November 2011

November 23, 2011

Maintaining awareness, a connection to, and a self professed intent to one's higher self in-spite of and despite physical and emotional experience is one of the greatest feats of an incarnation. In such situations, the very purpose of life is to develop a working-hands on knowledge of emotional mastery for not only the greater good, but the good of the self, in all created and co-created experience.

This can be extremely hard, or it can be simply surrendered to. One can fall back into acceptance of self by simple refocus. A continuous exercise that is employed through multiple lifetimes, often best mastered step by step. While great leaps can be made, especially when passing through great intensity of life; great leaps also give way to great up and down movement only successfully executed with great focus, achieved by surrendering worry and accepting inner faith.

In either case, one's life then becomes not about "doing" or a purpose. It is about being. It becomes about finding inner balance within emotional experience. To those in Spirit there is no evaluation, judgement, or measure for success. As each experience is the ultimate triumph of not only the individual but the collective experience of All that Is. Attunement to one's higher-self is not an Alignment. It is the cusp of a ever expanding greater awareness. An awareness that is only maintained by focusing free will within each experience. This is a choice. This choice is one of Alignment with the higher-self vs the ego. A participatory effort of duality or a shifting to an inner connectivity with all that is. This conscious knowing develops understanding. A true life task. A true purpose.

So never fear that you do not know your purpose. Never fear understanding what you are here for, what you are here to do. Simply put; strive to go within and seek to understand who you are within emotional context and you will be guided to where you need to be in alignment with your highest possible self. Many times, pain, suffering, and discomfort stems from this type of journey. When you feel such, tell yourself that it is OK to step back and take as much time as you need to explore what you feel. Ask for guidance. You will find your way.

November 22, 2011

The exploration of Spirituality is not about being a Spirit someday, it's not about what you can do, or what options you have on the other side. It's not about right or wrong, or woulda, coulda, or shoulda's. It's about all of US-- here. Here on Earth. Here right now. Everything you have been; Everything you will be; Everything you can be; You are right now. To understand who we are in the moment of one precious moment is the opening of awareness of all we are. All we may expand to. An awareness of everything we are connected to. If we can focus on this we will be able to fully participate in a future of our own creation. Do not worry so much about what we should do, but rather immerse yourself in the action of what you wish to feel and explore how you feel and why.Comparing the two will automatically draw you to what is in your best interest.

November 15, 2011

This is Ryan and Laura's channeling erik blog--they just started it

They are not advertising it yet, but I think the content is great and thought you might enjoy reading it as well.

November 10, 2011

Dealing with Energy

You do not like what you feel. But yet you have focused on it. You continuously remind yourself that you do not care for it. It's almost as if your reinforcing an unexplored perception. So much so that you've created a belief structure around this energy. Your paying close attention to this energy, but not very close attention to what your doing with it, nor how you are projecting what you have processed from it.

Everyone process these energies, emotional, thought, etc., regardless of intentional focus. The process then becomes about absorption, reflection, projection, or transformation. How it is expressed in your reality totally depends on active intent and how you presently hold to a specific focus.

While a simple acceptance or even ignorance will allow you to pass through the energy of any experience, to project your intention or transform it requires a focused understanding through an exploration of self refection of the moment. If you do not visualize your intent you will inevitably absorb, or reflect the energy. While there is nothing wrong with this per say, it can be limiting in creating an understanding that serves your best interest or that of others.

So then many times our awareness gets stuck in the flow and we do not know what, how, or if we will focus. We just feel lost, wandering... In this instance is not about feeling, or doing. This hesitation is about self perception, doubt, and a fear that the first step will be in the wrong direction. That after that first step that you will somehow loose yourself, or your "choice". Know you are never ever less than. You will never loose you, nor your choice.

That the first step is not about transforming or doing something with energy. It is allowing yourself to accept-being, and knowing that no matter what, you will be OK. Divine energy does not make mistakes. You are not a mistake, and that the first step is simply saying I am OK. You do not need validation that you are OK.

So remove this self doubt by visualizing self trust. It's OK. Take your time. There's no rush. You can't really get lost in who you are, you only have to accept that you will remember, and BE OK that this is OK. If you can allow yourself to trust yourself, you can learn that this small step is not about doing, but about setting your intention to live as yourself. Being aware of how this step feels will allow you to make the conscious choice to focus on the energy in your awareness.

I know this all sounds rather convoluted. What it is simply meant to call attention to, is that when we feel trapped in the life around us; It seems like all we can do is to ride the emotional wave and let it happen to us. We feel lost and frozen to take that first step. This first step is not something kept or prevented or taken from us. It is a matter of choice, focus, acceptance, trust, and intentful living. We can all do this. It comes from examining our feelings of the moment, rather than the past or future.


November 09, 2011

When thinking about fear vs love it is important to contemplate the meaning and symbology of not only words, but how you feel about them. Many times we think that to experience one or the other is a black or white either or concept, lack or abundance, absence or fufilment. Such is simply an illusion of duality. A co creative energetic tool. Do you define your self in such extreams? No. You are far more. When higher spirit presents such things, such symbology to you it is to offer you a choice. A self reflective choice. Even so it is not a two door choice. Rather it it just another opportunity to create your own special path, with all the gradations, scenery, and beautiful variation you are capabile of experiencing. So it is never just love vs fear. It is how will you create what is reflecting from the depths of your soul. How will you allow yourself to feel about, in spite of, and because of what you see. How do you see this. Do you see love or fear? How? What does it mean for you? Anything? Or, are you even more? The "vs" of love and fear is not so much a mandate or limit, but a human symbol we can use as a tool. What does it mean? The choice is yours. I dont know about you, but as for me, while i fear, i know iam not fearful. That despite fear i will try my best to live as, through, and for the love i know is in me. I think this will be a good choice.

November 09, 2011

The legacy of yesterday is only immortalized by how you view yourself in it's light. Why worry when the only way to preserve what may be is to understand who you are at this moment. For all future is held in the desire of today and all past is released in the light of present understanding. The energy of now contains a connection to everything. Experiencing this will firmly establish the eternal continuance of everything you could ever feel. Live for today the best you can, look away from worry, experience you - forever.

November 09, 2011

If you can come to terms with that which is singular inside of you, that which when joined with all around you that creates a joy felt with utter zeal that leaves no doubt of your oneness with all creation; Then you will have realized yourself. Now, then, you can seek to really live life.

This is not a journey that is given. It is not a journey found. It is not a journey undertaken. It is felt in every moment. In that very moment, it is the feeling of I. Understand now, and you can experience all that you are.

November 08, 2011

Do you seek results or do you seek understanding? Which will give you the mastery over any given situation? If you simply say, you wish not to have to worry about it. There is not judgement. Ignorance can be bliss. But to create bliss requires a good understanding of what, how, and when. Knowing this through experience allows you to project bliss, reflecting it to all you come into contact with. This is an awareness. So fear not. Fear not what feels like a lack of results. Know that you are seeking to understand and master yourself. You are in the process of creating your bliss. You will want to share this. You will understand. You are worth it!

November 07, 2011

Is what happens to you, on the surface? Is it happening to you or are you passing through it? Is there more of you below the surface? If you are more than, what are you taking for granted as happening to you; What are you? Are you alone in this?

Is another's perception, belief, perspective defining who you are, below the surface? Are you letting another's fear fester in your perception of what is happening? Are you allowing their experience to define yours? Is this really happening to you, or are you letting yourself ignore what you know is below the surface?

Do you let your fears define what you are capable of? Do you fear loosing your sense of self from what seems like a belief, perspective, or perception? Is an an accurate description? Or is there more of you under the surface? Are these assumptions of what is happening, actually happening now? Right this very moment? Do they control how you see yourself?

If you, in this very moment, feel that you are more than, what is happening. If you, in this very moment feel that you are you, if you rather feel that in the future you may be less than, examine why. Why does this have to be so? Is this so, right now? Or is this fear of what might be, who you are right this very moment. If if is not, why should it ever be? If it's not you now, what are you? Are you more? If so, then what?

This what is below the surface. It is always up to us to bring it to the surface for building upon. Then life will never simply happen, nor will we pass through it. We will create it. This is the great choice. To live life not through allowing fear, but to actively create intent.

This is an expansion of awareness. It is your right. Exercise it. You are worth it!

November 07, 2011

You have permission to be happy. You've allowed yourself to be confronted with this as a conscious choice. Just that you wonder, is, THE, sign, that you want to make a choice. That you are ready. Doing, is not so much as important as accepting that you are worth it. To be, to know you have the option, to see that you can not but help to become what you are. You have been told that you have chosen to come to experience this life. What you feel about this, IS, the great journey. How you perceive this, WILL, eventually be filled with Joy and Love. Wouldn't it be better to set your intent now? Wouldn't it be better to create this energy where ever you can? Sure it can be hard work. But that's what life is for. Hard work for your greater good, for the greater good, in which you will realize who you are.

November 03, 2011

Many differences in Spiritual messages are not from inharmonious sources, but rather represent different philosophies to life, different approaches and perspectives. Right or wrong does not matter other than what it all means to you. Use what you can, discard or shelve what is not you. What is you, will always be what you feel in this moment.


One of the greatest experiences in life is to remember a personal truth that leaves you with breathless, love.

November 01, 2011

Sometimes to really live you have to embrace everything about youself that hurts. Then it becomes not about letting go, but about being ok being yourself.

November 01, 2011

Each experience is owned by those who feel them the most. Those not felt are passed by little looked at, little understood. The magnitude of which can leave the observer staring outward in wonder with an anticlimactic discomforting sense of longing, a desire for recognition.

The key to overcoming this discomfort is not in gaining recognition or seeking an understanding from others, but rather it is made of joining of two lines of thought. 1) Look within and understand what is behind the emotions during the experience. 2) Giving unconditional love and compassion for other's experience regardless of perception and understanding. Combining these two, will often lead to a sense-feeling that we are not alone. That we own nothing, but that which we intentionally create with active understanding. Within this action we can increase our understanding of who we are in each moment. We can become more aware of others experiences and who we are reflected in them. This is a reason for life. To know and love each other. This insight is an increase of awareness.