What would I look like as a non-physical spirit

---Q) When you think of yourself, do you think or picture a conceptual image of something? I mean, Do you visualize a blob of connected energy moving here and there. Or is each focus point move in and out of focus one at a time or a giant moving gestalt of an abstract image. Is that image the same as a concept and if so, then does "it" all reside somewhere? And if so where?

A) -- When the I of we thinks of me, it is because I think of you. Therefore what you think of becomes a manifestation for you, of me..... (Smile). Let me put it to you this way, "What do YOU think of". What you think of with intent becomes what you see. This is not just some cute proverb of the physical plane but it is a reflection of a greater truth. Sure, I have my favored manifestations, just like anyone else. Most often this is energetic based on my emotional thought, in response to received or projected intentive thought. I know that's not what you were hoping for. Don't worry, your favored attributes are retained and cultivated. They are a part of you after all. Why should you give up what you like? No one is going to take it away from you. (Laughter- I could be a blob if you'd rather, although that's awfully odd, don't you think). But, yes, the aspects of the sought for consciousness will adjust foci to bring about a materialization of the desired aspect of the soul. As to how many other aspects are focused on at one time, it is up to the observer and originator of the energy. Everyone's energy resides in a state of being based on experience and vibration. When two entities wish to communicate, thought connects and manifestations co-create a reality of various degrees of measurement which resolves into a reality.