Summer 2013

June - , 2013


"Just because you had doubts, guilt, and went through a lot of angst over what to do or not to do, doesn't mean that you weren't worthy to have experienced what you did, or that it wasn't worth something. What's more important is that you have inner peace, balance, comfort and self assurance that how you feel right now is something that you presently identify with. It's that emotional center that is going to ground you, planting you a solid foundation for what ever comes next in life. Don't discredit what you've lived through. To progress, evolve and move on, you have to experience, pass through, and feel. That's going to create movement and allow you to purge what you need to let go of and understand what was separation and what was unity. Experience only has as much meaning as we give it on an individual level. But it's not a stagnant singular assignment. It's a living value. It's a feeling that evolves over time and changes with each new perspective, or awareness. So don't give into worry when you have all these desires to judge and label yourself and what you've experienced. By default you are forever in motion. Fluid. Constantly changing focus. But to be aware of it on a conscious level you have to allow yourself the trust that you can honestly honor your feelings and know that whatever happens you will be as you should. Trust that and you'll discover a lot more peace in letting go of what no longer serves you." -- Erik


Some times it is helpful to ask not when will it be fixed,

or when will it get better

or how it will come;

but rather it is more empowering

to ask for the faith and gratitude

that we will hold the wisdom and patience

for what opportunities may arise as a result of change.

It is not that we seek recognition of these, but that we seek recognition of our 'selves.

This doesn't necessarily bring comfort

or the security we think or feel we desire.....

but it can bring a certain amount of peace regarding change.

Peace and comfort are not the same thing, but we can find comfort in such peace...


People often lament the feeling that life is lacking in choice; that no one can possibly understand where they are coming from; that nothing can help this trapped feeling.....

In reality there is always a choice. It's just that many times those choices are just as hard and challenging as living through the experience. Or that both the experience and choice would seem to be less than desirable. Each seeming to involve suffering, pain, or hardship. But sometimes the choice is very simple. Sometimes the choice is to not choose, or that choice is really about rejecting the choices and creating a solution that feels more like who you are, or that choice simply involves walking away, and making your own path. It's about being brave enough not to endure, but to create for yourself on your terms, even should it mean leaving all you knew behind. It's the hope that you can experience life on your terms and take comfort in the end that you did the very best you could with what you could see. The rest is fruitless worry. Why worry, be happy. The future may never come, and the past may never be forgotten, but that doesn't mean we have to live in either spot.


Happy, sad, mad, or bored. Learn to sit still in the moment and look at the person behind your eyes, behind the emotion. Feel what is there, but rather than let it turn into action, simply pause and look at it from as much distance as you can, then look for the you - the you, you wish to be. Ask yourself this. What of these emotions feel like me? What action can I take right now in this emotion that would feel in line with how I see the real me? The me I would like to be. If I can't take any action, does that refection of how I see myself need this emotion or is this emotion not really about how I see myself or who I want to be. If it's not about me, is there any thing I can do right now that would would stand or represent how I see the real me? Even if it's upsetting are there any steps I can take in-spite of these feelings that reflect the person in the mirror staring back at me? Sometimes no action is required. Sometimes all that is needed is acknowledgement of the choice or decision that the emotions we feel are not how we see ourselves. Once we do that, make that choice it is easier to at least move on if not let go of what no longer serves us.




Recently, I had a rough day. Went to the doctor to get a refill on my meds and my regular doctor was out of the office, so the clinic gave me a substitute. Turns out the new doc was a nightmare! A real mean in-your-face aggressive type. I ended up walking out in a rage. In any case, I spent the evening beating myself up pretty good, until later that night while in bed, one of my Spirit buddies said the following -- below.......(Thought I'd pass it along, as it's pretty good advice.... A message from Spirit that others may take comfort in.)

"Please remember. You are not your emotions, your anger, your grief, your hate and self loathing. You are the driving force. You are the creator behind those thoughts that drive emotions. That creative force is always chosen. It is a tool. Your emotions are a focusing tool. A tool to experience the world around you. Feel as you will. Feel what you need and feel what you want. But know this. You are not your emotions nor do they define you. You, are behind them. So look at what you feel. Don't be afraid, don't be scared. Be honest. Have compassion for yourself and use that force, but choose where it carries you. If nothing else, allowing what is not you to go and accepting what is, to stay. Don't avoid your pain, run from it, ignore it or, lie to yourself, but ask for help. For the work you do now, will heal you and others, past, present and future. You are worth the effort. You are worth the pain, you are worth the tears. By choosing this you will eventually create new thoughts to drive new emotions and that will change how you see the world. This will drive a force that will change everything." --- Spirit


When we experience our loved ones' suffering,

Often it is because they are educating us through love,

on what it means to love.

Not only love them,

but to love ourselves through them.

It's a gift of love,

but we can only return that gift

if we have compassion for how we feel in that experience,

how we feel in our reflections through them,

through society,

our peers

and the world we live in.

The trick is

to not let what we 'think' others are saying about us...

the trick is to not let that define our experience.

Assumptions are always self limiting.

If we can let go of what others tell us,

and approach forgiveness,


and treat others with dignity

and respect for their life choices,

their free will,

and embrace the continuance

of and validity of the survival of consciousness,

we will be able to get the most out of this gift,

this love.

If we can walk in the shoes of another

and truly see who we are,

a lot of the suffering in life can be released.

The more you go through and experience

the more open to this love you will become.

That is a reason for living.



The memory of your tender care

Your loving heart

and your great soul

Feels like home

May the peace of nature

fill your soul.

May the windfire of your journey

carrry the whispers of names,

Names of those you love

Loves then, when, and how

are the loves of now

calling to you, yet again.


You can let life happen to you, let it ride you...

or you can set your intentions,

and ride your 'owned' life.

This don't mean,

that you give a one time pat statement,

but that you look at yourself every day and

state that you will,

not that you will not.

That you are, not what you are not.

That you can, not what you can not.

That you are grateful, not what you don't want.

Even in Spirit communication.

State who and what you communicate with.

State who you will see,

what you will look at,

and what you are grateful for.

Who will you love today?

I am surrounded by love and

I am grateful for all my blessings,

even the ones I can't understand right now.

Setting intentions like this and

focusing on what feels like love

will allow you to let go of any darkness

you might perceive,

and release what fear you may feel.

Even should fear call your name,

you don't have to reply.

Clarity depends on

where in the shadow

you focus your light.

The trick is remembering the will,

and the strength of your love

to carry you forward when

you feel weighted down.

It's ok to reach out

and ask for help.

The first step is

to have thankful compassion

for what you feel

and set the intention

that those feelings don't own you,

nor do they define you.

Under that light, you will find love again.


Even should you feel like your dying in the moment, remember this. You are never alone. You are surrounded by love, though you can not see it, you may feel it. Don't forget to forgive yourself the guilt, the pain, the anger, the worry you direct at yourself. Express what love you can, and letting go of the rest will be that much easier.



Lost in enigmas of obsession

only I can bare imagine.

I look for you

pondering the why of it all.

Embraced these feelings

feel like drowning.

Letting go,

I mourn a loss

dreaming a sweet taste.

If only I could remember.


Peace be your happiness,

letting go a salvation.

Hard won and closely examined,

may you watch what you feel,

touching not pain,

but lingering on caresses

of memory, love, and fond dreams.


The art of letting go

paints freedom from worry,

Understanding of selfish non-judgement

and wisdom to know safe consolation,

in simple happiness of being.


Don't worry, and have a happy life.

Know that in the end

there is no ending.

No beginning shall compare

to how you may

rebirth what joy

finds you in every moment.


The heart seeks release to freely feel,

the mind hungers to own emotion,

yet the soul is at peace watching

experience expand understanding.


The perception of Mediocrity is a selfish label,

only for those who say they will no longer try.

Every effort is celebrated.

For those that remember themselves in such,

those efforts are always celebrated.

Even should only heaven realize it at the time,

the Universe rejoices with every attempt.


There is no room for hopes and dreams when you surround yourself with judgement. It is only when you release your fears, that you realize judgement is just a choice of perception. When you strive to live fearlessly, you have no room to live anything but hopes and dreams. Rather than living under judgement, you accept and allow your greatest expressions to rise above it all.


Today I was reading a news story about Pliny the Elder who in Ancient Roman times wrote one of the first encyclopedias of human knowledge. I was reading the first part of his description of the nature of Earth and the universe, contemplating the context between the lines, so to speak....... and it brought to mind some of the people who take part in social media, among other places. It's interesting. Much of what spirits like Erik and researchers that abound espouse; None of it is really new. The nature of humankind, heaven and earth has been philosophized for millenniums. I think one of the most fascinating results of the information age has not been in access to wholeness of information, but rather to highlight the mass's lack there of. A right structure of contrast, of duality. I think western society, in particular American commercialism and media have taken this to new heights by sensationalizing the chaos of the emotional mind. Mindlessness over mindfulness. I think one of the challenges of any Spiritual endeavor in the 21st century is indeed not to discover something new and wondrous truth, but to simply remind us of truth we've had all along.


Someone once asked me what I thought about jealousy.

I know jealousy come mostly from fear, fear of loss, fear of how one see's oneself/ insecurities, fear of what others think, fear of trusting, fear of looking at emotions. Hiding behind anger, loss of hope, fear of lack of actions or doing the work in a relationship to understand oneself. I've experienced it myself a time or too. Looking back I think for me it was something I used as a deflection or to hide behind, cause I didn't want to look at my own beliefs, attitudes, and how I felt about myself, and know that perhaps I was using it as a lazy man's tool instead of doing the work in a relationship that build trust, in me and them. I think it also really easy to project past fears into it. I had this or that happen to me, so instead of looking at what's behind my feelings and letting it go, I throw out jealousy and anger. It's an easy and painful out. I know for me jealousy is about self love rather than trust or a relationship. It's about managing my emotions and not letting my gut reactions control me. Going back and looking what's behind it. Fear. I think perhaps for me it was fear of loss, abandonment, fear of being alone because somehow I judged my worth on who I was with or not with. I didn't want to be alone or a looser if I lost someone or couldnt' have someone. I dunno. It's ugly.

It's hard to get someone to look at themselves and stare at the proverbial man in the mirror and ask why I have such fear. Mabye loosing people in our lives makes us do that. In any case, you have my sympathies. Having that emotion doesn't feel good. And it sounds like being the target of it really sucks too. It must be hard. Imagining my reaction, I'd prob., blow it off or lash back. ouch right?

Maybe We'll be able to refocus on love and have, instead of fear and want. It's not easy. That's for sure.


....perhaps like me, you get ill whispers and visions of things that scare you. Perhaps they haunt you. Take heart. Your not alone.

Disturbance of heart minds to your spirit is what pain is to your body. It does not indicate what caused the pain, but rather it speaks of what needs healing.

To heal, one must examine what lays behind the pain to get at the cause. Even so the symptom may not accurately present a reasonable cause, nor give understanding, and so sympathetic treatments do no good. In such cases the wrong thing or even persons may be blamed. Sometimes, what disturbances - is rather a manifestation of a cause long forgotten, the pain is our souls attempt to recall to us long lost causes.

Like a live raw nerve we feel what we know not. In our rush to find release we react in fear, judgement, anger, and block our hearts to examination. This blocking action, instead of releasing the pain acts like a focusing mirror. It conjures thought forms, that to the sensitive, seem very real and disturbing. Now, not only is there pain, there is worry, fear, and doubt.

To get out of this we must redirect our focus. To do this is to practice direct observation of what we feel, but with compassion for our feelings. We can not help what we feel, but it is not who we are, it does not define us, nor is our experiences a reflection on us.

Do you have faith in the divinity and eternal nature of your soul? Do you believe god lives through you as you? Do you speak to angels and do you believe you are surrounded by love? Then have faith in that love and no you could never be less than that love. For it protects, it heals, and it grows. This is a promise.

Do not fear. Do not be afraid. You are surrounded by love.

Do not worry, do not doubt. You are love incarnate.

Have faith. For in you others can live because you live. Have joy because your suffering helps heal not just you, but heals their pain. And the promise of your remembrance will always heal, whatever may disturb your heart.

If nothing else, remember to choose where you look, and call its name as you say yours. Be it angel, god, love, or light. Choose not just where you shine, but what you shine. In that illumination and honest faith, darkness can not hold you. For you are there looking back.



Some times the most important positive thing you can do is to let go of the past, the old, and what no longer serves you.

It's not that it was bad, but simply that you are ready for new.


No one will ever complete you, nor will you find those who will.

Only when you come to realize that no one could ever complete you,

because there has never been any part of you missing,

will you then understand your perfection.

Those who would have you believe there is one you were meant to find, are but reflecting your desire for attachment back at you. Some would do this to please you, and some do this with unknowing sincerity. True revelation contains no expectation or feelings of lack, rather it guides you to rediscover what empowers you. This is the love that will bring you back to yourself and heal what feels like longing loneliness. When you actualize this, love will find you where you are.

There are many 'human' cultural definitions of the phrase soul mate. To explore each, would depend on how you presently understand it, within context. In the most basic sense a soul mate is simply one who resonates with another energetically. This could be in experience, it could be in understanding, it could be in age, it could be in make up, it could be in intention. Ultimately it is left up to shared perception. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, for your perception of it is unique and will color your personal experience that is for you and you alone. It is part of your creation and just as valid as anyone elses. That being said, it is quite common for people to fall out of harmony, and out of resonance. But this in no way an indication of separation or lack, in no way does it diminish the divinity that enjoys us to all that is. Perception of this through the experience of incarnation is what make it feel otherwise. Better not to worry, and just give into what feels most like how you see your highest possible self, be it joy, passion, happiness, and comfort. Focus on that and compassion for what you feel will guide you to where you need to be as opposed to where you think you want to be.

Only when you are not grasping, clinched, or reaching will your hand be free to be held.


Don't spend your entire life moving toward death. Move in with as much life as you can muster. Somewhere in there you might just find joy.


Dappeled dawn's daylight

what delight

holds me through night

Seeking toes upon

dewy grass

licks as leaves rustle

Cooling breezes softly

thirsty kissing

calling my morning sparrow


Hungry lies the night

with strength and might

seeking to blight my sight.

Quiet is the fight

set to right

hurt not your heart

and carry on

through mornings light.


It's ok to search for joy, it's ok to seek comfort. But God above as my witness, don't you dare feel guilty about living in what joy you have now.



Your life isn't meant to be painful, that's not who you are. Pain is just a focusing tool. It allows you to make choices. Every-time you choose something that is you in spite of the pain, you heal your soul and those around you through your example. It's hard to see that while in the middle of pain, but if nothing else, remember you are not your pain.


I hope you don't let others get you down.

We often ask Spirit why we suffer. Why we fear, Why we go through pain, Why we stand in the face of others emotions........

Some times, it's because we need to heal. Sometimes, it's for the simple experience to master ourselves...but many times, we suffer......

So that others might Live...

It's not that others experiences are suppose to be ours, but that the light we see reflected back to us through others may open our eyes to our own subjective experience. The weight of which helps form our objective reality. I ask myself, what light am I letting reflect back to others? What of my actions, words, and thoughts color the movement of light? I need not worry about how their's color's my life, but only how I might like to illuminate my own.

In the end, we all have a lot to be grateful for in each others light. For without it, we would have the chance to see how our light shines. For that I am grateful for all, both the good, the bad, and misunderstood.


Q & A cont.... (questions from CE web forums)


What happens if your soulmate never comes to you in the physical world? Can those relationships come to an end? I have been promised by 2 psychics that my soulmate is seeking me as much as I am seeking him, but it has been 2 years now and nothing has changed. Do soulmates ever stop being soulmates? Can they break up?


Here is what "Spirit" says to me as I read your question:

"No one will ever complete you, nor will you find those who will.

Only when you come to realize that no one could ever complete you,

because there has never been any part of you missing,

will you then understand your perfection.

Those who would have you believe there is one you were meant to find, are but reflecting your desire for attachment back at you. Some would do this to please you, and some do this with unknowing sincerity. True revelation contains no expectation or feelings of lack, rather it guides you to rediscover what empowers you. This is the love that will bring you back to yourself and heal what feels like longing loneliness. When you actualize this, love will find you where you are."

(From previous CE posts/ comment/ etc.)

There are many 'human' cultural definitions of the phrase soul mate. To explore each, would depend on how you presently understand it, within context. In the most basic sense a soul mate is simply one who resonates with another energetically. This could be in experience, it could be in understanding, it could be in age, it could be in make up, it could be in intention. Ultimately it is left up to shared perception. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, for your perception of it is unique and will color your personal experience that is for you and you alone. It is part of your creation and just as valid as anyone elses. That being said, it is quite common for people to fall out of harmony, and out of resonance. But this in no way an indication of separation or lack, in no way does it diminish the divinity that enjoys us to all that is. Perception of this through the experience of incarnation is what make it feel otherwise. Better not to worry, and just give into what feels most like how you see your highest possible self, be it joy, passion, happiness, and comfort. Focus on that and compassion for what you feel will guide you to where you need to be as opposed to where you think you want to be."

In modern western usage the term “soul mates are fuzzy terms heavily influenced by literature and history. In modern usage, most of the time this refers to a romantic connection. There is wide differences of opinion of connotation and meaning. Many believe you can have more than one, and of varying gender. Both romantic and platonic. But, in it’s traditional meaning it means knowing someone in the sense that your connection is without beginning; like you have always known and loved the person. A soul mate is someone who touches your life in a positive way and “completes” something inside you so well that their influence is always there, even if they are not.

The twin-soul concept is not new. I subscribe that it is the Spirit part of you that resides in the ethereal on a multidimensional level while your on earth.........but, .Plato described it 2,500 years ago. Here is an excerpt:

” … and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment…

Carried into the modern era, A soulmate is also someone who is a part of your intimate “Spiritual family” and that family will reincarnate with each other to progress with each other twords the God source/light. Someone with whom you fulfill similar family roles in each incarnation. Best friends forever leap frogging through time. So you see there is a lot of confusion and differing definitions depending on perspective.

Now as far as what Erik has my guides have told me; They said that within my soul group, I have a soul family. And this is comprised of individuals I consider family. These include my guides. And within that soul family I have soulmates which in my case means those I consider “as close as a best friend or sibling”. Someone I like to reincarnate with over and over again. I have no clue how many that would be. So far, I know of around a dozen. Now I’ve been told I also have more than one romantic soul mate. But these come in various degrees of intensity and experiences depending on how many lives you’ve shared. How intimate you’ve been with them. How intimate you are with them in the afterlife. And they can be totally different people. From what I’ve been told there is rarely just “the one”. No ONE completes YOU, you complete YOURSELF, and then you have companions in various loving relationships; depending on what aspect of “life” you are experiencing. To be honest I also find it confusing. Personally I think we might get ourselves into trouble if we look to others to complete us rather than looking within to complete ourselves on our own steam.

Erik says:

It doesnt’ really matter as the main goal is to work on ourselves. So if it’s too much, that it’s OK to just let it go. Isa mistake to assume that we are someone’s one and only because that is a selfish emotion. When we do that we are putting earth bound limits on love and other’s free will. We are mistakenly taking away people’s individual power. It’s more about empowering ourselves and then if someone we love likes and identifies with who we really are, they volunteer to journey with us in a close relationship. Now I know people are going to disagree. That’s fine. Many people think there is a mystical one. A special someone. But we are all special. One of the points of incarnation is to discover just how special we are. Once we accept this, individuals will beat down your door to be your special someone. Now there can be just one. But that usually happens when people get stuck and are still working on the baser emotions, or are so blocked up they refuse to see the bigger picture. That’s ok too. Everyone is allowed to do their own thing. But here is the deal. Even though we have romantic soul mates, they are and can be very different in personality and intrests, just like in incarnate life. And due to free will while incarnate one person may evolve at a more rapid pace than the the other. Or one may grow weary of human life and decide they just need a break, so they stay back to be a guide to their loved one. But that loved one might still want a relationship while on earth so they hook up with another soul mate to facilitate that. And this relationship can grow and become more.. or less.. So if you are able to accept the possibility of more than one romantic soul mates, you might want to think about the possibility of multiple soulmates being reincarnated at the same time. I know that will bother some as well. But you know, that’s me, pester pester pester..

Every individual is capable of being this one soul connection. When we assume that there is “the one” out there we take away the possibility of what might be and what might develop in our midst currently unaware to us. We all are capable of becoming someone’s “one”. One in the moment, one in a life time, one in a decade, one in family, one in sibling, a twin soul. But we need to be open to have the personal authority to change to whom we are “the one” for, and need to be open to having the ability to become “the one” for someone else out of sheer love that emanates from each unique experience that we ourselves create or originate. Sure there are those how have shared many many deep emotional and sexual life experiences and thus have a “one” on one deep connection. This is another type of “the one” experiences. And when these two do meet again, it is obvious. These two are drawn together in exceptional ways. This is true and beautiful. These two share a deep level of historical spirituality and bonding. This is alignment, of choice-not destiny. We create destiny not the other way around.

Some spirits are alone in life because it fulfills a purpose. What that purpose is, is often clouded due to the forgetfulness of incarnation that in which we loose awareness of who we are. Then the ego takes over and tries to protect us from pain. Isolating us emotionally. There literally are a million reason why this could come about. So while they may ache for their perceived “one” or a relationship. They do not take responsibility for creating the effects that they desire in life. "


If there is nothing I can do today; It is OK to feel SAFE not doing.


Trust in forgiveness, believe it is timeless. Have faith in it's boundlessness.


All emotions are valid. Others discomfort has nothing to do with me. I am only responsible for how I ACT on them.


Others judgement doesn't mean it has to be your objective reality. Everything is subject to interpretation or revision.


​ No matter what belief system one partakes in, I believe we are alive to fundamentally experience ourselves. In doing that I feel we learn, remember, and create what and who we are. In that what we experience and who we are is never a singular experience, our lives do not belong to us alone. Inter-connected in ways we can not imagine, we have a lot to learn from each other by the experience of our interactions. Even lifetimes and with lives that seem and are glaringly difficult or harsh. As such. I think these lives are in reality, - special. Those having those lives are special. These can be some of the greatest of gifts in that what we learn and experience with them in way that we could not have done in any other way. For example, by letting us experience unconditional love, compassion. forgiveness, joy, self love, charity, selflessness and many more..they have the potential to touch the lives of all they interact with. Their gift can be our greatest lesson of experience in life. Sometimes not realized until much later in life.


Lost memories drift across blind vision of comforting desire.

Should they linger I'd smell the rain that softly fell

like clouded dreams sheltering past storms.

Foretold not by wistful longing,

but fond thoughts of you.


Sometimes, In some circumstances, I think the greatest compassion we can have for another is to let others pass through their experiences realizing that it will lead them to great understanding growth and healing long down the road. Better to just listen with an open heart knowing there is nothing to fix yet everything to experience.​


Q & A cont.... (questions from CE web forums)


I've had two incidents in which I had mediums tell me first that I was pregnant with twins, one boy and one girl!She had a conversation with each one and described them to me. Two days later I had an ultrasound and was pregnant with one boy! And then with my first grand child was said to be a girl but turned out to be a boy! Just wondering if this has ever been explained by Erik or anyone or if it was just a mistaken medium!!!


In my personal experience it's difficult to speak for individual mediums. We don't know what their skill set is, their gifts, their experience, or their filters are like (ie. beliefs, etc.,). There is no black or white answer to give. For example, some receive their information through spirits, and some through non human entities, and some through their psychic abilities which is not necessarily spirit communication, and some use divination tools. So it can really be a mixed bag.

I have no clue what was going on in your case. I suppose the medium could be mixing up last life with this life and lumped the two together thinking it was twins. Or perhaps was picking up on the gender neutral aspects or the twin gender aspects we all carry with us on the other side? Who knows. Personally in my experience most experienced spirits, guides, and what not, don't get too into the divination stuff. That's more approaching psychic stuff, and the human filter can heavily interfere with a clear read. Higher spirit in my experience tends to stick with inner growth, healing, and learning experiences.. that sort of thing.

If you really want to understand what's going on in reading you have to know where the medium is coming from and understand they type of skill and technique they are using. ie. the clairs, psychic experience, technique.

I'll give you a really rough example.

Medium A: Talks to deceased grandma, and grandma shows the medium a visual of a baby. But the mental image is not clear. So grandma then shows the medium the color blue. SO the medium associates it as male. But the blue color was actually cornflower blue and if the medium had meditated or focused a bit more, or explored it a bit more, would have seen the mental image of a blue sky over a field of flowers with a boy and girl running holding hands into a mothers arms. So then the medium might guess, boy and girl. But in reality, the grandma was trying to symbolically say that the new baby was returning to the mother as a boy, but in a former life was her daughter. Granted this is really really stretched.. but What I am trying to point out is that what comes across clairvoyently can be symbolic to the extreme, and often there is far more going on than meets the eye.

Medium B: Isn't actually talking to a spirit at all and simply relies on their own abilities and hunches.

Medium C: Talks to spirits with mental thought words in full sentences, but is currently going through some personal issues and is picking up all sorts of gobbeldeygook from their ego, or the stray spirit trying to be a pain in the butt.

Medium D: It's not the medium's issue at all, but simply a prearranged or planned experience of some sort for you or them involving clarity, discernment, faith, trust, or some other issue.

There is tons more variation and possible reasons why or what could have gone wrong.

There has been quite a bit of discussion on CE in regards to divination, telling the future, and predictions. Some of it quite heated with Spirits, sitters and mediums on both sides of the fence. Ultimately it boils down to asking them about their experience, doing your homework to understand what's going on, looking at referrals, and finding validation in what messages resonate with you. You can do other things such as look up directories of mediums who are vetted with certain certificates and qualifications, education or training.


Q & A cont.... (questions from CE web forums)


Marriage contract in soul level

They told me I have a marriage contract in a soul level. I didn't know there were this possibility. Are there more information about this argument? Thanks.


Basically that concept revolves around the belief of pre-life planning. You can find more online by just googling that phrase. As well, you'll run across it here in other posts in the forum as well in the archives of channeling Erik and many other websites.

ie. If one believes in multiple incarnations,

and if one believes that they are used to gain experience,

for whatever reason;

then at the point/s between lives that in which your soul's consciousness focuses....; the concept goes..... Some aspect of your soon to be incarnational personality and your higher soul-self plan what experiences you'll take part of as a result of other "lives".

Some believe this is Karma, some believe it's choice...some believe it's all generated by what your higher self which is to gain experience in. There is a lot of possible variation and scenarios here. And this goes for any relationship.

I'll give you an example.

Say on a soul level you wanted to understand all you could be, create, and express through the emotion of fear or anger. Or even Love and compassion. Not only that, you wanted to know yourself so completely and what you were capable of, that you on a soul level wanted to express yourself in every possible way, under these themes. And a particular tool or method to do this, is through physical life. So you gather all your friends and loved ones, and you plan life times together. So in one life your best soul buddy and you decide to be mother and child, and in the next life you plan to be husband and wife. In one life you work with love, and in another life you work with anger, and in another life you just have fun.

That's all a 'contract' means. A pre-life agreement, that if you are able to meet you'll work on whatever it is you both planned.


Q & A cont.... (questions from CE web forums)


Interaction with the afterlife: Looking at Erik's videos about the human experience was wondering if there is an energetic influence of us here as humans on the life on the other side. Can Erik comment please Thanks


Looking at Erik's videos about the human experience was wondering if there is an energetic influence of us here as humans on the life on the other side. Can Erik comment please Thanks

Hi there. Jason here. I am a friend of Erik and Elisa's. I am assuming you'd like a channeled Erik answer. I am not going to be able to give you that on this topic; I feel like my personal filters wouldn't be up for the task on this sort of topic, but what I write below is based on my own research, experience and understanding.

Here is what I think.

Short answer; Yes --

There is influence that happens in many directions. How that is viewed entirely depends on the viewer.

What I mean by that is belief, experience, energetic makeup, and context apply.

A version of the long answer:

Life as the average current human views it is physical and takes place in a linear space time. From a certain point of view, All that IS -- is made of energy. A portion of that energy can manifest physically and a portion energetically. Each can manifest across inter-dimensional space and time and this forms a kind of web-work or unified field of mass consciousness. This energy is akin to a network. What of that net work is perceived depends on the focus of that energy-consciousness. There can be multiple simultaneous points, or broad "group like" points of view. Lives vs/ life times for example. Life is not limited to what current human perceive as "life" nor is energy confined to what that group sees as having spirit.

All aspects of a focal point that has manifested in a physical system of reality have a energetic reflection or aspect of it'self. It is just as real and tangible as the physical. Although depending on it's makeup and focal point, it may not express itself like others of it's type in energetic dimension.

But lets make this more simple.

As a soul, you chose to use a human incarnation to further it's purpose. And so you projected a portion of your energy into a physical system with the intention of experiencing a human incarnation. You merged yourself with this lifeform with a personality you gave birth to. This then co-developed and evolved over experience. This spirit human, is not just flesh. Nor is it just a spirit inhabiting a body. Spirit energy crosses many dimensions reaching back to the mass field that is "all that you are, or your soul-self" What some would term "higher self". At each dimensional level or sub space a system of reality exists. In each system an energy field exists around that aspect of your consciousness. This is what some would term an energy body. How this looks and appears, again, depends. But an analogy would be like russian dolls, with one fitting within the other. Each whole and seemingly apart, but unified as one.

The same is true for non human biological earth life, as well as inanamate structure as all that is physical is made of energy. Energy is pervasive. But how it is formed required action. The most pervasive action in the universe is thought. Some would say God, some would say Love, some energy, but creation is about the process of cause and effect. And that is driven by thought. So thought is what binds fields of consciousness and Consciousness creates. It uses physicality and creates more of itself. And physicality has energetic counter parts. The more thought directed in its creation, use, and observation, the more energy it has, the more "influence" that counter part uses in creating it's energetic counter part.

What this means is, just as you have a spiritual reflection so do objects, and non human life and inorganic life. But the degree to which is is observed on the "other side" depends on how much it interacts with thought, as well as it's state of being, and other variables such as who created it.

So without getting into the make up of the universe, just as you have an astral counterpart, and a 'heaven' counter part, so too is it possible for "other". So if while on Earth, you and many other direct a lot of thought at something, through something, or make something, or do, say, or experience something, that energy is then reflected on other dimensions. But how, where, and how far, depends.

Similarly with human experience and interpersonal life actions. Individual thoughts and actions move others on the other side to action or reaction. Cause and effect. Although how this appears, and what is reality or really going on, depends on the observer. Does this mean that our actions and thoughts have the capacity to affect spirits and effect spiritual reality. You bet. Free will plays a part in that. The only difference is the view point. The focus point of the portion of our consciousness filtered through the body is only going to see and experience things from a certain view, where as the cause and effect data to the spirit is going to be very different. Emotions and thought are a two way street, but the manifestation can be quite different.


How Spirits Say hello.... Tips for sensing energy

I was just thinking about this sort of thing this morning, and feeling sort of appalled at the way family spirits can have a way to seemingly / randomly pop by at the oddest times. ie. bathroom. Potty talk with spirits... Erik-gross. haha..

Elisa, I was the same way. I never encountered the skin sensations before Erik died either, at least that I was aware of them. I can remember vividly shortly after my spirit guide died in life, I went to the acupuncturist for the first time. And she gave me a whole body ying/yang balancing treatment. Needles all over my body. I was laying there, and as she put the last needles in, all of a sudden it felt like a circuit closing in an electrical circuit. I had these really weird sensations of static and tickling prickles marching like ants on my skin in waves. it would travel from head to toe in a circle. Ever sense then I could sense energy really well.

Here is tip to see what sensing energy is like. Next time your at the hardware or pet/ feed store. Go to the isle where they sell giant magnets. For cattle or farm use. The really big powerful ones. Take one and hold it just over the top of your head or forehead, and slowly move it up and down and see if you can sense the pressure from the magnetic field in your body. Another type of energy is the old balloon trick with static electricity. Same thing. Move it slowly away and to your arm and try to judge how close it can be before you feel it. Same with cell phones and microwaves.

Spirit energy is like that. It can feel differently in a range of sensations and temperatures. They can use their energy, your energy, environmental or a combination of. And depending on how and what, it will feel slightly differently. It's my opinion when environmental energy is used, it will feel cold. If they use theirs it will feel warmer. It's my understanding the reason temples, ears, eyebrows, lips, foreheads and hands are so prominent, is because there are minor chakras there connecting to the head/ throat chakras. It's also prime accupoints along meridians used in acupuncture. I suspect the pins and needles/ tickling/ buzz is from auras interacting along the hair follicles to energy meridians.

Our energy bodies have the capacity to be really sensitive. Just think of them as analogous to the flesh. Just as the flesh has organs, so does the energy bodies our consciousness uses. And thoughts are things. They interact with our energy. So Erik et al, can project a thought to you and it's like just like two magnets approaching each other. They attract, or repulse.

Follow up question:

Q) What about when you listen to a song and it gives you goosebumps? Is it related to spirit somehow or is it just the emotion it evokes? I sometimes get a little muscle spasm in the same place that I think is spirit saying hello.


It's hard to say in this case. Everyone is different. The best way I know of to tell is to journal these experiences for a while and then look back at them for patterns. Usually spirit energy is tied to thought, be it visual or thought words, or contextual emotions. ie. if your listening to music and you suddenly think of a spirit, ie. be it a departed loved one, erik, or a vision, or message, or past actions/experience. Angels and guides use mental leaps of association as a subconscious tool. Muscle twitches, tweak, discomfort and even tickles etc., can also be spirit generate. I've known them in the attempt to touch me, not quite get their energy right and what was intended as a foot rub, turn out to be rather like being pinched or borderline uncomfortable, and I've had to tell them to stop it or it hurts, upon which the sensation changed. I've also had it tickle, or buzzed so bad it was uncomfortable, or it made me dizzy; which I then tell them to back away. If it ever got to be too much trouble I ask my Angel to intervene. Guides will intervene as well upon request. But I digress, basically gooseflesh/bumps can be contact, but usually it's contextual with your thoughts or a message.


Here is a song I wrote.......Well.... imagine this to some good ol' bluegrass tunes..Maybe Johnny Cash or Willie singing it.....

When you say,

There's only so much you can say......

until you have to just go back to livin.

sometimes ya just gota sit in your silence...

ya know....

sometimes sittin there...

that says more than you ever could.....

some call that not livin.....

but i don't think you can really know about livin

until you've sat with yourself in silence ....

knowing you said what you did....

and that's something

that really lets you see yourself.....

it may feel like death...

or maybe you'd wish it...

or maybe its just all too much....

but when your sittin there ...

sitting there and your all there is....

you, you're alive.....

its real simple then.

you either sit some more...

or you get up and you start livin some more....

cause baby....

your all there is.

its you sittin in your silence.....

so don't you worry none.

cause baby your alive

and you got more to say...

silence is my soul

silence in my soul.

hear me lord.

yeah baby its quiet

after long talks with god

i don't think anybody heard

silence is my soul

oh baby i gots something to say

i will be heard.

Dear lord.

silence is my word

Theres only so much one can say

till my dying day.


Life is about experience. eternity is simply about being. You are not your experiences nor do they define you, yet you could not accept and understand this unless you passed through them. The trick to this is to remember, just as they do not own you, you don't own them either. This doesn't mean that one can find wisdom in not participating in life experiences, but rather one can take comfort how those experiences are defined, chosen, or even viewed.


Much of the so called truth, is always false. Not seeming, but for what perception is seen through poorly misunderstood focus. Very often it is comfort within clarity we seek. Disquieting to some, such experience is about the revelation that truth is not teachable, learned, given or received. It is only as one passes alone through experiences that the truth of self awareness creates clarity. Comfort comes when the desire to know this dissipates with the remembrance of self in any given moment.


That you ask for your life purpose means that you are already immersed in it. You seek and question for it to have meaning, task, and understanding. I am telling you again. You started long ago and are deep in your journey. Let go of what worry you may have and have a happy life. Give into it and wherever your passions lead you, try to bring as much of yourself forward as you participate in life. Knowing the opposite of what you might think you should wish is just as important as that goal you set your eyes on. Even the absence of such is a vital part of life. Forever in motion, your consciousness expands in ebbs, flows, and even in stagnant pools of thought you can find the essence of your being. Take comfort in being yourself in all things and find peace that you are forever. Love, learning, and the desire to do, all fall prey to reflections we think we see while passing through life. We are in all things and all experience is a valid expression of the soul self. Pain, suffering, and experiences we find no comfort in are but a temporary tool, a halting action to study the movement of our soul. It is a way-point, a side station upon which we might choose how to express ourselves in our co-creations. It is not who we are, but for the clarity we gather as we see our light passing through the experience. What we make of it is our true purpose. Better not to worry, and love whatever we can bring into our light's shadow. In this we might find balance, comfort, and opportunity to live what we may.


I have a handful of nephews and a niece.

Well it looks like the one nephew that just born has some type of mental

handicap. I am not surprised. When I was working with/ on him

clairvoyently right before he was born and right after,

I kept getting the overwhelming sense he did not want to

fully integrate with the body. Actually how it went down was,

I went into a trance state with the intention of giving him Reiki. Now

when I work with that sort of thing, I see it in my minds eye like a

movie playing out.

And as I started to visualize me connecting to the energy and

visualizing the baby, the reiki symbols and connecting the two, I

felt, sensed, and saw, this weird resistance. You know like when you

try to put two magnets together a certain way, and their poles force

the other away. And then I saw the symbols going to the baby, but when

I went to push, see, channel the energy to the symbols/ baby, the

energy bounced up and away and onto what I'd describe as the

higherself. Almost as if the higherself didn't want the baby to have

the energy. Then I got the sense that the baby/personality didn't want

to be born so soon, or that it was too soon, or that there was some

reason it didn't want to fully integrate with the body.

The higherself took the energy and it "allowed" some of that energy to be

used to bridge the connection between body and higherself, but didn't

want any of the pattern around the body touch. Almost as for whatever

reason it didn't want to be fully present in this life. I am not sure

if it was for the parents benefit or because the last round was too

soon or too traumatic and it didn't want to fully be here, or it was

hesitant... .. And it was a weird visual,,, the higher self using

energy to bridge to the body. it was like instead of in or around the

body, there was long cables connected to the body and energy flowing

back and forth only along the cables.

In any case...I feel for my in laws feelings. It's just totally

crushing them right now. They struggle pretty bad with life and have a

lot of fear and worry aside from this. I am not worried though. Very

often disabled people are some of the greatest teachers we can have

about life and love. Teaching selflessness, sacrifice, forgiveness,

empowerment, hope, gratitude, etc. Some of the most joyful and happy

people I've ever seen have had downs or autism.

[I wrote the following to my spouse who is with them at the hospital].....

Well, I know whatever happens with my nephew and his family... in the end of it all, will be ok.

From my own experience and understanding, very often disabled people are some of the greatest teachers we can have about life and love. Teaching selflessness, sacrifice, forgiveness, empowerment, hope, gratitude, etc. They teach us about life in ways that would not have been possible without them. I've very found them to be some of the most joyful and happy people.

On a personal level I believe such lifetimes and experiences are often planned before birth for the very reason of helping those in the world around them learn about love in all it's forms. Their suffering belies the inner joy of their soul, showing us how to let go of attachment and embrace the things in life that really matter.

I know such words would not necessarily bring comfort to the parents at this time. Their grief, worry, fears and frustrations must be pretty intense. But there is always hope that grows in ways we can not see until years down the road.

I send them my love


Life can be complicated,

as you like it or see it.

Be who you are, simply.


Some of the most important teaching and learning moments in our experience come in the dark of the lonely night where pain is felt most profoundly.


What love there is.

Strongest felt,

when no more

do I have to give.


It's often that humanity finds itself working hard to find answers, that we forget the question. Sometimes that process becomes an obsession not based on genuine curiosity and creativity but an attempt to escape attachment to fear and pain. When that happens it's important to step back, stop and remember to live. It's only through conscious living that we can remember that answers are never found, taken or given, but rather we make them. In your own quests, don't forget to live.


In the search for doing, it's important to remember what comfort, what joy you might take in being.

It's OK.

Be it and you'll find you've been doing it all along.


Seldom straight road

lost on path

quiet lies the deer


Turning mirrored glass

long reflected light

no heart is heard


Seeking wind clouds

rains hard suddenly

rocks shelter weather


Darkness creeps down

across sky bound dreams

embraces lost tears


Hungry grasshoppers

quiet in wind

blossoms resting openly


Closed fist grasping

hard knocks on wood

Open palm holds earth


To be free

sharing spaces

with hated feelings

darkened clouds lifted

only felt upon

your voiced thoughts

carried lightly

in my heart


​Silence, the birthright of all who would be fool

yet only the wise know of its worth.

It has no meaning unless voiced

and is not understood yet through thought.


Strength comes from not from enduring,

but from the will to action while passing through.

What is suffering unless you can find comfort in yourself.

Should you find no room for yourself amongst this life's pain,

it is not for you to wallow in misery, but rather rejoice

that you have the freedom to let go of what else might hold you.

Then released from attachment, accept what comfort finds you true.


"Some of the passion your feeling is the passion for the potential we see in you. Life is about making what you will out of your emotions. To the degree you dive in and recreate yourself in every moment is the passionate zeal you have for life. That's what drove you to live this life. We can feel this even when you can not. We see and feel every part of you that is joined in this united effort. This is what gives us such joy. To be connected to such energy, such vibrancy, such light. When you and everyone can come to terms with your inner passion for just being, you too will know a zeal." --Eric


To know the touch of another is to know some of the love we may give.

Knowing that we carry them in our hearts is to know of our love for them,

but to know that they carry us in their hearts is to know that we are one.