Not an Angel

Music as a Way to Heal

It’s fitting that Erik answer all music-related questions, given the love he had for all forms, classical, rock, jazz, blues, country, and more. What he hasn’t covered until now is using music as a healing modality now and in the future. I find this all fascinating.

A recent comment on another blog by two Channeling Erik members prompts me to remind everyone that Erik is not some kind of supreme, highly enlightened angelic being. He’s just a boy doing his best to help others–not in spite of his flaws, but because of them, perhaps. It’s crucial to not confuse Erik with the message. I know, I know, many of you might wonder why the mom in me doesn’t want to plaster the back of the car with bumper stickers, “My son is no honor student, but he IS a spiritual guru,” but he’s not. He’s on the same journey we are all on. learning as he goes and sharing what he knows. Here’s a note from Jason about how Erik himself feels regarding his supposed angelic status:

I would like to mention that in my opinion Erik is not and never has been an Angel. Nor does he reside in an Angelic Realm. When I ask Erik, “Hey- you an Angel?” He shows me in a choir robe that is stained and he has a wire halo above his head and ratty wings and is picking his nose and flicks his booger at me….) So you be the judge of that. I know how he is with me only. Every emotional and Spiritual hardship and life problem he is there for me with nothing but love, teasing, playfulness, and more love. That’s all I know.

Channeling Transcript

Me: What is the connection of our love for music and our soul, specifically? Have you learned a little more?

Erik: It’s the sound vibration—it’s in harmony. And you’ll find that when people can create instruments that listen to our bodies, they’ll discover that our bodies can actually create music.

Me: Wow!

Erik: They create sound that our ears don’t hear. And when those sounds are in harmony, our systems work properly. That’s why it feels so good sometimes to lie flat on your back and listen to the music and feel it.

Jamie: He shows me an image of a table with those sticky sensors, you know the white round ones they put on the skin.

Me: Oh yeah.

Erik: They’ll be a way they’ll do that, and they’ll be able to measure and play back the sounds of the body. Mostly what you’ll hear is a really AWFUL sound! It won’t even be like music. And there’ll be ways that you can lie on a table and have the vibration of the sound—like coming through the speakers or from a tuning fork or a person playing live music—and it will tune that person like tuning a piano.

Me: How cool!

Erik: Yeah, I know. And it’ll strengthen or loosen the sounds, uh, vibrations, to create a harmony in the body.

Jamie starts giggling.

Me: What?

Jamie: He’s giving me the example of the (more giggles) the phlegm flute? The phlegm flute, Erik? Really? (yet more giggling)

Me: The phlegm flute? That does NOT sound very attractive or appetizing!

Jamie and I giggle hysterically!

Jamie: Erik, what are you doing?!

(Long pause. I can hear occasionally snickering from Jamie.)

Jamie: This one’s from a guy that created—it looks like a flute that you blow into and you play, and the vibrations loosen the phlegm in the lungs.

Me: Ew, gross.

Jamie: And so it’s a natural way of releasing phlegm and toxins in the body without using chemicals. Just simple sound vibrations.

Me: Oh, good! Very interesting. I bet the EFT probably helps our vibrations too.

Erik: Hell, yeah.

Me: Okay, now you say you hear music everywhere. I know I asked you this a while back through another channel, but I’d like to see if you’ve got additional information now. What kind of music is it, and how is it created? Also, is it in each soul’s mind or is it ambient music, or—

Erik: Ambient music, and it comes from other living beings.

Me: Ah! You know, I keep getting this in my mind and I’m not sure where it comes from, so maybe it’s channeled, but I get that plants create—-oh my god—a lot of music and that maybe that’s part of their healing properties.

Erik: Yep.

Me: And we can’t hear it, but it does affect us by affecting our vibrations.

Erik: They have full-on emotions; they have thought processes. They may not move as quick as us, so WE decide they aren’t intelligent, and—

Me (chuckling): They probably move a lot faster than my kids when I remind them to come downstairs and do their chores!

Jamie laughs.

Me: So it’s all relative.

Erik: True, all relative.

Me: So it’s created by all the dimensional beings—ah. So what does it sound like? Can you even describe it?

Erik: Well, to my ears, they sound like strings, like a long bass note with the violin playing. And it’s harmonies. It’s never just one sound or note. It’s the interaction of everything together.

One more thing: I’d like to apologize for not responding to each and every comment. I read them all, of course, but it’s just crazy busy in my life and if only I had a couple more hours in the day… But I don’t want anyone to feel snubbed or unloved, because I do love each and every one of you to bits.

There are 18 comments to this post.

      1. Denise says:
      2. March 14, 2011 at 11:04 AM
      3. I think it is easy to diefy those who communicate with us from the other side because the information is so mud-free and the information is infused with a more refined vibration level than what we experience in communicating here that we tend to elevate the messenger along with the message – not that they aren’t elevated compared to here. My image of the messengers like Erik is shiney beyond shiney just because of where they are.
      4. Reply
      5. Hiral says:
      6. March 14, 2011 at 11:22 AM
      7. hey…like i said in my earlier email…pls dont reply..i had no idea u get ton loads of email. And yet u are really prompt..thanks for this website,the support,encouragement and the love u have to share with all the members…btw,i was guided to that sunfell website that u have mentioned in ur earlier blogs…abt indigo adults…they have pretty much written abt my entire life so far!!!dont need to search on google
      8. anymore…the channeling erik website has all the answers.:)love and hugs,hiral
      9. Reply
      10. Danielle Notaro says:
      11. March 14, 2011 at 11:24 AM
      12. what a beautifully expressed thought, Denise. My contribution to this post with everything going on in Japan and our own lives.
      13. Angel Standing By- Jewel
      14. Reply
      15. Pat says:
      16. March 14, 2011 at 12:20 PM
      17. I was watching a documentary about the pyramids in Egypt. What was fascinating is that they had an Egyptian historical expert who was showing the camera man around some structures next to one of the pyramids that were used for healing. And, the healing mode was music. Interesting that Eriks mentions this.
      18. I think some past civilizations were far advanced as far as spirituality and connection to the after life. What happened? Why did we de-evolve?
      19. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • March 14, 2011 at 3:39 PM
          • I don’t know, Pat, maybe we just have to go in cycles to refresh the intensity of the duality, like tilling the soil after harvesting a crop, then planting again. Maybe we just devolve naturally like an entropy thing then we slap ourselves around a little and say, wtf, we need a spiritual awakening STAT! Maybe materialistic science sucked the life out of ancient mysticism. Maybe all of the above and more. Sucks though.
          • Reply
      20. Todd says:
      21. March 14, 2011 at 10:52 PM
      22. In the book I’m reading now about Edgar Cayce the author talks about the law of resonance. He used the example of two tuning forks, how if you tap one on a table and it starts to vibrate and hold it next to the other one then it starts to vibrate as well. Maybe this principle applies to music vibrations and the vibrations each of us have.
      23. Reply
      24. michelle c says:
      25. March 14, 2011 at 11:52 PM
      26. Hi Elisa I have been ill so just catching up here .
      27. hope all in the Erik family are well xx
      28. Reply
      29. Jane says:
      30. March 15, 2011 at 1:19 AM
      31. Hi there, I posted this in the prayer forum also. Hi there, my baby 2 y.o. nephew Elliot has started waking up with Night Terrors. If anyone knows any holistic way to cure these I would be so grateful. And any Reiki, light, love, prayer is so appreciated. I am at a loss, thank you so much for any help with this.
      32. Reply
      33. Skoshi says:
      34. March 15, 2011 at 6:28 AM
      35. Good morning, All. : )
      36. What Erik describes reminds me very much of the sound bed I told you Hethyrre uses in some Reiki sessions. It’s a WONDERFUL experience. Here’s the URL of a Reiki practitioner who mentions using a sound bed:
      38. When I googled sound bed trying to find a pic to share with you of the bed Hethyrre has, I found a lot of folks who are working with beds with speakers built in underneath, but Hethyrrre’s bed isn’t like that. It’s oak or some other hard wood, with a comfortable warm pad on it, and there are strings built into the sides that she strokes. It’s like being ON a harp.
      39. My guides have been stronly urging me for months now that I should “attune” every day. Hethyrre listens to her guides when she does Reiki (and the guides of the person getting the treatment), and sometimes she says, “I’m going to attune now.” And she’ll make a sound like a tuning fork. So I’m doing that every day. Only takes a minute. Try it if you like: become still and “center” yourself; breathe in slowly through the nose and then make a long, slow, gentle sound like a tuning fork-like singing a single note; repeat once more, then blow out forcefully without sound 3X. I always close my eyes for it because it helps me center and get “into” the experience. I aim for a violin string type of sound. I studied violin for 6 years when I was young, and a long, slow stroke of the bow always made me feel good. My guides have repreatedly told me it’s important for me to do this every day. If I forget, my crown chakra tingles strongly.
      40. I saw a report recently that researchers JUST found out that Stonehenge makes a humming sound like a tuning fork. They showed video of it. Apparently if people stand at a certain position in the center of the stones and make a tuning-fork type of sound, the STONES hum back! I don’t think this is any mere coincidence.
      41. In the “Living in the Heart” meditation CD, Drunvalo says that the earth “hums” (which we knew), and that we should listen for that hum to be revealed to us when we meditate and send love to the earth; we might not hear it right away but should continue listening; once we hear it, we should try to remember the vibration so when we want, we can instantly go into that earth-compatable mental state.
      42. When I used to go to the MD in NY who does acupuncture, during each acupuncture treatment she puts headphones on with music appropriate to the goal of the session (Alpha waves, beta waves, etc. whatever she’s working on healing), and at one session she put on a CD that’s sounds of the earth…from deep within the earth…the cracking of the tectonic plates, moving of underground water, etc. It was FABULOUS! I’m so sorry I didn’t get the name of that CD. I’ve looked for it on line unsuccessfully. Has anyone heard of it?
      43. As far as Desteni (the group’s name; not the young woman’s), what I got from my guides is that she’s being misused by others for their own purposes (financial?). My heart goes out to her, actually. I don’t think she’s trying to fool anyone or take their money. She’s maybe a little too naive.
      44. Reply
      45. Skoshi says:
      46. March 15, 2011 at 7:56 AM
      47. So…this is so exciting…syncronicity again…did anyone else watch the Science channel program about parallel universes last night? The physicists talked about strings (as in violin strings), and vibration, and harmony and the strings being wavy as they resonated; and there having been no “big bang”, but rather as two parallel universes vibrated, the high points on the strings “bumped”, and that created our universe. Fascinating stuff.
      48. So that made me wonder…I wonder if there’s a parallel universe where Erik DIDN’T commit suicide, and if that’s so, if Elisa could ask her guides to let her consciousness go there when her body’s sleeping; and more importantly, if she can go there, if her guides will help her remember when she wakes up?
      49. Reply
      50. Tracy Lamont says:
      51. March 15, 2011 at 9:09 AM
      52. I know I’m completely changin the subject here, but has anyone got their heads around the size of the Universe? Does Erik really get to travel through space and see it in all its enormity?
      53. It’s a good job there is no such concept as time.
      54. Take a look at this, it’s fascinating.
      55. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • March 15, 2011 at 10:37 AM
          • Jesus Christ we’re tiny!! And just think, ours is only one of an infinite number of universes. As it said on the show last night: Parallel Universes, our universe is like a tiny bubble in a giant ocean of universes. Makes all of our problems pale by comparison. Erik had said that he and I used to love exploring the universes. I sure do look forward to picking up where we left off.
          • Reply
      56. john joseph says:
      57. March 15, 2011 at 10:26 AM
      58. Thanks, Elisa, for clarifying that Erik is still learning as opposed to “completed” and all knowing. This is what is so heartening, that we all continue our creative journey on another vibrational level. We can all sense what rings true for us and what does not if we just get quiet (very hard, I know). I love that your son is full of humour because humour is like a thumbprint – no one’s expression of humour or even what strikes one as funny is identical to anyone else’s. We cannot lose what is inextricably “us”. God bless and thank you.
      59. Reply
      60. iola says:
      61. March 15, 2011 at 3:26 PM
      62. well said, John Joseph! God bless us everyone!
      63. Reply
      64. linda says:
      65. March 15, 2011 at 4:02 PM
      66. Great topic. I first became aware of ‘healing music’ when listening to Mark Romero on Jennifer Mclean’s membership site. He has a lot of general info about it on his site and even video of a test using kinesiology of someone’s energetic balance before and after some healing music. I could listen to Mark’s stuff all day (and sometimes do!). His most recent ‘Musical Mantra’ work is simply amazing. Even just the guitar work would be great, but he even has a couple that combine guided visualization. LOL. Now I’m starting to sound like a commercial (nope, I don’t get paid) … but just a heads up, this probably won’t appeal to those who think Pink Floyd is healing. : )
      68. linda
      70. ‘Physical & Emotional Healing for People & Pets’