Explain soul groups and mates

Q) So we plan these lives ahead of time right? And we make contracts with different people in our lives, with people in our soul group/s and others. People of different ages. So given the age differences in peoples ages, how does that work? How's all this fit in with soul groups, soul mates, twin flames, I don't get it. What's the deal? How can I know who my soul mates are or is? Can I have more than one life at the same time?

A) *from Jason)--- Oh, my gosh. Now this is a long complex topic. I'll start by telling you that you will find more opinions and beliefs about this as anything out there. My number #1 advice after reading about it, is to go with what your heart feels. OK, that said, I'll try to break it down a bit and write about what I believe based on research, channeling, and communication from my spirit team has taught me.

1) I like to separate out what my beliefs and assumptions are about God, Souls, the nature of reality and try not to mix them up too much. I am not saying I am successful I am simply saying blind assumptions on poorly understood beliefs are tricky. :)

2) The nature of Souls. I find it useful when thinking of soul groups and experience planning, to try and think about the nature of one's soul. What is it and of what is it made up of. I am not so sure that there is a right or wrong here. Because it's like discussing theologies or any theory. It's what you make of it based on your experience. But I do know that the average Western Abrihamic religious idea of a soul does not mesh with what I am going to say. Same goes with the concept of reincarnation and the afterlife. So given that statement, I'll talk about how I see the soul. Hopefully you'll follow along for giggles for a bit.

* I like to think of a soul as a "spiritual super organism". A multidimensional, macro Eco-system in a chain of connected self renewing ever expanding universes. Now, this, super being, exists on many levels and has many components and is interconnected with all that is in ways beyond present comprehension. But it had a beginning.

One of the jists is that the creative imaginative force of all that is (what most think of as God), never ceases in it's quest to explore the whim of "whom am I". And so the energy of that whim creates a ever expanding ripple of "self creating" energy. Thus souls are born in groups or batches as each wave of thought self creates... But its is more of a symbiotic duplication or split rather that a birth of new. The pieces have always existed only now they also contain individual consciousness with the same creative powers and drive. At first they revel in their new vision and focus outward. Using their own whims, to know themselves, they focus on a particular facet or whim in an effort to achieve this interest. This focus is the first life. Although this life is not limited to a particular physicality or dimension.

* OK, I know that was pretty "woo woo" and out there. Frankly, I am paraphrasing a combination of how I feel about what I've read or been told via channeling.

* Now, there is some debate between incarnate and dis-incarnates about these batches of soul births or splits from source. This is because what can be observed depends on focus and experience. There is no manual or all encompassing guide book despite what some religious traditions will say. We create our own guidebook unless we let others do it for us. So, some say that from these batches are born a certain number of souls. The problem is that we as human bodies want an objective physical measure to a subjective spiritual energy event.

This event is ever creating ever self reciprocating and so what "seems a separate batch" or group is really a matter of perception within space and time in relation to self understanding. It's a continuous outpouring of energy. A lot of people get worked up over who came first and their position relative to another. Some say that interaction between these outpourings or births are limited to a certain number. And that number is related to perception and spacing. They label those who are created together with such words as monads, soul groups, and soul mates. There is no composite, or unified grouping of souls. Each outpouring is unique. And yet being from the same source, each is endowed with the same self creating powers from which they came. And so as they explore their own whims, the nature of their groupings become an association of like nature.

* Now as each soul operates as a super organism; each soul "association"(group) of like interest, participates in a group consciousness as a "synchronous cooperative".... But a individual soul is not limited to being in a group. Nor is it limited to a particular group. Nor a particular system of reality. But generally once chosen it operates from within the co-created structures of that group or system. Different soul groups as well as individuals play well together and intermix frequently on all levels--within the structures they have agreed upon to co-create.

* So, as some souls prefer more individual experience, many prefer group experiences. Some even join their individuality into more unified manifestations as a group that primarily operates as a unified consciousness. While each soul within it, aware of it's individuality it operates as united force. Again if it helps, think of symbiotic macro organisms. Also as individuals or groups evolve or expand, they may split themselves.

*Of these "like associations" we think of ourselves in the terms of belonging to. We classify this being a member of, in an effort to give physicality to energy. So we have soul groups and soul mates. These mates within a group co-create reality to experience. Many take different functions. Different roles. Some are a better match for your view than others and so they participate in more lives with you. Others tend to stay in the non-physical. All support each other. But most to all operate from a similar point of nature. Within this there are varying levels of experience and knowledge.

*Some say a body can only have one conscious focus at one time. I don't know if it's possible to encounter another part of you as a body, while in the body. I know other dimensionality's are possible... But the same? Who knows. Me myself and I at a tea party..... Who pours? I've had mixed responses from those in Spirit....

*Within these structures of "soul groupings" are those who wish to co-create with you in specific experiences, others use each other as complementing or contrasting actions or balancing actions. These are what is known as soul contracts.

*These contracts are typically made with handful to a couple dozen incarnates at any given time on earth. Because of this a certain level of emotional bonding occurs. That which is found to be a useful interpretation of self, is grown in further experience. This could be perceived as good or bad. Now here is where some odd semantics come into play. Humans tend to think of these individuals as "soul mates". And that anyone involved in an emotional experience on earth is in their soul group.

*Actually, a soul group is a "like association" among souls who are in line with or by the totality of the super organism that makes up a soul. A soul mate from the incarnated experience is someone who one typically shares adventures with. Although in reality this could be dis-incarnate as well. Some worry about framing a perception of time lines on earth for all this to be possible. Each soul or super organism has many parts and it can partition off a portion of itself to experience a particular focus or life or reality. So to plan a life does not require a particular facet (incarnation) of consciousness of a soul to be physically aware for the other soul to plan with. The Spiritual energy of the soul is always available.

* Because we are all interconnected with all that is, we have a natural tendency to move in harmonious action back to our beginning as we explore our perceptions of self and reality. As we operate in a dualistic human experience we tend to think that there is a ying to our yang. A male to our female. We see ourselves as separate individuals and anything outside of what we see-- as being something to be joined with or repelled from. But we have an inner sense of being unified with other emotional energy outside of our perception. And so throughout human history the idea of a romantic soul mate has reoccurred.

*Again, I would go back to the soul mates comment. Emotion is emotion on either side of the veil. Love through experiences of like associations over lifetimes on either side of the veil create bonds that are found useful in perception of the self. Those that have developed such bonds often form deeply created emotional pathways between each other. These pathways are nurtured on both sides of the veil. Those who have participated in such actions are often thought of as "Romantic soul mates". It's important to note that this is about energy and experience. Not gender, lifetimes, time, space or location. So that said, most of those who participate in such group experiences have many soul mates and many romantic soul mates.

*Now it's also important to point out a side note. Some use a term "twin flame", to describe any of these experiences. Now, I am willing to be wrong, but from my own research. I feel "twin flame" refers to that part of yourself that remains as energy as the facet of your consciousness resides in the physical. Some say it is the opposite sex of who you are on earth. Some say, no, it's souls who were born twins. Others say it's simply a soul mate who you are so close to that they complete you in every way. From my own research, You can not be complete, because you were never incomplete. You have and always been everything you are, connected to all that is. Semantics, and perception. I'll leave it.

* So back to romantic soul mates; A romantic soul mate does not have to be from the same "soul group", nor does everyone experience a "soul mate" or a "romantic soul mate" as a spouse while on Earth. Nor is one's parent always in the same group. It depends on the contract, purpose, and intent of the exploration the soul is participating in. It's all about the emotional shared experience and what you take from it.

*Just keep in mind that it is often our closest soul mates who have the emotional strength to be relationship villains or help us fear based experience. Some experiences are so hard that only those who love you the most would be willing to help you with.

*So how can you know who is and isn't a soul mate? There are many who will give you lists of labels, emotions, and instances that seems good to compare one's self with. Really unless you can separate the experience from the perception of self, there is no conclusive way to judge while in the body. But if you are willing to believe "like attracts like" you will find that you have been drawn to those with whom you love. Worry plays no part in the placement of self understanding. Embrace who you can, for all are one connected to each other. If not felt in this life, then in the hereafter. When we end the perception of the self as a singular physical experience we can refocus on love within a like association. This new understanding will allow you to let go of self limiting labels of belonging and allow you to expand to the love you are capable of creating. Those whom you are willing to share such love with are forever your soul mates. Forever in each other.

ps..... this doesn't mean you can't identify with a special someone or two or three.... Love where and who you can.... That's life!

No worries! Meh... It's all so convoluted sometimes. Most people only validation that who they love is special. Or that they belong....

See my articles and Q & A sections for more on such topics. and.....



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