Inner Sight

"The inner sight, the mind's eye is the dream realized through the conscious awakening, to the truth of your Spirit. Every awakening is different and unique as every soul in creation. This inner vision is the dream, it is the clairvoyance, it is the knowing that you can manipulate your vibration in the context of visualization. Perception is only limited to the boundaries you set for your existence. Normally, the incarnate is limited to the conscious perception of one visual input at a time. That which comes from the flesh of it's organ. But buried within the cellular structure lay the energetic connections that married with thought, belief, and action, enable the incarnate to manipulate it's energy to perceive with it's ethereal and astral organs. This is a joint effort of the soul and personality between planes of existence and the connections in between. Also unique in every individual, the power of this perception is defined by the state of being of one's Spirit and the higher self's desired focus. The real method of this focus is emotional intent. Emotional intent within ones state of being is the focus of life. From this, thought is borne into all action. The course and quality of your active emotional thought has bearing on what you perceive, both in your created realities and in the mind's eye." ---Voices of Spirit.