Intent vs Expectation

Intent vs/ Expectation:

A funny story involving Toilet Talk!

Toilet talk:

You know what I wanna know? I wanna know WHY Spirits insist on chatting while I am in the Loo? I call it "Toilet talk". Last night I came downstairs in the middle of the night and I see this shimmer follow me into the bathroom. I leave the light off, because... it's supper bright and the fan is noisy. I didn't want to wake the dog up and have it follow me in. Then I had a new experience. I was sitting there minding my business (yes, you can laugh), and able to actually wave my hand and have it pass through the shimmer of the spirits energy. And as I did so, the sight of my hand was actually slightly obstructed and in shadow. Not shadow from the light but from shadow of independent mass. I could actually see and feel and pins and needles pressure sensation, that as I weaved my hand through it, and pulled it away, it actually appeared to be made of some kind of webbing, or gossamer filmy mass... I asked the energy whom I suspected and had ideas of whom it was.. but didn't know for sure... I asked it, "why is it always in the bathroom? Can't you see I am busy? (and yes for some reason I was not terribly bothered by privacy issues)" The reply was, " Because you are alone, less distracted and in this moment your intent is not hampered by expectation"

All of which made me laugh.... But it brought to mind another series of thought.

'I was talking to a dear friend the other day. She was lamenting why she can not or should I say, had yet to, experience Spirit the way I and some others do. She wanted the experiences right now. And she told me it was unfair and it made her upset. She envied me or the situation.' I run into this quite a bit. Specifically with people who are grieving, but at the same time, their lives are experiencing new Spiritual experiences. New avenues of communication are being taken. New paths. Paths that often take years to travel. It's hard to know what to say other than, 'time will tell'. For me it's very difficult to reply. One, because I do not have the grief component in this lifetime--thus the sense of urgency and purpose is very different.; Two; It's hard to relate because, while on a soul-level my personality did choose this path; On an incarnate level, this personality feels like it has and had no choice. In this life, there was NEVER a choice of "gee-I think I will explore Spiritual and all it's manifestations". I can not turn this off. It never goes away. And it does not work like people think it should. It is always lurking for me. 24 hrs a day, every day. These experiences came and appeared unbidden to the child, to the teenager, to the adult. The only choices that came were those that stemmed as a result of the experience. As an adult, the choices involved being consumed by fear, or by trying to figure out what was going on. But, I know on a soul level I did choose this. I chose it consciously when planning my life, and as a boy and teen I chose it unconsciously. And as an adult I continuously choose. So too can everyone else choose. But if people do choose; they need to keep in mind, this type of journey is a life long one. It is not something you can read about and study overnight or even over the course of a year--throw your expectations at and then suddenly achieve your desires. Spirit works on Spirits terms. Not our personality's terms. They have the big picture. We are focused in the 3D for a reason. What will serve us best is to set our intent and then try to patiently explore it. Frustration and beating one's self up over a perceived lack of progress will not do anyone any good. Myself included. I too get extremely upset over development issues. The only time it gets better and advances is when I surrender and give in to being guided without labels or expectation. It's a very hard road, but I am confident that even though I can't see it; that in the end it will all be worth it.