January 2011

Jan. 30th, 2011

I've updated my "musings" section. Uploaded what I channeled on soulmates. I also uploaded a couple more photo/itc orb photos in that section. I am currently working on an article on trance writing in it's various forms as well as a few other articles. I have my Reiki level 2 attunement the beginning of Feb.

If you haven't gotten a chance to yet. Please go check out a great article on The Physiology of Our Emotions. It's a wonderful metaphysical web site. http://www.dragonofdrama.com/the_weekly_lessons

"Your Spiritual makeup can always be altered for the best possible manifestation of your highest self. Your emotional state can be sent a whole new set of instructions that radiate through your brain and body by the action of your intended thoughts in conjuction with the beliefs and perceptions you hold fast and cling to. You are the author, the artist, the creator of your life" ---inspired understanding of the Nature of our Reality, by Linda Labertew http://www.dragonofdrama.com/the_weekly_lessons

Jan. 24th, 2011

Kathy from the CE website asked the following.

I was wondering if anyone knew for sure if when we are born or when we die...do we come in with the people at the same rate of vibration to keep the Earth balance. Also when we die do we die at the same time as others of like vibration?

Here are my thoughts on the topic.

From what I've read; (and my guides and Erik have agreed with this); That soul groups can contain any number of people all working on a similar spiritual theme. Say something like a type of emotion, or issue, or war, or loss etc. And within that group you have soul sub-groupings, and soul families, and companions, and soul mates; etc. And that within each of these there can be individuals of different "vibrations" or spiritual levels. It's important to not attempt to visualize this in 3D incarnate human terms. Because 'level' is a phrase-not something literal or a shape. A level and a vibration refers to a "state of being". Remember the mind controls reality not physicality. Ok so back to individuals of different levels within a soul group. This happens because we help each other. Push pull so to speak. For example my maternal grandmother is at a much much higher spiritual level than me. She is in our soul group. She wanted to work on experiencing pain and loss and overcoming it. She was able to show me unconditional love as I was to her. She taught me about overcoming physical and emotional pain and trauma. If she were not of a much higher vibrational level I would not have had such an example of how to properly have faith and fortitude and a positive state of being in such overwhelming problems to look up to. So back to your original question. No we do not come into this world with people of the same rate of vibration; but we most often come into this world with "Spiritual family from our soul group". And I know some of you will find this hard to believe, but yes, most likely we are all in the same soul group. If you were drawn here, there was most likely a good reason. The key is to remember none of us has the big picture and we need to try not to assume relationships or purpose. Only remember to focus on our personal journey of fully experiencing and learning that which we are here for. Over come what we can, live through the rest with mindful intent, learn and love what we will and the natural gravitation of our higher selves to become all that we can will carry us through.

It is this variation of Spiritual vibrations of different individuals that keep a balance in the universe.

Now as to your question of dying at the same time as others of a like vibration. That is a fuzzy question in my opinion. And I am totally game for anyone interpretation of it. I certainly do not have the answer. But I find it fuzzy; Because the future is fluid depending on free will. And it's important to not rely on assumptions or connections our minds will make in the seeking of patterns. This is because our minds can not see the big picture. SO where you and I might see a revelation of synchronicity, in reality might just be a fun coinkydink and visa versa. Or it might just be your higher self or angels poking at you. Many many times Spirit uses synchronicity and relationship similarities and events to trigger awareness and thoughts in our minds of interconnections. Symbols, emotions, thoughts, all collide with events to let us experience that which is "other" or Spirit. Yet again. What does the experience mean to you. There is no right or wrong, but rather; "How does this make you feel? and what are you going to do about it?" rather than a vibrational level.

Here is a quote I came across recently that I found related to your question, this topic and of a similar nature, fitting to this topic. ~ Lots of love: Jason

"Our Varied Behavior Adds to the Planet's Well-Being... When you remember that nothing can come into your experience without your Vibrational invitation of it, then you do the simple work of paying attention to your own Vibrational offering, and you save yourself the enormous and impossible task of controlling the behavior of others. When you remember that the varied behavior of others adds to the balance and the Well-Being of your planet even if they offer behavior that you do not approve of; and that you do not have to participate in the unwanted behavior, and will not - unless you give your attention to it - you become more willing to allow others to live as they choose.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "

Jan. 20th, 2011

"Earth is also a realm of Spirit. It is not just a place, but a state of being. An objective representation of the subjective manifestation of creative original thought. As you think of Spirit worlds they are not places or destinations. They are state of beings. They all touch through the inner. You go within to come out. It is a paradox, and paradoxes conceal great truths...

You must remember that while you expand thought and go within yourself to come to us, we condense and go out to come to you. In our normal state we are living in a subjective world of thought energy. We become more and more objective as we touch your wold. You become more and more subjective as you touch our world. If you only surrendered to an acceptance of this you could come to us at almost any time.

All this has been said many times. We beg you to trust, believe and have faith that what is within you is just as real as which you see without you."

The process of life, death and rebirth is a manifestation of Spirit which results in fulfillment and Self-realization through experience. There is no end to the possible manifestation of creative thought, that which is Divine within each of you. The Knowing of this experience is dependent upon self awareness. The greater the awareness the more experiences have been manifested. It is beyond your level of comprehension. You are better served to to think of Spiritual progress in terms of experience rather than place, distance or time. "

-- Unnamed Spirit

Jan. 20th, 2011

Amazing the changes that can happen in less than a year. This was totally me a year go. I was terrified of being alone in the house. The dark made me nervous. And my life and memories were littered with unexplainable and scary happenings. Now I hear voices of love in the night, I eagerly see what is behind the corner. The unknown is exciting possible proofs of the continuance of life. What was once scary is now beautiful.

Jan. 19th, 2011

All that will - be will be again. All that is new - is but forgotten. All that is forgotten will be remembered. To experience all of creation, in all its possible forms of being, we must forget that which we know about and experience it so that we may understand it in all ways.

So often people fear that which they might bring upon themselves through their actions. But what is often just as likely to occur is that which they bring upon themselves due to thought and emotion... or they bring upon themselves unwanted emotion.

Thus the the starting point for personal change is a change of perscpective, attitude and belief.

A hard lesson to hold onto.

Jan. 18th, 2011


When I am feeling melancholy I like to repeat the words sent to me by Meher Baba. "Do not fear. Do not be afraid. Try not to worry so much, you are surrounded by love."

ps. If your wondering why all the extra emotional hoo-ha.. It's because with each new Spiritual experience I undergo, each new type of mediumistic experience and now learning Reiki; Each new thing learned and undergone seems to trigger waves of emotional junk. I say junk for before this year I was one of the coldest most frigid, unemotional people you'd ever meet. So it can be quite the roller coaster at times. It is still so shocking to me to realize that life is not about saving the world but about saving myself. Not about caring for others, but caring for myself, not about conquering or building a career, but about conquering that which is me and building myself. Thus everything flowing from that. Looking back if someone had told me this journey would be about building out from within, I would have laughed. Wow. What a mind trip.

This morning on the bus, my Spirit Teacher helped me with the concept of recognition, acceptance and letting go of negative emotion. Then making sure I was cognizant and forceful in my desire to hold onto changes in thinking patterns. ... So much hard work! It's shocking how complicated forming, and managing perceptions can be. I can't believe how much I tried to get by on just "coasting" in the past. And how much people all around me just coast through life oblivious to being their co-creator of their life. It really makes me somber. Makes me worried I wont be able to live up to my new self expectation. Especially when I am only just developing that/ those concepts. I really need to work on doing better using my guides and teachers for moral support when I am feeling down. And I need to do a better job of thanking them for putting up with me when I get into a bad attitude. I am always amazed they stick with me.


Oh, the darkness of the self lament. It threatens to drown me in waves of tears. I am lost in a sea of pain. Upon the bay of self realization, I watch the stars, the moon. The light illuminates my awareness as I wait for breaking dawn. I hope the rays of this new sun will catch me up and take me into it's warm embrace. Oh help me for I fear drowning. The water is warm and still and I don't want to get out. Help me swim to the shore and await the new dawn. Take me up in your embrace oh, new sun. Take me, and make me anew, in your warm embrace.


None of this matters, none of this matters. I look around me at all my sentiments, my treasured mementos and keep sakes, all these things I've tied to memory as if I could preserve them and thus me for all eternity through the connection. None of it matters it is all but an illusion. Oh, then what is the point of memory laced treasures? What is the point. They will but suddenly flutter away of no import as the soul mind makes way for the ultimate knowing of the afterlife, only to be lost upon the next life. Oh, why did I let myself get so wrapped up in memory? Oh, why did I waste so much energy on that which does not matter. Oh, it sticks in my craw like a bone. I want to pull it out and try not to bleed from it all..... Oh, pain, oh lost and wasted pain. How I lament you...


The thought for the day. I used to believe in nothing. Adrift without purpose or thought to destination. I used to think that upon death I would disperse into that which is nothing and be no more. A memory lost to time. Now, upon reflection of the past year, I find myself presented with personal proof so numerous and with with such clarity that the idea of death is as absurd to me as anything I've ever heard. The weight of this realization leaves me thunderstruck and I feel atop a great rise, seeing the light of something about to appear on the horizon. Something that if only I could hurry and look over i would but see all of creation unfold before me.


My dearest Spirit friends. I am doing much better today. Thank you for being with me and having faith when I felt I could not. Your brief touches were reminders that I not alone. I am still weary, but am trying to carry on bravely. I seek the peace and assurance of understanding. With your presence I hope to muster my inner strength to stand firm and resolute. I will continue. I will be undaunted. I wish to grow, know, and do. I will find a way to tear down the negative. I must. It is my mission. Hold me to it. Hold me in your arms that I may find sure ground. I can feel you near. I can do this. Help me share.

Jan. 17th, 2011

I had a long weekend out of town visiting family. An auntie of mine. An in-law actually is in-between 4th stage cancer treatment. So there was a last big family gathering so to speak. And on top of that I had yet another sinis infection. Still have one actually. So I don't have much in the way to talk about Spiritually or paranormal wise. At the family gathering I was feeling quite somber as everyone seemed to be talking about a relative who had passed. I was somber because I could feel that the relative was in the room, just enjoying the family. But sad because do to family conflicts, personalities and their religious beliefs I could not share it with the group that the individual was still there. I was also feeling serious because I had the realization that I might be seeing the aunt in Spirit sooner than later.

Jan. 10th, 2011

On the nature of your reality

To know something, you must experience it. But to experience it you must

know a thing. To truly master this comes from realizing that which is you.

Knowing and understanding all that is within and without that is you. This

is the spark of the light that burn with blinding flame within everyone.

How long does this take? How does one do this?

It's up to you. Your beliefs, your perception, your will, that which is the

thought behind the thought creates your path. Awareness of this process is

the spark of awakening. Find this key within you and you will see the path

behind, below, ahead, above, and all about you.

The realization and acceptance that you are all these paths is a key to

light your path. Will you limit yourself? Or will you LIVE it ALL? The

choice is yours. When you realize that this path is only about the progress

of the soul, then you can you be free to reach your goal.

Do you want to know your goal? Do you wonder what it is? Imagine the effect.

See it, know it, desire it, call it to being and believe it. Examine your

motives, study your will; for then will you call forth the causes to

manifest the effect. This is your power.

Do you truly wish this? Or do you find yourself unready for the effect?

Remember each effect has causes. Are you able to experience that cause? Are

you ready for any of those causes. If you are not ready you will not

manifest the effect you think you wish.

That is why to know what you do and do not wish, you must experience it.

This happens one by one or all at once or more. It's up to you. Once you

know and experience something you will be ready for the cause that creates

the desired effect you wish upon your souls journey. Do not place limits

upon your journey or you will not be able to navigate all the experiences

that is all. For every cause has an effect and every effect will have

causes. Acceptance of this is another key to reality.

To live with mindful purpose, moving ever more to the light is to be mindful

that the effects you desire are from causes of more perfect and good
