Visual manifestations

Phenomena Tech-Talk: “visual manifestation”

posted Dec 02, 2010 by Jason

When people (us) think of terms such as “visual manifestations and materialization” that they need to be aware that this means different things to different people and beings. As well there are a myriad of variations of visual experiences.

A lot of people have questions as to the how’s and whys of mediumship and the paranormal. It’s not a black or white topic with set answers. The problem or the issues involved in that topic is that there is a multitude of ways of afterlife communication. Like in so many fields, there are multiple approaches, beliefs, ideas, and directions to go.

Like most topics that fall into multiple fields of study, Visual phenomena can have many different meanings and interpretations. Wide variation of information exists depending on personal point of view. What makes discussing such a topic even more “interesting” is that within each field of study there are differences as to the very nature of any given visual phenomena. And lastly, depending on the visual phenomena and definition, there may be other factors of influence happening at the same time. Thus when discussing such things you have to be careful that the person your communicating with is on the same page as you.


Some terms to consider in regard to Optics (your eyes/nerves/brain) and the so called Spirit realms:



-light wave absorption

-rods and cones

-wavelengths translating between dimensions


-gestalt, hallucination, mental, biological, misinterpretation

-transfiguration (energy overlays –contraction and expansion)

-image translation via: eyeballs, energy manipulation, cellular manipulation, and combination’s there of.

-interactions with reflective surfaces and conductors

-divergence and disclaimers between methodologies, science, and the amateur experimenter.

-proof is not in the result, but the interpretation as it relates to meaning for the viewer.

-eyesight hallucinations explanations are valid, and that while random pattern is random pattern, it is also something else. It is the meaning we take from mental interpretation of these that is real.

So you have all this, which interconnects with such concepts of the following:

*”Ethereal sight,

*”Seeing lights–A very common, widely documented phenomena. They may include the following examples:

spirit lights, energy lights, lights as a medical condition, flashes, orbs, shadow orbs, rods, beams, star-bursts, pin pricks, after-images.

*Hazes, mists, plasmas, shadows, static, energy manifestations


*Materialization, many degrees of

*mirror gazing or scrying

*Photo/video instrumental trans-communication

And this isn’t even taking into account the “mind’s eye” and dream state visions” or thought communication.

Spirits help facilitate one or more of these by:

-altering your brain function– altering your plasmic ethereal energy to alter your eyesight — using human energy to manifest — using spirit energy to manifest — using environmental energy to manifest..

You can help facilitate one of these methods by doing certain things. Such as: meditation, trance meditation, deep trance, prayer, mental exercises, setting up and using tools that manipulate light-or energy-or magnetism-etc., As well as just simply asking. It’s all about thought, emotion and intent of You and Spirit.

Some food for thought. No one has the answers in this day and age, rather it's better to talk about what it all means to each of us.