ran across an interesting web site the other day. In it, are some channeled drawings, that look very very much like some of the stuff my Spirit Guides have shown me via clairvoyence during energy work and channeling training--


April 06, 2011

Navigating the path

One of the things we in life strive to achieve on our path to the enlightened self is the movement to that which is our highest self in so that we may offer what service we may to our fellow beings.

In the pursuit of that path we often run into limitations of self expression caused by the suffering of the ego. In part this is necessary to navigate the trials of the 3D world that we wish to learn from.

This process inevitably involves a kind of sorrow that can be avoided. It can also give rise to anxiety. The reason is due to emotional desire and attachment. This is neither good nor bad, but something to work through for self improvement. A contrast to explore.

When we try to attain anything we perceive we lack or do not have, we often attach false desire to it. Then we fear to loose it, even should we acquire it or not. This clouds our judgment for then we become unable to see a broader perspective of all the facets of the experience.

This could be riches, power, position of status, fame, or obsessions of all kinds. This can be a big problem for us as individuals to overcome. Not only ourselves, but we need to take into account others views and reactions to our behaviors. Envy, depression, jealousy, and ill feelings are often a shared experience stemming from an act of self creation.

These emotional sufferings are much more common than one would think. Think about unrequited love! How many tales in your society and culture center around such situations? If such suffering is so common, and does appear to be part of the human condition, what might it's purpose be?

Such emotional experiences are a part of the human experience and can also be great sources of happiness. But when we step back and seek truth behind the truth of any emotional struggle we will find the strength to accept and turn from unsatisfied suffering.

What can any of us expect from such base and basic experiences common to all humankind? But know that you can be more than you are now. If this were not true how could ever hope to help your fellow Spirits with a offered hand?

Seek that which in you is MORE. Look at all the little turbulence's in your life and know they represent your emotions and they all play off each other. From All of these little chaos's stem suffering. If you look for self acceptance, love that which you are, let go of what you can not change, strive to change what you can, and live each moment in ever greater serenity of the now, you too can find release peace and ever greater manifestations of love.

--- Voices of Spirit

April 04, 2011

One of the things I am working on from time to time is researching and writing about different Spiritual topics. Some I have lengthy outlines for, others are just ideas, and some are partial channeled material waiting to be compiled. Here are some examples of topics I am working on:

-Technicalities and methods of sensing spirit and channeling

-Guides 101

-Past lives


-Contrasts in 3D Goals vs Spiritual

-variations of spiritual intimacy

-The observation point: primary view, orgion, destination, goal, vibration

-Sensory perception

-gestalt as gateways

-shells vs/ light

-fuzzy terms

-Minds eye, visuals, symbolism, methods, imagery, shadow, light, movement

I also have an ever growing list of questions waiting to be presented to Erik or my guides. From myself and others.

I've not gotten much feedback from those I've requested it from, so feel free to add topics you might want to know more about. Just don't ask me divination questions or ask me to channel specific people; as this is more about spiritual research right now. Drop me a line via email or facebook

April 02, 2011

Random thought:

Some say, if someone wants to be in your life, "they should" make an effort to be in your life. Others say if you 'want to' BE in an others life that you should make an EFFORT to go there. I say, Can you BE in your life? Do you want to 'simply be' in your life? AND are you up for anyone joining you? If you know where you want to go, you will attract the "Should's"; you will become the effort; and you will simply BE. All those on the same journey will begin to radiate around you as you travel forward. So forget what you "wished" or felt you shoulda, and live what you know, right now.

April 01, 2011

I recently tried to give myself permission for a pity party---But then my guides reminded me there is always work to be done. That made me feel guilt at the burden of worthy endeavors. It can be a tough pill to swallow. I think I spit some of it up!! Sigh...