Sleep Paralysis

Opinions of Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis- Common Definitions.

1. The normal paralysis of the body that occurs during REM sleep.

2. A situation where a person is not fully awake, and although conscious of their surroundings, unable to move or speak, often accompanied by feelings of terror.

* While there are few definitions of this common condition. It is well known in the medical field as a common sleep disorder or normal function of the human body. There is not a lot of hard research in to how and why it works and it's effects on human psychology. It is not well understood medically. It can be very frightening to the uninformed and educated alike as the human mind is well known for it's ability to create powerful hallucinations and generate a great deal of misinformation.

* There are generally several opinions on this condition.

1) In the opinion of medical and science professions, and many paranormal researchers; this is a mundane function of the human nervous system with no meaning. People can be taught to deal with it and realize it is of little consequence.

2) In the opinion of many the non-informed and educated; those with strong religious backgrounds such events hold spiritual meaning. Such as the visitation of spiritual entities both good and evil. They may think they understand the biology, but still believe in the supernatural associated with it. Many feel it can also be related to UFO/ET type visitations.

3) Some people believe in a combination of the two. That is; biological, scientific, mundane causes can alter the human (biology-function to cause it's chemistry/ electro-magnetic/ or other physical functions) . Elements within humans can be altered to allow interaction with other dimensions, realities, physics or entities. It is theorized that being stuck in-between full consciousness and REM sleep allows the human to see into other overlapping dimensions. Thus it is possible to interact with ultra-dimensional entities, spiritual entities, etc. They also believe that this state can ALSO be just vivid dreaming; but that vivid dreams can have meaning. Thus enriching their lives. Some also believe these dreams can be psi-related.

I belong to the 3 category. But with an open mind. I strongly believe science does not know enough yet to be certain, and I have not personally experienced this enough to feel comfortable saying anything.