The Clairs

The Clairs:

All over the internet and in Spritual, Metaphysical, ect. areas of study you will find mention of so called Psychic abilities. The so called "Clairs".

Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing

Clairsentience – Clear Sense

Claircognizant – Clear Recognition

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing

Clairgustant – Clear Taste

Clariscentist – Clear Scent.

What on earth does this mean? It's difficult to research or read about because we in this life are still so heavily influenced by 19th and 20th century materialism in science. Such concepts are quite often automatically religated to quakery and psudo-science. Everyone has a different opinion and belief. So where do you start? That's entirely up to you. It might be useful to approach such matters from a different perspective. Rather than set out to prove or disprove such so called "powers", perhaps; Rather, we might look at them as possibly just another poorly understood part of the human experience.

Not too many people worry about proving or disproving faith, religeion, or spiritual experiences. Because even materialis psycholigist recognige it's all about what the experience means to you and how do you apply it to your life. I believe the so called clairs should be treated the same. Our current science can not yet quantify the Spirit world. We are on our way in attempting to do so, but in the mean time we need to realise that we can wait for it. We still must strive to improve the human condition. Physical and Spiritual. How that occurs is still up to you and me.

The Clairs: They are another set of terms that are perhaps poorly defined. Meaning differnet things to different people. I'd like to do away with the term Psychic all together. For me, that terms means knowing the unknown. It makes me uncomfortable because such a concept can greatly interfear with free will and spiritual progress. I prefer to think about so called abilites as individual concepts.

The Clairs

The Clairs are frequently talked about in Mediumship. There are general loose catagories. As well within each there are sub catagories and variations. They can appear individually or in combinations of varing degrees. Manifestation of the clairs depends on: Belief, perception, intent, and Spiritual vibration or level, as well as external influences and biology. These terms and concepts only refer to senses of our body not of external environmental manifestations such as the Kinesis concepts.

*note~ There are many concepts that are and or can be slightly separate from the clairs but at the same time can have interaction there of. I.E. Telepathy, Empathy, Dreams, Astral Travel, faith healing, precognition, being a seer (past /future) ect., ect.


Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing/external/internal

This is not what is typically thought of as being psychic. Knowing the future or fourtune telling. Nor does it mean knowing the past. There are different opinions but in a strict sense this term refers to seeing visions of some kind. It is associated with the so called "3rd eye" or the "6th Chakra". The individuals who experience this feel like they are watching a scene. Like a vivid waking dream while conseous. This is achieved while fully awake, or a trance of varrying degrees. The viewer could experience moving technicolor images with sound and feelings, or just see still images or symbols, other times it is more real than real and the viewer feels they are actually there. This is frequently related to other phenonmina like telpathy and channeling.

Clairsentience – Clear Sense/feeling/touching

Clear sense could be of the mind OR the body. As it pertains to the non-mind body: The individual may be able to interact or feel to a hightend degree energy fields, natural and spiritual. Electrical, magnetic, light, sound, ect. Even pain. This allows them to know, feel, and sense the interaction of their own spiritual energy with that of the Spirit world. The flip side of this Clair, is that of Empathy. The sensing of emotional feelins. Empathy is a HUGE area of study in the so called parapsycholgy fields. It is realted to intution. And the interaction is between incarnates as well as dis-incarnates as well as with each other.

Claircognizant – Clear Recognition/knowing

This one is frequently misunderstood. This Clair is not about feeling. It's about knowing something from the depth of your soul that is correct. It's frequently misunderstood because it relies on view points of perception from a certain point of time and is heavily influenced by current beliefs. So it should not be confused with channeling or precognition. This is what happens when one is able to connect with one's higher self. You are able to just remember something that which is known. You have an ability to see the broad picture which is normally forgotten and back it up with examples; when before you did not know or realise the topic. Frequently associated with remembering past lives.

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing/listening

This Clair is associated with chaneling. But there is more. On the most basic level this simply means hearing that which is not of everyday orgion. This could be: voices, tones, music, or various noises. It could 'appear' to origionate from within the experiencers head, or externally. It could come from any direction or all directions at once. It could be information or content from spirits, guides, angels, or from other incarnates. It is highly controversal because it relies on interaction with our senseing organs.

Clairgustant – Clear Taste &

Clariscentist or clairalience – Clear Scent.

These Clairs are pretty self explanitory and frequently experienced. Spirits often use these themselves to experience and share what we do or to relive earthly experiences.