Perceptions of afterlife associations

Random Musing: Perceptions of afterlife associations

--inspired by Spirit

Many people today worry about their continued relationship with the so called deceased; As well as their reunification once they also depart. One must be careful about perceptions of this topic. It is not a straight forward affair. There are many things involved. Many things to consider.

The first topic to consider is one of process and logistics.

Touched upon earlier. It can take time to get oriented to the other side. It's a process. Then we need to know, just as we have lives here, so to do they there. There are a myriad, a plethora of reasons on both sides of the veil that need to be taken into consideration in regard to communication difficulties. Everything from physical conditions to mental. Everything from experience to spiritual evolution. Perception to belief on many topics.

The second thing to remember is like attracts like within the Spiritual vibration. Everything in existence is attracted or repelled based upon reactions to shared information. The reactions are a part of our personal created realities. Everything in these realities can have a reason and purpose. Either on a conscious level or unconscious level. Spirits associate with each other based on personality, interest, work, past life associations, emotional sympathy, understanding of experience, and knowledge of self. Much like when one is incarnated. The only difference is when incarnated; we seem to have less choice in associations. In the afterlife, these choices and gravitation's happen instantly and are accelerated by intention through awareness of self.

The important thing to remember is to work on the relationship with YOUR spirit. To explore aspects of yourself that would engender becoming who you want to be. To become all of what your highest self can become. If you do this, and share it with whom you can, where you can, you will always gravitate to those like you bound in mutual affection.

True love never dies. Like attracts like. And if you find it is not attracting there is a good reason. This not not something to lament, but to understand and grow from. Bound despair from perceived loss can be released by greater understanding. Same with unrequited love. The point is not that you've lost something that which is yours, but that you learn how to manifest and attract that which which is like you.

Like Heaven a relationship is not a thing or place. It is a state of being based upon your perceptions. These perceptions will engender relationships that are ever in motion. Love:-- Steady, but wave like will always attract an ocean of like currents. Same with so called fear based perceptions. Except instead of currents and eddies, you will get storms and windless stagnant waters.

Spirit groupings in mass are like oceans and are actually called "spiritual sphere's of influence". They are akin to factions on earth. But it is important not to assume what you think the term faction means. In this case it is an association of likeness of Spirit. These associations act mass as well as individuality to form a sort of awareness or quasi conciseness. So that the individuality within can act with unified purposes.

Even so this is not cause to fear. Bonds of love will always overcome the bonds of circumstance. And the love developed will heal all past grief. You are never alone. For within unified influences of like, you will always have ever closer families of love. And within these families are the great bonds of affection and love that will carry you through the eternity's of self exploration. If you feel a deep bond that is because it is part of who you are. It lives on always. Look for it and it will be there. The best way to retain a love connection is to work on unselfish love, endearment and gratitude for shared experience. Prayers of thanks on wings of affection through faith in eternal friendship will break the barriers of worry and feared loss.