December 2011

December 30, 2011

Q & A

Q) When does relief from emotional turmoil come?


When your awareness of knowledge becomes a working belief in so that your conscious identification is able to express itself with unconscious acceptance.

This is why it is futile to give in to worry, and anxiety over change. If you struggle to make reconciliation with your past based upon your desire for the future, you will never be able to live who you are now, let alone understand it. The push pull of resistance will be too hard to overcome.

It is far better to simply let go and try to feel who you are now. This will release you into an acceptance that everything is now. That what seems lost is but misunderstood, unseen, or forgotten. That what remains eternal will be the love of who and what you always were. So then the relief of knowing that what you feel you've always had all along will move you to a greater understanding of who you are. This enlightenment will light ever greater experience.

December 29, 2011

One of the biggest problems for those exploring life is that of perception. Under it's guise- labels, semantics, and definitions have many subtle layers, and views that are often hard to sort through. As we focus our consciousness within a physical reality of our choosing, what is not understood is often simply assigned a value. This then becomes an exercise in consciousness focusing in whatever is perceived not only outside of us, but how we see ourselves. This focusing of perception does not stop in a particular perceived physical reality, but is enacted within all levels of being, all dimensionality, all areas of focus. It is forever in motion as our awareness expands.

This can seem frustrating as we often find ourselves overwhelmed with the energy used in such explorations or what seems required by such explorations. But know such quests of understanding are as a part of you as the drive to adjust your focus. So do not get discouraged by various interpretations of ideas, thoughts, topics and so forth in your daily life. Simply let yourself feel how it seems to you. What of this feeling can you take with you? For what has been said in the past or by others today, is but another focus presented for you to feel. For only this can be your ultimate truth. And only you can experience it.

December 29, 2011

Random Musings:

Love what hurts. Only then can you heal the separation that hides your own personal truth.

A lot of the time, all you can do is feel the pain inside. It's not good to ignore it. It'll wait for you, cause there is always plenty of hurting to fear. But if you can look at it, look it straight in the eye and say, "NO! - this ain't me, you are not me, I aint this!" You'll remember some of what you are.

You may not understand or remember but, you'll be able to feel that you are more. That there is more to you than this feeling. And that 'more' is you. It's what a lot of life is. It's you experiencing that you're worth understanding more. Sure it can hurt like hell. But healing yourself can feel like heaven. And Heaven is what you deserve. You are always more and there is always more of you waiting to live.

In the end, all any of us can do is feel what we experience and speak of what we know, try to share what we understand of it. I don't know what else to do. I would gladly give my life so that those who left in despair could live the promise I still see and feel in them. But all I know how to do is speak of my own experience of their continuance of life as small as I am able to perceive of it, may be. I feel love all around me and I know nothing is lost but in my own understanding, & that, only is misplaced for now.

To be strong is not to withstand the firestorms of life, but it is the about finding the bravery to remember all will remain that is held in love.

December 28, 2011

Q & A


What does the higher self look like? If this body were standing in front of a representation of my higher self, what would it look like?


Assuming you mean a visual representation, how this would appear to you would be unique as opposed to how it would appear to another focused consciousness. It's like asking one's heart how it perceives the brain. How does the heart share form, function, and less tangible things such as energy, and yes consciousness. Or it is like the hand understanding the head. You can feel, touch, and know the head, but can the hand really see the head? Is there more than just a hand or a head? What in total encompasses both features? And how does each perceive the other, and it's self within the whole? It's fairly impossible in your present incarnation to perceive such things. To try to do so would place a limit on your perception that would not be helpful. It is far better to just try and feel yourself in each moment. Within that singular moment, fall into acceptance that you are everything you have been, and everything you will be. Just try to do your best and let go of any worry and you will gravitate to a representation of who you are.

Now this is not to say that you are only this life. Or that somehow your higher self represents some unseen double head or Siamese twin. In most cases a higher self is felt not seen by the individual personalities or incarnations that make up it's consciousness. But if a personality could perceive such it would feel like being inside a lit cloud, it would feel spacious, but firm in support. Vast and limitless, but close and secure. It would feel as warm water in a current of ocean full of life. But where ever one focused or looked individual life would be seen, and within each sight, a lifetime or experience would be understood. Yet at the same time the ever encompassing waters would float, support and flow all around connected to everything in the sun.

So, while such symbolism is vague, it does impart that such visualization is really about feeling, and focus rather than vision. What you look like, what all of you looks like depends on your focus. The same would go for those focusing on you. The difference in ability or capability of focus is dependent on state of awareness and being. Which is another question in and of itself.

December 28, 2011

A lot of people begin a new year with hopeful desires, expectations, wishes and dreams. The will power for this is not always there. It's not a bad thing to have resolutions, it just that it's like hanging a heavy picture frame with scotch tape. It's just not going to hold or last. So rather than putting a picture on your wall to look at it might be better to just maintain a mindful awareness of the image in the frame. Think about what that image means to you and how you see yourself in relation to it. How does it make you feel. Think about that feeling. That feeling is something that will stick with you through the year.

December 20, 2011

Try not to look too close at hind sight. Unless your eyes are on your ass what you see is almost always poorly understood. Better to stair at your feet and feel your mouth. Then you can see where you put your feet and feel before you speak.

The future and past may all be happening at the same time. Unless you are able to stand still and look at you feet, you wont know if you're coming and going.

If what you experience doesn't feel like love, why do it? If this thought, this question is followed by 'but', Stop and sit on it until you can think about where to take the next step. Ask yourself if you're willing to take it. Its ok to say no without guilt, just don't lie to yourself without acknowledging your feelings.

December 19, 2011

The watched lighthouse not only hears the storms, but feels the fog. Unaware, it's light - lost in winters blight. Fear not nights sounded horns, but gaze upon it's sound. What calls to you this night need not be warning, it might be sight.

December 17, 2011

We are fast approaching the end of the year. Family events, the rush of the season, and a new year calls to us. The thought of another year brings to mind all that I've experienced this year, what may lay ahead. I started thinking about the usual tradition of resolutions. I am not really a "resolutions" kind of guy. But I do like thinking about goals. Not so much things I think I should accomplish, but rather how I'd like to approach life a little bit better, than last year... So here are some of my resolutions for the new year I've been thinking about. What does the new year mean to you?

My 2012 tentative resolutions list:

* Say yes or no without apology, but show gentle compassion in sincerity.

* Make decisions without guilt, but be strong with gentle fastness.

* Owe nothing other than that which I am willing to give.

* I can not be responsible for anyone's happiness, Nor truly give it to another. I can only be responsible for my own happiness.

* If I accept this responsibility, then I will attract to me those who would benefit and be able to share.

* This will be natural and without resistance. Let go of worry and let it happen.

* Give thanks for what I understand. Ask that the ways in which I might understand serve my and the greater good.

* My focus will not be solely on what I FEEL, but I will focus on my "awareness" of what I feel. I will use this to understand why and who I am.

* I will not wait to be given, I will not wait for something to happen, I will not contemplate on the possibilities of what might have, should have, or could have. I will try to understand what I already have, and how I can share it.

* When I don't feel good, When I feel bad, When I feel blind and lost, When my emotions run away with me, I will not blame. Nor will I punish myself. I will let go of what is not me, and love what remains.

December 16, 2011

From my friend Dawn and her guides,--

"The more you think about it the more energy you give it to manifest into your reality".

This of course can apply to positive or negative but is more about fears in this case, even if it's just in your mind, your mind does not differentiate between something that is actually happening or is just in your imagination, it's all reality which affects us emotionally as though it's happened. The effects are the same.

December 15, 2011

What If you were capable of expressing the most beautiful thing in the whole universe, if you could not only create it, but give it voice, If you could experience it as yourself-- what would you be? What would you sing? What would you play? What would you write? What would you build? What would you paint? What would you help grow? What would you give birth to? What would you create? How would you be?

If we are all connected to all that is. If God is a part of us and we to each other are we not capable? Would you like to find out? What are those possibilities? How many life times would it take to understand all the possible experiences? Would you wish to place a limit on your experiences?

Let go of worry. The opportunity for such beauty is eternal. One life's moment of darkness will never separate you from your connection to all that is. You are meant to understand all the love you are capable of. You are meant to grow in experience so that you may create with all the beauty of your soul.

December 14, 2011

Thank you to those that sent me well wishes. I am feeling much better than I was last week. After a tumble down the stairs I was having difficulty functioning for a wee-bit, but am better now sans my head aches and the periodic wobbely-ness. I have a very large family; in the usual chaos of the holidays and dealing with drama, we had a death in the family, along with a bit of spiritual burn-out and my fall, I sure haven't been working on all thrusters so to speak. But I am on the mend. Right now active channeling sort of hurts. It's hard to describe. It's from the fall. It's the same with complex thinking or problem solving, the back of my head just aches. Passive communication is fine. I know that sounds crazy, but it's something I've noticed from the fall. This happens when I have sinus infection as well. Weird, I know.

On a lighter note, if you are not familiar with this site, "Masters of the Spirit World", It's a great read. I just love the questions people post and the responses from Spirit. Here is an example: (Quote)

Is there such a thing as manifestation? December 13th, 2011

QUESTION: Masters, I wonder if we can ask for anything through manifestation? Or, are the things we want and need here decided up front, and therefore the things we ask for in manifestation are needless because the things will come into our experience when we need them? ~Anne Kathrine, Norway

ANSWER: The process of manifestation is not going to the counter at the universal supply store and asking for what you want. Manifestation is changing a pattern. Take the way you have always looked at things, limited yourself, and thought negatively, and then change the way you program your thoughts, actions, and interactions so that you orient your path in a positive direction to complete your life’s tasks.

Your first restriction to getting everything you want is your choice of life lessons to experience while on Earth. The exact way to learn those lessons was not decided, so manifestation may help uncover what you need. If you chose to lead a life of poverty, no amount of manifestation will produce wealth unless you first learn all the aspects of poverty. Using manifestation to increase your awareness of your situation may help your understanding.

While you do have the situations you need to experience presented to you, all the answers are not provided unless you look and see. You are correct that the universe provides opportunities for you to fulfill your life, but they may come directly or circuitously. Manifestation can help bring you the most effective solution without your having to search through all the possibilities that are out there.

When you have manifested yourself as an individual who thinks and acts positively, all the negativity that confuses life is blown away and you can get down to the work of enlightenment. You can do this without manifestation, but you will have to dig through the garbage dump of Earth negativity to find any positive energy.

December 13, 2011

How to talk. An introspection into the death of silence in today's youth.

We are all touched by suicides at some point in life. Sometimes these events seem to never end and weigh us down. We are frequently saddened at these deaths and feel at a loss in understanding them.

I often hear, "I didn't know anything was wrong. I wish I had known. I wish I could have done something. How are we loosing these kids/people?" So often death, suicide, and life drama and trauma is lost in the mists of silence. Entombed in hidden mystery. That when revealed in the light of the event leaves us shaken to our core of shock, horror, surprise, and stunned impotent emotion.

I think many times, where action fails is not in the choice of action or inaction; nor on what we as family, parents, and friends focus on; I think many times what has failed is our role in a society and culture of individual separation. The advancement of the self. The culture of triumph over emotion. In this case silence equals death. It's not that we have failed or that we have done anything wrong, it's that we do not understand how to talk. We don't understand how to talk about emotion. We place value judgements on how we see ourselves in our families, groups, societies, and culture. Without exploring these judgements we form beliefs about them and then dive head first into how this feels without sharing it with others. We so often fear to share out of further judgement. Sometimes this fear is very real, and in fact warranted. In many cases it is just fear, but a fear that is allowed to strangle, tear, and kill.

This said, we see it everyday in our young teens. It doesn't matter what the issue is. It could be emotions surrounding sexuality, emotions surround religious beliefs, issues with mental health, issues with physical health, or even sinister things such as bullying, or complex issues such as being born into very rigid communities. In such situations the fear of being different, the fear of punishment, the fear of judgement, and the fear of not knowing how to live within the system is so great that no outlet can be seen by those experiencing it.

Many times those around the young person are just as unable to talk or express feelings about these issues. Sometimes it is because a loss of power is feared. Other times the very idea of anyone else being different is incomprehensible. Many times the idea of talking about differences or others feelings just never even registers. And so a culture of silence is driven.

Lastly, and all too common such silence, regardless of origin, is not the fault of anyone. It just is. In seemingly healthy families all across America, Teens simply either don't know how to talk, don't want to talk, or can't talk. Not because of any dysfunction per say, but rather that they have not either taken the time to explore positive outlets without fear, or they don't know how. I don't think it's anyone's fault per say. I am not sure there is an answer other than it is very important to take the stigma of fear out of talking.

Here are some examples that run through kids minds. We need to talk the fear out of talking. We need to talk.

Fears on our minds, Silent fears that have led to death: We need to figure out ways of showing kids how to reverse these thoughts to empower them.

You want to know what is the matter

I don't know how to tell you

I don't know what is the matter

I don't understand what I am feeling

I don't like how I feel

I don't want to be different

I just want to be normal

I want to be loved

I wanna be happy

I want you to be OK with me

I want you to be proud of me

I want acceptance

I want to make up my own mind

I don't want to be told

I want to believe what I want

I want to find my own answers

I am scared you hate me

I am scared of being hurt

I am scared of me hurting me

I am scared of violence

I am scared of what you think

I am scared of what I think

I think I am crazy

I am scared of being different

I don't know what to do

I don't know who I am

I don't know what I am

I don't know what I feel

I want to be left alone

I want company

I want what others have

You never listen to me

I don't understand

I don't fit in

I need help but I don't know how to ask

I am afraid to ask

I dont' care enough to ask

I give up. It'd be easier if I was dead

I am doing everyone a favor if I was dead

I have nothing to loose

I have everything to loose

I'll never matter

I'll never achieve

I'll never get

So there you have but a sampling of what is NOT talked about. Be it kids to their loved ones or loved ones to kids. I don't know how to change this for the better or how to save a life. Although I do know that to start, it has to be stared in the eye and talked about. I am firmly convinced that many times so called "life's purposes" are not about doing anything other than understanding emotional experiences like these. To wade through this, and walk away with a greater understanding is a reason in and of itself for a life. One in which we will gain a greater understanding of who we are in all that is.

*Note although, there is a caveat in that some suicide is totally pre-life pre-planned, and there isn't diddly squat we can do about it. Erik mentioned that if you are successful your first time it probably has a lot more to do with a plan. But for some it is an exit. Souls r we has that really nice letter about suicide.

December 12, 2011

The hardest thing in life is to do nothing but look at how you feel and decide if it's for you or not. Based on this, to then consciously live that in the moment is an act of epic proportions that can define who you are. To let go of worry, and keep yourself from falling back into self judgement of how you think you should feel is a task that can take a life time to understand. Deciding how you feel should not be mistaken for self judgement. In judgement you are anaylising who you perceive you are as right or wrong. In trying to assign a label for yourself very often you are unable to get past your perceptions of fear. If rather you allow yourself to look at what you feel and strive to ask yourself, "Is this me?" you will be able to look at what you do have, what you do want, and who you really are. It's never a magic pill, a way or a path, It's just the hard work of maintaining conscious awareness of who you are in each moment, in each feeling that it provides. It's ok if you get stuck. You just need to ask yourself, 'Is this me?'

December 12, 2011

There can be a lot of drama during the holidays.

Many look at their family members and see their triumphs, success, and completion of tasks, duties and what western society deems as an example of rightness. A particular something. A thing. In comparison, you may often find yourself feeling a loss at your own perceived attainment of like life.

And you wonder at a possible failure. You fear that you may not measure up. Nothing could be further from the truth. All this emotional questioning, introspection and navigating turmoil is in and of itself a life choice, goal and important task. For in achieving a working understanding of who you are within it, you will have achieved something that no amount of financial success can achieve. An understanding of who you are and who you are not. The trick is to be ok with what you find, and let go of any worry. Live with what you have found and be at peace. Let go of what others see and try to feel each moment of who you are. It's ok to be different.

You may feel that others don't see you. They don't hear you. Remind yourself that how they see is irrelevant to how you see you. It's not that the world is not seeing; It's that what it see's, is shown to you so that you can see your own personal light more clearly.

December 09, 2011

A friend of mine shared this article with me. It thought it was good. So since the writer said it could be shared, I'll post it in it's entirety. Click here.

Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening by Annarita

December 08, 2011

The difference between desire and intention is perspective within action. But action does not have to be physical. Nor can there be a value judgement on that perspective, other than what is deemed in ones greater good. To those outside of such action, desire often seems bad, something to be given up or renounced. Rather than subjugation to this intent, it might be best to examine the 'why or the feeling behind desire'. If explored, one can then create actions to understand if such desire is for a greater good. If one can understand this, one will gain the experience of creating new experiences for one's own greater good in line with a co-created greater good. But then again, one may not truly posses the desire to move beyond intent. Such stumbling blocks can take many life times before we fully understand the emotion behind desires thereby enabling actions from intent. It is far far better to let go of any worry and just do the best you can. Simply asking your self how your choices serve you and your neighbor is often enough of an action to drive desire and intent. Less worry. More action.

December 05, 2011

Many times, especially in family circles, having to deal with those who are self created emotional victims can be a huge challenge. When such encounters happen it is important to remind yourself that their happiness and perception of success is not your responsibility. That you can only be responsible for how you feel. It may be that this is an opportunity to express compassion and teach, and if this is so, it is important not to allow yourself to take on their energy or give away your own personal power. Many life experiences are not about transforming pain, or experiencing it. Many times it is about redirecting it so that you can take the opportunity to reaffirm who you are. Simply offering a kind ear with an acknowledgement of another's suffering is enough to move you forward to where you wish to go in your own experience. Let go of guilt. Let go of worry and life for yourself as best you can.

December 05, 2011

Sometimes the purpose of a hopeless place is to light it with love. Sometimes it was created for no other reason than to show you an opportunity to express yourself. Sometimes it is a great co-creation born out of love for you. So seen it is always a good ideas to shine the brightest light you can. You can't create what you can't see.

You may think, how can I show any love or express anything in this situation when I feel so much pain. What it comes down to is self expression of the self examined soul. To know that everyone is interconnected in this endeavor. That we are all together and that you are not alone. The moment you can look inside you and make the choice that what you are experiencing is not you, is the moment you can look for where to take the next step. That step outside of the experience that is not you is the first step to stepping into the light of your inner love. This painful emotion IS your opportunity to express yourself. It IS your signpost. Sure the actions that may be required to shine, may be painful, may be scary, may require radical change. But then again, it may simply mean changing your point of view. Letting go of those, and those influences that are in the dark. The first step on any path is the choice to look down it.

December 05, 2011

Question / answer cont.

Q) Why do we as humans seem to go from a high of highest spiritual experience, in that we feel like we are on top of the world, doing great, only to turn around, have something trivial blow us out of the water and sink us into the depths of emotional sludge that we can't get out of?


Most of the time, for those with such experiences; Life as you know it was not planned to DO anything per say as a mission, but rather life was planned to gain hands on experience in balancing "Your personal manifestations of physicality" with your emotional understanding of who your highest possible self is. It is your burgeoning, your blossoming awareness of self created duality that creates the push pull of conscious vs unconscious states of being. All the aspects of who you are attempt to gather the energies and create a harmony, balance, and understanding. This understanding can then be shared with love. This is extremely hard work. But with each hands on experience you will ease that path to balance. As practice and understanding is gained, the well worn path then becomes a superhighway of your energetic love. The then fast pulse of created manifestations can be turned to ever more, ever greater, ever more beautiful expressions of who you really are. This creative process is a reflection of your part in all that is. Much of the time, this reflection is foggy, opaque, shattered or so it would seem. This is because you are still working with the extremes of choice within the system of duality that you agreed to express yourself with. You have yet to achieve an understanding, achieve a balance of who you are in each experience. There is no good nor bad in this other than what you think about it. Sure you can really mess things up with your choices or "un-choices". But you can't know what path to choose unless you know all the paths are like. So you allow yourself to experience the highest highs and lowest lows. And then with each experience you can step back and look deep inside you at how you feel in that moment and decide if that is you or not. When you climb to the highest of highs you see yourself outside of your physical reality, and so you look back and dive back down into the opposite of what you just experienced. When this happens it's important not to give total surrender to this lower polar opposite without looking back up and reminding yourself that what you are feeling is not all you are. You are more. So go ahead and feel the extremes but, make sure you remember to readjust your focus in the opposite direction you are diving or soaring. Try to balance each new emotion with self evaluation of who you wish to be, who you are, and how you feel. You can absorb energy, transform it or redirect it. But to do so takes active conscious intent. Other wise you will drown in unknowing being. The conscious choice to not give into emotional abandonment, the conscious choice to try and balance emotion, being, and purposeful action will lead you to ever greater experiences of who you really are. But this is work, hard work. So don't give up. Mastery does not come overnight. Sure you can make plenty of choices or "un-choices" that seem to limit your perception of mastery, opportunity, success or "doing". But how you relate to these experiences, how you see yourself, how you feel about you, how you feel about them can always be changed. So in the end you will see that what you have always perceived as life was never about "doing" something, or achieving, but it was about experiencing it, or just being. Being yourself. Gaining that emotional experience. The work you are doing on this will build that super hyway of love. And expressway others can use to ease their own path. Remember, what you focus on with active emotional intent will become your reality. This focus is the choice to your ultimate reality. So go out there and live the great ups and great downs. Know that you are here to balance yourself and gain hands on experience in being. Being you! You are not just a particular emotion, a particular experience, a particular thought. When you feel stuck, look in the opposite direction and do the hard work of self evaluation. What you understand through this, what you take from it will balance your state of being, it will lead you to self mastery. This is what life is about.

December 01, 2011

The motions of life may be infinite as the movement of expression is forever.

Even so, every quality represented as an aspect of yourself can be examined in minute circles. The motion of that circle does not have to be limited to one once viewed, a one once felt center of gravity.

The strength of your expanding force is not stopped other than by that force of self examined moment you put in front of yourself.

The weight of force of your emotional movement around such moments are dependent on the density of your inner energetic spiritual gravity.

What effort will you put into how you move your inner spirit?

You never descend or ascend, but you expand and contract your energy controlling the speed with which you examine your inner moments. You are never going to any place, but that of a certain point of view. To hold in view all that you are capable of seeing is to realize all that you are, amongst all that is.

December 01, 2011

"Acceptance of traveling through emotion, is life's Why of How. When this happens is what makes each journey your own. Without surrendering to the idea of a greater self, looking into each moment you will be trapped in the perception of judgement. Who you are can not ever be limited to any label given in the course of personal interaction. But who you are, can be set free by choosing to remove a label. Understanding this process will be your ultimate freedom." --Voices of Spirit