March 2012

March 28, 2012

I saw the questions on meditation and prayer via the CE blog comments this morning. As I was walking to the bus stop. Erik chatted at me, and I typed it up.

Erik says,

"Tool time.

K, so yall asking bout prayer and meditation.

Basically these things are bout tools. See, the average Joe, is window shoppin. Looking in store windows, peeping in others windows, or looking out their own windows. They are doin this while driving by in their pickup. Lookin through the car window out. And a good chuck of them think their windows got a crack in it, broken, busted, blown out, or all dirty with bugs. And their out of washer fluid. Or so they tell themselves. Then they make all these judgements about their vehicle. My ride is shitty, I am on the looser cruiser, even grandma wouldn't want my car. So instead of lookin within and seeing that they picked out this car for a reason, or looking at the classic they have, they think they need better and better. When really all they need to do stop and get out and go for a walk and smell the fresh air.

A lot of people do DO this. But they are walkin to the strip mall. They are still window shoppin. Some think they can walk into the health food shop and buy some vitamins and swallow a cure-all. Or tell their neighbor about this or that remedy. Some got in the pet store, get someone to share their problems with. Some go into the hardware store. And a lot of shoppers are awe struck at the rows and stacks of packed tools. Shiny tools, sharp tools, blunt, heavy, small, hard, easy, power tools. Shit they even have tools to blow shit up! BOOM! heh heh, oops, wrong tool, wrong job.... (grin). A lot of you are already jumpin ahead and thinkin, oooh right tool for right job... NOPE. Your putting others human assumptions and value judgements on not only which tool to pick out, but on how to use it, how well it works, and if it's right for your skill level, knowledge, or job. The thing is there is no such thing as a right spiritual tool for the right life. That will always be what you make of the tool you create.

Because these spiritual tools are manifestation, focusing, and exploration tools. First thing you gotta ask yourself while shopping is; what do I already have? A lot of the time, it's not that we need to build shit, It's that you gotta clean it off, so you can see that awesome car inside the garage. Can't take the t-bird out for a spin, if you got it all caked in dust, with a tarp thrown over it. You dont' need tools for that, you just gotta reach in and hose it all down, uncover yourself. Other questions you gotta ask is, what am I am going to create? How big do I "think" my job is? What do I have to work with? How do I feel about this? Do I "really" need a new porch or do I just need to mow the lawn? Don't be lookin at your neighbor to tell you what to do with your yard. Your only gonna grow what you plant yourself. Once you figure out some basics like this, you can go back to that hardware store and look at some tools.

Now back to those tools. You wanna put something together. Cause you feel like there is something missing right? You wanna fix you. Change out the hardware? It's like I said earlier, Peoples physical experience kinda wobbles on the tip of nail. Don't see much... Only see from a tiny point of view. That's what looking into the dense lumber of life is like. Ever so often your house shakes as though life is being pounded on. Well.... That's because in Spirit you are not that nail tip. Your not even the nail. Your the dude driving the nail into the wood looking down at what your building. Your creating something. Your getting better at it all the time. Someday your gonna be a master craftsman! Your gonna see the big picture then. But if you really wanna get into what's being worked on. Just look back up inside yourself and feel each of those shakes and follow that feeling back up into the nail as it passes through wood, and into the hand. It's only by following those feelings that your gonna see where the next nail is gonna go.

Don't worry about what kind of tool you have to pound your nails. I can use a screwdriver, a brick, a 2x4, heck even a rock to pound a nail. Just because I use a rock don't mean the house aint' gonna get built. or that my neighbors house is somehow better built. It's about feeling yourself as you build that house. Feeling who you are inside as you pound that nail. How does all that sweat feel? What does it make you think about? why?

Another thing is people think they gotta build an addition to their house. They look around and they think if only everyone could fix their house, or if only we could save the world and toss more money at it, or if only someone else could fix it, if only people would learn how to do this or that home project, the neighborhood wouldn't be goin to the dogs.

Well, that's bunk. That's like going out in your back yard and you see the fence leanin down. Instead of just taking the fence out, and planting flowers, you wanna have that separation, so you go get the duck tape and staple gun and go to town on it. Now you fixed your fence, but it looks and feels like shit, and your neighbor thinks your nuts.

Do you see what I mean with all this? Spiritual tools like prayer and meditation are about inner focus, manifesting, and looking within with intent. Ask yourself, what am I using them for. Don't say, I want, I need, I don't want. Look within and focus. Visualize what you have, what you will create, what you can share and help others with. No matter who you pray to, or what you believe, visualize that as being already a part of who you are. Don't pray for unity and healing if you really believe you are separate and can never be joined. Study your house plans. Look at what you have to work with. Don't go running off to build an addition, when all you need is to throw out what you don't need any more. Don't horde all those tools. Ask yourself if you can get by with just focusing on how your hammering right now. Getting that fancy power hammer and learning how to use and maintain it is not for everyone. Some tools require intense maintenance, dedication, discipline, and practice. Some tools take more than one lifetime to master. If you get that fancy tool, but are overwhelmed, well then it just sits there and you've spent a ton of dough and time. Not to say that's bad, just maybe not in your best interest at this time. Really who's to say what the "right tool" is. Your the one who has to use it. Your the one with having to live with what you build. Your the one doing the work.

Speaking of work. Using Spiritual tools can be work. But like any work, you get what you put into it. There is a certain energetic rhythm to work. It can have a swing, a certain music to it. If you go with the flow, time will slip you by and the next thing you know you'll have a barn built. You'll look around you and think. Hey, look at all these neighbors. I am so glad we got together to build this barn! It was so much easier. Look at all the power we channeled into this project? Look how fast that roof went up! wow. I really feel apart of everything. Like we made a difference. Together we can get stuff done. wow.

So you see, tool time can be a tv show, or it can be your life. But it's about the process not the tool.

ps. Be good to yourselves. Don't be a tool.. (laughing). " --- Erik


pps. -- From Erik

"Follow up: I wanna let people know prayer is a type of channeling. Only some folks are always channeling outside of themselves without focus or direction. They unknowingly, unaware, they want to get closer to all that is, what they are connected to, to God, Source, their inner self. They think tossing a bunch words at or to something is going to give them what they want or don't want. That's not really useful. If you focus your intention. Feel it, visualize it, and then do the same for whomever you are praying to or at. Then the same for who you want to help or connect with. Your working with energy here. Not signing a petition. There's a lot of schools that have you give over control, results, problems, etc to a higher power. That's all well and good for some. Especially since this alleviates worry, doubt, and fear. But without that inner focus, study and inner focus on your beliefs and feelings, your not helping much but increasing your anxiety. Also people strongly believe that they are communicating to or at higher spirit. That they are heard. If people would realize that all thought is energy and directed energy must go somewhere, they'd realize that their departed loved ones can hear them just fine. If they really want to communicate, but are struggling with doubt, look to prayer as an example of channeling. Only know that not only are you heard, that just as you direct focused thought and feelings.... know that spirit can and does send focused thought and feelings back to you. That this channel works both ways. Thought and feelings."

March 27, 2012

This morning I was talking to Erik, Eric and Nikki. Got some advice from them.

I asked,


What's the cure for when one is just tired with life, you know, world weariness?


Love what and where you can, and let the rest go as you go with the flow. Get on your back and float for a while. Struggle and risk downing. All waves eventually run aground. Ride your wave until you feel you can paddle some more. You are and always will be your worst judge. It is extremely common to have over inflated expectations, so much so that no one would ever be able to live up to them let alone yourself. As us guys always say, just chill out and love yourself for a change.

You often choose to create and pass through experiences from a certain point of view, not because that's who you are, but so that you can understand what you are not; as well as gain perceptual experience so that you will understand that sort of experience. That way when it happens again or you encounter it in others you can either understand them and offer sympathy and compassion or you can help them.

Erik also said,

"Worry causes brain rot. Think, feel, and let it go. You tell me all the time, you can't help it. You say, easier said than done-- Erik. You say your trapped, stuck, need answers--hell, demand answers. Here's the deal. You didn't come here with failure as an option. Wash ur mouth out with soap. That stuff stinks. Just spit that shit out. And even if you think it, don't say it. YOU are perfect. You came here with everything you need to explore and express who you are. When you don't know what to do, where to go. Just take any ol step and try to be OK with just "being". Once you've gotten into that comfort zone, the rest will start being guided to you. You'll pull it to yourself. It will come all natural, just be patient! It will be what you need, not what you think you want. Let that go too. Instead, think about what you do have and what your grateful for. That will show you the next step to take. Not worry. Remember, every time you say I can't stop drop and roll. (grin)"

March 23, 2012

A common question I get all the time from people directed to Erik or their guides or Spirit, is also a question I've asked as well:


When do I get to come home?


"You'll never be home until home feels like what's inside you. A cryptic answer yes, but we are pointing out the point of life. To experience yourself, to remember yourself, and to express who you are through self mastery. So while you want a finite number to count down release of what seems excile, know that your term is self imposed. So again, we say, when who you are feels like home, you will have arrived, you will have released yourself"

March 22, 2012

Even if you currently feel -- that you will not be able to pull it all together, and accomplish what you "think" you "might" in life. Know, that because you have knowingly entered into the process of feeling this journey, thinking about who your are; You have already accomplished a lot. That is worth celebrating. It is worth taking another step. Don't get lost in doing. Find comfort in being. Once you're in that spot, you will be able to feel where to step.


Validation without faith in yourself, in your experience, is useless because then one does not try to understand and apply the lesson of experience

March 20, 2012

Some Spirits may be harder to understand because their primary mode of communication is via emotion, symbolism, or like associative impressions. Which is a combo of the two.

Others only know the instant data download. It just varies.


It's time to take what love you feel and start again,

that one step in any direction that brings you joy and comfort.

This time, it's yours, the single step that is a choice.


The desire to loose our-self in those we love

is not so much about desiring their love,

but that their love feels like home.

Did you know

that is what it is like

to love forever as a spirit in Spirit?

March 19, 2012

Random musings: This weekend was mostly about running errands around town, and me not feeling so well. Pretty arthritic and moody.....Oh and I sliced open my hand prying a bird house off the garage with a crowbar! ha ha. Robert and Erik suggested solar flares.... personally I think it was just my emotional resistance and spiritual burn out. I tend to run like a cheetah until I collapse. I am human. Simple. Have a glass of wine, Advil and sleep... wake up right as rain... repeat.. (grin).

Speaking of suggested conversation, I chatted with Robert and Erik this weekend over the phone. On a random note. Robert agrees with my speculation that people generally have 2-4 times the number of spirits around them as those that they are consciously aware of. Most of the spirits are what could be called short term visitors. They are usually made up of blood family who have crossed over, soul group family(associations), and those spirits who have yet to be born into this life or future lives with you. Or...even past lives. And of course your personal collection of various angels and or guides. I brought it up because I was mulling the odd feeling I and other clairvoyants sometimes get that we are surrounded by a crowd of unknown entities. Speaking of which... Don't ya just hate that word. "Entities" It sounds sooo woo woo icky... Know what I mean? I much prefer Spiritual friends and family.. :)

We also talked of a CE blog reader who had questions about reincarnation possibilities. Most people see the soul as something objective, tangible that is exclusive to the personality of the life they knew. The soul is that, but so much more! The situation with the CE reader is simple. They have been struggling to put the expansiveness of all the soul is into human linear time, when the soul is far beyond such illusion.

We as incarnate life seek labels, categories and boundaries, where none exist. You are this life time, future lifetimes, past life times, and all of them at the same time! And yet you are more. You will always be what what you seemed to be. The focus, that is you, can never be diminished, nor lost. Yet, ever more, you will remain in focus for those who love you based on their need, for their love and affection. New lifetimes, always co-exist and they are no barrier to the manifestation of the love-- your loved ones once knew. Access is always available. For that can never die. This feeling is the reflection of themselves in you.

Others perceptions of personality do not limit what the soul is. Nor does the observation point. What was, will be forever, and will be what is felt. The colorful phrase, I think therefore I am is more than philosophical words.....for words are but a whisper of the ability to feel ones being in the expansiveness of all that is.

When we come to approach such knowledge, such new awareness, a weariness can take hold as we strain to expand our understanding through experience. So too, as we approach new expressions of how we understand our a way, such experienced glimpses are gifts to each other; as well as gifts from Spirit to those incarnated. It is one of the ways we fuel our expansions....we feel ourselves in each others reflections.

So you see, the hows and whys of how we progress or exist life time to life time, even all at once; do not really work with our earth views. It is simply another state of being of the soul. The burden is not in how, why, nor what, or even who..but in how does this make all involved feel. What new understanding of their own souls will be brought to them via this experience.

***Channeling Tips... Spiritual communication already exists***

On a non related note: Some new readers have been asking for tips on Spiritual communication. Someone emailed me with a complaint about not being able to "hear" very often.

There are two types of hearing. Inner and outer. But the term "hearing" is misleading. Rather -- the inner voice is made up of thought, but in this instance there is differentiation between thought "words and imagery and feelings". These words are subjective clairaudence.

The outer is subjective mixed with audible sound waves. We call this objective clairaudience.

Clairvoyance is that part of thought that is picture, symbol and vision.

Telepathy is not just words, but "all thought, feelings", ect.

People get really hung up on expecting a audible voice in their head. This is totally the wrong approach.... They expect some type of validation to alter how they feel about their doubt and beliefs. This is never helpful. Spirit uses your energy, brain patterns and mixes it with their own. Sometimes this will take on an "audible feel or flavor" but many times it is far more ephemeral and what you get is basic thought words that simply use what you use. It just depends on the energy available, practice, experience, and the level of your conscious awareness.

Step back. Lets play a game. Get yourself to a computer keyboard or grab a pen and paper. Sit alone, without distraction. Play nice music. Sit outside or something. Doesn't matter. I like to sit at my desk and listen to pop music.

For this exercise you will assume telepathy is real. Just pretend if you can't. You will assume that all spirit communicates in this fashion. You will assume all life can, only most humans have forgotten.


How does it seem to you when you "think"? In your head. Your mind's eye. What happens?

How about when you are pouring over a problem?

How about when you talk to yourself?

Carefully detail that process. Is it consistent?

How do you see yourself...does it seem like your vision goes inward?

If you were to imagine yourself in a place as you think to yourself...

do you ever feel that you direct this thought anywhere? In any direction? Do you visualize yourself?

If you can

visualize yourself while speaking to yourself...

try to visualize Erik with you or around you. Doesn't matter how this feels, seems, or looks to your imagination, minds eye or thought.


Just as you've directed thought to you yourself while in deep thought....... Think [AT] the visualization of him.

Just play along and let there be a visualization of you, and one of him. Close your eyes if you need to.

Any thoughts, images, symbols, or feelings, or physical sensations you get in return, trust that they are him.... and write them down.

Try to allow your mind to compartmentalize and disassociate these two visualizations and the directed thoughts from your physical surroundings.....

remember...this is an exercise. Doubt plays no role.

Do this for 5 or 10 min. a day for 2 or 3 weeks at the same time every day. Then look at what you've written and think about how it feels to your heart.

March 14, 2012

There are many words that are expressed by many souls, and entities across time, space, and dimension. Many human, many non. Higher spirit shares many messages. A common one is that of the nature of fear and what it manifests in our lives. I remember my first experience with this type of message. Erik had just revealed to Robert that it was indeed him who revealed himself as my first paranormal experience as a child, before he was born to Elisa. Soon after that Robert shared with me a very similar quote to the one below by Neal Donald Walsh. It started me on the path to coming to terms with Spiritual fear. I recently also found out that-- that event was Erik's first experience with spirit guide training. As such it was a water shed moment in my life. The birth of fear and it's resolution. As such, Here are some commonly spoken words to live by.

When you are scared, lonely and all you feel seems filled with fear; Look at what's behind that fear. Look at what seems fearful with fearlessness. Ask yourself who are you in the face of that fear. Ask yourself, from where does it stem, and where is it going. Look it square in the face and choose to know, understand and expand. It is because you have surrendered to fears larger than life in chaos that you have lost your comfortable balance. It is not that you have done anything wrong, it is that you wanted to understand more about yourself. You manifested what you are not by refusing to focus on what you really are. So choose to live life fearlessly. Choose life, choose love, choose the path that lets you express your highest possible self no matter the circumstance. As your focus changes, what used to seem fearsome, will then begin to peel back and bloom into something beautiful.

March 13, 2012

People get really messed up by mixing expectation with meditation. Which is why they find it failing them. There are many ways one can meditate that do not follow form or function. In spiritual communication, all that is required is a means to slightly detach the mind from physicality. Most people do this best in an activity where they do their best thinking or non thinking. Where they excel at just being in the moment and yet letting go of whats around them. For instance; running, driving, cooking, gardening, music, art, writing, any activity where the mind doesn't need to linger with intensive focus. Where you often find yourself letting go and time slips away. Thats meditation.

It is in these moment you will have your greatest successes in spiritual communication. In this spot there is no expectation, there is just your oneness with the moment. The zone. -- Talks with Robert and Erik

March 11, 2012

What-da-ya think Erik?

- "bout wha? Your doing great. It aint about getting shit done, its about feeling it the best you can and being honest with how you see yourself...its only when your in that spot that doubt, worry, and fear are gonna float away...cause when your in that zone...where you know lookin at your self and you say,..this is or isn't me...but its helped me to see.. I am grateful for that, cause now I can move on.:.. take it with me or let it go.:...yeah...that self reflective honest zone....just lettin your self feel and knowing where your choices lay..shiiitt, even if that choice is just another day, cause you still got some love still to share..that's honesty man.....its worth knowing that your worth sharing..:..its your zone." --E

March 06, 2012

"Many of you struggle with family interactions. They get pretty emotional. Stressful. A friend and I here in Spirit recently had this to say to loved one going through a tough time, You all might find it useful as well.

It might be helpful to you if you thought family life like a puzzle. A game. Except that it's made up of emotions. Each piece is not a physical event or even an action, but a feeling. And the point of this game is not to achieve completeness, but to mix and match the pieces to create a form that feels right to you. Feels comfortable. What is unique about this sort of puzzle game is that you are not on the outside moving pieces on a board, you are a set of pieces. It's like in the movie Harry Potter where they became the chess board and the pieces and they had to puzzle out where to put them for freedom. In this case the object is to create not the way out to safety, but to create your own personal comfort. It's a balancing act in which you create your comfort while expressing your desire to manifest love.

Rather than looking at your family members individually and as a unit, trying to figure out how you fit in; Simply look at how you feel about yourself in their reflection. All this sounds convoluted and too involved. We know.. but when trying to determine what you should and should do or act, if it feels like worry. Ignore the worry and instead focus on what feels right in your heart to do right by you for your own reasons. It is only from that place of now in the moment that what actions unfolds will be right by yourself. In that moment you will have access to what creative love you are capable of. If you need to be there physically for an individual family member then do not let their own desire get in the way. Because of their own very tight focus on their own emotional experiences they are like children. Some times they are unable to see outside of themselves. As such, adults work around them and through them. Once you "feel" that you have addressed your own needs as best you can, you can rest assured you have done what you can within the limits set by the others. Then you can focus on dealing with any excess energies left hanging around." ---Erik

March 06, 2012

Something that Erik taught me.

You cant' feel your heart, unless you listen to it's beat.

All you have to do is ask, Is this love?

If it's not, is this emotion something you need to feel?

What can you learn about your self from this moment?

It's not about the action, or circumstance.

It's not about the pain or joy.

It's not about the life your in or wish to have.

it's not about what you do or don't have,

It's about who you are in that feeling moment of now.

It's from that spot, that you set your beliefs about who you are.

It is what connects you to your experience.

It's what you reflect outward.

It is your message to the world,

It is who you are.

And to express yourself within that feeling is a choice.

How this is done, is a choice.

We often encounter resistance, stagnation, and fear

when confronted with this choice.

We come up with long lists of excuses

on why we can't or why such experience is.

We seek to bury ourselves and how we feel

as though it were the experience.

The experience is never in the effect,

the experience is in the choice that creates cause.

If this feeling is not you.

If this feeling does not represent who you are,

If you do not believe, what you feel this feeling means.

Then give yourself permission to find comfort in your choice.

It's ok. No matter what you choose all life continues. So do you.

Even if the only choice you see is a simple affirmation.

The affirmation that this feeling does not define you.

That you are more than any experience.

This is a choice you have.

Choose life. There is always more.

Just like you.

March 05, 2012

Ive been told we only see the past lives we need to help us with connecting to emotional lessons and establishing relationships. What of future lives and possibilities? What of the past carries into the future? It is what we do not resolve today. But it should not give us cause for worry or fear, for the goal is to master balance, not defeat. The goal is to understand, not exhaust. How much and how long is a choice. We march on until we understand that the comfort of our love is enough to express who we are in all we see.

March 05, 2012

Q & A

Q) I have a question about the chakras, colors they represent and how to use them for healing, meditation etc. I've heard two versions. One says we all have 7 chakras (8 starting the next octave ... 4th density) and they are parallel with the notes on the musical scale, colors on the rainbow, densities of creation/consciousness, and sacred geometry shapes (platonic solids, tree of life - how matter comes outta the void reflecting frequency). Is this all accurate? If so, do these colors show in your aura and indicate your spiritual level of development? How about seeing them? (auras)

The other version I've heard says there are 12 chakras, and they have a totally separate assortment of colors and meanings. I'm thinking mainly of a book called "A Course in Light" (any comments?), but also another channeled book I read saying we had those 12 chakras extending past the 8th into the universe/back to source. Is this accurate? If so, how do these two connect, and how can we apply it? What do the specific colors each mean (I'm hoping for a list :)

A) Well, a great starting point is here. Take a look at the references listed/ citations.

That will get you started much better than any one book where the author has a particular point of view. Really a better approach is to ask you self, why you want to know. Because depending on Spiritual, religious, academic, scientific, medical, meditative, or energy work reason you are inquiring, the answer is going to be different. For all of those reasons, there are many books and websites that delve into things like the charkas and aura depending on belief and use. If you are hoping for objective validation, depending on perspective you will be hard pressed to find it. One of the biggest obstacles is the materialism of modern Western Science. It's a big brick wall for a lot of people in exploring such things. The closest I've ever seen to that type of science was done by Japanese, Chinese, and Russian doctors. Acupuncture and magnetic imaging studies comes the closest that I've ever read about. That said, I can tell you some "in general" things I've learned as well as what Erik and my guides have taught me.

Chakra's are a physical label some incarnates have given to the "energy organs" of one or more of, our energy bodies that attach them among other features to the physical body. Every life, has consciousness. And consciousness is multidimensional. On every level that it chooses to incorporate with, it creates an energy body on. In physical dimensions this is expressed in flesh. Now, think of the analogy of a Russian nesting doll. Imagine if you will that the here after is not somewhere, but it is existing all at once in overlapping and inter-spaced dimensions. And on each dimension that you are expressed that is energy, resides an energy body, reaching within and up all the way to your higher self. The totality of it all is what makes up your soul. So back to the dolls. These would represent your energy body's with the last doll being your physical body. Connecting these dolls or bodies are energy organs. The chakras. Attached to them in intertwined bundles, like nerve bundles, are lines of energy, filaments that run out in groupings to what is often thought to be energy meridians and then accupoints. Other traditions think this connects to the endocrine system or pineal gland.

The way my guides have shown me, is that I can think of all this like the way mold or fungus grows. You have a spore that grows into a mass and then branches out self replicating itself along branching lines. You can see similar reflected structures in the way the circulatory and nervous system works. Or a computer network. It's a web-work of enmeshed connections. And where the energy web work and the physical web work connects, energy jumps from connection point to reception point, just like lightening, or brain synapses. The energy given off this function is your aura, and it heavily relates to your emotional state of being, and present life state of being not your spiritual state of evolution. The color of your aura does not necessarily correlate to the color of your higherself. These fine connections between body and energy are funneled up in ever larger ropes or streams or channels of energy and are passed through valuve like energy organs to the energy bodies. aka chakras. They operate very much like an iris or value. It's very much like your eyes letting in light or your heart blood. There is some debate about if they spin, pulse or contract. A lot of spiritual traditions have said this is actually a silver cord of legend. And it is reflected by the umbilical cord. But I've been told that is just a broad generalization, a macro example of what is a fine enmeshment of is actually going on.

Erik and the rest to me on my own and as well through Robert have told me that labeling, categorizing, and trying to sort all this out can be pointless as humanity doesn't yet have any objective physical tools to measure any of this. Erik called it a crutch. The only tools we have right now are that of inner perception which is ruled by belief. He said that all such visual experiences are just a tool for what in Spirit is simply felt. He gives me the humorous example of, how do I know if I flip someone off or wink at them? He says, you just do, you feel it. Same with using visualizations of chakras, or the aura. You either feel it, or you use your inner experience as a tool. He says that it's better to just feel your intent. Otherwise you risk getting hung up on objectifying your own labels which then limit and hamper your experience. That then instead of feeling, you can't see past the ritual or 'the way" of doing something and it only feeds worry because then your focused outside of yourself.

Then lastly, for me personally the way I use visualization is in clairvoyant visualization exercises to ground, center, cleanse, and shield my body and energy and to increase my connection or awareness to higher spirit. Basically it just gets me in the zone. I feel the mental practice of such is reflected in my energy bodies and what my spirit teach help me with. If you want more detail on this type of stuff, feel free to email me or ask further.