fuzzy spiritual terms

Erik and I once had a conversation about "fuzzy spiritual terms" and how such concepts of human terminology and ideas are all fuzzy in Heaven or the afterlife. Terms like, "Last life time, Channeling, Spirit, Time, Energy manipulation, Travel" are not defined by human words and definitions, but by perspective. For example many mediums tell clients that "this is you last lifetime" But what's not necessarily said is that the point of existence, the point of God/Source or whatever you believe, is to experience "all that is" through love, every moving closer to source. To be one with all. And that beings such as Spiritual masters, etc, have experiences in many universes. And what exactly does that mean. That means, they at one time were like us. Life after life after life, love, fear, love, fear, love. Experience after experience to know, feel, and go through every possible manifestation of creation. That God/Source/light/the Divine experiences "all that is" through us. And we have a drive to do the same. So when we hear the term, "last lifetime" it is simply a viewpoint or a perspective, a snapshot of higher self intention from a certain point of view from a certain point of time, for an "unremembered length of time". But time doesn't work like we think it does. So we get confused. Often what last life time means, is that the part of our soul in this current incarnation will rejoin our higher self and in heaven we will still be experiencing other lives in other realities, with other parts of our higher self. OR it means that we will take time out from earthly incarnations for a long time to work and learn on that side. BUT to experience "all that is" we can not possibly know our higher self's mind in future afterlife scenarios because there are so many possible futures to experience. There is not end. Life after life after experience, time period after time period, technologies after technologies, country after country, world after world, galaxy after galaxy, Universe after universe to infinity and beyond. By using terms like "last life" we place limits on The Divine. And we have to ask ourselves, Why, ... Does the Universe place limits on us? Do we? ..... Does experiencing creation and LOVE of all that is have a limit? Do we really want to limit ourselves.... Really it's up to us....