Opportunities from Relationships

Sept. 14, 2011

The opportunities from Relationships and the Freedom they can provide.

Relationship attraction is a type of spiritual duality in higher forms of consciousness. Humanity vs flora and other fauna for example. This spiritual contract comes into being with the evolution of not just physical form, but a thought form within consciousness itself. It is the emotion behind the "I" while contemplating the "Me within you". This does not even initially occur in any way but in the undercurrents of the subconscious.

This contrast between the I's and You's, then becomes a spiritual manifestation as an attraction. It becomes a psychic tool. An energetic entanglement. These emotional thoughts are then born into physical reality as we seek to express ourselves.

In these expressions manifestations are born in our physical bodies which then work to apply these thoughts into relationship scenarios were we can explore ourselves through various contrasting scenarios. Society and history ebb and flow across time scape allowing for a full wide range of possible experiences and behaviors. This is normal and natural as we seek to explore our entanglements.

In these, relationship attachments take on a highly emotionally charged emotional component in the physical. This is a particular complex type of duality not only in and of mental associations but physical drives. All juxtaposed in entanglement. It creates great pathways to work out who we are in the "I am" of the soul-scape.

One of the issues we as humans encounter in this exploration is the range of emotions these entanglements of physical and physic entanglements bring up. Male, female, love, fear, lust, satisfaction, pleasure, pain, compassion, hate, forgiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, surrender, ownership, etc.

As we progress through countless incarnations to work out the entanglements of these dualities; In the karma such emotional relationships engenders, our higher-self retains the memory and experience of each incarnation until the personality no longer identifies with the body.

Until this time, we most often identify with the emotional entanglement of the physical body and it's current emotional expression. This is a form of self imposed limitation. It is OK, it is only natural. But, strict identification with the body does lead to it's own problems. Namely worry. Worry can lead to negative emotions such as possessiveness of that which we do not have, what we want, what we think we want, and what we already have but are blind to. Baseless desires born on the refusal to see that no one and nothing is separate from us.

As our successive lives pass on, we try to understand our self through the give and take of relationships from with our-self. We imagine ourselves as the other person. We imagine how they must feel. We imagine and contemplate this on many psychic levels. All this imagining is good, but it often prevents us from really living as ourselves, who we really are.

We want to understand true experience within the relationship. To overcome these emotional entanglements we need to detach our-self from within the other and reach up inside our-self and engage ourselves, so that there is no longer any I in you. But rather there is "us" separate but standing in harmony and unity as conscious expressions on the same path.

This complex thought form can help free us from emotional obsessions. That being when we come to realize and fully live that we are not our body and that we are not separate from another, that all is truly eternal, we can escape the push pull of you vs them. Me against the world. For then there is only unity in goal. To express life through love. Therefore when new emotional entanglements attempt to energetically express themselves in the physical we can look at them with dispassionate detachment and make a choice to decide if this is something that really matters to who you are.

Really all this is more imagination and critical thinking.

So that said we can see that relationships are a great tool to bring together the conscious expressions of physicality with the knowing of subconscious. It begins in unconscious drives and impulses which generate entanglements of karma. But as experience grows the connections work themselves out. We remember more and more of ourselves which allow us to merge back to our greater reality and apply our understanding into ever greater experiences. So you see there is hope and we need to know that we are not slaves to emotional pain in relationships.

So remember that attraction and all the emotion that comes with it, can lead to, through hard work, imagination and critical thinking; It can lead to a more complete love. A love where this is no I; No You; No man, woman, no them; There is only me returning to the love of us within all that is.

This of course sounds all very convoluted and not very fun. That's OK. There is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy your experience and have fun. But this little blurb is about avoiding pain and suffering. To remove suffering is to rejoin what is separated. To live in happiness and through experiences that serve our best interest and a higher good is always a good thing. There is plenty of time for you.

Remember Relationships and Attractions and all it's emotions are a choice. You can choose that which binds you, or you can choose that which can release you. It always pays to pause and contemplate one's position. Never fear to do so. For this can bring release, rebirth, contentment, love and remembrance.