Jan-Mar 2011

March, 31, 2011

Compassion: Introspection into your passions.

Compassion. Many meanings, concepts and connotations are associated with this word. It has been in the modern usage as both a state of being, and as a human emotion, and as a behavioral action. Regardless of language origin these concepts have been apart of the human experience since the very beginnings of civilizations. Not only that it crosses the veil of life and death because it is of spirit not just the world around us.

As a state of being it is most often married with emotion. This is often described a feeling. A human emotional state. It is when you have an emotional reaction caused by the pain of others which then gives you the longing to relieve it. To this complex feeling is often assigned pity. But Pity is not always the same as compassion. Another emotion that can come about from compassion and pity is that of grief. Pity is feeling sorry for something that seems beyond your control. Grief is often the feeling associated with your guilt due to your or others perception of helplessness in the face of the experience. Adding these two extra emotions is often about loss and fear.

Compassion can also be understood in modern usage to be an action that one can take. By reacting through compassion towards something else. There is a great deal of debate and thought depending on ones personal view of how the world works, and religious belief, philosophy, and experience. But really, it's importance is what it means to you and how you apply it to the world around you.

At times we often associate other feelings with compassion as our mind makes leaps of association based on our surroundings and experiences. Some for good, some that are destructive. It is often a fine line that is only tread successfully by close examination of our thoughts. If you ask 100 people to describe what compassion means to them, more than likely you will get many different answers. Some solely based on examples, some based solely on religious texts, some based upon what others say, some based in fears such as guilt or defiance, or perceived wrongs.

What ever your perspective is on compassion, it is a good bet that the word itself causes a passionate response in you. This is quite intentional. For Compassion is a fundamental element of Spiritual development. It is one of the major tools in which we evolve our soul. For the word Compassion is about "Coming into passion stemming from personal emotion".

Again; What we all might want to consider upon contemplation of compassion is what else we associate it with while examining that which we are passionate about. What are some of those associated things? They are feelings, based on perspective which leads to intent which leads to action. What one might consider is: Are those associated feelings based in fear or love? Some of those associated feelings can be flavored in the negative: pity, grief, regret, apology, and anxiety... the list goes on and on. In an of themselves they are not necessarily negative, but when used in compassion without followup they become self limiting.

Look closely to see what you feel. For example: If you see someone in need and you feel sorry for them. Look closely at what that means. "Sorry for"......often dead ends without reaction or action. It is Better to use compassion as an opportunity for service or self evaluation of emotional perspective. Contemplative introspective thought on ones emotional reactions will lead one to selfless service that will not only lift up your fellow humans but carry your soul to experience ever greater manifestations of itself.

March 29, 2011

I saw this on FB today. Thought I'd pass it along.

Ten ways to good health

Less Alcohol. More Tea

Less Meat. More Vegetables

Less Salt. More Vinegar

Less Sugar. More Fruit

Less Eating. More Chewing

Less Words. More Action

Less Greed. More Giving

Less Worry. More Sleep

Less Driving. More Walking

Less Anger. More Laughter

March 28, 2011

Do not feel bad about what you feel. You have to feel what you feel and that to ignore it or bottle it up would be bad. But the more we as individuals work at trying to find out why something that is seen as bad happens instead of saying it's all unfair; the more options we have in choosing how we react to it. Rember many of those reasons why things happen-- are chosen before we are born. Due to many factors that stem from everyone involved. We just can't remember why. Many of those reasons are from the choices the individual/s made that have cause and effect consequences.

But what is unfair to us may have a very good reason for any of those involved. It would be a mistake to judge it from limited human perceptions when we don't have the big picture. I just wanted to say, what the Spirits of everyone involved may learn, experience and discover about themselves in the "end game" may be worth all of this. What any of us should strive for is to live the best we can from these things.

March 28, 2011


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about accepting yourself. It's about remebering and experiencing. --George Bernard Shaw

Do something everyday regardless. Nothing will happen unless you first initiate a process of cause and effect. This starts with an action. Reawaken the possiblity of possiblity. --David Horvitz

March 23, 2011


How do we help those who are frightened in the world today?

-"Close your eyes. Make a fist. And tense your chest. Squeeze your heart and now-- Seek the song of heaven within the heart-fire of your all-soul. Say to yourself, 'I am strong in will. I am strong in love. I am strong in rightness.' I am a part of all that is good in this world. I am full of it's strength. I have have the power. The power to change. The power to help. We will succeed!" Pulse this idea with all your being over and over again. Bring up this desire to the surface of your awareness and hold on to it with all your might.

This will help you inspire yourself to approach others. Then you can help others with the courage to change. This is among the greatest works you will ever take part of. It is hard work. It requires much vigilance. For this is as much about evolving you as creating that which is around you. You are creating yourself!

You instinctively know how to live in peace with all creation. But you battle that ego unleashed by free will, that is reveling through darkness in blind selfishness. Be brave, be patient, have faith, dig deep, ask for help, give compassion, learn much, seek to understand, and throw selfishness behind you. Live, love, help; do this now and don't look back. Eyes forward live through love.

Do this and your light will shine. Do this and you become a guiding light. Do this and you will have moved into all that which is love. Fear not straying from the path. The very fact that you fear straying is proof that you are seeking the light. Turn your eye back to it and keep going. " --- Spirit

"Do not ask what is wrong with the world. Ask who am I and how can I help. Help yourself help others and you will help drive the changes you seek. Change has never been about divine intervention. Change for the greater good has always been about selfless selfishness. What do you, you --as a manifestation of the Divine, what do you want? How can you change. Change yourself through detailed examination of your reality. Seek to experience and understand everything within this examination and do what you feel is right. We tell you again, Seek love and live love with ever fiber of your being and you will do what is right to help bring the changes you seek. Never fear what you are capable of. You have the power to change the world. Go tell others and live life now."-- Angel of Light

"Children of the earth hear us now. We come to bless, uphold, and love you. Do not fear the ways of the world for we will always guide you to the love within yourself. You who now cry out for the woes of the world are our intruments. Your desires call out to us. We rush to hold you up. We see you do not think you can influence the darkness around you; what say you, about the pain in your heart? Can you do anything with it. Can you channel it into something beutiful? Can you mold it to your will? Do you want to be an instrument for change or do you simply want to quit? Stop thinking your are less than, and imagine everything you desire. Build what you imagine where you feel pulled. If you do not know or are afraid, ask for help. There are beings of light near to you that will rush to help inspire you. It is your world, It is your life, It is your path. So imagine it as best you can. Let loose your dreams. Live life how you feel it should be lived. Even in the greatest sorrow, even in the greatest darkness, from the depths of squallor and pain, love can be found. Sometime that love is a tiny light that you shine. Even light from the smallest cell in the depth of the ocean is a beacon of life. Live life the best you can and keep trying to see light. With light comes new life. Be a light today." --Voices of light

March 21, 2011

The power to manifest your individual Spirit upon the reality you exist at can be done many ways. Many can be done consciously by you or others by the following:

----Faith above all, conviction, belief: one or more in agreement

-----association, of thought, deed, or feeling, or physicality

-----words with ideas that change thought or feeling

-----agreement or vow


-----intent based action, thought, or feeling

-----decelerations of faith


-----sound, color, numbers, material constructs, vibrational resonances

-----repetition of words, thought, feeling, action

All of these are tools for the higher mind. The soul energy that makes up all that you are. They allow you to manipulate reality around you or channel energy. A great deal of it depends on the will power of the individuals involved. It greatly depends on love in ones heart, and determination of the originator. Such manifestations can also depend on the Spiritual evolution of channeled energies and the evolution/ receptivity of the recipient.

You ask how can we possibly have time to manifest Spirit in our lives. How can you learn to communicate with Spirit, this raising our vibration, awakening of awareness, thinking and doing spiritual stuff? You say, 'I have no time'. Some say, Time is money, but some say there is no time but now? Which is the right point of view?

The conflict is resolved when you come to the point of making a decision. What do you want to do? What do you intend, and how will you implement what you want in life? Do you need to achieve a balance? Yes-No? And if so how? These questions are among the greatest experiences you will have on Earth. This can take life times to achieve.

Just as it often takes repetition to memorize, so to it take practice to create a strong path to hold on to a raised Spiritual vibration. This can be a good thing for your trail can help guide or warn others depending on their intent. This sounds very speculative to you, I am sure. And raises many questions. But every voyage of self discovery creates many questions. Find their answers within your experiences. Have faith in yourself and you will reach your destination.

March 17, 2011

Golden Rule in the World Religions

Christianity All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:1

Confucianism Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state.

Analects 12:2

Buddhism Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.

Udana-Varga 5,1

Hinduism This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you.

Mahabharata 5,1517

Islam No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.


Judaism What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.

Talmud, Shabbat 3id

Taoism Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.

Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien

Zoroastrianism That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself.

Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5

March 15, 2011

One of my friends said she was watching the news and a guy was correlating the oil spill last Summer and the earthquake in Japan. She heard that this is about getting us off the wrong types of energy; that we need to respect the earth. And she asked me if I'd heard anything about this through the etheric grapevine. I replied:

I have to say I dont know. Such matters are new to me and

totally off my radar. My sense from my guides is that whats important

is how we react emotionally and how well we understand and comprhend

such experiences in so that our reactions to them stay positive, help

us grow, and let us see oportunites to improve and help others.

personally I believe in free will on all levels including global. I

dont think those in spirit will interfear with societies choices .

even if we hurt ourselves. But there is always hope in finding change

within ourselves.

March 13, 2011

Facinating new article on relationships from a mentor of mine and my Spirit Teacher, a metaphyscial point of view. Important information about the many types of relationships we encounter throughout the course of our lives and what those relationships mean to us as well as how to avoid those emotional ‘ditches of error.’

The Epistemology of Relationships


March 11, 2011

* My Question: What are some of the ways I can master myself?

Avoid excess expressions of pride. The raising of individual enlightenment without justly sought work is a reciepe for disaster. Seek the meekness of the soft voices in and around you. For Angels ever whisper to you. Seek and ask for humble wisdom. Give gratitude and thanks when you find it. Whisper thanks with thoughts never seeking compensation. Forget pride and achievement of ego and seek pure paths of love for all of humanity. Enlighten your brother through unselfish love without expectation and you will raise yourself to further experiences of light and love. Undesirable thoughts and feelings must be changed. Try to end irritability. End hurtful speech. Service not amusement should be a goal. Think not what you want to do, but what you can do that will help someone else.

Time spent not in service is lost time. If you see darkness in yourself you must examine it and change. Practice will power. Watch for oportunities, Spirit can guide you but you and society must do the work. Try to deepen yourself all around to a life of utter devotion to service. Cultivate humility and self-sacrifice for service to others. Forget the selfish desires of your personality. Give opinions when asked only upon careful consideration. Before speaking try to understand how it will affect others. Never betray or comment upon others weakness's with out adjusting your view points. State what you know with modesty. Only the simple and pure intentions of thought can ride the waves of unaware society. -- My Spirit Teacher

*My reply: That seems overwhelming.

You did say "Master" did you not? Try not to worry so much. Just try your best and don't give up. You'll get there. We all love you.

March 09, 2011

Last night I completed my final master/teacher level Reiki attunement. This is in the Usui tradition. I do not plan on doing this as a carrer. Mostly I wanted to learn to supplement my channeling. It provides me a boost to clairvoyent vision and connecting to spirit. I also would like to use it with those I channel for. I don't plan on journaling about it much more; but my experiences that I had are recorded in the journal in the right frame.

March 03, 2011

My friend Dawn wrote a few articles online I really like on the clair abilities. Great reads.

-Talking with Spirit

-Clairaudience and Clairsentience

-Psychic Abilities


Feb. 27, 2011

It has often been said that to "know" a thing, we must experience it. And to have fully experienced it is to fully know it. Often times this can be facilitated by simply knowing about it. In that until you hear, see, or know OF something, you can not possibly experience it. Often just the glimmer of awareness is enough to start this chain. But know; Knowing of something is not the same as KNOWING it. Thus the eternal progression of the soul in all it's experiences.--- From my Spirit Teacher

Feb. 27, 2011 -- quote

Reality is what we take to be true.

What we take to be true is what we believe.

What we believe is based upon our perceptions.

What we perceive depends upon what we look for.

What we look for depends upon what we think.

What we think depends upon what we perceive.

What we perceive determines what we believe.

What we believe determines what we take to be true.

What we take to be true is our reality.

Gary Zukav

Feb. 25, 2011

The other day, and well, quite often I run across cometary or questions along the lines of, "How do you know that what you channel is real? How do you know these voices, visions, and experiences are not just some connection to your subconscious. A thought form, or (Gasp!) a "low level" entity.... How can you prove this all - in an empirical way?"

Aside from my inner childish desire to roll my eyes. I believe all this 200%, I've never had any doubt, but to those who already doubt, it's harder. I have no intention of proving anything. No more than anyone can "prove" any belief. See before you begin any such discussion, one must be aware of fuzzy terminology. One of these is "Proof". What is proof to one person is ridiculous to another. Is it objective, subjective? What is it's nature, meaning, and how does one apply the experience to how one lives life? Does any of it matter? All of this an many more must be kept in mind. What is the motivation of the experiences. What is the motivation of one who reads all this? Where is everyone coming from and where are they going. You want black and white, but are they even offering it?

So here's the thing. Yes, I personally feel I am a medium or at least a guy with a life time of mediumistic, paranormal, and spiritual experiences. But I don't make a living from it. I don't charge anyone. I don't push it down anyone's throat. I only am here to say, "this is how I see it" I was afraid, now I am not. Here's why....

I have no desire to offer proof, no desire to ask anyone to join me, no desire to change the world. I only want to discover what's in me and the universe around me. If you'd like to be apart of that journey-- awesome! If not, that's OK, I wish you well. I think the most important aspect to any Spiritual experience is to judge the messages within the experience, to see if it is useful to how we wish to live our lives. This is what I hope to accomplish. To discover Spirituality without fear on my own terms.

Thank you,

Feb. 22, 2011

As some people know I am attempting to teach several people how to channel and connect with their guides. Over the weekend I purchased a book on the topic. And was sorely disapointed. It was a rehash of the stuff widely available online. I hope, over the next several months, to develop material of this nature and put it online here.

Feb. 16, 2011

I read this and found it interesting.

On Mastering Dreams, Lucid dreams, and Astral Travel

Don't try to change the dream, because trying to change it is just another movement in the dream. Look at the dream. Be aware of the dream. That awareness is It. Become more interested in the awareness of the dream than in the dream itself. What is that awareness? Who is that awareness? Don't go spouting out an answer, just be the answer. Be It. (Adyashanti, “Selling Water by the River,” Inner Directions Journal, Fall/Winter, 1999, downloaded from www.adyashanti.org, 2004.)

I've also started reading a new book, "Seth Speaks".

Feb. 04, 2011

A few updates

Jan. 24, 2011

I added a new article on obsession. It's at the bottom of the right frame. I also created a facebook page for this site because I noticed one can log into forums with facebook and have it link to your website. Although that feature has yet to work like I though it did.

Jan. 20, 2011

I've neglected this part of the site for a while now, while I focused on my two journals. During that time my understanding and beliefs changed quite a bit based on personal experience. Recently I've begun to learn to channel Reiki as well as develop new understandings and beliefs. Of which are reflected on this part of my website.