Free will vs Destiny

Can someone's free will alter their own destiny?

In my research I've found that what humanity thinks of as destiny, is actually a plan or series of plans made before birth to fulfill "A", or, a "group of" emotional experiences to create a greater awareness of one's soul and one's place within "ALL of Creation." Within this, there are many goals, plans, that could meet the requirements of what the soul wishes to accomplish. Such as-- Over coming fear, exploring love, learning compassion, removing desire, etc., etc. This concept of Destiny is not without cultural debate. As beliefs, values, and perceptions of groups or societies are of significant influence on experience. What some see as fate is really about choices, followed by "if-then" scenarios. These are impacted by choice, or free will. To, "OR" from the souls perspective, this does not matter as evolution will occur both for the individual and the soul group regardless of desired outcome, goal, mission, or action decided upon by the human life. So yes; Free will does alter plans of the soul. But, know that to call "plans, intent, purpose" a Destiny is a mistake. For Destiny implies lack of choice or free will. And there will always be free will and choices; for this is part of what it means to be connected to the Divine. We are creative creators and Spirit would rather have us exercise that with conscious intent than to blindly follow some plan. What we gain, learn, and come to understand from our choices, AND owning up to, or taking responsibility for our choices is far far more important than any idealized dream. Create your own destiny based on understanding the emotion within your choices of any given circumstance and you will be ok.