November 2011

November 15, 2011

There was a few really emotionally charged comments in yesterdays CE blog comments. A few asked me for opinion or guidance. At the moment I do not per say as going down those rabbit holes would require a lot more time that I am able to give. There is a lot of related answers online though. In my Q & A, articles and on website such as,

and many more. One only has to really look with the intention of finding answers.

Initially my comment would be similar to things I've mentioned before. That due to the time constraints of the Jamie/Erik sessions there is not a lot of room to delve into the topics and really explore. This is especially true for those readers who are new to metaphysics and spiritual matters. Then the answers will always become a personal journey of self exploration for the person asking the question. How much time and dedication they put into the search will determine the satisfaction of the answer for them. For those who are somewhat familiar with these sort of topics, I would remind you that life experience is rarely a black or white singular objective event. It is complex and diverse. All life is a reflection of Spirit. And just as 'life' has many perceptions, perspectives, and beliefs, so too does Spirit. Take economics. We have the science and theories within the study of micro and macro economics. So to in Spirit. You can perceive from the point of the individual and it's manifestations, or from the view of the collective. Separately or together. Within each are different and diverse concepts that play intricate roles. Such as: Pre-life planning, dis-incarnate guidance and influence, vibrational attraction, karma, free will, etc. the list goes on and on. No matter what you perception, perspective, or belief it is important not to limit yourself by value judgements, labels, or emotional attachments without full exploring yourself in each context. Please do check out the links above. Never fear to explore yourself in each aspect. Fear in the heart of love is not so fearful, but a tool to get at who you really are. Who are you within each perspective? Can you live to the highest perception of your highest possible self? What is your choice from a micro and macro perspective. What action will any such perception guide you experience. This is the heart of the matter. Not who's right or who's wrong.

November 09, 2011

Someone on the CE blog comments asked a question about the date this week of 11.11.11

They wanted to know what Erik had to say about it. He's not said much to me about it. Here are my thoughts on such things. I am afraid I am a bit biased and not the best person to ask such things.

hmmm.... Well, like a lot of stuff, numerology and the study of numbers is about as diverse as anything in Spiritual studies. On the one hand you have the "angel number" folks, like Doreen Virtue, who talk about numbers sequences from angels.

This type of stuff is all over the internet.

I've experienced such things as numerical angel messages, frequently, Although personally I don't pay much attention to them as I have an aversion to numbers, or anything remotely resembling math... (ha ha). I find it easier to just go direct to the the source of the messenge, so to speak. I just mean to say, that other than what is on those web sites I don't know much about it.

Ok, so then we also have the numerologists, who use numbers for divination, and astrologists, and stuff like that. I don't know much if anything about them either. I am totally open to their craft, skill, and abilities. But personally I've never had the time to explore any of it.

Lastly there are those who feel 11.11.11 has some import to the so called shift, ascension or what not. I don't know anything about this either as there are about as many opinions about it out there than I have fingers. I have my own opinions about all this, but am not worried. I feel any shift is simply an awareness thing. Perspective, Spiritual insight, love vs. fear...

To me personally, the date does not hold much meaning. But then I suppose we will all find out here soon! :)

Erik and the rest have said that numbers do hold spiritual meaning. That they are symbolic representations of spiritual harmonics, but they do not have power in and of them selves other than the power we energetically assign to them.

For example, they are not a tangible 3d psychosocial manifestations and emanates power. (although some believe it so). They are a psychic symbol. As well, they are descriptive symbols one can use to mathematically describe. Kind of like music notes. You can describe, scribe, play, and represent, but a note is a note? No, it's a symbol. What you do with it is what matters, and how you perceive it is what makes it a reality. Now as far as dates go, Time in "spiritual" terms is not linear. It is only linear on Earth, at this perception, in this society. There are, has been and will be other societies' joint co-creations that use, have, and create differing dates using numerical symbols.

What they do with those numbers will energetically influence their lives. But only in so far as their beliefs allow it to manifest. The current incarnation of "special dates" is very tricky because the histories in mass conscious awareness is dealing with highly subjective calendars. So manifestation is not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is the choice of living life. Do we create causes with the effects of love, or the effects of fear. 11.11.11 is simply another opportunity to make a choice. (although some will disagree) (grin)

November 07, 2011

I don't always have daily concious contact with Erik, but I always feel a deep connection to him and my spirit team no matter what ill mood I am in, or what hard life experience I am going through. He and my loved ones always are with me in Spirit. As well, I am forever inspired and connected to the Channeling Erik community. It is my hope that I stick to it, plug along, and keep my chin up and keep trying. They've never given up on me, so I will never give up on myself. I always have to remember to seek love and refuse to allow myself to wallow in fear. The intent of love will always bring me closer to my highest possible self, no matter what is fearful.

In the U.S. we are fast approaching the seasons of Thanksgiving, and family celebrations. That said, I think it's never too early to think about our lives. Many people get really into resolutions and goals. They seek to define what they will be, what they will become, and what they desire to experience.

After a rough emotional weekend I got to thinking about that perhaps defining anything is not really that helpful. It sort of limits what may be, and definitely limits what IS. What I am, can be, and how I perceive. Perhaps perception is never about assigning an answer, but rather about asking a question?

I am not going to do anything. Instead I am doing right now. I am setting intent right now. The intent to always question. Here are some of my questions I hope to always bring into my awareness. I feel that asking them, will help bring who I am to my conscious awareness.

My list:

1. On the nature of my true nature: Who am I? What is it I fear? Why? What beliefs have I in place that set me up for seeing this? Is what I feel about any of this change how I feel about my connection to Source/God/the Light of all that is? Have I ever lacked a connection to Divine Love? Am I ignoring what I do have? Why? What is the current status of my connection? How can I behave that proclaims what I know?

2. On the nature of everyone else: Am I connected to Source/God/the Light of all that is? And, If I am does that mean I am connected to everyone else? If that is true, how to I want to feel about this? Am I capable of expressing love of all the souls sharing this journey with us even when I do not like the nature of their chosen life? Did they choose life as I did? Is their choice any more valid than mine? If it is as valid as my life, and if I wish to work on living to my fullest potential, how can I help others to the same? Or if we are all connected, if I work on me, will I work on them? If I value me, How can I value others?

3. On the nature of love: How can I love myself? How do I feel about myself? How do my behaviors make me feel? Does anything I fear prevent me from being who I am and all that I may be? Or am I already whom I am? If I accept myself for who I am, if I am happy with how I feel about myself, what can I do to express that in life? If I am not happy, why? Is what I want even able to be defined? If I define it what does it mean for every thing else in life? If I decide that something is true or false, how does it reflect on me? How will this feeling about me reflect on others in my life? If I don't like how it would reflect or what it would mean, is it still true? Does it have to be?

4. On the nature of labels, belief, and descriptions: Is how I perceive life a fair categorization? Do I have all the information necessary to place a value judgement on any experience? On others experience? On how I feel about me? What about these labels, beliefs, and descriptions feels like fear? Is it fair, valid, or accurate in who I am? Do they change who I am? Or am I more. Can I learn to remove fear so I can understand the emotions behind any experience?

5. On the nature of understanding: Is life a lesson? Or is life an experience? Are we learning? Who decides? Why? Or are we simply asking questions? Who are we reflected in those questions? Or is it all of it? Why do I wish to understand anything? Or can we simply exist? or do we have to do anything? Why? Is the why of understanding the moment who we are? I am not sure. I have this compulsion to ask. We all seem to be asking something. Is this our connection? What are we asking? Are we hoping to understand a greater love? Or are we already this love and we are asking because we wish to express it in every way possible? How can we understand this? Do we want someone else to tell us or do we wish to feel it?

6. How much can I endure to figure out any of this? Will I be given too much? What is too much? Where is my limit? When stretched do I change who I am, or will I express the greatest capability I am able? Will someone else set this limit or will I be limitless and trust that I am worthy, capable, and able to create for myself. I want to endure. I want to be. How can I? How will I find out? If we are all connected, can we do this together? How will it feel to share this?

7. On the nature of faith: I breathe, I live. Am I more? Who gets to say? I ask and so I put out the questions. I wish for more. I fear anothers answer as I want my own answer so I coach this as hope, but I seek the inner strength to know, feel, and create my own answers. This is a faith. So when is the moment that faith ceases and blossoms into knowing? How do we understand this? I will question faith to understand. The answer need not limit me. I have faith in me that I will eventually create what I need.

8. I want to know what love is all about. What is love? What is love not? Who am I? Who am I not? Can our answer change? Will I ever know everything I can be? How I feel about this seems to change my understanding. If I share it with others, will my own love grow? How can we all share this and grow together? Can we help each other know all the love we are capable of? Should I wait, or should I share now? What's holding me back? What do I fear, what do I love? Which of these do I want to express now? Which do I express now? Can I change? Will this affect how I share? I want to know. I want to know. Who am I? What is Love? What about you?

November 02, 2011

You might have heard before that we can change the past by changing the energy associated with our past experiences. This sounds very woo woo, I know. But it's really not. Lets think about what the phrase, "Past energy" means in this context. Emotional thought is a form of energy. It courses through us, and is reflected out into the world around you. It shapes and provides a tool to interpret our interpretation of experience.

One way to shift our perception of who we are in all that is, is to look at the profound emotional experiences in our life and not only think about them, but feel, feel ourselves in the light of hindsight. Then we can compare this feeling to how we feel about our-self now, in this very moment. Make a list. Start briefly, and in 1-4 words, jot down a list of profound life experiences. Experiences that left a deep impression on you. Experiences that you suspect have shaped you into who you are today.

For now, just list them out. Then look at them and contemplate the feeling the memory of them evokes. Just make note of it. Now, fine tune the list and fill out things you may have forgotten. For good, or bad it matters not. If it becomes too much, put it down and pick it back up later. It's ok. There is no rush in the path to self exploration.

While examining these feelings think back to the experience and visualize those around you. Wonder how they felt at the time. Try to guess what they may have thought about the experience or how they may have seen you. Was it valid? Or is your information incomplete and you simply don't have enough information to make a judgement call about how they felt. Were you aware of anything else in their life that may have influenced your perception of how they felt about you?

Next, tell yourself you are going to look at each entry you have listed and jot down the first thing that comes to mind, that you learned. Judgement for good or bad doesn't matter. You can learn fear just as much as love. No judgement, no labels.

Now pause. Think about the feelings the lessons engender in you. Is that feeling an accurate representation of how you feel now? Is it how you see yourself now? Is it who you want to be? If not, then you can safely discard it with the sure knowledge that you are more than this experience.

The last step is to pick up the list again and next to each one list out what you are grateful for either because of the experience, as a result of the experience or in spite of the experience. Again, no judgement. You may very well simply be grateful that you never have to experience it again. Or you may be grateful that it helped you overcome fear, or know greater love for yourself.

How did it go? You have just done a mini-life review. If your feelings about how you perceive your self have shifted in this new introspection you have shifted the energy of the past. This altered and new energy will bridge time space and reflect into your now moments. You have increased your personal awareness. You just shifted.